Barcode: Legend of Apollo (39 page)

BOOK: Barcode: Legend of Apollo
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Dennis laughs frantically as he lifts the phone. Casey’s cell rings outside of the door and he turns the corner. Grandad jeers, “The tearing stuff up idea was all me, but I didn’t think about the tie. Nice one Spence.” He delivers a high-five up top.

“Seriously Dennis, you didn’t think I’d come prepared? Push some buttons on that keyboard and send a message to all your staff. They’re also training Leo, Michelle, and Hannah, but only after school.”

“What about your education?”

I roll my eyes, “Let’s be real about this; I hate school. I think I have a bigger responsibility of protecting this campus. You’re obviously too busy—”

“And worthless,” Casey adds.

“And worthless—thanks—to actually protect me. Anyway, how’s ‘bout you make sure I can defend myself? Like you should have done a very long time ago.”

Dennis’ smile fades. Though we sound playful, he knows very well that he hasn’t done his job as a father. He quickly adjusts the schedules and sends a notice to all staff about my training.


When the school year began, I found new levels and realms of pain that I never knew existed. There wasn’t a class that went by without a professor stressing my body to the maximum. In fact, each professor came prepared with their own personal nurse to attend to my wounds. By the end of the first week, I spent more time with the nurses than in training.

I assumed correctly that Professor Gonzales would be my most difficult trainer. Dennis gave her permission to bring some of her pets from home. Then I was introduced to Kwan, or fragments of him. For the most part, his body was attached to a humongous horse. Took me three weeks to beat him. I made sure to kill the beast, but she promised to use the body parts once more. I met him again two months later.

Professor Jules spent most of his time yelling at me. I’m not sure what he specifically focused on in training, but I know I lift a lot of weights. He claimed that he wanted to build my endurance. Most of the time I thought he was trying to kill me.

I’ve been struck by mallets, swords, axes, bullets, and the list goes on. I was well aware of the rumors about his arsenal of weapons. Many people believe that he has access to a dungeon similar to the one at the bottom of our school. I believe it.

Casey’s my favorite instructor. He worked on my speed and
endurance. He put me in situations that clouded my judgment, and forced me to think logically. Once, I was chased into the dungeon by one of Professor Gonzales’ beasts. When I made it to the bottom, I only found more waiting for me. He wanted me to learn that running will only cause more trouble. I used rocks and dark corners to take out all seven monsters.

Because Casey taught me to think through my stress, I’ve been able to control entering Hades a lot more.

Over time, my uncle even came to train me and used Angie as a sparring partner. Initially, I was too distracted, knowing how she’s being used by our family. I haven’t found the courage to talk to her about it.

Once she planted her fist on my jaw, I realized that I didn’t have much time to think about her situation. She kicked me around for two months before I was even able to defend myself against her. After I began advancing, I was able to take her on a bit more. Still, I’m positive she was holding back. I’ve seen her nearly paralyzed after sparring sessions with Kode, but she never left with more than a few scratches when fighting me.

Fortunately, Dennis forced Professor Jules to go all out with me on a number of occasions. I was able to gauge my growth from beating him.

After four months, the time has finally come. The second set of final exams are only a month away.

At the end of today’s training, Vincent approaches me with a smile.

“Though it’s a bit early, I think it’s time for you to finally take on Angie at full strength. You can remove your bandages.”


“Yeah. I’ll tell her to go easy on you tomorrow, if we meet.”

“Why? Will you be busy or something?”

Vincent bends down on one knee and looks me in the eyes. “I’m not supposed to say this, but you know me.”

“Can’t keep a secret if your life depended on it.”

life depended on it, kid. There’s been some strange movement of military officials in the city. A lot of politicians are moving out and leaving their apartments empty.”

“What does that mean?”

“Same thing happened when Helios began taking over Northern America.”

“You think he’s close?”

“Damn close and geared up to attack. I want you to be prepared just in case. If anything seems wrong tomorrow, you should lay low until we figure out where he’s going to attack.”

I nod.

“Now, let’s get back to the good news,” he winks with a smile. “The wraps are connected to your codes. You know that. They can be removed ceremonially through my permission. Angie knows how, but she isn’t as good just yet. I don’t want a piece of your back to come up missing.”

I cringe, “So what’s the ceremony? Are there others that come and watch? Do I get a cloak like the liminal beings?”

Vincent touches my shoulder and I feel them loosen. “Congratulations. You’re nearly ready to take them off.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah. I’ll work on something big when I start using this on other students, but for now that’s it.”


I go to remove the bandages, but he snaps, “No. It’s best if someone connected with your tattoo removes them. I’m not sure who taught you how to use your power; it’s normally a parent, but I know my stupid brother probably made excuses and said he was too busy. So let me know who linked them when you were a kid and I’ll fly you to their place in an hour or so. As a bonus, you can stay near them for the night and maybe you’ll miss whatever Helios is planning.”

I clear my throat, “It’s Michelle.”

Vincent bursts into laughter, “Just friends, huh? The pleasure part was probably


“I mean, you had to be…naked. Plus, she probably did more than just tickle and hug you, right?” I blush. That’s all she had to do? Vincent grins from ear-to-ear. “Anyway, the data will be extremely sensitive and easily corruptible. You should never remove them under jealousy or hatred. The surrounding data can influence the new code and cause you to become overwhelmed with emotions that you may not want. Your father and I got into a fight before I removed his, and the data began possessing his arm. People only know him as the black hand, but when he really lets loose, it’s much worse than that.” Fearful of another trip to Hades, I vow to have Michelle remove them as soon as I get the chance. “I’m sure things will be different for you. When she helps out this time, it’ll be

On my way home, with the rest of the gang, I see Kode walking through the halls. He turns back to look at me. He wants me to follow him.

I’ve discovered, the closer we are, the more liable I am to be drawn into Hades, but I can’t resist.

The others wave as I walk towards him. Michelle rushes behind me.

“I should do this on my own.”

“Hell no.” I stare at her blankly, “Whatever. Well, just be careful. Kay?”

“Okay.” I want to kiss her, but not with Hannah only a few feet away. Michelle tries to leave, but I spin her around. “You could’ve just tickled and hugged me?”

“What?” I lower my eyebrows and wait for the light to shine, “Oh. That. Well…Yeah. Possibly.”

“I thought you hated me then.”

“I still didn’t like you for protecting me, but I couldn’t help it alright? You kept flashing your barcodes, and that made me horny,” she says loudly enough for the others to hear. We both blush and she whispers, “Plus, the stronger the pleasure and pain, the more it helps your barcode.”

I peck her on the lips, which pleasantly surprises her. “Great, because it felt nice. But hey, you have to take off my bandages tonight.”

“Really? It’s that time? I’m happy for you. What else can I take off,” she teases. I shrug my shoulders and smile.

After pinching her cheek, I walk away.

I stay a few steps behind Kode. He holds the door and I walk into a well-lit classroom.

“Much better than the dark hallways,” I jeer before walking into the room and sitting at an empty desk. He finds one a few feet away and leans his head on his hand. He looks as tired as me. He’s probably been training since school let out.

“I try.”

A moment of silence passes between us before an image of Gi Young’s severed body flashes before my eyes.

“There was no reason for you to kill those men.”

A pain strikes my head. I’m already upset and have to relax, but I’ve been holding that in for months. I’ve hated him all this time. Luckily, we haven’t shared classes for four months, or I would’ve blacked out and leapt across a table.

I’m ready to fight him here. I doubt I’d be able to resist if my bandages were off.

Kode grunts angrily, “You blame me? Those men watched us fight Helios and kill anyone that got in the way. You’re lucky I was willing to do your dirty work or you’d be in prison with Talib.” I flinch at his words. He killed everyone to prevent them from saying what happened? “We’re running out of time, and I don’t think you’re strong enough.”

“You can just kill Helios for me,” I reply sarcastically.

Kode taps on his mask, “Not enough power. This is the same as your bandages, except mine won’t come off. I will admit, it does feel loose around you for some reason.” He pulls his mask and I notice it float from his face a bit, but it doesn’t get far. He sighs and stops pulling as though he couldn’t be more disappointed.

I head for the door, “Nice chat. Good luck with the mask.”

“Get her to remove your bandages. Then kick her to the curb. She’s weakening you.”

“You don’t know anything about Michelle. Stay away from her.” I accidentally release a fragment of the force I’d been withholding while speaking with him.

“Death’s chasing her at every corner, like it chases you. Sure, yours isn’t as strong anymore, but you’re being drawn in as well. You ask why I finished the men, but how many did you murder that same night? You have no clue, because you were too focused on killing Eli.”

Another shot leaves my fist but I calm down once I feel my loose bandages. “Stay away from her.”

“I’m trying to get you to do the same thing. What do you think Helios will do once he sees you with her? He’s coming soon and she’s got death dancing around her skin because of you. Think about it.”

“Kode. Are you trying to protect or kill me? Choose one.”

The tall terror stands and I’m able to see just how much he’s been training over the past few months. His muscles are defined, and he may have put on ten pounds or more. Kode’s stopped wearing armor all together. This guy really has a death wish. I doubt his black thermal and green jacket with ripped sleeves offer any serious protection. He walks directly in front of me and we stare each other down. Well, I’m looking up for the most part.

“I wouldn’t kill you. I can’t.” Kode clears his throat and walks to the door. His abrupt stop startles me, but I don’t turn around. “You’re the only person that can hear me. Ending that would make life bland. No. I’m not the enemy I project myself to be, but I will kill everyone around you to make you stronger.” We both shift uncomfortably. “I watched as a monster raged through an arena murdering everyone I loved. You don’t want to know that pain.”

I recall the story from Eve and think of the girl he loved. Maybe Kode can relate. He wanted to protect her, but couldn’t. He knows how I feel about Michelle and may be supplying the very advice I need to hear.

My lips hardly move as I mumble, “If this story we lived in weren’t a tragedy, maybe we’d be friends.”

“There is no story. No Writer. We search for heaven only to find more hell.” Looking back, I see Kode fling his dreadlocks over his shoulder, something I’d never seen him do. Even he’s getting more comfortable around me. “I’d never threaten to kill Michelle. Her heartbeat reminds me of someone important.”

I laugh and say, “You’re in love with her too?”

He shifts his weight to his right leg and says, “Maybe. Either way, keep her away tomorrow because I think that’s all the time we have.”

When Kode leaves, he says goodbye for the first time, and I reply. I don’t think he’s a bad person, just someone that has lived through strenuous circumstances. If he hadn’t come along, I’d already be dead and I wouldn’t have the experience or love I have now. It’s funny how fate works. There’s no way to know pleasure without pain.


When I walk into my apartment, I decide to avoid turning the lights on. Michelle’s tattoos are glowing bright enough to illuminate the entire room. My feet drag as I debate between sharing the happiest or saddest moment of my life.

I try hiding my thoughts from her, but it’s too late. She’s already reading me. She’s peered her way into my data and broken the boundaries of privacy. Michelle’s shared every word that I’ve spoken with Kode. She senses that I’m considering separating from her, for her own safety.

Her life’s in danger and she understands that much. I sense that she can’t decide for herself, but she does know where she wants to be right now, and that’s with me.

For the first time, I watch Michelle fight her tears and win. Her golden legs ease off the bed and she glides towards me. The room spins as she comes close enough for me to smell intoxicating fragrances of her perfume. I waver slightly. To stabilize myself, I place my hand on her shoulder. It feels as though firecrackers explode under my palm as sparks occur when our skin connects.

Michelle’s wearing her typical tiny shorts and a large blouse with a wide neck. My fingers kindle against her flesh. It reminds me of the first time I noticed her skin in the hospital. I reach down for her wrist and kiss the spot I once burned through our cosmic connection. My lips are warmed by the area as her affection zips around in my mouth.

The delicate warrior leans over and rests her lips on my neck. My favorite song plays under her kiss. She controls me, consumes me, and I fall. Her love is the only thing left to catch me. She’s the one person made for me.

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