Bad Boys After Dark: Mick (4 page)

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Authors: Melissa Foster

BOOK: Bad Boys After Dark: Mick
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“Those freckles. I love those freckles.” He pressed another kiss to the ones below her ear and framed her face with his hands. “Open your eyes.”

His command was as thrilling as his touch, and the dark look in his eyes stoked the fire burning inside her.

“When you wear your hair up, I want to bend you over my desk and take you from behind, just so I can see those sweet little marks that belong only to you.”

“Wow.” The awe-filled exclamation sailed from her lips unbidden, and she clamped her mouth shut. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. I just…”
Really want you to do that.
Oh, man, she was losing it. “You’re really good at this.”

His eyes narrowed. “

Making me fall for you
. One night was all this would ever be. She needed to remember that and assure him she understood it. She’d remember this night for the rest of her life, unless she screwed it up and he sent her home, which she had a feeling she was on the verge of doing.

“Seduction,” she explained. “You know, the whole game of it. That’s what I need to learn.”

“Fuck,” he mumbled, confusing her again. “Right. The game. Well, don’t use that line, because that was just for you.”

“The freckle thing?” God, she loved the freckle thing, but surely he didn’t mean it the way she took it, like he
meant it. “I know. Thank you.”

He touched her face again, and his electric gaze sent currents coursing all the way to her toes. She would be perfectly happy staying right there in his arms, doing nothing more than gazing into his entrancing eyes. Nothing would ever measure up to this magnificent moment she’d somehow lucked into—and secretly, selfishly twisted into more than she should.

He laced their fingers together at her sides and brought them behind her back as he moved forward, trapping her between the bar and his strong frame. His eyes turned suddenly serious, darker, boring into her, stroking her from the inside out. How did he do that?

“If I do anything you don’t like, or anything that makes you uncomfortable, tell me to stop.”

Anticipation stole her voice. She nodded and mouthed,

“Trust me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.
I always have

“Good. I’d never hurt you.” He pressed his lips to hers. “We should talk about the important things up front, to avoid it later.” He kissed her again. “Condoms, always use them.”

Oh God. More embarrassing talk?
“I do, but I’m also on the pill.”

“Good,” he said more sternly. “You can’t trust guys to tell you the truth when it comes to sex.” The muscle in his jaw jumped, like he hated telling her that.

“But you just asked if I trusted you. Was that a trick question?”

He made a sexy groaning sound that vibrated through his chest to hers. “When you tell me things that way—”

Oh no! She was already screwing up? “What way?”

“With wide eyes and that sexy, innocent voice. It kills me. It makes me want to stop talking and carry you upstairs.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” She smiled, proud of herself for doing something right naturally, without having to try.

“Christ, Amanda.”

Oh boy, the look in his eyes was tortured and hot at once. This was new. This, she loved.

“It’s a very good thing. But this is serious. You can trust me. You know me. I’ll never lie to you. But other guys? They want to get laid, and it sucks to wear condoms, so they’ll tell you they’ve always used them just to get you to say you’re on the pill and forgo using them.”

His tone was caring, firm, and pained at once, and it touched her deeply.

“They want to fuck you, feel you, and forget you,” he said coldly.

His words stung, but she knew he didn’t mean them to.

He brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek, and his tone softened. “But you can’t put yourself at risk like that.”

“I know about diseases. I’m not a child.”

“I know. But this isn’t just a game, Amanda. You can get hurt in so many ways. I need to be sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

She hadn’t expected him to do more than give her a night of hot sex, but she probably should have known he’d be careful, make sure she understood the ground rules. Because when she’d first started working with him, he’d spent many long evenings meticulously going over things he said other attorneys and paralegals overlooked, to ensure she was as careful as he was.

“Thank you for caring enough to want me to be protected.”

“Baby, if something happens to you, I’d have to go out and find a new paralegal.”

. Her heart squeezed even though he’d made a joke. She reminded herself to keep this light and went up on her toes, pressing a kiss to the center of his chin. “So romantic.”

His eyes narrowed and he wrapped one hand around both her wrists, holding them behind her back and kissing the center of her breastbone. “Does that hurt?”

“No.” She closed her eyes, reveling in his strength and his tenderness as he kissed the swell of her right breast.

“Lesson number two.” He dipped his tongue into her cleavage, then blew on her damp skin, bringing goose bumps to her flesh. “There’s no place for romance where hookups are concerned.”

“Ever?” That surprised her. Couldn’t a hookup also be romantic?

He used his other hand to unzip her dress and slid it off one shoulder, pressing a kiss to the skin he bared. “If a guy gets romantic, you’re not hooking up. End of story.”

Using his teeth, he slid the dress from her other shoulder. The silky material hitched just above her elbows and beneath her breasts, revealing her black lace demi bra. She was breathing so hard she half expected him to tell her to chill out.

“So beautiful,” he said, eyes locked on her breasts. He ran his finger just above her bra with a feathery touch, sending chills through her. “I have an affinity for black lace.”

He lowered his head, placing hot licks and long, sucking kisses, over the same path. Her nipples hardened, and she arched against his mouth, aching to touch him. She struggled to free her hands, but he held her captive, every mind-numbing touch stealing more of her brain cells. She closed her eyes and moaned as he sealed his mouth over her nipple, sucking and stroking her through the lace.

She felt a whimper rising from her lungs and didn’t even try to resist it.

“Love the sounds you make, the way you taste,” he whispered, before moving to her other breast and giving it the same scintillating attention.

She told herself what he said shouldn’t sound romantic, but it felt like a lie. He released her wrists, and her dress slipped to the floor, leaving her bare save for her bra and heels. She closed her eyes against a wave of embarrassment.

His lips touched hers lightly, a tease of a kiss. “Open your eyes.” His voice carried the command smoothly to her ear, beckoning her in the most seductive way.

She opened her eyes, and his lips curved up in a gratified smile.

“Lesson number three. Watch. Always watch.” Passion blazed in his smoldering stare as he placed his hand between her legs, cupping her sex. “Waxed bare. So fucking sexy.”

He didn’t move, but his dirty talk and the tease of his fingers against her wet skin made her sex clench.

His eyes darkened. “So ready for me, baby. I like you needy. I can’t wait to feel you do that around my cock.” She felt her entire body flush. He pressed his lips to her cheek and said, “Don’t be embarrassed. This is what you’re here for.”

She didn’t respond. Couldn’t. Could barely breathe. Her thoughts about learning how to seduce ebbed as he slid one finger between her wet lips, stroking her slowly and ever so lightly. She mewed and rocked, urging his finger inside her, but he resisted, teasing her, taunting with his thick finger until her legs were numb. Her brain replayed one thought over and over:
More. More
. She might have even said the words; she wasn’t sure, couldn’t think to save her life. She grabbed hold of his arms in an effort to remain erect. His thumb moved circles over her most sensitive nerves, sending ripples of heat down each numb leg to the soles of her feet.

He lowered his mouth to hers, brushing their lips together. “Your pussy is so wet. So fucking sweet. Tonight you’re going to come on my mouth.”

The naughtiness of his words brought another flash of heat and a low moan that sounded carnal and dark. She never realized dirty talk could have such a powerful effect or be so addicting. She wanted more. She wanted it all.

He kissed her hungrily, rough and tender at the same time. His tongue thrust into and searched her mouth, while his fingers played to their own slow beat, driving her up, up,
. She arched against his hand, wanting more, needing more. But he had his own agenda and slowed the kiss, turning it sensual, languid, prolonging the exquisite torture.

“I could kiss you all night.” His breath was hot against her skin.

That’s definitely romantic. Isn’t it?
They obviously had very different views of romance. Either that or her brain was too befuddled to process anything at all. She had no idea how he could talk. Her entire being was liquid heat. That didn’t seem to matter, because he took her in another perfect kiss that sent sparks straight to her core. She moaned loud and needy, and she didn’t care, because his touch, his mouth, his voice, were sheer bliss. He unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts, and sucked her nipple—

“Ohgod, Mick—”

He made a male, primal sound of gratification so full of lust it propelled her closer to the edge. He sucked harder, to the point of pain. She closed her eyes as the sharpness seared through her to exactly where she needed it most. He
pushed his fingers inside her, and she couldn’t stop the sounds of pleasure streaming from her lips. He sucked her breast and fucked her with his hand, stroking the same glorious spot time and time again. An orgasm swelled deep inside her, building, pounding, clawing for release, stealing her vision from the outside in. She dug her fingers into his waist, his arms, wherever she could find purchase as her body fought to reach the pinnacle, bucking and jerking in sweet anguish.

“Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” She’d never felt such immense pleasure. It radiated up her center, spiraling outward as the climax gripped her core, burning, aching, tingling, until it enveloped every inch of her, and she cried out again.

“My name, baby. I want to hear it.”

His harsh command intensified her pleasure. “Yes. Mick—”

His mouth crashed over hers, urgent and demanding as she surrendered to the crest, riding his hand, arching every part of her body. Craving more, more,
. He was right there with her, knowing exactly what she needed. His fingers slowed, moving in and out, stroking her clit with lethal precision, taking her right up to the edge until she spiraled over again. She tore her mouth away, wanting to give him what he’d asked for.

“Mick—” His name tasted like heaven and sin as she surrendered to the titillating pleasures.

He sucked her tongue into his mouth, mimicking the rhythm of his fingers. The eroticism of it sent her body convulsing again, taking and taking all that he had to give. She hung in the heightened state for what seemed like forever, but in reality was probably only minutes. As her climax eased, he kissed her more tenderly, staying with her again, through the very last pulse. He swept her into his arms. She felt drugged and boneless—and safe, so blessedly safe—against his muscular chest.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ve got you, baby.”

Nestled in his arms, she knew she’d never be able to
gaze into his eyes again. Nothing would ever be the same. Nothing would ever be enough.

Chapter Four

AMANDA BLINKED UP at Mick from within his arms with a combination of innocence and sensuality that made his chest tighten. A sweet smile curved her swollen lips.

He’d kissed her too hard, and though he shouldn’t let it, it pained him. He’d be more careful with her, or at least he’d try. Mick wasn’t an
I’ve got you, baby
type of guy. He was a taker, a
leave before daylight
type of guy. He’d never allowed himself to care about a woman before, but he’d cared about Amanda for the better part of three years. She was smart and beautiful, trusting and kind. She deserved a real relationship with a man who didn’t know the harsh realities that life held. But the thought of any other man touching her sent fire through his veins—sparking more dangerous emotions. Emotions he’d had to fight hard to quell when he’d warned her about what to watch out for with other men. But he’d had to do that, too, because as badly as he wanted to claim Amanda as his own, he knew he couldn’t. And that was killing him.

She sighed, and he lowered his lips to her, drinking her in.

He’d been just fine before last night. For years he’d buried his feelings beneath lust and carnal desires, pushing them deeper with every meaningless hookup. But all it took was a few hours with Amanda to unsettle his carefully erected walls. Now he struggled to put things back in the untouchable compartments where they belonged. It was torture trying to shove them back into the cold abyss, but he had to do it. He’d already broken one of his long-standing rules of mixing business with pleasure. Actually, he’d broken two. He didn’t bring women to his apartment, and yet here she was, in his arms no less. Her skin was flushed and warm, glistening with the sheen of a satisfied lover, and they’d only just begun. He’d promised her a night of unbelievable sex, and that’s exactly what he intended to give her. One night to satiate years of desire. One unfuckingbelievable night they’d never forget.

Time to get his mind back where it belonged.
In the game

He lifted Amanda to the bar, placing her hands on the rounded edge of the glossy wood. He stood between her legs. Her expression was serene, making him want to pull her back into his arms.
Not happening
. Not if he had any chance of keeping perspective. He pushed her legs apart, probably too roughly, but that was for his sake as much as hers. She sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes wide.

“Wake up, baby,” he commanded, leaving no room for contemplation. “It’s time to feed your man.” He pulled her to the edge of the bar, regretting his choice of words.
Baby? Your man?
He really needed to get a grip.

And he did. On her
as he lowered his mouth between her legs and took his first real taste of her desire, slicking his tongue slowly along the seam of her glistening sex. She moaned, and the sweet, sexy sound sent lightning to his groin, earning a throbbing complaint from his cock. His cock wanted in on the game, but it would have to wait. His emotions were still too close to the surface. If he buried himself deep inside her now, he’d have no hope of holding back the emotions still clutching his heart. He stroked his tongue up her center again, loving the way she rocked her hips. He knew what she wanted, but he wasn’t in a hurry. One night was all he’d get, and he intended to enjoy it. He kissed her cleanly waxed skin, moving over and around her center. The heady scent of her desire was intoxicating, like the pleas streaming from her lips—“More! Mick! Please!”—but teasing was half the fun, and the feel of her muscles contracting against his tongue was fucking amazing.

She grabbed his head, trying to direct him. “Please,” she pleaded.

That’s it, baby. Beg for it
. With his hands beneath her ass, he lifted, bringing her to sit on the very edge of the bar, and unfurled her fingers from around the wood. He guided her hands behind her, so she was leaning on her palms, legs spread wide.
Fucking perfect
. Wonder and want shimmered in her eyes, battling for focus. He splayed his large hands over her trembling thighs and pressed them open wide. Three freckles formed a straight line on her right upper thigh. His fucked-up brain wanted to see those pretty little marks as a sign that they were meant to be together, but that was a chick thing to do.
And totally messed up
. He shoved that thought away, replacing it with the only thing that would help him remain distant—greed.

Amanda panted with anticipation. Her sex twitched and glistened for

“Mick,” she pleaded.

“Feel the need coursing through you? That’s for
, Amanda. When you’re with some other guy”—his gut twisted and burned—“you’re going to think of this moment. You’re going to think of me. You’re going to
it was me.” He held her there, bared to him, soaking in the
for him
part, allowing it to brand into her brain.

“Don’t say that about some other guy.” Her eyes filled with sadness, and it nearly took him to his knees, but she needed to hear it.
needed to say it.

“One night, Amanda. That’s all this is. All it can ever be. Never to be spoken of again.” He gritted his teeth against the anger that clarification brought. “Still with me?”

She inhaled a shaky breath, the sadness in her eyes pushed lower by determination. Seeing that determination messed with his head.

“Yes,” she said with an unwavering stare.

He placed one tender kiss to the sweet marks on her inner thigh, then tightened his grip on her legs and gave in to the inferno burning inside him. He devoured her, licking, sucking, and tongue-fucking her into a writhing, jerking, wet, needy mess of pleas and moans. He sucked her swollen clit, grazed his teeth over the sensitive flesh, and thrust two fingers into her tight heat. Stroking and sucking until her hips bucked off the bar and she screamed his name. He withdrew his fingers midorgasm, replacing them with his mouth, and moved his finger to her ass, playing over her tightest hole and keeping her at the peak. She moaned and arched, pushing against his finger.

“Don’t stop—” she pleaded.

He’d intended only to tease her, but the allure of taking her everywhere was too much, and he pushed his finger past the tight rim of muscles.

“Ohgod Mick!” Her head fell back with another cry.

Her ass was tight and her pussy was soaked, both clenching with every inward motion. He used his other hand to unfasten his pants and quickly stepped out of them. While eating at her center and finger-fucking her ass, he gripped the base of his cock, fighting the urge to bury himself balls deep, and squeezed the root to slow his release. She screamed his name into the dark room, her body convulsing in jerky snaps. He stayed with her, fucking and thrusting, sucking and stroking, until she fell limply to the bar, panting. A fucking fantasy come true.

It took everything Mick had to fight the urge to hold her, to confess the emotions she roused. He moved around the bar, eyes on the sink as he washed his hands, forcing himself to regain a shred of emotional distance. He stripped off his shirt and tossed it aside. It was time for flesh-to-flesh contact.


AS AMANDA CAME back down from the clouds, the sting of what Mick had said about other guys filtered back in. He’d sounded callous and cold, but what they were doing felt intimate, like it was more than just hot sex. She knew that was her unrequited feelings taking over, and she had to stop allowing them to.

She was supposed to be practicing seduction techniques, but his every touch turned her mind to mush, making it hard to think about doing anything other than giving herself over to him and soaking in the pleasures he expertly doled out. She’d never opened herself up to any man the way she was to Mick, and something told her she never would. But it was exactly that line of thinking she needed to stop. She pushed herself up to a sitting position, determined not to become like the harem of female clients clawing for his attention. This was her one night with the man of her dreams, and damn it, she wasn’t about to screw it up.
No more emotions

He came around the bar, bringing his glorious—
Naked? When did that happen
—body into full view. Her mouth went dry. She clamped her jaw tight, and embarrassingly, she gawked. His eyes gleamed like volcanic rock. His lips curved up in a wicked smile that told her he wasn’t nearly done with her yet. His beautifully sculpted biceps bulged as he lifted her from the bar and lowered her feet to the floor, watching her intently. She was supposed to be seducing him, learning, trying out the techniques she’d studied. Her eyes moved slowly over his tanned, muscular chest and powerful, broad shoulders. They drifted further south to perfectly sculpted abs that led to—
—the most perfect penis she’d ever seen. Not that she’d seen that many, but it was smooth and thick, reaching past his belly button, so tempting she was salivating. So much for her dry mouth.

She stepped closer on shaky legs. His eyes bored into her like lasers as her fingers played over his chest, and she pressed a kiss to his nipple. He made a deep, appreciative sound in his throat, spurring her on. She did it again, and his cock jumped against her skin. Empowered by his response, she kissed his other nipple and laved her tongue over the pebbled peak, earning another eager bounce of his shaft. That was all she needed to give in to the seduction and allow her mouth to take over. She kissed his pecs, between them, under them, over them, her mind spinning with desire. Every kiss, every groan he uttered made her wetter and more confident. Mick was breathing hard, but his hands remained at his sides, his fingers curling and uncurling like he was itching to touch her. She didn’t need to look to feel his heated gaze.

Watch. Always watch
. A thrill chased the memory of his words.

She blazed a path down the center of his abs, letting her hand drift between his legs and cup his balls.

“Fuck,” he hissed.

She released him, her eyes darting up. “Too hard?”

He guided her hand back to his sac. “No, baby, just unexpected.”

. Her heart squeezed, and she reminded herself it was just what he said in the heat of passion. He probably called all of his women
. She closed her eyes against a wave of sadness and focused on the feel of his hard abs against her lips, his heavy sac in her hands, and the intensity of his breathing. Moving her other hand over his muscular thigh and around his hip, she gripped his ass. His hips pistoned forward, and he groaned again. A smile tipped her lips. She kissed the hard plane of flesh between his hips. His cock bumped her chest, hard, hot, and tempting. He gathered her hair in his hand, and she met his wolfish stare. She swallowed the nervous fear tugging at her and sank lower. She was five six, and he was over six feet, which meant she’d be in an odd bent-over angle if she wanted to taste him. She eyed the stairs, and without a word, because she knew she was way past being able to speak, she took his hand and guided him over. He sat down, knees wide, a lascivious grin on his lips.

She knelt two steps beneath him and pushed her hands up his thighs. There wasn’t a shred of fat on him, and his perfect cock stood straight and rigid, eagerly awaiting her next move. It should be illegal to look as sinful as he did. And she should probably worry about her not-nearly-perfect body, or what she was about to do, but the way he was staring at her made her believe she was just as hot as him and sent her worries away. He fisted his hand in her hair as he’d done earlier, watching as she lowered her mouth. Just as she got her lips around the broad head, he yanked her up.

What the hell?

“I’m sorry.” He caressed her scalp, his eyes full of regret and something more. Before she could decipher it, he pulled her face to his and kissed her deeply. He tasted of her, and she desperately wanted to taste of him. When their lips parted, he held her so close she smelled the scent of her desire on his breath.

“Listen to me.” He sounded angry, but his eyes told her he’d shifted into protective mode again. “I’m clean, but other guys…”

She wrinkled her brow in confusion. “No blow jobs? But…”

“It’s risky. You need to know.”

“But you just had your mouth all over me.”

“You said you’d only had protected sex. Guys lie, baby.”

The endearment softened his warning. “Are
lying? About being clean?”

“No. I told you I’d never lie to you.” He gritted his teeth again, then touched his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. It was the single most touching thing he could have done as he dragged her emotions all over creation.

“Christ, Amanda. I feel this need to make sure you know these things, and it’s messing with my head. I know it was…
to stop you when I did, but I have to know you’re going to be safe.”

He used such a caring tone, conflicting with the struggle to restrain himself written all over his face, but she knew, like everything else, she shouldn’t read too much into it. He cared about her as a person, and maybe as an employee, but that was as far as it went. This was a night of sex. Nothing more.

And it was his turn to be pampered.

“Okay. I promise I’ll be careful.” She gently pushed his chest, and he leaned back on his elbows, his chin set low, his eyes hungrily watching her.

She ran her hands over his thighs, stroking the length of them, watching the reaction of his cock as it bobbed against him. Taking a hint from his playbook, she spread his legs wider, holding them there as she dragged her tongue over his sac and felt it tighten against her tongue. He groaned with pleasure, thrilling her to no end. She’d given a blow job before, but it was a very long time ago, and she’d never experimented below. She wanted to experience everything with Mick. She cupped his sac, fondling as she licked his sensitive skin. She made a point to keep her eyes trained on his. Watching him watching her, seeing the restraint and desire warring in his features filled her with the power of control. She dragged her tongue from base to tip along his hard length, repeating the move until he was panting, his muscles corded tight. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and swirled her tongue over the broad head, laving and teasing his sensitive glans.

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