Barcode: Legend of Apollo (22 page)

BOOK: Barcode: Legend of Apollo
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As Michelle reads her card, Hayley and Vincent stare at each other. They stumble over their words for a minute before actually admitting what happened.

“Well, I might have been on the elevator with some weird robot that looked like a lot of bugs. They dropped it off here and it’s possible I hated how you wrapped the box, so I opened it and re-wrapped it nicely.”

Uncle Vincent coughs, “You forgot to tell him you read the card.”

When I was younger, I misbehaved more than I do these days. Hayley always wanted to spank me, but my tolerance of pain was too high for a human. One day, she put her index finger in her mouth and stuck it in my ear. My behavior improved. I wonder if Vincent thought about being a better person after she just did it to him.

Michelle cracks up with laughter until she’s practically rolling on the floor.

Hayley turns to me and says, “I cooked.”

“I clean,” I sigh.

“You help too porky,” she says, poking Vincent’s stomach.

My uncle and I take the dishes into the kitchen and load them in the dishwasher. Michelle seems to enjoy talking to Hayley so much, I decide to stay near the refrigerator and speak with Vincent.

“You never said what happened on the helicopter.”

He stares at me with the wildest eyes I’ve ever seen. Then, he mutters, “Do me one favor Spencer.”


“Stay away from the Payne twins.”

Vincent breathes heavily, openly displaying his anger. Then, he bends on one knee. Though he’s much shorter than me now, it’s better than breaking my neck to stare at him. His height obviously came from his mother, because Colt men aren’t usually this tall.

“Don’t tell your father I let you know this, but the closer you get to the desolate East Coast, the crazier the people. Several of those students riding with us were from areas down South where the liminal creatures roam.” The blood rushes from Vincent’s face as he leans forward, “It’s dog-eat-dog in their world. Kill or be killed. The Payne boys slaughtered three students on the helicopter.”

Goosebumps erupt across my skins. My jaw feels like a ton of bricks, “Why?”

His eyes stare into the distance as though he were reliving that moment. “I didn’t know at first. I had no clue. We all tried to stop them, but...” As though he sees the entire event unfolding in his mind, Vincent twitches and jerks slightly. “I tried to fight Kode, but he managed to throw one out the door and close it right before something weird happened.”

“A black explosion.”

“Yes. Exactly. The Writer knows.” Vincent sighs wearily as though the weight of the world were lifted from his shoulders. “I told your dad about that explosion, but he wouldn’t believe me. It came right through the door, but nothing exploded.”

“It was like time stopped.”

“Not for us. Time wouldn’t stop. I never felt that much pain, and Kode was right next to it. The Writer. I don’t know how he survived.” Vincent starts speaking almost too fast to hear. “He’s not human, and I know he had something to do with that explosion. Stay away from them. I hate that family from deep within my gut.”

I want to ask why he brought them home, but Hayley interrupts us by pulling him away. Without a word, she dashes out of the room with Vincent waving goodbye.

The second the door closes, Michelle tears off every layer of the armor she’d gotten from her last visit until she’s in nothing but the bottom half of her undergarments. Her legs shine brightly and she’s panting. It’s almost as though she is experiencing a more sensual joy than the hyperactive one before.

Suddenly, a flash of pink covers the room, and I’m overwhelmed with an attraction to her. I’d never experienced a remotely comparable bliss.

For the first time in my life, I feel loved, and want to send that feeling back.

Then, as though nothing happened, Michelle sticks out her tongue and begins dressing. I approach her slowly.

“You feel like you’re in love right now, don’t you?” Her voice is soft and her barcodes radiate. I nod my head and inhale the data that she has breathed into the room.

“You too?”

Michelle’s eyes watch me closely as she dresses in the last bit of her armor. Her all black gear is sleek and shiny. The shorts connect with the upper chest plate as one strong unit. She has two belts that cross each other forming an X shape, similar to her father’s barcode. The “zipper” on her back is interlaced with red wires that automatically tightened themselves.

I made sure to get her sneakers instead of gladiator boots so her barcodes wouldn’t be covered. Small, swirling red lines complete the fashionable gear across her chest plate and shorts. Antonio added those for flare and also made sure that she could clip a gun onto any part of the gear. I guess that means Vincent’s gift will go unused.

As I stare at the armor and the lady in it, Michelle finally replies, “No. I just wanted you to experience what you did to women every day before I taught you to control your senses.” Slapping her new armor, she says, “Hit me with everything you got.”


“Do it. It’s another lesson. No barcode though.” Deactivating my tattoo, I punch her in the chest. Sadly, the strike feels as though I were thrown from heaven. “Demoralizing, huh?”

“I hate you.”

Michelle jumps into my arms with her codes shining. “I love you though,” she says so truthfully I nearly drop the both of us. No one’s ever spoken those words to me. “Thank you for the best birthday of my life, and my first family dinner.”

She kisses me so closely to my lips, my heart rested in wait for my first kiss. Then, we hug each other and enjoy the moment. I think I just found my best friend.

Before putting Michelle down, I make sure to give her nineteen painfully sweet birthday punches to the thigh.

Twenty Two

Saturday at one, I leave my apartment to meet Hannah at the school. Sure, I’ll be a minute or two behind, but I guess being late runs in the family.

Directly in front of my apartment, I see Hannah and she looks good. She has a purple and white scarf wrapped around her neck with a short yellow skirt. Her sweater, shouldn’t be considered a sweater at all because the white coat doesn’t fully cover her arms. Her white V-neck shirt with purple threading is also thin and breezy.

I’m not sure how women can manage to avoid clothes in the winter, but I’m wrapped nicely in a scarf and thick jacket. Dennis buys me plenty of clothes with armor built into the pads, but I avoid them at all cost. When I don’t have to think about being a gladiator, I’m happy. Sometimes I think I’m half-Ape.

“You’re late,” she says looking at a clock in one of the mall windows.

“It’s one o’clock.”

“You thought you were meeting me in front of the school. It would’ve taken you five minutes. A gentleman should always be on time.”

“What about me makes you think of a gentleman?”

Linking onto my arm she sighs, “You’re right. Why do I like you again?”

“I’m a nice guy.”

“Please. You’re nice to who?”

“I’m pretty funny.”

“I laugh at you, not with you.”

“I’m very charming.”

“Nope. I guess it must be your good looks. Wow. You should really step your game up.”

“Whoa. Where’s the street talk coming from? I thought you were a rich girl from the hills.”

Hannah elbows me in the ribs.

“Spencer, you and Michelle are the only ones that are locked up by their parents. Most of us haven’t been so fortunate to live in luxury all our lives. Maybe you should wonder why your slang’s so weak.”

“Oh. You cut deep,” I say playfully.

As we walk through the city, Hannah asks me, “Did you even make a plan for our date?”


“What the heck? You’ve asked me out for years and never thought of where we’d go? I’ve had plenty of ideas. I thought you’d suck and take me to the movies. I at least thought you’d offer to take me to the museum up the street.”

“You never talk about yourself. If you mention anything you like, you whisper it to Michelle. I don’t know where to take you because I don’t know you. Now, choose. Where would you like to go?” Hannah tucks her face into her scarf. She points straight ahead to a video game arcade. I laugh, “My type of girl.”

Walking towards the building, Hannah holds onto my arm tightly, “And Spencer?”


“Thanks for not asking why I never talk about my past.”


We both spend a ton of money on games that I destroy her in.

Outraged by my inability to let her win, Hannah nearly storms out of the arcade. Before she makes it to the exit, she notices the simulation racing games.

“I didn’t see that room when I first got here.”

“That actually leads up to an entire floor of racing games.”

Hannah grins. “Let’s go there.”

“You ready to lose again?”

Without another word, she dashes into the dark room and hops on 
, a motorcycle racing game that I haven’t played in years. It doesn’t matter. There’s no way I’d lose after sneaking off to rooftops with Leo on the bikes. Or at least that’s what I thought.

“Beginners luck,” I say while swiping my card for us to have another go.

While we’re racing she says, “How does my digital butt look from that far back Spencer?” I lose again.

Hannah hops off and dashes to several other racing games. I lose in all of them. I don’t even come close once. Storming off like she did earlier, I head to the ice cream parlor down the street with her giggling the entire way.

“You’re supposed to hold my hand or let me hang on your arm sweetie.”

“Don’t talk to me.”

“Awe. You mad?” she pouts mockingly.

“I’ll get you back.”

She clings onto my arm and sings, “I look forward to seeing you 

Our date ends with burgers at an ice cream parlor. They almost taste as good as the ones Michelle brought me.

As we eat, a Colt Academy alumnus sits down with us, pretty much ignoring me. He asks Hannah why she has never accepted his date requests. He even asks if I’m “him.”

I can see she’s too upset to finish her meal, so I challenge him to leave the parlor. Hannah quickly interjects and walks him out. She returns with bruised knuckles and a tear on her blouse.

She’s more of my type than I thought.

We return to my apartment without speaking, “I’m sorry for upsetting you.”

“No. No. I’m not mad at you,” she says nervously. “I’m sorry for putting you through that.”

“I’m just trying to figure out who wears the skirt in this relationship.”

“Oh. We have a relationship? You’re moving a bit fast, I see.” Hannah winks, pulling away and rubbing her knuckles. I take her hands, caress them gently and then bring each one to my lips. Hannah plants a smooch on my chest before running away yelling, “I’ll wear the skirt, for now.” The flirtatious tone leaves me breathless.

Twenty Three

It finally happened. After months of dreading this day, the parents are arriving and the great Apollo must show them around. At least this year I have a partner in crime. Angie’s joined me on this adventure because she represents the prestigious Colt name more than I do.

Dennis struggled restraining his excitement when I suggested using Angie instead of me to welcome the parents. I had no idea he’d make both of us work. Luckily for me, the benevolent goddess couldn’t imagine doing anything else. She happily promised to do all of the speaking as long as I made sure she didn’t get lost. The girl still struggles, even with the navigation.

Dennis made things worse by demanding I remove the jacket I wear under my armor. Now, I’m outside in the cold without my safety blanket.

I shouldn’t complain. Angie’s armor has no coverings at all. Her thin gear is split from her navel to her neck in a V-shape. At least she has knee high boots and a scarf, but I doubt they help much.

As we shiver outside, I think of our busy schedule.

“Why is this so much work?”

Angie laughs and replies, “This is a bit much. Thanks for not leaving me to do it on my own.”

I whine, “I couldn’t. I tried, but I couldn’t. Plus, you’d lead the parents into the dungeon with your sense of direction.”

“Hey!” She shouts with her finger in my face, you don’t know that. I learned at least a quarter of the campus by now.”


“Yes?” she asks sincerely.

“It’s December and you only know a quarter?”

“I’m trying,” she cries. We laugh and continue setting up the breakfast table until my uncle comes out to check on us.


“Uncle Vincent. Hey,” I say while stuffing the last half of my stolen bagel in my mouth.

“Still hijacking food I see,” he belches before swallowing two doughnuts.

“I try and eat whenever I can.”

“I hope that attitude rubs off on Angie. She could use the weight.”

As she continues adding napkins to the table, I sense her resentment in her data. I never noticed it before, but it’s clear as day at the moment.

“I think she’s beautiful the way she is.”

“Please. You can’t want her without some meat on her bones. After you kill Helios she’ll need to be just right for you.”

Something electric strikes my skin, like whenever I speak with Kode. Agonizing pain.

“I may already have a girlfriend anyway so I’ll have to disappoint you.”

“You’ve got two from the way I look at it,” he says with a wink. I don’t respond to his playful gestures so he continues, “When I bring the Louisiana games out this way, I’ll need you to take care of Angie. I don’t want any of these horny boys to touch my baby girl. Once you win, we’ll take you down South and you can have a wealthy family of soldiers. Marry as many women as you’d like. I’m not worried about your other girls, and she isn’t either, 
right Angie?

“No father,” she humbly replies, but my skin feels like it’ll tear off if he pushes her any more. I draw him away from her while talking.

“How do you feel about demigods fighting god level students?”

“What’s wrong with it? It’s perfectly legal at every other arena. Really, what’s wrong with your father separating kids to such levels? I’ve seen plenty of strong Apes. Good enough to beat Dennis when he was small.”

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