B01EU62FUC (R) (4 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

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Valerie woke slowly, feeling something heavy weighing her down. She was lying on her side, facing a wall, and her eyes slowly focused on the room around her. She felt no panic, used to waking up in strange places. After a moment it hit her. She was in a hotel room in Vegas. And she was married to Jesse Savoy, the man who set her body on fire.

Glancing down, she saw his arm around her, and she snuggled backward. He had wrapped his entire body around her tiny frame. She wiggled a little, feeling him pull her even closer against him.

She could feel his bare chest against her shoulders, and something was poking against her bottom, but she refused to think about that. Why did it feel so safe to be with him this way? She knew any other man would have had her feeling more than a little frightened in the same situation. She trusted Jesse, though. He wouldn’t hurt her.

She slowly rolled over so she could see his face. She’d never seen him sleeping and wondered how he’d look.

When she turned to him, she saw that his eyes were wide open and staring into hers. “G’morning,” she whispered, embarrassed.

His lazy grin transformed his face. “Good morning.” His hand came up to cup her cheek as his lips sought hers.

After a lazy, tongue-tangling kiss, he stroked her hair away from her face. “Do you want to explore Vegas today?”

She shrugged. “I’ve been before. It’s not my favorite place in the world.” She truly didn’t care what they did as long as she got to spend time with him and get to know him better as they explored their new relationship.

“So what do you want to do today?” he asked, his hand drifting down her side.

She blushed. “Well, how would you feel about staying in and maybe watching some movies. Or we could go to a show. I heard the magic show at the Rio is good.”

“Staying in and watching movies sounds good to me.”

Valerie smiled, glad they could come to an agreement so quickly. It was new for her to have a say in what she did. “I’d like that.”

“I’m sure we can watch something on TV or we can watch Netflix or Amazon Video on your iPad.” Jesse kissed her softly. “I don’t care what we do, as long as we do it together.”

“Are you real?” she asked softly. “When are you going to turn into a monster and start yelling at me?”

He shook his head. “Never. I mean, I’m sure we’ll fight on occasion, but hopefully it will be a long time in coming.”

“I really hope so.” She sat up, dragging the covers to her shoulders. She was more embarrassed about being in just a nightgown with him during the light of day.

He watched her for a moment, a grin on his face, before he moved to sit beside her, his back against the headboard of the bed. “Do you want to go to Coney Island at New York, New York maybe?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“You really just want to stay in?” He’d never known a woman who didn’t want to go out all the time. “You always wanted to go out with Curtis.”

She shrugged. “He’s been strange. I was afraid to be alone with him.” She looked down at her hands, embarrassed to admit it.

“Why didn’t you talk to me about it? You know I’d have been there for you.” He hated she’d gone through a hard time alone.

Her eyes met his. “I did know that. The problem was, I wanted to be there for myself. Sometimes I need to find the strength from inside me, not from others. Does that make any sense at all?”

“Like that episode where you had to save me? Instead of me always saving you?”

“Yes! Exactly like that. I need to be more like Jo in real life. Not always relying on others to take care of me and get me out of tight spots.”

He sighed. “He didn’t ever hit you, did he?”

She averted her eyes, unwilling to admit Curtis had hit her, but also unwilling to lie to him. She was ashamed to have stayed in the relationship for as long as she had. What did that sort of weakness say about her character? “If you want to leave and check out Coney Island, I’m willing.”

Her change of subject made him sad, because it told him everything he didn’t want to know. He wished Curtis was within reach right then, so he could strangle the man. “Not at all. I would like to go out shopping for a ring for you, but that’s the only reason we need to leave at all. And that can wait ‘til we get back to Texas if you want.”

She shrugged. “I would like to have a ring.” She was glad he wasn’t pressing her more on the subject of Curtis.

He put his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “Sounds good to me. Why don’t you order breakfast for us while I shower? And then we’ll head out after we eat, and I’ll buy you the prettiest ring we can find.”

“I’d like that.” Valerie waited a moment before her eyes met his. “You’re pretty awesome, you know.”

Jesse smiled. “I know that I have the most beautiful woman in the world beside me. If that doesn’t make me seem awesome, nothing will.” He got out of bed then, grabbing his phone from the nightstand on his way to the bathroom. He stopped at the door and turned back to her, surprised to find her eyes glued to him. “Were you staring at my butt?”

She blushed, averting her eyes. “I wouldn’t.”

“You were! Well, now I know you like my body. This is a step in the right direction.” He left the room, closing the door behind him.

Valerie buried her face in her hands. His bottom had looked so good in the boxer briefs he was wearing, she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off it. She let out a giggle. She certainly wasn’t frigid, no matter how many times people told her she was.

An hour and a half later, they’d had breakfast, and were in a taxi, heading to a jewelry store. Thankfully, the driver didn’t recognize them, and they were able to talk freely in the backseat while they drove. Valerie didn’t mind being recognized on occasion, but she got tired of people fawning over them. It was always worse when they were together.

When they got to the jewelry store, he paid for the cab, while she went inside. She started to look in the jewelry case, glad there were no price tags. She didn’t want to think about what he was paying for her ring.

He came in a moment later and joined her, pointing out one he liked. “What size ring do you wear?” He lifted her hand in his, staring at it. She was so tiny. How could anyone ever want to hurt her? He wanted to protect her as much as he wanted to make love with her.

She wanted to hide her hands. They were so tiny, she was almost embarrassed to answer him. “Four.”

The man behind the counter frowned. “I’ll have to have one sized down. I don’t carry them so small.”

Jesse looked at him. “How long will that take?” He’d not realized how desperately he wanted her wearing his ring until that moment.

“Oh, I can have it done in under an hour.”

Valerie nodded. “That’s not terrible.”

“Will you try the one I like?” Jesse asked, his eyes on her face.

“Of course.” She waited while the jeweler took the ring from the display, and Jesse slid it onto her finger. It was much too large, of course, but it was beautiful. “Are those emeralds?” she asked, referring to the stones on the sides of the ring.

“Yes, ma’am, and may I say they match your eyes perfectly.”

Valerie looked at Jesse. “I really like it. What do you think?”

Jesse looked from the ring to his wife and back again. “I think that’s the one. Do you want to try on any others before we have it sized?”

There was a commotion at the door as a reporter with a microphone and a cameraman walked into the store. “Valerie Dobson is here with Jesse Savoy looking at what appears to be an engagement ring. Would you like to comment on that?” she held the microphone out to Valerie.

Valerie smiled at Jesse, giving him the look that she usually reserved for when the script called for a smoldering glance, knowing it would make for good press. “Yes, I would. But first, you need to know my name is Valerie Savoy.”

Jesse grinned at her, proud of her for her calmness. When he’d called the local news station, he’d worried she would panic. She always got so nervous before interviews.

The newswoman’s eyes widened. “So you’re not here looking for engagement rings? The wedding has already happened?” She held the microphone out to Jesse.

“We were married in a private ceremony here in Vegas last night. We decided we couldn’t wait another minute.” He grinned down at Valerie as he said the words.

Valerie reached for Jesse’s hand and leaned against him, adding, “We couldn’t be happier. I never thought I’d get to marry my dream man, and here I am, married to the most wonderful man on earth.”

“So, the rumors that your former boyfriend broke up with you because you wouldn’t sleep with him weren’t true?”

Valerie kept her face steady and her smile in place. “It’s true that I wouldn’t sleep with
. But I broke it off. I guess I was holding out for a real man.”

It was all Jesse could do not to burst out laughing. “My wife and I will thank you not to ask questions about our private sex lives.”

“Oh, of course not!” the newswoman replied. “Will you return to Texas to continue filming
Lazy Love
this week? Or are you taking an extended honeymoon?”

“We return on Monday,” Valerie responded. “Every day that I get to work with Jesse is like being on a honeymoon. He makes work fun.”

“Since all of your viewers missed your wedding kiss, maybe you could recreate it for them.”

Jesse laughed softly. “I’ll never pass up an opportunity to kiss this incredible woman!” He gathered her against him and lowered his head, kissing her with a practiced passion.

Valerie wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him back, her fingers winding through his hair, giving the best show she could. She was used to kissing Jesse on camera, and she could make it realistic. It only took a moment for the acting to become real.

When Jesse finally lifted his head, the twinkle in his eyes had her mesmerized. She felt the familiar river of passion flowing through her body. She put her hand to his cheek, forgetting the camera was still there.

Jesse’s eyes didn’t leave hers. “Good enough?” he asked the newswoman.

“I’m sure every television in the Las Vegas area will be shorting out when we air this tonight.” The newswoman quickly stated her name and her channel before signaling the cameraman to end the recording. “Congratulations.”

Jesse nodded, still not looking away from Valerie. “Thanks.”

Valerie smiled at the woman. “Did you get enough?”

The woman laughed. “That kiss was more than enough. Thanks for your time.”

After they’d gone, Valerie nudged Jesse. “Why didn’t you tell me you’d alerted the press where we’d be?”

He shrugged. “I know how nervous you get before interviews. I figured you’d handle it better if it was a surprise.”

“Are you trying to wave a red cape in front of Curtis?” she asked, her voice soft.

He shook his head. “Never even occurred to me. I just wanted our news to break before his.”

“Oh, I’m sure we’ve accomplished that!”



ater that afternoon, Jesse and Valerie sat together on the couch in the hotel trying to decide what to watch on her iPad. “Do you want to watch TV? Or a movie?” she asked.

He shrugged. “I probably won’t watch anything but you.” He knew he should hold his tongue to avoid overwhelming her, but sometimes, he couldn’t resist stating the truth.

She blushed, shaking her head. “Why do you say things like that?”

“Because they’re true.” His hand stroked her hair out of her face. “I’m glad we’re married, you know.”

“You are?” She searched his face carefully. She’d never known him to lie, but he was a good actor.

He nodded. “Of course I am. You’re a beautiful, incredible woman. Why wouldn’t I be thrilled?”

She took a deep breath. “I guess I’m not used to people acting like I’m worth something.”

He frowned at her words. “Curtis was a slime bag.”

She sighed. “I know he was. I never should have stayed with him so long, but I didn’t know how to get away.”

“How’d you end up with him anyway?” He knew they’d been together since high school, but he’d never understood why.

“You know we went to school together. He was my next-door-neighbor, and our moms were friends. We were in the same class of forty-two kids. When I didn’t have a date for the junior prom, he asked me. I wasn’t dating anyone, and we’d known each other forever, so I said yes. We didn’t really date through our senior years, but he was always there. We went to senior prom together, and then when we went away to college, we both ended up at the same school.” She stared off into space as she answered him, not wanting to relive everything but knowing he needed to know—to understand. “We were in the same co-ed dorm, and he watched out for me.”

“Watched out for you or scared away anyone who wanted to be your friend?” Jesse asked, reading her facial expressions.

“They seemed to go hand-in-hand with Curtis.” She stared down at her hands for a moment, before looking back at him, determined to get through the whole story. “We’d go to lunch together. We’d eat dinner together. I didn’t know a lot of people at school, because he was always there. People started to assume we were a couple.”

“You weren’t?”

She shook her head. “Not really. I mean, I’d go to meals with him as a friend, but he never asked me to be his girlfriend or anything.”

“Okay.” He watched her intently, wanting to understand what had happened. Why had this beautiful, intelligent woman ended up with such a slimeball?

“When we went home for Christmas break after our first semester at college, he told his mom we were dating. Then his mom told my mom. There was much rejoicing, and I didn’t feel like I should argue with him.” She shrugged. “I didn’t really want to date him, but I wasn’t sure how to get out of it. Everyone at school thought we were dating anyway. So when we got back to school, he started coming over to study every evening. That’s when I got involved with theater. I found that if I had rehearsals, I could be with people other than him, and he would leave me alone for a little while.”

“Did he hurt you then?”

She shook her head. “Not physically. He’d threaten me sometimes. He was always there during rehearsals, putting a wall between me and the other actors. He would sit in the audience and do his homework while we rehearsed. You know how big he is. All the guys were afraid of him.”

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