Be Careful What You Wish For (A Cupcake Goddess Novelette) (4 page)

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For (A Cupcake Goddess Novelette)
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That is, if she’d have him. But at least now they had half a chance.

For the first time in ages he felt like laughing for pure joy. “Thank you, Branwen.” He swore to himself then and there he was going to bake the goddess a batch of homemade cupcakes every day for a month. Any flavor she wanted.

Then he picked up his pink vintage rotary phone and dialed a very special number.

“Hi, Lily? This is Ryan Roberts…”


The End

Author’s Note:

While I’ve taken some liberties with it, Granite Falls is a real place. A small town of about 3300 nestled in the rainforest of the North Cascade mountain range. Yes, I’ve been there.

Cell service is sketchy. There is no Starbucks. And the IGA is the only supermarket in town. But the people are friendly. The scenery is beyond beautiful. And there are no less than four coffee carts lining the main drag. This is a town that has its priorities straight!

Branwen was also real. At least historians believe that the story of the Welsh princess-goddess of love and beauty-was based on true events. Whether she is still alive, eating cupcakes in small town America is anyone’s guess. Still, be careful what you wish for because, do you really want to risk it?

About the Author

Shéa MacLeod writes urban fantasy post-apocalyptic sci-fi paranormal romances with a twist of steampunk. Mostly because she can’t make up her mind which genre she likes best.

After living in Portland, Oregon most of her life, she now makes her home in an Edwardian town house in London just a stone’s throw from the local cemetery. Which probably explains a lot. Fortunately, the neighbors are quiet.

In addition to
Cupcake Goddess
, Shéa is the author of the first three books in the ongoing
Sunwalker Saga
, and two books in the
Dragon Wars

Other Books by Shéa MacLeod

The Sunwalker Saga

Kissed by Darkness

Kissed by Fire

Kissed by Smoke

Dragon Wars

Dragon Warrior

Dragon Lord

Table of Contents

Cupcake Goddess:

Author’s Note:

About the Author

Other Books by Shéa MacLeod

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