Barefoot Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (17 page)

BOOK: Barefoot Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story
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I practically heard him growl behind me. This time, when his hands moved to my ass cheeks, I knew what he was going for. I got up on my tiptoes again, and I felt as he pressed against my opening. My body accepted him without hesitation. I felt him shudder as I enveloped him. He didn't stop until he was all the way in. He let his hands go to my hips, and I felt him begin to thrust against me.

I put my hands behind me, touching his face and neck while he began to increase his tempo, spreading me open more and more. His huge rod was skewering me, causing me to moan involuntarily. His hands on my hips let me know exactly who was in charge, and I let him use my body.

Suddenly, he pulled out of me, turned me around, and gave me a deep kiss. I kissed back, pressing myself against him. His hand lifted my leg up, placing my foot on the side of the tub. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck as he pushed back into me.

One hand remained on my leg and the other wrapped around my waist as he writhed against me, and my nails found the skin of his back as I felt myself rising toward orgasm.

As if that weren't enough, he backed away, one hand going to the back of my neck as he continued to furiously pound into me. Our eyes locked, and he had a serious look on his face. It was the look of an animal, a slave to his own lust. Those hazel eyes bore into my soul, and I knew that being filled like this was going to drive me over the edge soon. Those eyes never left mine, not even when I felt my leg muscle begin to twitch under his grasp, not even when my jaw dropped in a wordless scream, not even when I felt my own eyes roll back into my head.

As the water poured over my body, I felt nothing but his manhood inside of me, hitting that spot over and over again. The rest of the world seemed to fade away as my orgasm hit, causing my whole body to twitch and shake. I could feel my leg muscle spasm, and still he kept hammering away at me. Wave after wave of pleasure hit me, turning my body to jelly.

I recovered just long enough to catch Aiden's face as he appeared deep in concentration. His eyes were no long locked with mine, instead they were staring at my tits. He had wrapped his arm around the other side of my leg, getting better leverage so that he could go even deeper. I saw his tongue dart out of his mouth for a moment, and his thrusting took on an even more frantic rhythm.

I knew where he was at, and in another moment he looked up at me. He looked almost pained, like he wanted to ask a question, but was unable to in his current state. I knew the question that he wanted to ask. He needed reassurance that what he wanted to do was okay, and I let him know exactly how I felt.

“Oh, yes, Aiden! Come for me,” I cried out. I continued to moan loudly as he redoubled his efforts. He faced directly down, watching himself pump in and out of my body.\

I heard what sounded like an animal roar through gritted teeth as I felt a warm splash inside of me. I braced myself against the wall of the shower as another orgasm rocked through my body. Suddenly, he grabbed my hair and pulled my face down. Our eyes locked again as he continued to thrust within me with determination. I contracted on him over and over, the only movement I was able to make in this paralyzed state. It was so incredibly sexy.

He pulled out of me, the water already rinsing my fluids off of him. I knew that a bit of that sheen on him was sweat and not just shower water, and that was super hot too. He was breathing hard and his face was a little red, and I knew that I must look pretty similar at this point.

After a few more moments of silence, he looked up at me. “Wow,” was all he had to say.

“Wow, indeed,” I repeated back with a smile.

“It must have been fate that brought us together, because I don't think I could find another woman like you.” He said it so casually that I knew it was the truth, but it stirred something deep inside me.

He must have seen me getting emotional, so he leaned in and gave me a hug. I loved his hugs, especially in this warm shower.

He broke away from me. “You want to eat the rest of that dinner?”

“Sure,” I said. I opened the door of the shower and hopped out. Suddenly, I felt a sharp SMACK against my ass. I squealed and looked back, shocked at what he had done.

He wore a cocky grin. “Can't decide if that one was fate or free will.”

Chapter 17

iden snored gently and I found myself loving the sound. The rain had stopped some time in the night, but Aiden's soft noises were even better than the gentle patter of water. His hair was splayed across the pillow, and his mouth was slightly open. He looked so peaceful and utterly content. I slept better with him than I ever did alone, and waking up next to him made mornings bearable. A girl could certainly get used to a naked man in her bed like Aiden.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. He mumbled something about “just five more minutes” before twisting under the blankets and hiding away from the sun. I couldn't help but smile as I went to the door to find my shoes.

I had to get ready for Kathryn’s meeting, and as the only clothing I had was my still damp outfit from the night before, I had to leave early in order to change and prep. I didn't want to go, but my job was important to me. Besides, once the meeting was over, I would have the rest of the day to do nothing but be with him. It sounded like the perfect way to spend a day.

“Where is that damn shoe?” I whispered, one flat in my hand and the other nowhere to be seen. I looked under the bed, under Aiden's clothes, on the porch, even in the gigantic closet attached to the huge bedroom.

As I searched and kept discovering more rooms, I wondered just what kind of assistant Aiden was. His room was nicer than Kathryn's. I paused for a moment as it hit me.

This had to be his boss's room and he had brought me here to impress me. I hoped Ben didn't mind and was out enjoying himself somewhere. We were definitely staying in my room after this, though. I didn't want to be doing the naked dance in someone else's room.

“Fine, you stupid shoe. Stay here,” I whispered into empty air. I could not for the life of me find it. I blew out a breath of frustration, making a strand of hair flutter up from my face. I liked these shoes, but I would just have to find them later. Aiden could help me look. The
part of that thought made me smile. There was going to be a later.

I took one last peek at Aiden's sleeping form, giggling at how he had turned himself into a burrito, and carefully escaped. The word outside still smelled of rain. I took a deep breath, enjoying the way the salty air of the ocean mixed with the clean scent of freshly watered tropical plants. I filed the fragrance away in my memory as something wonderful.

“Good morning,” a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts. Walking up the path was Kathryn in exercise clothes heading to the gym for a quick workout before the meeting. I wondered just how walk-of-shame-y I looked wearing a wet dress and missing my left shoe.

“Good morning,” I replied cheerfully. I pulled away from Aiden's door and began to hurry back toward my own.

“Did you just come out of Mr. Hayes' suite?” She looked pointedly at my wet dress and I blushed hot enough steam should have come off the fabric.

“Mr. Hayes? No, no.” I shook my head. At least I wasn't sleeping with the billionaire. I'm sure that was a conflict of interest somewhere. “That's where his assistant, Aiden, is staying today.”

Kathryn frowned. “Mr. Hayes doesn't have an assistant. He has a bodyguard named Ben, but no assistant. Especially not one with the same name.”

“You must be mistaken,” I stammered. “Mr. Hayes is in his sixties and the man in there is barely thirty. There's no way that's Mr. Hayes.”

She chuckled and shook her head. “You're thinking of Gerald Hayes. He founded the company, but his sons, Aiden and Logan run the company. Aiden Hayes is the Travel, Inc. representative that is scheduled to be here.”

“Oh...” I swallowed hard and felt like my knees were going to give out. “Oh, boy.”

Kathryn cocked her head to the side, apparently amused at my surprise. To be honest, thinking a billionaire was an assistant would be hilarious. I would be amused too if it hadn't been me. “Did you really think
Aiden Hayes
was an assistant?”

I nodded. “I did. The file you gave me was on Gerald Hayes and barely mentioned his sons. I should have put the names together, but...” I put my hands over my face as I realized just who I had been sleeping with. A billionaire. An honest to God billionaire. “I am such an idiot.”

Kathryn pulled my hands from my face. “Not an idiot. Just blind is all.”

A billionaire. Aiden was a freaking billionaire. And I had just spent the past few days treating him like a colleague instead of a boss. Teasing him. His pinky toe was worth more than my annual salary. My new really good salary. No wonder he hadn't worried about how much the dinner had cost last night. It could have cost a small house and he wouldn't have even seen a dip in his bank account.

She must have seen the horror swirling around in my eyes as I realized that I was way out of my depth. I was meant to date men who worked as copy-editors or were in school for something, not billionaires. Billionaires were supposed to date actresses or models. Not me.

“Lena.” Kathryn used her lawyer voice to focus me. “Lena, you're okay. It doesn't matter that he's a billionaire. He's just a person and you haven't done anything wrong.”

“What am I doing?” I whispered, more for me than for her. I knew I was in shock and this wouldn't matter near as much in a few minutes, but I let myself have a freak-out moment. I had just found out he wasn't at all what I thought. “How did I fall for a billionaire?”

You fell for a billionaire?
For Aiden Hayes?” Kathryn repeated it like I had just admitted I was guilty of murder. She tightened her grip on my hands to get my attention. “You need to be careful not to get attached to him, Lena. He isn't exactly known for his loyalty to his girlfriends. You're too good for the likes of him.”

“What?” I tried to shake my hands free, but Kathryn held tight. Her lips pressed to a thin line. “He wouldn't do that...”

Kathryn evaluated my face and sighed at what she found there. “Just, take your time with him. I suppose it's good that you thought he was an assistant. At least you know your feelings for him are genuine and not bought. Just be careful. The last girl in your position with Aiden didn't fare well when he left her.”

“What do you mean?”

“He dated a secretary a while back. Not his own- not even in the same company, but still a secretary. When his father found out it was getting serious, he had her fired. She had to move to a new state because no one would hire her after that.” Kathryn glanced from side to side, making sure we were alone. “Gerald Hayes wants the best for his eldest. Flings he will tolerate, but the woman who will bear his grandchild... it's incredibly hypocritical given his own past, but that's what it is.”

I tried my best to absorb that blow without it knocking me off my feet. “So, it's not Aiden, so much as his father that I should be afraid of?”

Kathryn sighed. “Yes and no. Aiden didn't stand up for the girl. He let her go. I heard he got her a better job elsewhere, but my point is that he didn't fight for her.”

Would he fight for me?
When he found out I wasn't what I had claimed to be, I knew he wouldn't. Yet, that didn't diminish what I felt for him. How much I ached for his body and just wanted to talk to him for hours.

My hands fell to my sides when Kathryn released them. Without Kathryn as my anchor, my world was spinning out of control with new information. I just wanted to go take a shower and sit by myself to think things out for a bit. I just needed to think.

“Make sure if you pursue him when we are no longer in the safety of the Caribbean that he will fight for you.” Kathryn stepped back, opening up the path for me. “I can only protect you so much. Gerald Hayes has more influence than I do.”

I nodded slowly. “I understand. Thank you, Kathryn.”

Kathryn leaned forward as if she were going to hug me, but stopped short. She was a lawyer and being touchy wasn't her strong suit. I had never seen her give anyone more than a polite handshake. She skipped the hug and just patted my shoulder instead. “Of course,” she said and then quickly turned and headed for the gym.

I walked to my room in a daze. The door beeped open and cold air rushed out into the tropical morning as I arrived. I stood in the doorway, letting the air escape. I didn't move until the air conditioner kicked on and surprised me with the new noise. Stepping inside, I closed the door and leaned against it, listening to the electrical whine of the motor cool the room. My mind bounced from thought to thought, but kept coming to settle back on one.

Aiden was a billionaire.

Chapter 18

sat outside on the resort's restaurant patio, staring at the melting ice at the bottom of my cup. Lunch had been hours ago, but I hadn't moved yet and had no intention of doing so. My plate was only half eaten, but as long as I pretended to keep munching, the busboy left me alone. It was quiet here with the other diners all off exploring the resort. I needed to think.

Kathryn's big meeting had gone well, and despite my brain being elsewhere I had managed to take decent notes for her. I couldn't say exactly what the meeting had even been about, but I had three typed pages of information. I'd figure it out when I typed up the minutes later.

Instead of paying attention to if the current measures to prevent litigation were working, I had been thinking of Aiden and the fact that he was a billionaire and what that meant for us as a couple.

All the signs that he was more than just an assistant had been there, but I had just been too enamored to see them. His clothes and shoes were nicer than even the things Kathryn had bought me for work, but I had just thought he had worked at his job longer and had earned better clothes. I had excused his renting a boat and the ability to drive it as quirks. Even his super swanky suite I had let myself believe was his boss's. All the facts had been there. I had just been blind and stupid.

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