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Authors: Eric Worre

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Go Pro


7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional


Eric Worre








©2013 Eric Worre,
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to the Network Marketing


Distributor. Thank you for


having the courage


to follow your dreams.


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I’m not a writer. Let me tell you that up front. The journey that has led to this book has been a very long and winding road. In fact, I’ve attempted to do this a half dozen times and even hired a few ghostwriters to help out. But in the end, it never felt just right, so I guess you’re stuck with me offering it to you in my own words.


I’m not the best Networker either. There are people much better than I am, although I’ve had what most people would call a wildly successful career. I do believe I’ve developed a knack for figuring out what the super successful people do and delivering it in a way that can be easily understood.


Network Marketing has its own “jargon.” Some companies call their people distributors, others are team members, and still others are brand partners, promoters or associates.


Whether it’s the name of a distributor or any of the other jargon in our business, please don’t let that distract you as you read this book. Focus on the concepts, not the names. Concepts never change, while names change all the time.


As we start this journey together, there are a few important people I need to thank.


To my wife Marina, God blessed the world the day you were born, and He blessed me the day I finally found you.


To my children, Taylor, Alexandra, Daniela, Chandler, and Domenic, and my grandson Ethan, I’m so proud of all of you. I have no doubt you will do great things in this world.


To my parents and the rest of my extended family, I can’t thank you enough for all your love and support throughout my entire life. I love my family.


To the thousands of friends around the world, you’ve become my true extended family. I’ve heard it said that “friendship is wealth.” I think that’s true, and because of you, I’m a wealthy man.


To Chad Porter, Network Marketing Pro wouldn’t function without you. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication. I appreciate you so much.


To Melody Marler Forshee, thank you for being my editor and helping to organize this book. I couldn’t have done it without you.


And to the Network Marketing Profession, thank you for saving my life back in 1988. You made me become a better man, and I’ll be forever grateful.




I remember the day I was introduced to Network Marketing for the first time. It was January 1988. I was 23 years old and selling real estate for a small company owned by my father and his friend John Joyce.


I was newly married with a little boy. I was already behind on my bills, and I was scared. The year before I had earned about $45,000 in real estate commissions, which was a good thing. The problem was that I had spent about $60,000, and didn’t save any money to pay my taxes, which would be due in just a few months.


When John Joyce came to my desk that day and said, “Eric, I think I have a way for us to make some extra money,” I said, “Tell me more!” He went on to say a good friend of his had something to show us and had invited us to his house. So I got in the car with John and my dad and drove over to check it out.


When we arrived, he brought us into his living room, popped a tape into his VCR and hit PLAY. I sat and watched this crazy video. It was filled with mansions and limousines and testimonials of people making fortunes virtually overnight. It was so over the top I just couldn’t believe it to be true so I proceeded to tell everyone I thought it was a bad idea and I wasn’t interested. My natural mental filters just couldn’t let it in.


Then something interesting happened. John and my dad said, “Okay, that’s too bad. We’re going to do it anyway.”


This had a MAJOR impact on me because the only thing worse than being broke and in debt was the thought of seeing these two go on to make huge money without me! So, I changed my attitude, pulled my dad aside, and asked him if he would loan me some money to sign up. Thank God he said yes, because deciding to become a Network Marketing distributor completely changed my life.


When I got started, I treated my business like most people do, which is to say I didn’t treat it like a business at all. I got in, made some phone calls, and hoped my timing and positioning was enough for me to get lucky and make a few bucks. And at first it worked! I DID make some money, and it was very exciting, although I have to disclose something to you. For those first few months, my entire strategy was to quickly call all of my dad’s contacts before he had time to get to them. I thought if I called them, told them my dad and John Joyce were involved, and got them to a meeting or to watch a video, then if they were interested my dad wouldn’t fight over who got credit, since I was in his organization. I had limited success with this, but as you can imagine, it didn’t last long.


So three months after I got started, my Network Marketing income dried right up. And when it did, my positive attitude completely went away. I started to blame everything and everyone for my lack of success. My upline wasn’t giving me enough help. The company didn’t provide adequate training. I didn’t know enough people. No one would respect me because I was so young. I blamed the product. I blamed the company. I blamed the economy. I blamed everyone but myself.


But I had a big problem. Blaming the world wasn’t helping to pay my bills. And I had walked away from real estate after that first commission check. It was going to take too long to get a real estate commission and I had no college degree, so getting a decent paying job was out of the question. The only place I could go to create some cash flow was back to Network Marketing.


So I put my head down and went to work. At first it wasn’t easy. In fact, in my first three years I rebuilt my organization seven times! I’d build it up and it would crash and I’d build it up again and it would crash. Over and over and over again.


After those three years, I was more than discouraged. I’d almost lost hope. Then something happened that changed my life. Actually it was a combination of two things. It was the night before a company convention and I was watching a news program on television. They had a guest who was an expert on a topic I can’t recall now. What went through my mind was, “How does a person become an expert on THAT topic?” The only thing I could think of is they must have decided to become experienced, learn everything they could, read every book, talk to every other person, and learn it so completely that they became an expert.


The next day I went to the company convention and watched superstar after superstar walk across the stage. And then, it was like being hit by lightning. It finally clicked in my brain that if I truly decided to do it, I could become an expert at Network Marketing. I could focus on the skills. I could practice until I became an expert, and NO ONE could stop me.


Up until that moment, I was always looking for an angle. I was hoping to get lucky. I was hoping to sponsor that one superstar who was going to change everything. And I was scared I would lose my chance if it didn’t happen soon.


In an instant, everything changed. I realized I didn’t have to worry about getting lucky. Timing and positioning were nice, but not necessary for my long-term success. I didn’t have to worry about my upline, knowing the right people, or anything else. All I had to do was become an expert.


So I decided that day to change my focus and develop the skills to become a Network Marketing Professional. It was a day that changed my life.


Since then, my life has been an amazing adventure. Network Marketing became a career for me. I have complete time freedom. I’ve met the most amazing people around the world. I’ve been able to touch and be touched by the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, travel all over the world, contribute to the causes that are important to me and most importantly, become a better person in the process.

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