Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance (52 page)

Read Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance Online

Authors: Caitlin Daire,Alyssa Alpha

BOOK: Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance
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She gasps at my filthy words, but a smile overtakes her lips next. A wicked one, tempting me to go on. My hands slide down her neck, my lips leaving teasing kisses at her collarbone.

“This neck, like a swan’s. Long and elegant, just like you Tessa…tempting me every time you tuck your hair behind your ear, every time you turn around at the sound of my voice calling for you.”

“Adam,” she gasps.

My hands are roaming down, to her perfect tits, ripe and ready for me. Her nipples are the sweetest rosebud pink, ready to be pinched and nibbled on. I twist one gently between my fingers, growling my desire.

“These tits are gonna be the end of me, Tessa,” I tell her sternly. “I’m gonna fucking lose it because you’re so perfect, every inch of you, every curve…”

My fingers go down her back, cupping her ass and gently pushing her thong down as she gasps. My cock twitches in my pants, so desperate to be buried inside her. One thing at a time…

With a gentle pull, I get Tessa to stand up and walk her over to the mirror in the corner of the room. She shies away, tries to move, but I hold her in place, make her look at our figures in the full-length reflective surface.

“Look at us, Tessa,” I order her, my voice softer this time around.

She finally does what I tell her, her gaze focusing on our features. My ripped body, with scars from where I’ve cut and burned myself in the kitchen. A long one on my torso from when I had my appendix removed when I was a kid.

I’m not fucking perfect, never claimed I was. My toned muscles are marred; my skin tainted by marks life has left on me. But I don’t give a shit. I tell Tessa as much.

“We all have scars, Tessa,” I say gently. “Some here…”

I slide her hand over my stomach and she shivers.

“Some in here.”

I take her hand to her heart and leave it there. She’s frozen in place as I whisper in her ear.

“Yours scars are beautiful to me, Tessa.” My voice is shaking, and for once, I’m not sure of myself. Tessa could run off at any moment, claim it’s all too much and just leave me by myself.

“All of you is stunning perfection, every goddamned stretch mark, every freckle, every pore on your skin. You’ve been hurt and you’ve hurt yourself…but you lived to tell the tale, and you’re more beautiful for it.”

I hold her tightly against my chest, the both of us looking at our reflections. There are tears in Tessa’s eyes as she takes in her stunning figure. She’s filled out over the past few weeks, and she finally looks healthy.

“Beautiful Tessa,” I whisper in her ear. “So goddamned beautiful.”

She turns around slowly in my arms, burying her face in the crook of my arm. I wish we could stay like that forever, vulnerable but stronger in each other’s arms.

“Show me,” she whispers against my chest. “Show me how beautiful you think I am.”

I do what she says. I’ve been waiting for this moment, the moment where I get to prove it all to her.

Grabbing her by the waist, I swing her in my arms as she giggles nervously, carrying her right upstairs until we’re in my bedroom. Her body’s trembling as I put her down, and she scoots closer, eagerly pulling down my boxers.

“Fuck Tessa, shouldn’t have done that,” I growl at her, my cock growing and pulsing before her very eyes. “I won’t be able to hold back anymore.”

“Then don’t,” my little vixen says, her eyes widening at my girth as she licks her lips with that devious, delicious little tongue. She lies back, waiting for me, and the sight of a ripe and ready Tessa Silver is almost too much to handle.

I kiss her, kiss her like this is the end of the road. Every part of her is delicious, sweet perfection and she whispers my name as I suck her nipple in my mouth.


So fucking sweet.

I’m panting by the time her fingers wrap around my cock.

“Fuck me, Adam,” she begs with glazed over eyes. “I can’t hold on…I need you inside me.”

With a growl, I grab a condom from my bedside table and struggle to roll it on my thick cock. Finally, I’m back on top of her, asking for permission with my eyes. She nods, and I finally let myself let go of the reins.

I push inside her, and I can’t fucking hold back. I should pace myself, do it an inch at a time, but I’ve waited fucking long enough. As soon as my cock feels that hot, wet pussy, I can’t hold back any longer.

I push inside her in one long stroke.

“Fuck!” Tessa gasps.

I swallow a thousand apologies as her mouth assaults mine; kissing me like it’s the end of the world. We’re fucking, full on fucking now, with Tessa bucking her hips and me pushing deeper with each stroke of my throbbing cock.

My shaky fingers reach down low, finding her swollen clit. She’s so fucking wet. So fucking ready. She’s everything I wanted her to be, her mouth as sweet as I remember it.

I massage her as she gasps my name, begging me not to stop. Happy to oblige.

“Adam, fuck, Adam,” Tessa moans as I ram my cock inside her, driving me wild with her dripping wetness. “Please don’t stop…don’t fucking stop, make me come!”

“Happy to,” I growl at her, biting down on those plump limps and pinching her clit between my fingers just as I feel my climax coming on. She’s moaning so hard it’s making me even hornier, driving me totally insane. I know I could’ve lasted longer, but I fucking need this…need to have her right now.

“Want some cum, good girl?” I ask her in a deep voice.

“Please,” she begs, her voice hoarse from the gasping. “Please, Adam, give it to me, I can’t hold on much longer.”

“Okay, sweetheart,” I growl in her ear, pumping inside a final few times. She’s so fucking tight, milking my cock for every last drop…

And then I’m coming, seed spilling out of me as Tessa starts getting louder, picking up her voice until it’s a raw, sore whisper.

“Adam, fuck, fuck, fuck,” she curses. “That feels so damn good, so good. I’m about to come, Adam, just a little bit more… Yes! Fuck yes!”

We crash together, me falling on top of her as her ragged breathing turns into soft laughter. Shocked and totally exhausted, I raise my head to look at her, and my eyes connect with the most beautiful baby blues I’ve ever seen.

They’re sparkling. Tessa’s eyes finally look alive, happy, and content. Sated.

“What’s so funny?” I ask defensively, my cock still throbbing from the release inside her.

She giggles, pulling me closer and smothering my mouth with ticklish kisses, making me laugh at her eagerness. She’s showering me with pecks, everywhere, until we’re both smiling and laughing like two crazy people.

“I’m so happy,” Tessa says, her words music to my ears. “I’m so fucking happy with you, Adam Monroe.”

It’s like sunshine just shone right on me, making me laugh like a fool.

“I’m happy to hear that you’re happy,” I tell her with a laugh, leaning closer to whisper in her ear. “You make me happy, Tessa. You just made me the happiest man on the planet, you beautiful girl.”

I kiss her lightly, my heart skipping a beat at the light blush that colors her cheeks. It’s rosy pink, just like her nipples, which were just in my mouth…

So goddamn beautiful.

I nuzzle her neck, pulling her closer, but Tessa has something else in mind as she pulls me closer, making me lie down next to her on the bed. I slide out of her with a delicious wet pop and dispose of the condom.

“Sleep next to me, Adam,” she asks sleepily, so worn out her eyelids are already heavy with slumber. “Sleep right here, and hold me tight. Can you do that?”

To answer her, I gather her frail body in my arms, pulling her as close as I can without hurting her.

“Today, and for the rest of time,” I promise her softly, and she sighs contentedly, moments before her breathing turns heavier and heavier. She’s already fast asleep.

But I stay awake all night long, unable to believe my luck.

My thoughts are filled with Tessa, with how happy she just made me and how I want to spend the rest of my life making her happy. Because she deserves the moon and the stars and the whole galaxy…

My sweet, beautiful girl.

15 - TESSA

Waking up in Adam’s arms might be my new favorite feeling in the world. I don’t have that moment when I don’t know where I’ve woken up, instead knowing right away that I am exactly where I should be, my stepbrother’s arms wrapped tightly around me.

I’m grinning as I lean over to him, kissing him right on the lips. Who gives a fuck about morning breath when you have Adam Monroe next to you, and he just called you beautiful all night long?

“Morning,” he says sleepily, his voice deep and raspy. “Sleep well, dirty girl?”

“The best,” I reply with a grin, unable to stop kissing him. A peck here, a kiss there…I’m unable to resist his full lips, the defiant curve of his mouth. “Thank you, Adam…thank you for the best night of my life.”

He’s only waking up, but his eyes widen at my words.

“Really?” he asks, sounding unsure of himself for once. For some reason, it makes me strangely excited he’s a little nervous.

“Yeah,” I giggle, kissing him on the lips again. “That was amazing. And I fully expect round two when I come back home…” With that, I start slipping off the bed, but his hand finds mine and pulls me back desperately.

“Where are you going, sweetheart?” he asks. “Won’t you stay a moment longer? I have some fun stuff in mind we could do…”

Memories of last night flood my mind, his sexy game, the amazing sex, and his fucking thick cock, which I was sure would never fit in me, but proved to be just as much as I could take… the thoughts make me lick my lips, wanting more than he could ever give me.

“I have to go to work,” I say regretfully. “I have the breakfast shift this morning.”

“Skip it,” Adam suggests with a wicked gleam in his eyes. “I’ll cover for you… some kind of family emergency, hey? I’m sure we can pull it off together.”

I laugh it off, shaking my head. As fun as last night was, I want to prove to Adam I’m not only serious about him, but the restaurant as well. I want to show him I’ll do anything to make it work, show him just how much I’m worth.

“I have to go,” I say sadly, getting up as Adam whistles at my behind. I can feel a blush coming on, but this time it’s not self-conscious, but instead heated and making me want to climb right back into bed with him. Unfortunately, work awaits…

“I’ll see you after lunch break?” I ask Adam hopefully, having memorized his work schedule weeks ago.

“You will, dirty girl,” he promises me with a wicked look that makes me giggle. “Go be good for me…you can be bad when we get back home tonight.”

I roll my eyes, laughing on the inside as I blow him a kiss and head out of the bedroom.

“Nice ass, stepsis,” he calls after me and I wiggle my butt just because I know it will drive him fucking crazy seeing me like that.

What the hell is happening to me? I’m a totally different person. The Tessa Silver I knew is no longer, and in her place is a confident vixen, ready to take on the world.

For once, I feel my happiest as I quickly pull on my work uniform and head outside. As I walk away from the house, I look back for a quick moment and find Adam looking at me from the master bedroom window. It makes me smile wildly, and we wave at each other like two silly teenagers.

Adam proceeds to blow me kisses and then presses his ass on the window, making me collapse in laughter. Finally, I wave him off, shaking my head as I continue on my way to work. But the smile on my face doesn’t falter, not for one moment.

The whole walk to work, my mind is filled with Adam, nothing but Adam. Truth be told, it’s always been somewhat like that. I’ve tried to push him away as hard as I could, but Adam’s taken permanent residency in my mind and he isn’t about to get out unless I force him…and I’m not about to do that again.

Last night was amazing, pure passion mixed with tender feelings that might one day…


I stop in my tracks as the truth dawns on me.

I was thinking it might one day result in us falling in love…but who the hell am I fooling? I’ve been in love with Adam Monroe since the day he stepped into my mother’s house, desperately chasing him all my life, until I finally ended up on his doorstep.

Where I’ve always known I belong.

I’ve fallen in love with Adam.

I test out the sentence silently in my mind, realizing it’s definitely true. Just thinking about his name makes my belly dissolve in fluttery butterflies, makes me want to run back to his house and make him claim me all over again.

I’m totally, head over heels in love with my stepbrother…and I want him to fuck me like he did last night, until the last day of my life.

“Fuck,” I say out loud, laughing nervously. I feel like a fool…a stupid, crazy in love fool.

And it feels damn good.


At first, I don’t even acknowledge the voice calling out my name. It has to be repeated several times until I finally realize someone’s calling me. And then I raise my eyes to the person so desperate to get my attention…and immediately wish I hadn’t done it.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Jared’s face stares back at me. Handsome, tall, broad-shouldered and just the perfect amount of nerdy to still be hot with thick, black rimmed glasses. Jared. My photographer ex.

“Um, hi,” I say, still recovering from the shock of seeing him here. My heart is already beating like crazy, hating every minute of what I know is about to come.

“Fucking shit, Tessa,” Jared curses, coming closer to me. I cower from his touch, half expecting him to strike me with a slap. Even though the hit never comes, it still feels like I’m recovering from his fist connecting with my face as he stares me down, his eyes angry and pissed off.

“Where the hell have you been?” he asks me sternly.

“Um,” I reply, unable to form coherent sentences. I look around, half expecting Adam to run up and save me from this unpleasant encounter. But he’s back at home, comfy in his luxurious bed, while I’m here facing my horrible past.

“I just…” I start speaking, but Jared won’t let me finish, cutting into my sentence right away.

“You just what, Tessa?” he asks me angrily, his voice so full of rage it’s almost shaking. “You just thought you’d leave town, not even let anyone know where you were going? You thought you could just split after being treated in a fucking hospital, Tess?”

He’s furious, and he has good reason to be.

But there’s a nagging thought at the back of my mind. We broke up, only days before my admission to the hospital. So why is he here? He wasn’t even my boyfriend when it all happened, and he made it plain and simple for me to see he didn’t give a crap about me.

“You have a job Tessa, in case you’ve forgotten,” Jared reminds me coolly.

Ah, of course – there it is. What this has been about all along. Just earning money, more and more money until we’re so fucking rich we could buy a goddamned mansion, but so empty inside it feels like we’re just shells of the people we used to be.

“I didn’t forget,” I say angrily. “It says in my contract I’m allowed to stop if I get sick. I made sure of it when I signed it.”

“Made sure of it?” he mocks me angrily, and by now I’m pretty sure we’re attracting stares from strangers on the road we’re standing on. “So you made sure you could bail if you felt like it was all too much? Play your little game of pretend, say you were sick again? I’m sure that worked in the past Tess, but we’re all over that. You’re not even sick.”

He looks at me with pure disgust in his eyes. I think back to the hospital, the most horrible days of my life. I remember the tubes coming out of every hand, out of my nose and my mouth. I remember feeling so frail I thought my bones would break and snap, feeling like I’d just crumble.

Ashes to ashes.

“If anything, you’ve been a total slob,” Jared says disgustedly. “You’ve gained weight, haven’t you? Don’t you give a fuck about your career? Damn it to hell, Tessa!”

I feel so fucking small, so little compared to the elation being with Adam made me feel. All it took was one fucking person from the past, and I’m back to feeling like a speck of dust, like I’m worth nothing at all. I can already feel my mind making me bend to Jared, do anything he wants me to.

“I’m sorry,” I say softly, my voice shaking. “I’m sorry I just left…I didn’t mean to hurt or disappoint anyone. I just needed to get away, if only for just a little bit.”

Jared sighs heavily, rubbing his eyes. He looks amazing, as he always does, but I know his outfit alone took him an hour to pick out. Truth be told, his shirt doesn’t really go with the chinos he’s wearing, but I’m not about to burst his bubble. I’m the one in the spotlight, and I have to make up for what I’ve done.

I think of Adam and remind myself I’m doing it all for him. Just this conversation, and I can get back to the real world. My new real world.

“Do you want to get a drink, Jared?” I ask my ex weakly. “We can discuss anything you want, but after that, I have to get back to work.”

“Yeah, why not,” he says in a defeated tone, and we share a look.

We’ve been through a lot together, Jared and me. I helped him a lot after he had a horrific fight with his parents, after they discovered he was bi. They went totally insane, accusing him of betraying a faith he never even believed in. I saw him at his worst, a sobbing mess, and a broken man.

And he saw me at what I thought was my best, but what I now know was just a shell. He saw me as a model for his photos, the most beautiful, exquisite girl he’d ever laid eyes on.

But it was never quite enough.

Lose an inch here, an inch there. Cut my hair, color it. Dress the way I should, wear the right shoes, even the right shade of lipstick and nail polish.

And yet, it never seemed to be enough.

There was always a girl with longer hair, longer nails, and longer legs. Better lips, better boobs, better ass. I was never good enough, could never reach up to them as hard as I tried.

Without saying another word, Jared and I make our way towards a coffee shop on the street. By this point, I’m already late for work but I don’t dare say anything, afraid I’ll set him off and he’ll start ranting again.

We settle at a table outside in a relatively quiet area. We order two coffees, with Jared placing my order for me. He orders an espresso, not my type of coffee at all.

Adam would’ve never done that, I think dreamily, and a smile appears on my lips as I remember our night together. Jared can make me talk all he wants, but he’ll never be able to take that away from me.

“Why are you here, Tessa?” he finally asks a moment after the waitress deposits our drinks on the table before us. He’s giving me a scrutinizing look and I sigh before responding.

“It was all too much at the hospital,” I admit. “I couldn’t handle the pressure anymore, needed to get away for a little while. But I don’t understand why you’re here?”

I give him a suspicious look. “Did my mom make you come looking for me?”

Guilt over not telling my mother what’s been going on with me overwhelms me. Poor woman, she must be worried sick. I really shouldn’t have done that.

“No,” Jared says, his mouth set in a thin, unattractive line. “I needed to find you. I have an amazing deal for you, for us.”

I stare at him blankly, realizing I don’t even care about the so-called deal he’s found for us. “What is it?” I ask unenthusiastically.

“A photo op,” he says quickly, and I can see the excitement lighting sparks in his eyes. “A modeling contract with Elite for you, a spread in Elle for me.”

My eyes widen in surprise at his news. This is big stuff he’s talking about, the stuff I’d been dreaming about for years prior to coming to Adam.

“And?” I ask with maybe a little more interest than a moment before. “What makes you think I still care about that kind of stuff?”

“You and I, Tessa,” he begins, giving me a conspiratorial look. “We’re two of a kind, aren’t we? We care about our careers, darling, we want to make the most of what we’ve been given. And we can do it, together.”

“I’m not modeling anymore,” I explain weakly and he shakes his head dismissively.

“Of course you’re not, you’ve gained weight,” he says contemptuously. Even though I know I shouldn’t care, it slices right through my skin, hurting to the bone.

“How did you find me, anyway?” I ask, my patience becoming weaker by the second. And this seems to set Jared off again as he gives me a sly look, motioning for me to come closer and listen to him.

“I know why you’re here, Tess,” he says, his voice a soft purr, appealing yet threatening at the same time. Like a cat getting ready to strike its victim.

“What do you mean?” I ask, stuttering the words.

“I know about stepbrother dearest,” Jared says triumphantly, and I’m pretty sure all the blood drains from my face. “I know you came running right to his doorstep, you filthy, dirty girl.”

And suddenly, the words that turned me on so much the previous night sound horribly dirty coming from my ex-boyfriend’s mouth.

“What are you saying?” I ask cautiously. I’ve no idea where he’s taking this, but I don’t like his tone much, that’s for sure. “Adam is my friend, has been for years.”

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