Bad Boy Brawler (Alpha Bad Boy Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Bad Boy Brawler (Alpha Bad Boy Book 3)
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Carly looks up at me and I want to shoulder all of her fears. Her and the boy’s. “You guys are going to hang out with me for the day, okay?”

“I-I-I don’t—”

“I don’t want you going home right now. I want to make sure you’re safe.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s nothing. But you might let that boy up for air in a second. I’m worried about him.”

She smiles and loosens her grip on the boy. His head pops up.

“James, this is Devyn.”


He’s a cute kid and I can’t help but smile.

“Hi. That’s my friend Brian up there in the front.”

“Hey James.” Brian’s hand goes up and his eyes appear in the rear view mirror. Brian is great with kids. I tease him all the time that he acts just like one. “You know, I was just about to slack off work when I got called. I’ve been wanting McDonald’s for a while now and I was going to head that way. Does that sound good?”

James’ head perks up. “Uh huh!”

Carly grins and mouths ‘thank you’ to me.

I shake my head back at her. “No, thank you.”






Brian drives us a little way out past the city and turns down a side road that seems to wrap through a forest. I borrow Devyn's phone to call the hospital and tell them I have an emergency. That I have to be gone. We cross over the bridge of a creek and wind around a few curves. James is holding a Happy Meal box and grinning wider than I’ve seen in a while. Devyn is quiet and doesn’t say much at all. He seems to only speak when necessary and even then it’s in short sentences.

We finally pass through the dense trees that are leafless this time of year and come to a clearing. The house is breathtaking, an old classic style that is white with a wrap around front porch and dark shutters framing each window.

Devyn glances down to James. “You like video games?”

“Yes!” James’ eyes light up.

“I have a big TV we can play on if it’s okay with your mom. Maybe you’ll put up more of a challenge at Mario Kart than Brian up there.”

“Hey!” says Brian.

It gets a laugh out of me.

Devyn looks up into my eyes and it sends a warmth rushing through me. “I have a wing you guys can stay in until you sort out whatever you need to. It’ll give you some privacy.”

“You really don’t have to do that. We will find somewhere to go. It's fine. God, I can't believe this. I can't even think straight. I didn't sleep all night. I was up trying to figure things out, and now everything is just—”

“Look at me." I turn to face him. "It'll be fine, okay? You can't go home. It's too dangerous. You don't want James around that. Just stay the night and we can figure it out.” He pauses. “Is there anything you guys need? Brian and I can go to your house and get things, or one of us can take you. Anything. Just ask.”

“I don't know about this, Devyn. It's too much."

"Please. I insist. You risked a lot just to get me out of the hospital a few hours early. Let me repay you."

I wouldn't even consider this if I didn't think I was out of options. What else can I do? We have nowhere to go and I'm about to pass out in this guy's car.

"Okay. I, umm, I need to get some clothes. And my car. And I’ll need to go to the cell phone store and get a new phone. I’m so sorry, this is a lot.”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll figure everything out after lunch.”




We get out of the car and head into the house. I watch Carly as she follows James up to the porch. She has shoulder length brunette hair and I could never forget her eyes. So commanding and soft at the same time. James’ eyes are huge as he spins around in the entryway taking everything in. I honestly wish I’d have bought something smaller. It’s more house than I could ever use. All I do these days is train and eat.

James still looks a little apprehensive. I want them to feel safe. I’ve been where they are.

“Hey James, tell me something.” I kneel down next to him as he grips Carly’s hand tight. “Do you like cartoons?”

I catch sight of a grin and he nods.

“I thought you might. Do you want to eat in the living room and watch cartoons on a big TV?”


“Okay then. That’s what we’ll do.”

I get up and lead them into the living room and find some cartoons. James is warming up a little and picks the one he wants to watch on the screen. I pull the coffee table over to him so he can put his food down on it. I nod to Carly and walk a little ways away for a second.

She reluctantly leaves James though he is focused on the TV like he has tunnel vision.

“What do you want to do first?”

“I don’t know. My mind is racing but I can't put any thoughts together. I have no clue what I’m doing. How we ended up here.” Her eyes dart around the house. “I just—”

“Why don’t you try to lay down for a bit. Get some rest. You don’t have to figure everything out this second.”

She reluctantly nods.

“Let me send Brian out to get some things. We can go get your car and your stuff later. Look, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want. I’m just trying to make it easier.”

I look over and James is still staring at the TV, eating chicken mcnuggets without breaking his gaze.

“Damn, he’s really into this cartoon, huh?”

She stares over at the boy. “He doesn’t get to watch them a whole lot. So this is a treat.”

“Gah, Mom. Crack the whip at home much?” I’m opening up too much to this woman, but there is just something about her. She puts me at ease. She’s real. My joke gets a smile out of her, so it was worth it.

“Okay. I’ll try and take a nap after I make a list of things. But we will be out of your hair as soon as possible.”

“Sounds good.” I walk over and sit down next to James. “Can I watch this with you?”


“James!” Carly’s voice booms and carries through the house. Both me and the boy jolt upright. “You’ve got crumbs all over this nice couch, son. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, Devyn.”

She looks over at me and I’m staring at her then I glance down to James. He looks like he’s about to cry. I look back up to her. “It’s just a couch, Carly. It’s fine.”

She stands still for a moment longer and tears stream down her cheeks. I think life just slapped her in the face. She rushes over and hugs him tight. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. Mommy is just freaking out a little right now and it hit me all at once.” She pulls back and holds him out in front of her by the shoulders. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Okay? Why don’t we go up and let Devyn have some time to himself?”

“C-can I stay and watch TV?”

The boy looks over at me and I don’t understand how she ever says no to this kid. Hell, I just want to hand him my wallet at a toy store. Carly looks torn. I can understand why she wouldn’t want to let him out of her sight, and yet why she doesn’t want to disappoint him either. Especially after her little freak out a minute ago.

“I don’t mind. But that’s up to your mom.”

“Please Mom.”

“Okay. But I will be right in the other room.”

She won’t be able to nap if she’s worried about James. Who can blame her? I beat guys up for a living and just broke out of the hospital after totaling my car while drunk. I walk around the corner with her and have Brian get her a laptop and log in to the security system at the house.

“Set this on the night stand. You can see every room of the house on it. Zoom in and out, all in high definition.”

She nods. “Okay. Thank you. It’s not you, well, yeah, it’s—”

“We didn’t start off under great circumstances. You don’t have to justify anything. That’s your baby over there.” I put a hand on her shoulder. Heat rushes through my hand when I touch her. “He’s safe. I promise.”

Her eyes dart to my hand and back up to me. “Okay.”

She walks with the laptop toward the room around the corner and I sit down next to James.

“You have to take care of her you know?”

He looks up at me. Then he nods a little. He must recognize the same look in me that I do in him. I don’t think it ever goes away.

“Whatever it takes, kid.” I look over to the room where Carly went to take a nap. “Whatever it takes.”



I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep, but somehow my eyes closed as soon as I hit the bed. Everything comes back into focus, my life, recent events as I wake up from my nap. It's like a bad dream when I jolt up in bed and look at the laptop monitor. James and Devyn look like they’re playing a video game. James is actually smiling. I’ve never seen him smile around a grown man before like he does around Devyn. Like they’ve known each other forever. James has seen things, and heard things. Things that will haunt me forever. Brock had been different though. I’d never seen him blow up like that.

James and Devyn seem to be having a good time though, and I really just want to sit here a little while longer. My legs stiffen under the sheets as I stretch my arms up to the ceiling and yawn. I pull the laptop over to my waist and make the security window smaller on the screen. I pull up YouTube.

“Let’s see what all the fuss is about you, Devyn.” I type his name in the search bar and the first video has a hundred million views. “Jesus.”

The title says ‘Devyn O’Dare Debut Knockout’. I click play and the arena is packed. Devyn wears his fighting robe thing the same way he wore his hoodie in the parking lot. To say he looks intimidating would be an understatement.

He’s in the ring and they’re about to start. I feel butterflies swarming in my stomach, just from the suspense. I’ve never watched boxing, or any of this type of stuff. I always thought it was stupid for two men to get in a ring and beat each other senseless. But, for some reason I feel a tingling working through my inner thighs, waiting to see what happens. Devyn’s body doesn’t hurt matters. His tattoos and those eyes own my stare as the referee jumps out of the way and they start after each other.

The other guy takes a swing and… “Oh my God!” I turn my head from the screen and cover my face. I’m not sure I can unsee that. Something about it though. A warmth is working over my body and the feeling is going directly where I try to keep it from. I look back to the screen and it’s frozen, Devyn’s whole body is in the frame and it’s like he’s staring right at me, his neck and shoulder muscles bulging, and he’s covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

My hand makes its way down my stomach and slides into my panties. When my middle finger runs over my clit and through my folds I let out a soft moan. I look over at him and picture him on top of me, staring down at me with those eyes, that fierce intense gaze as he goes into me, slowly at first. I know I should stop. But the fact the only thing that separates us is the door has my thighs quivering around my hand.

I close my eyes as he thrusts into me over and over, harder and faster. My fingers circle my swollen clit and I cover my mouth with my free hand and moan his name into it. “Devyn.”

Two of my fingers slip inside of me and I arch my back, imagining his hips grinding into me, his full length hitting all of my spots just right. I open my eyes and stare into his face on the screen as my hips lift from the bed, and my slick walls squeeze tight around my fingers. “Oh God, Devyn.” I squeal into my hand as my vision blurs and I feel my release. Jolts of pleasure course down to my core as I gasp to catch my breath, before lowering back down to the mattress.

I take a few deep breaths and regain my composure. The guilt overwhelms me. I can’t believe I just did that.
What are you doing, Carly?

James is all that’s on my mind. He’s all I have time to care about. He’s my world. It’s not like Devyn wants me anyway. He’s a superstar celebrity. I’m a single mother with nothing. It’s about time I started living in reality. While this little fairytale moment is nice, it doesn’t change the fact that Devyn was drunk, and can’t even remember wrecking his car. No, I have to push these feelings of lust deep down inside and focus on my son. That’s what is going to happen.



I’m sitting on the couch next to James and Devyn watching TV. A few hours have passed. My thighs keep scissoring together every time Devyn so much as moves and I can’t help myself. Every move, every breath, has me wanting him more, so I focus my attention on James.

I hear someone fiddling with the lock at the front door and Devyn’s eyes get big.

“Oh no. Cover your ears James.” He jumps from the couch and takes off around the corner.

What in the hell?

“Devyn O’Dare, you big dumb stupid son of a bitch. Get your ass in here boy, now!” It’s a woman’s voice but she sounds older. I cup my hands around James’ ears. Her voice softens so that I can’t hear it. I can only assume that Devyn is telling her he has company.

After a few moments I hear some footsteps and she rounds the corner with a huge smile plastered to her face. My suspicions were correct. She looks to be in her sixties. Her hair is dark black with shiny silver roots and she can’t be more than five-four. Her face is warm and inviting, motherly. The volume of her voice more than makes up for her petite size.

I let go of James’ ears and he grins at the woman.

“Who do we have here? Devyn, you didn’t tell me we have such handsome company in the house. I could just squeeze those cheeks right off of you, boy.”

She reaches out both hands and places her palms on James’ face.

“And such a pretty young lady.”

I blush a little at her words as she holds out her hand. “I’m Bernice.”


“Pardon my outburst earlier. I didn’t realize we had company.” She turns to Devyn and his towering frame shrinks away slightly. “But…you see James…Mr. O’Dare over there is usually a good, respectful young man. But he got himself into a little bit of
last night. He was a baaad boy.” She glares back at Devyn again and he brushes his hands down his jeans. Bernice turns back to James. “What do you think we ought to do with him?”

“I usually get in trouble with Mommy when I’m bad.”

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