Base Instincts (18 page)

Read Base Instincts Online

Authors: Larissa Ione

Tags: #M/M, #PNR, #Supernaturals, #UF

BOOK: Base Instincts
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The door flew open, and a huge dude decked out in leather stalked inside, his long black hair whipping around shoulders so broad he barely fit through the doorway. Massive boots with sinister metal talons at the tips boomed like thunderclaps with each step, and Slake swore the room shrank.

“Raze,” he said. “’Sup, buddy. Blaspheme said you wanted to talk to me.” He glanced at the watch on his wrist. “Make it quick. I have a Nightlash uprising to squash.” He smiled, possibly the most evil smile Slake had ever seen. “Literally. Damn, I love my job.”

“Revenant.” Raze gestured to Slake, who suddenly wanted to back up. To Scotland. “This is Slake.”

The second Revenant focused his dark gaze on Slake, all doubt fled. This guy was the real deal. The power emanating from him made Slake’s insides jangle. Holy shit. Or, more accurately,
holy shit.

“We need you to buy his soul,” Raze continued. “You know, if you want to.”

“Wait, what?” Slake asked, incredulous. “
was your plan?” Bad enough that Dyre held Slake’s soul. What would Hell’s overlord do with it?

And again, holy shit.

Revenant and Raze both ignored Slake. “Why would I do that?” Revenant asked.

“Satan used to buy souls,” Raze said. “I was hoping you would too.”

“Satan was a prick. I run things differently.” He glanced over at Slake. “So why do you want to sell your soul to me?”

Raze replied before Slake could even open his stunned mouth. “Because he sold his soul to a Soul Reaper—”

“That was stupid.”

“Yeah,” Raze said, without missing a beat, “we agree on that. Anyway—”

“No, I mean, really stupid.” Revenant leaned against the doorframe and divided his unnerving attention between Raze and Slake. “I mean, it just seems obvious to me. Don’t sell your soul. Seriously. Who does that? What the fuck?”

Suitably chastised, Slake scrubbed his hand over his face. “Yeah. I know. Fucking dumb. I get it. I’m full of regret. But what I need now is—”

Revenant’s deep voice made the entire room vibrate. “You need someone who outranks a Soul Reaper to claim your soul and negate the deal you made with him, and you’re hoping I’ll be more generous than this guy. Right?”

Aside from his annoying habit of breaking into sentences, Revenant seemed pretty together.

“That’s apparently the hope, yes.”

“Huh.” Revenant materialized himself a bottle of tequila and took a swig. “You’re taking quite the risk, given that I’m the King of Hell.”

Raze cocked an eyebrow. “You’re also an angel.”

“So was Satan.”

“Satan was a fallen angel.”

Gods, this conversation was so surreal. Slake had a feeling that if he survived the night, he’d wake up tomorrow wondering if any of this had really happened.

“And you think my status as an angel makes a difference?” Revenant asked, but he sounded more amused than irritated, which might actually be a bad thing. “I was born and raised in Hell. Satan’s blood runs through my veins. What makes you think Slake’s soul would be safer with me than with the Soul Reaper?”

Slake glanced over at Raze. “He kind of has a point. Maybe this was a bad idea.”

Laughing, Revenant clapped Slake on the back. “Man, you’re gullible. Not that I don’t enjoy tearing someone apart slowly from their toenails to the hair follicles on their head now and then, but I make it a rule to only do that to people who deserve it.” He paused dramatically. “You don’t deserve it, do you?”

“Ah, no.” Well, maybe, but fuck if he was going to say that.

Revenant clapped his hands together with malevolent glee. “Then let’s do this.” A parchment appeared from out of nowhere, hanging in the air, with a quill pen dripping blood floating next to it. “Sign on the dotted line, and your soul is mine.” He added an evil cackle for dramatic effect, which worked better than Slake would have liked, because he had one hell of a chill doing sprints up and down his spine.

“Raze?” Slake asked, needing one last nod of assurance, which Raze provided.

“It’s okay,” Raze said. “I promise.”

Slake read the document, which was simple and straightforward. Revenant would own his soul and could use it as toilet paper if he so wished. And yep, it actually mentioned toilet paper.

Slake scrawled his signature on the page, and the quill and parchment disappeared. “Now what?”

“Now,” Revenant said, “you’re mine.”

“You sure?” Slake patted himself down as if he could feel his soul with his hands. “I don’t feel any different.”

“Do you want to feel different?” Revenant asked. “Because if you like pain, I’m generous that way.”

Slake had no doubt about that, but instead of saying as much, he offered a simple, “No, but thanks anyway.”

“You betcha. And don’t worry, you won’t feel any side effects as long as your soul is mine.” He waggled his brows. “Unless you piss me off.” Revenant opened the exam room door. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have an appointment with doctor who promised me a thorough examination before I put down the Nightlash rebellion.”

He took off, but what he said gave Slake a great idea. At least, he hoped it was great. Raze had just given him a priceless gift, a new lease on life, because now he knew he wasn’t going to suffer at some bastard’s every whim.

Without giving himself a chance to overthink this, he locked the door, pivoted around to Raze, and pushed him up against the wall.

“What are you doing?” Raze asked, but he was already breathless, and with his incubus senses, he’d be able to scent Slake’s desire. Yeah, he knew damned well what Slake was doing, but Slake played along anyway.

“I’m running tests.” Slake grinned as he tore open Raze’s pants and went to his knees. “We need to find out if the other night was a fluke.”

Practically trembling with anticipation, he fisted Raze’s cock and slid his hand up and down in a series of slow, lazy strokes. Raze was so hard Slake could feel his pulse hammering into his palm, matching the beat of Slake’s heart.

Raze’s voice went low and husky, vibrating through Slake in an erotic wave. “Smart.”

“So you approve?”

“Oh hell yeah.” Raze hissed as Slake took his erection in his mouth to capture the pearly drop of liquid sex that had formed at the tip. The spicy, bold tang of the aphrodisiac that was unique to Raze’s species tingled on his tongue and spread down his throat. Within a few heartbeats, the sensation infused his entire body, and when Raze jammed his fingers through Slake’s hair as he sucked him, he felt it all the way to his balls. “In fact,” Raze breathed huskily, “I think we might need to run a lot of tests.”

That, Slake decided, would be a very,
good idea.


It turned out that being able to orgasm with Slake wasn’t a fluke. Raze and Slake tested the theory several times over the next twenty-four hours, with breaks only to eat and shower.

Then, at hour twenty-five, they got a call from Dr. Shakvhan. She’d arranged a spell to reveal the bond Fayle had saddled him with, and as a side effect, he could sense her. The feeling was vague, sort of like a buzz in his chest that got stronger when he was facing in the right direction.

They found her in Amsterdam, exactly where Slake said she’d be, and Raze was able to lead them both right to her door.

Raze wasn’t sure why he was surprised that she had holed up in a rented flat near the red-light district, but maybe it was because he figured she’d have hidden herself somewhere a little less obvious. A succubus in Amsterdam’s red-light district. How original.

Then again, it was almost so cliché it might have worked. Even Slake admitted he hadn’t thought to look here until some Charnel Apostle helped him out.

As they knocked politely on the door of her flat, Slake fingered the dagger at his hip and muttered a few harsh words in a language Raze didn’t know. “
Bauknein maltz
! And how fucking stupid does a succubus have to be to hide in sex central?”

Raze snorted. “You’re just pissed that you didn’t think to look for her here first.”

Slake glared, but he knew Raze was right, so he just cursed some more. Raze loved that. Fayle would have stormed off and threatened to make him wait for sex. But Slake . . . just a couple of hours ago, as he’d covered Raze’s body with his, he’d put his mouth to Raze’s ear and sworn that Raze would never again have to worry about getting what he needed. Slake promised to be there for him anytime, anywhere.

Raze nearly groaned at the memory, and damn his cock, it was remembering as well. Only the sound of someone on the other side of the door disengaging the lock prevented him from pushing Slake up against the wall of this dreary apartment building and kissing him senseless.

The door swung open, and Fayle gasped, tried to slam the door shut, but Slake’s size 14 boot blocked it. Menace rolled off him in waves and his hand flexed over his blade, but he let Raze be the one to advance on Fayle as she stared in disbelief, her eyes wide, her face as white as a cavern troll’s ass.

“What are you doing here?” Her voice trembled, and Raze took a perverse pleasure in the fact that it was the first time he’d ever heard her sound less than confident. “How did you find me?”

“Funny thing,” Raze growled as he stepped inside, forcing her backward. “See, I learned all about how your species attaches itself to a host in order to feed off their sexual energy. I didn’t believe it when another succubus told me that I was a victim of exactly that, but it turns out that a simple reveal spell made it clear. I can actually feel the tether, which led us to you.”

Her heart was beating so hard that Raze could actually hear it. Maybe it was part of the spell that gave him the ability to sense her, or maybe it was because she was truly terrified right now, but either way, it didn’t matter. She was off-balance and cornered, and it was exactly where Raze wanted her.

“Raze, I— You weren’t supposed to find out. As a sex demon, you had more energy to give than most, and—”

Shut up
,” he snapped, not wanting to hear any of her lies or excuses. “You betrayed me.” He jabbed a finger into her breastbone, forcing her back another step. “You violated me. After all our years together, you didn’t feel like you could tell me the truth? What
the truth?”

She flung her hand out at Slake, who had closed the door and was blocking the exit. “Why don’t you ask
, since he seems to know so much about me. Has he told you that he’s some sort of merc or bounty hunter? That he got close to you to get to me?”

“Yeah, he did. And it didn’t take him over thirty years to tell me the truth.”

She hissed at Slake, and nasty claws sprouted from her fingertips. “You want the truth?” she screamed suddenly. “How about
truth? If you’d listened to me, if you’d just moved with me when I asked you to, I wouldn’t have needed to blow up Thirst. I’d never—”

?” Raze stared, unable to believe what he’d just heard. “What did you just say?”

“You heard me.” Her chin came up stubbornly, and he searched her beautiful face, looking for something, anything, that even remotely resembled remorse. There was nothing. In fact, her dark eyes sparkled with an unholy pride.

Fury and the pain of betrayal turned his breath into searing whips of fire in his throat, and he had to clench his hands at his sides to keep from strangling her where she stood. “
? Why would you do that?” His temple throbbed and his vision blurred, letting him know how close to violence he was. “You
people, Fayle!”

“It was the only way to get you away from that damned job. Your jobs were the reason you didn’t want to move, yes? And that Lexi bitch. Gods, she deserved to die.”

Raze literally shook with rage. Fayle truly thought that what she’d done was justified. “Were you planning to blow up Underworld General too? Was that next on your agenda?”

She sniffed. “I hadn’t gotten that far in planning. I was hoping you’d change your mind about moving after Thirst. I had to get away, Raze. My people are after me. They’re the ones who sent
.” If glares could kill, Slake would be a greasy stain right now.

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