Baby, You're the Best (13 page)

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Authors: Mary B. Morrison

BOOK: Baby, You're the Best
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aiting for Fabulous to finish giving her statement inside the house, I sat in a rocking chair on her front porch. Didn’t need to know the specifics. There was zero justification for a dude laying fists to any woman’s face.
The afternoon sunshine disappeared behind a layer of dark clouds. From what I’d heard, not much drama happened in the city of Roswell. If Fabulous became my new woman or my side gurl, this place could become a real chill zone for me. I liked how Fabulous’s house was tucked away from the congestion I was accustomed to in Buckhead.
She had the seventy-inch-screen television, surround sound speakers, all the shit a man liked. Showing up to curse out Fabulous for standing me up, I felt bad when I saw her black eyes and busted lip.
That fucked up shit brought back memories of what my dad had done to my mom. Guilt crept in on how I’d abandoned Charlotte. A lot of shit was competing in my head for attention. If it were true that everything happened for a reason, my being here with Fabulous was where I was meant to be. I missed my mom, and a few tears rolled down a brotha’s face.
A soft voice said, “Hey, Spencer. You okay?” Alexis sat in the rocker beside me, then held my hand. “I’m glad you came.”
This female was bold, straight trouble, and one hundred percent sexy. Alexis dried my tears. Instantly my dick got hard.
“I’m not that sentimental brotha that cry all the time,” I told her, toughening up.
“Then what’s got you flowing?”
Trouble with a capital
I volunteered to share my story for two reasons. One, to take my mind off of fucking her. Two, I wanted to let her know I understood how she might be feeling about her mom.
“When I was ten I saw my dad beat my mom. It wasn’t the first time but it was the worst I’d witnessed.” My high school drama days kicked in. I added serious facial expressions as I continued. “That day it was so bad I thought, if he hits her one more time, my mother is going to die.”
Alexis leaned closer.
“This shit is real. I was so angry. I wanted to blow his brains out. Scared as a rat might be crossing a starving cat’s path to get to a piece of cheese, I didn’t care what would happen to me.” I paused, stuck out my chest, squeezed her hand, then proudly said, “I became brave that day. I’d gone to the garage, grabbed the shotgun. Boldly, I aimed the barrel at my father’s head. He’d taught me how to shoot to kill. Two shots to the chest. One to the head. My ten-year-old hands started trembling, uncontrollably. His—”
Alexis interrupted. “Spencer, is this a true story?” Her hand glided up and down my bicep.
Sucking in my lips, I glanced toward the front door. “Yes. It is.”
“Don’t worry about anyone coming out here. You’re my boyfriend, remember? Tell me the rest of your story,” she said. Letting go of my hand, she removed her cell from her halter, tapped on a few keys. “I’m listening.”
My phone was in my pocket. I pulled it out, scanned my messages.
Alexis touched my hand. “Let’s not do this. I’ll put away my phone. I’m all yours.”
Did she just one-up me? I put my cell away and continued. “My dad told me if you ever put your finger on the trigger, pull it.”
Alexis nodded slowly.
She flinched when I said, “Pow! I’d done as he’d instructed, except I’d fired once. Not three times.”
She shook her head. “Do I need to take you to the shooting range?”
I waved my hand, then continued. “My mom screamed, ‘Jesus!’ That first shot gave me courage to shout, ‘Leave my mama alone or I’m gonna shoot you in your heart for real this time.’ ” I lowered my voice. “I’d meant it. Going to juvenile detention would’ve been worth it knowing he’d never beat my mother again.”
Blinking, I looked up at the sky, rocked back and forth.
“Is that the end?” Alexis asked.
I shook my head, told her, “I’d never forget how my dad rushed toward me, took the gun. That day my father fought me like a man and told me, ‘If you ever come between me and your mother again, I’ll kill you, you lil sissy.’ That’s the end,” I lied. When my dad called me a sissy, I assumed he knew his brother had molested me.
“I have daddy issues too,” she said. “Maybe one day I’ll tell you mine.”
I was battling demons. My heart was hurting. I wanted someone to love me the way my mother loved me. It was one thing not having my dad. Fuck that nigga! I didn’t care if he was dead or alive. But moms .. . Moms, man. I still questioned God about His decision to take her from me. He knew she was my world.
The thought choked me. I swallowed. I wanted, make that needed, a woman to truly care for me. Maybe Fabulous was that person.
Alexis asked, “You have kids?”
I shook my head.
“I’d never forget what my mom told me the next day. On our way home from Piedmont Hospital, she said, ‘Baby, I’m so sorry.’ When we got home to our apartment, my father was gone. Probably afraid he’d get arrested again. Punk. He was always running from his responsibilities as a man, as a father. His doing time for beating my mom was always somehow my mother’s fault.”
Alexis sniffled. I stared into her eyes. “It’s okay to cry,” I said, rubbing the back of her hand. Damn, her skin was like silk.
“I’m tired of crying over my dad,” she said.
“Never take your mom for granted,” I said. “That day was the last time I saw my father. My mother held me in her arms. Rocked me for what must have been hours. She’d said, ‘I’m grown, baby. I can take the abuse. But I’ll kill your father if he ever puts his hands on you again. It’s just you and me now, Spence. We’re all we’ve got.’ ”
I became quiet like Alexis.
My mom apologized all that night. Honestly, I didn’t believe her. I thought she was going to let him back in. But I watched how strong she became afterward. Whatever she told him, he never came back. Not even to get his things.
There was a strange sense of comfort that came over me while holding Alexis’s hand. Being with her released the tightness in my chest. Maybe I simply needed a woman who cared enough to listen to my story.
“I hate that that happened to your mom,” she said.
“And I swear I didn’t know your mom was married.”
“She’s not. He is. Or should I say, was. Honestly, Fortune should’ve been gone a long a time ago. I don’t know why my mom let him move in with her but she makes irrational decisions.”
I wondered where Charlotte was.
Alexis and I rocked in unison.
“Now what?” she asked.
“I’m not sure. I like your mom.”
“You like Charlotte, too,” she said, then asked, “You have any brothers? Cousins? Friends, that are nice like you?” Alexis interlocked her fingers with mine in a sensuous way.
I looked at her. A ray of sunlight broke through the darkness and beamed on her sweet chocolate radiant skin as though she was in the spotlight. Alexis’s full cocoa lips had a dimple right in the middle of her bottom lip. I wanted to kiss her.
“My boy, LB. He’s a good dude. If you’re serious, I can introduce you.”
A closed-lip smile brightened her face. My facial expression mimicked hers. Alexis nodded. “He’s hot enough but I want you,” she said, staring at my dick.
I took a deep breath, then exhaled.
“You’re a good guy, Spencer. Stay that way.” Alexis patted my hand, let go, then stood. Her pussy was a fraction of an inch from my face. The breeze blew her short dress high enough for me to see her orange lace thong. If I stuck my tongue out, I could lick her clit.
Planting my feet firmly on the porch, I made sure I did not rock forward.
Hey LB.
He texted me back.
Hi Alexis. What’s kosher?
I replied,
Depends on what you’re working with. You tell me.
He hit me with,
Ladies first.
Sighing heavily, I was ready to put this bitch on block. There was no third text from me. If a man (or woman) didn’t call me after two texts from me, I moved on. If LB had taken me out on a first date, that’d be different. After having sex with someone, they were officially in my roundup. That’s when texting without a call was cool.
My cell rang, it was my on-again, off-again. “Hey, babe.”
“Hey, sweetheart, what’s up?” James asked.
“Missing you.”
“Same here,” he said. “You want to grab something to eat, then chill at my place?”
I told my guy, “I’d like that.”
“Be there in thirty, sweetheart.”
“I’ll be ready in twenty.”
Softly, he said, “You’re in a good mood. Stay that way. I love you.”
I ended the call with a huge smile on my face. I’d already taken a shower. Decided to take another one. Removing my black minidress, I slipped on a shower cap, freshened up all over, then stepped out. Lotion. Makeup. Perfume. My emerald strapless minidress with rhinestones that were aligned with the crack of my juicy booty was the ideal selection. James liked easy access to my breasts and my pussy. Chanel did too. After seeing my mother’s face, I appreciated James more. He’d get upset sometimes but he’d never put his hands on me in an aggressive way, not even when we were making love.
My cell registered a call from the garage box. I pressed the number nine to open the gate. A text registered from James,
I’m parked on your level. Take your time sweetheart.
I put on my gold stilettoes, checked my firearm. Placed my gun in my purse, then trotted down the hallway and out the door.
James extended his arms. “As usual,” he said, drawing me close to him. “You look and smell amazing.
I lay my head on his chest. He held me. I mouthed, “I love you.” Wasn’t ready to say it aloud. Had to maintain my position of letting my guy love me more.
The way the coroners carried Fortune’s body out in that black bag, not being able to get the image of my mom’s face out of my mind, hearing Domino’s story about his mother, I had many reasons to be grateful. None of those things changed my mind about meeting my dad.
“I’ve decided to take Tréme’s recommendation for my dissertation. That means, soon I’ll have to question my mother about my father.”
He stepped back and smiled at me. “Sweetheart, that’s great. I’m proud of you for making that decision. Whatever I can do to assist, let me know.”
Settling into my guy’s white Porsche, I fastened my seatbelt. A text came in from Chanel.
You coming tonight?
I replied,
Of course baby. See you around midnight.
I still want us to have a baby,
she replied.
Texting back,
I dropped my cell in my purse.
Driving east on Pharr Road, James turned left onto Piedmont. In five minutes we were at valet at Ocean Prime. Two hours to eat. Four to have sex then chill at my place, was my plan. Hopefully, we wouldn’t have to argue about his not spending the night. Sitting in a booth by the bar, I kissed the back of his hand then interlocked my fingers with his.
James was the most beautiful black man. His flawless cinnamon-chocolate bald head, those dark succulent lips, gorgeous teeth, and thick black brows turned me on. The whiteness of his eyes when he looked my way made my pussy tingle.
He smiled at me. Shook his head. “Alexis, when are you going to stop running around and settle down with me?”
“We’ve been together three years. I’m not going anywhere. We can discuss becoming a family and starting one over drinks.”
For a moment he was speechless until the bartender came. James ordered. “The lady will have a mai tai and a vodka and cran for me.”
Chanel wanted a baby but she couldn’t make one. James would love for me to have his child. I was almost done with college. I wasn’t planning on getting pregnant right away but conceiving his child before graduation would give me financial and emotional stability. I’d worry about how to handle my sexual freedom later. James still hadn’t said anything.
“You okay?” I asked.
We were seated on the couch by the fireplace near the pianist. This was one of our favorite places.
The server placed our drinks on the table. “May I take your food order?”
“You can take back the drinks,” James said. “Let us have a bottle of champagne.”
“Are we celebrating a special occasion?” the server asked.
“Depends on how my lady is feeling.” James rubbed my thigh and my pussy got wet. I felt moisture between my thighs.
Another reason why I wore short dresses was to avoid perspiration stains on my clothes. That was just nasty.
“Does our being a family include Chanel?”
“Here we go.” Leaning back, I slouched a little then straightened my spine. Poor posture was for the lazy.
It’s complicated.
I looked into his amazing brown eyes. “I love you.” There, I’d said it. Felt strange.
Didn’t want to say it this early but this fine black man adored me. If he owned the world, I knew for a fact he’d give it to me. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I wondered if my mom had ever let a good man get away.
The waiter placed the ice bucket on the table, filled two glasses, then asked, “Are you ready to order?”
“Give us a moment,” James said.
Exhaling, I said, “I’m not sure if I want to stay in Atlanta after I complete grad school next year.”
Leaning back against the couch, he spread his legs. His cream-colored pants bulged at the zipper. “Why?”
I closed then opened my eyes. Imagined his long, thick, pretty dick. He had that mouth-watering kind that he couldn’t hide. I imagined that was one reason gay men hit on him all the time.
“I can give up seeing other guys, James, but I don’t feel the same about women.”
“You want to have my baby but you think you’re a lesbian?”
I shook my head. “Babe. Please. Stop.”
James said, “If marrying you means I have to accept your having your female companion, I can do that.”
My eyes widened in disbelief. Being with me wasn’t that simple. I wanted to have sex with Domino. Not so much with LB. Most men didn’t excite me enough to take off my clothes but what about the ones who did?
James knelt before me, pulled a small black box from his pocket, opened it. I swear, I was blinded by what must’ve been five carats.
“Alexis Crystal, will you become my wife.”
I wasn’t sure if my “yes” was for him, the ring, or the fact that I could have a female side. I wanted to invite James to the strip club tonight but that would piss Chanel off.
He eased the ring on my finger, then lay his head in my lap. “I love you, Alexis.”
My eyes were wide. I didn’t blink. “I love you, too, James.”
I meant that. I truly did. Honestly. I did.

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