Be My Love (6 page)

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Authors: J. C. McKenzie

Tags: #Holiday,Second Chance Love

BOOK: Be My Love
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“How do you figure?”

“Bro code.”

She rolled her eyes, but settled back in her seated position.

Eric turned to go, but hesitated. “You’d better not change your mind while I’m gone,” he said.

Change her mind? Her skin still prickled where his hot mouth had travelled. As the moisture from his tongue dried, her body yearned for more while at the same time replayed the song Eric made her nerves sing and her heart pulse. She
for him.

Change her mind? Hardly. But for some reason, despite his words, she
Eric would respect her decision if she said, “No.”

But that wasn’t going to happen. Not after that kiss. She’d reached the point of no return. Her mouth twisted up. “Well, I guess you should find what you’re looking for as fast as possible, then.”

Eric pursed his lips.

“Us fickle woman just…” She snapped her fingers. “Change our minds without notice. Willy-nilly.”

Eric grunted, snatched the flashlight from the floor, and dashed up the stairs. His feet fell heavy against the wood flooring.

His absence left her skin cold despite the burning fire beside her, but listening to him tramp around the bedrooms, slamming doors, hastily opening and closing drawers, and cursing profusely, brought another kind of enjoyment.

“Aha!” Eric called out.

That one expression trickled to her ears and ignited inside her. Understanding immediate, the reaction instantaneous. Her skin burned with a new heat, once again yearning for his touch. Her swollen lips wanted more of his kiss, and her mind reeled, wanting…wanting him.

When he reached the landing of the stairs and turned the corner, he paused. The strip of condoms he clutched in one hand unfolded.

He’d grabbed more than one.

Her eyes widened. “Dear lord, what on earth do you plan to do to me?”

She visually counted the condom packages. Seven. Seven! What the hell? Had he found a couple of blue pills with her brother’s stash? Frankly more than three not only seemed excessive, but a tad unrealistic. She planned to walk out of this cabin after the storm ended.

Eric glanced down at his hand and his grin widened, turning a bit sheepish. “Don’t worry. We’ll take breaks.”

She snorted.

“And stretch.”

She laughed and continued to study him as he stood at the base of the stairs. Her scalp tingled while her chest clamped inward. The fire’s light caressed the contours of his well-toned body and accentuated his tented boxer-briefs. He hadn’t lost his erection while searching upstairs.

But he also didn’t seem intent on moving closer to her.

“Um, are you taking one of those breaks now, or is something wrong?” She started to straighten. Her mind panicking. Not trying for provocative or seductive, she hadn’t exactly been sitting in the most flattering position. She’d been too busy thinking about Eric. And his mouth.

Eric shook his head. “You’re beautiful.”

Instantly, warmth spread across her cheeks. “I was going for cabin-fever chic.”

“It’s a good look on you.” He closed the distance, placed the package of condoms nearby, and leaned toward her. With an outstretched arm, he traced her lips with the tip of his finger. “I like your mussed hair, swollen lips, and flushed cheeks. I like the disheveled clothes, too…”

His voice trailed off as he leaned in farther to kiss her neck.


“I want you naked.”

Her heartbeat sped up, and her ears filled with white noise. Was she really going to do this?

He straightened, and his green gaze held her in place.

Yes. Heck, yes.
Despite her nerves, her skin danced, begging for his touch. His calm, yet anxious, presence somehow reassured her. His expression open, his demeanor accepting. She took a deep breath and met his gaze. Whatever he saw in her expression must’ve screamed the same “hell yeah!” repeating in her mind.

Slowly, he plucked open her purple, chocolate-soaked shirt, one button at a time. The absence of his mouth and hands on her skin gave her chills, but she didn’t care. Her nerves sang on high alert. She watched, mesmerized as Eric unwrapped her.

Her shirt draped open and revealed her heaving breasts. The bra she’d chosen that morning, more for functionality than seduction, did little to dampen the fire in Eric’s gaze. He pushed the cups down, dragging the edges against her nipples. Her breasts spilled out, growing heavy. Eric licked his lips, and leaned forward.

When his hot mouth clamped on her, she moaned. Her head dropped back, and she closed her eyes.

She’d dreamt of this moment many times. Always, she’d awaken in desperate need, only to chastise herself for her object of seduction. This moment with the real Eric made her wicked dreams, the ones with images so vivid and real she’d call out in the middle of the night, seem like faded black and white remakes.

Eric’s lips, mouth, and tongue continued to explore as he removed more clothing and lowered her to the rug in front of the fireplace. As his hands roamed the curves of her body, stirring the internal ache, he peeled off her remaining clothes. Her body melded to his as the nearby fire’s intensity licked her skin.

Eric’s touch sought out, and found, the sensitive zones on her body, as if he alone held the key, and the blueprint to her cravings. Any stiffness remaining in her body from the accident dissolved out of her limbs as she turned to a puddle of molten goo. He kissed around her bruises and continued to move down. When his head ducked between her legs, waves of delight rippled through her body. Her eyes popped open, and her vision swam.

Oh, my. Yes!

She moaned, as she melted into pure bliss. Waves of pleasure rolled through her body, yet she wanted more.

As her skin tingled, playing the tune Eric wrought from her body, Eric shucked off his boxer briefs, ripped open a condom wrapper, and rolled it on. He covered her body with his once more, and while she reeled from her first orgasm, he pushed slowly inside. When he joined his body with hers in perfect harmony, he answered the ache within. The intense heat built again as he stoked the fire, and continued to pump his hips and thrust deep inside. Pressed together, they moved, hearts thudding against their chests in unison.

She held on, clutching him tight, never wanting to let go. Never wanting this delicious moment to end, yet yearning for release.

As the pressure increased, no thoughts plagued her mind. No worries, no concerns; instead, a sense of belonging, of being complete and consumed with exquisite satisfaction. Brenna sank her nails into Eric’s back as she came again, so intense light splintered across her vision and she bit into his shoulder. Eric groaned as he found his own release, his body tense and slick with a fine sheen of sweat.

Brenna peeled her nails from his skin and smoothed the indents with her hands as if it would make the wounds she’d inflicted magically disappear. Eric’s weight pressed her into the floor as he sagged on top of her. She didn’t mind. She liked it. Unclamping her teeth, she kissed the unintentional bite marks. Losing control like that…

One thing was for certain, even if this was a one-off experience—which she hoped it wasn’t, even if they parted ways after the blizzard ended—which she hoped they didn’t, she’d given a piece of her heart to Eric Buchanan, and she’d never be the same.


Eric wasn’t without experience. Though he never ripped around, carelessly stomping on women’s hearts, he’d slept with his fair share of women, and found comfort in their arms, and delight in the intimate moments. Rarely, did he have a negative experience. Sex had always been gratifying for him. Enjoyable. Obtainable. Comparable.

Nothing compared to Brenna Jones.

As Eric fought to regain his composure and regulate his breathing, his mind reeled. On outward appearances, there was no reason why sex with Brenna should leave him so gobsmacked, so sated and content. They hadn’t been super kinky or extravagant. Yet it was the best sex he’d ever had.

It left him breathless, and spent, yet overwhelmed with a weird, fuzzy fierceness spreading through his chest, like home was buried deep between her legs.

His momma hadn’t raise a fool. Eric knew precisely why this moment blew his mind.

They had chemistry. More than chemistry. And Eric was attracted to more than Brenna’s body.

He wanted it all.

His heart stopped its rapid beating. After a brief pause where panic threatened to sink in, his heart started pumping blood again in a rhythmic beat, slow and steady.

For the first time, he found a woman he envisioned staying with for more than the night, for more than a short-term relationship or casual agreement.

Screw the ten years of separation. His feelings had strengthened, turning them from a teenaged boy’s crush to…something else.

The very idea of what “something else” could be, should’ve scared the crap out of him.

But it didn’t.

Collapsed on the beautiful Brenna, completely spent and growing soft while still inside, all he could think about was how he could convince her to be his.

One thing was for certain. This wouldn’t be a one night stand, and he wouldn’t let her run away after the storm blew over. He’d given a piece of his heart to Brenna Jones, and he’d never be the same.


In a dazed state of contentment, Brenna lay cocooned under the weight of Eric’s body. When he shifted to gently pull out and dispose of the condom, the cooler air prickled her skin and washed her senses with the sweet tang of pine and vanilla. She sat up, threw another log on the fire, and pulled her knees to her chest. The soft rug brushed her bum and legs.

She’d had sex with Eric Buchanan.

Instead of a rapidly beating heart, or an insatiable need to hide or flee, her muscles remained languid, not stiff. Her body became consumed with an odd, prickling warmth spreading across her chest and radiating out to her limbs.

Eric returned and sat down beside her. After a couple of sideways glances, he scooted closer until his bare shoulders nudged hers.

“So,” he said.

“So,” she said, heart hammering in her chest. “That happened.”


They watched the fire crackling and burning. The candles burned mid-way and gently wafted soft scents in their direction as the time passed. Five minutes? Twenty? It felt like forever. With each strained second of silence, Brenna’s heart slowed and plummeted in her chest. Self-doubt replaced her original contentment. Had this been a mistake? A glorious and pleasurable mistake? Had he not enjoyed it? Had he not felt their shared moment was something more than a physical connection like she did? When she’d been writhing in unbelievable ecstasy, opening her heart to this man, had he struggled to finish the job?

Her face heated. This would be an awkward weekend—trapped with a sex-god who found their tryst unremarkable, especially if he wanted nothing to do with her now that he’d gained another conquest.

Nothing to do with her?

Her stomach twisted into a knot.

She didn’t want this to end. She’d unwittingly given more than her body during their moment. To have it unreciprocated… To have this relationship end before it ever started, with this awkward silence as the punctuation mark…

Eric cleared his throat. “I have a question.”

Oh dear god.
What could he possibly want to know that she hadn’t told him with her body? “Yes?”

“When can we do that again?”

A weight lifted from her shoulders. She turned to Eric. His mouth twisted up in a wide grin, and his green gaze twinkled in the firelight.

She licked her lips.

His gaze followed the movement.

“I’m good to go when you are,” she breathed, then cringed. Good to go? Mata Hari seductress, she was not!

He leaned in and kissed her gently. Any remaining tension from her self-doubt dissipated from her muscles, replaced with thrumming in her veins.

Pulling back enough to speak, his lips continued to brush hers. “Good,” he said. “Because there are things I want to do to you.”


“Mmmm.” He kissed her again. “Naughty things. Very bad things. Sexual things.”

“I’m listening.” She caught his lips with hers and kissed him back.

He pulled her onto his lap and deepened the kiss. His tongue delved in as he grew hard beneath her.

“I want to bend you over something…” he said between head-dizzying kisses.

“Still listening.”

“I want to taste you until…” He continued to whisper a long list of all the things he’d like to do.

She squirmed on his lap, his words and tongue creating a dizzying effect. Her hand patted the fire-warmed floor as she groped for the string of condom packages. Her fingers smacked against plastic. Abandoning all coy pretenses, she ripped one off and tore it open, all the while Eric whispered his naughty intentions. Her heart beat heavy in her chest, punching her ribcage.

“I want to slide into you…” he continued.

The ache inside her increased to an almost unbearable throbbing. She reached between them, and rolled the condom on, his erection so hard it pulsed.

“I want you screaming my name,” he whispered into her ear before he began to travel down her neck with his mouth.

She shifted her body so she hovered over him. He gripped her hips, and she guided him in.

“I want you,” he said. He captured her mouth again with his as he thrust his hips up and pulled her down. “I want you to be mine.”

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