Baby Love (13 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Baby Love
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              I was dressed in my new black suit peering at myself in the full-size mirror in Trey's closet.  I had purchased new heels to go with it.  I had dark nylon thigh-high stockings on with my 3" pumps.  I perched my leg up on the foot stool in the dressing room to smooth the nylons up, readjusting the lacey band at the top of my thigh.

Trey came out of the bathroom having skipped his morning ritual of getting up earlier and going to the gym and showering and dressing there.  He stopped short when he saw me; a slow grin crossed his face.

"Baby you look awesome," he said, closing the distance between us. 

I smiled up at him as he closed in on me, grazing my thigh with his fingertips, pulling me up against him firmly.  I blushed thinking about what had transpired the previous night. Trey and I had been making love every night for the past several; last night had been especially delicious. 

He lowered his head to mine, his lips kissing mine warmly and seductively.  He moaned reflecting my sentiments exactly.  I yearned for him to be inside of me once again, remembering how hot it had been the previous night.  I had worried that Susan might have heard our lovemaking being that we were a bit louder than usual.

"I love you baby," he said softly. "How about helping me with my tie?"

"Certainly Mr. Sinclair," I answered in a coquettish manner, reaching out to start tying his tie. 

Trey smiled down at me, thoroughly happy that I was returning to the workforce, if only for a few weeks.  I finished his tie, brushing some lint off of his suit jacket totally mesmerized at his awesome build and great looks.

"You look great honey," I breathed, raising my face back up to meet his warm lips one more time before we headed out of our suite.

I could hear Susan in the kitchen and the smell of freshly brewed coffee greeted us as we entered the living room.  Preston was in her mesh baby playpen already dressed in her pink bib overalls with a white cotton turtleneck underneath.  Susan had pulled the baby's hair up into a thin wispy ponytail on top of her head.  She looked like a non-cartoon version of Pebbles Flintstone with that cute little sprout of hair. She was sitting up chewing on a rubber rattle when she saw us. She was teething and had taken to chewing on everything it seemed.

Preston squealed in delight at seeing Trey and I enter the room.  Trey went over to the playpen. She was gurgling and cooing, holding her little arms up so that he would lift her up. He didn't hesitate in doing so, holding her close and kissing her forehead.

"Hey Chubbers," he greeted her with a smile showing his dimple. 

              She quickly returned the favor presenting her dimple to him.  She was still clutching her rubber rattle and offered it to her daddy.

"I don't want that," he teased. "It's got 'Preston slobber' all over it.  Yucky!" 

She giggled with delight as he continued talking to her as we entered the kitchen.  Susan had made coffee and poured juice for both of us.  She was at the stove scrambling up some eggs with cheese the way Trey liked them.

"Good morning," she greeted us smiling. 

"Now the both of you look so handsome.  Tylar that suit was such a good choice honey.  I'm glad you selected that one instead of the grey one.  I just think the grey one hid too much of your youthful build."

Trey chuckled gazing at my legs appreciatively and the outline of my butt beneath the black skirt.  It was Chanel but I appeased myself with the fact that it was a basic black suit with classic lines that could be worn for a few years.

"Thank you Susan, I'm glad you talked me into this one as well.  Has Preston had a bottle yet?"

"She was up with the chickens this morning.  Grandma fed her around 6:30.  She has plenty of bottles left for the day if you're worried," she said.

Susan placed Trey's breakfast plate in front of him.  I reached over, taking the baby from him so that he could eat.

"I'm going to nurse her for just a few minutes, Susan, why don't you go ahead and sit down and eat with Trey."

"Okay honey," she said. "I'll keep your plate warm."

I took Preston into the living room, unbuttoning my jacket and pulling the silk camisole down to allow her access.  She dropped the rubber rattle to the floor and latched onto my nipple before I had even sat down on the couch.  I positioned her comfortably in the crook of my arm so I could watch her while she nursed.  She fisted my breast and locked her blue eyes on my face. She watched me intently as she always did when I nursed her. I traced a finger along her soft cheek getting a smile from her. 

"Mommy is going to miss you today sweet girl," I said softly to her.

"Grandma will take very good care of you, okay?  And later on, daddy and mommy will be home and we will all play together before bedtime again.  Just like last night, okay sweet baby?  Mommy loves you more than anything Preston."

She grinned up at me then returned to her gentle sucking.  I loved her so much. She would be five months old in less than a week.  Susan had been with us for nearly six weeks.  That must have been difficult for both her and Clive.  I would hate to be apart from Trey that long. 

A lot of changes had taken place in the past six weeks.  I had put further counseling sessions on hold with Karla since I was starting back to work.  All in all, Karla was pleased with our sessions and the marked improvement in my emotional health.

Trey joined us ten minutes later, reaching down to take the baby so that I could eat breakfast.  She released my nipple reluctantly. 

I kissed her cheek and buttoned myself back up.  Trey distracted her from fussing about the interruption by getting some of her other toys from the playpen and having her reach for them while she sat on his lap.

Susan was cleaning up their breakfast dishes and updated me on two candidates that were coming by for an interview today.  We had seen three candidates the previous week from the agency that for one reason or another had not panned out.  Susan suggested we run a newspaper ad as well and conduct our own background checks once we had narrowed it down. The candidates this week had responded to the newspaper ad.  We were hopeful they would have more applicable skill sets.

The first candidate was scheduled for 10:30 a.m. and the second one was scheduled for 3:00 this afternoon.  We had decided that since I was returning to work this week, Susan would do the initial interview screening at two a day for a total of eight candidates.  She would then narrow it down to three candidates for Trey and I to interview on Saturday. She was leaving Sunday to return to Bristol.

"Do you want me to call you on your lunch hour to let you know about the first interview this morning Tylar?"

"That would be great Susan, yes, thanks."

"The first interview is with a young girl named Julie who came recommended by the family in the apartment on the second floor.  I met her when I was getting the mail."

"Yes, I recall you saying that," I replied.  "Who is the second interviewee again?"

"That's the retired nurse.  Let's see I have her resume here on the counter somewhere.  Yes, here it is.  Her name is Sheila Bradley.  Listen to this - she worked for more than twenty years as a nurse in obstetrics for North Bay hospital.  She is retired and misses working around babies.  Sounds promising."

I recalled reading through the resumes and seeing the one for Sheila Bradley.  It struck me as a little bit odd as to why she had retired if she now missed working around babies enough to want a job as a babysitter.  Nurses could always go back on the circuit I would have thought.

"Anyway, I have the list of questions that you and Trey put together along with some of my own," Susan continued.                "We will make this a very thorough process I guarantee you."

"I'm still going to miss you Mom," I replied, looking up at her. 

Her eyes teared up a bit as she came over and put her hands on my shoulders patting them.

"I know sweet girl, I will miss you too.  It won’t be for long though.  We expect you, Trey and the baby for Thanksgiving.  Clive will be totally mended by then."

Thanksgiving was only eight weeks away.  It was hard to believe all that had happened since last Thanksgiving.  I was only working for the next six weeks so I would have a couple of weeks as a breather before we started preparations for the holidays.  It would be Preston's first Christmas.  Trey and I were excited about that.  I knew Trey was worried about his dad.  We had assured Susan that we would fly to Bristol if she needed us there.  She was adamant that everything would be fine.

My first work day back at the firm was spent getting updated on everything that Leah had going over in Mr. Harmon's area.  We reviewed the current caseload, statuses, court calendar, deposition schedule and meeting notices.  By lunch time it seemed as if I hadn't been gone for any length of time at all.

I was eating lunch in the break room around 12:30 when my Blackberry vibrated.  It was Susan.  She told me that everything had gone quite well with Julie's interview.  She had taken detailed notes of Julie's answers to all of the questions she was asked. 

Susan said that she also made sure to observe some interaction between Julie and the baby; asking Julie to hold Preston while she went to check on something she had simmering on the stove.  She had been impressed with Julie and definitely felt like she would make a finalist for this position.  She also said that Julie had left a reference list for our review.

We talked for a little bit longer; I asked how Preston was doing and Susan said that she had played in her playpen most of the morning entertaining herself nicely.  She had given her a bottle around noon, changed her diaper and then put her down for a nap.  Susan wanted to make sure she was awake when Nurse Bradley got there for her interview this afternoon.  I told her Trey and I would try and make it home by 5:30.

The afternoon sped by quickly as Leah and I continued to put together an activity calendar covering important dates and events that were upcoming on Harmon's cases to ensure nothing slipped through the cracks. I was entering the data into the database calendar which would also tie into whatever filings needed to be filed by statutory guidelines.  I came across a Motion for Oral Argument that was coded as 'MDL-JPML'.  It was scheduled in a few weeks at the 5th Circuit Court in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

"What does this mean Leah?" I asked, showing her the printout.

"MDL," she said, looking over my shoulder.  "That's multidistrict litigation.  That's actually one of Harmon's and Sinclair's class action cases under mass torts.  You remember that case that was going on when you had the baby?"

I nodded remembering Gina going on about it on the phone with Ian while I was in labor at the hospital.  Who could forget the bizarre questions of fact on that one?

  "Well, it was only at the preliminary hearing stage back then.   Apparently the case is complex and has morphed into a mass tort situation involving plaintiffs in different federal court districts.  So the firm filed a Motion to centralize the case under one federal court to expedite the process."

"Harmon or Sinclair will give an oral argument in Baton Rouge on that date in front of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation to see if they will rule to grant the motion."

I nodded as if I understood everything she had explained but I really didn't.  I would ask Trey more about it later.  Leah was continuing to explain in more detail about the JPML and the federal judges that comprised the panel when I stopped entering the data into my computer.  I was struck by the name of one of the panel members on the JPML - it was listed as Judge Preston James Tylar. I scanned his Curriculum Vitiate.

He was a federal judge appointed by the president to the 5th Circuit Court back in 1991, the same year that I was born. 

I wasn't sure of the significance of that, but in conjunction with the similarity of our names, it had given me pause for a moment.  Preston James Tylar.  Tylar Jamie Preston.  Weird.

"Are you okay Tylar?" 

Leah was watching me from her desk, a look of concern on her face.

"Oh, yeah - sorry Leah, " I said smiling over at her.  "It's nothing.  I just got a little caught up with one of the judge's names.  It's kind of similar to mine - well to my name before I married Trey that is, well sort of anyway." 

Thankfully my Blackberry beeped indicating I had a text message so that I didn't have to explain anything further to Leah.  It was Trey.


How is your day going?  I haven't had the pleasure of even seeing you in passing!  Tell Leah you need a break - meet me in Conference Room 3E


I flushed and smiled.  He could be so wicked…

"Leah, "I said, "I have to run to the restroom and then over to Central Filing for a few minutes.  Is that okay?

"Sure," she said, "Take your time."

I gathered up a few file folders to make it look like I was about firm business and headed through the maze over to the other side of the building to the east conference room.  It was located in a rarely used area of the building.  It was a small conference room generally only used when there was an over-booking issue with all of the others which was practically never.

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