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Authors: Lloyd Tackitt

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“Having said that, this currency has to based on something redeemable. Like a gold standard, but not a gold standard in this case because there’s too much gold laying around now. In the recent past, the national currency was moved away from being based on anything redeemable. They could do this because they had started out with a redeemable currency and the citizens had built up a faith in it. I think it was a mistake to leave the gold standard, and trying to float a currency without a base standard now wouldn’t work anyway.”

“All right,” said Adrian. “I’m with you so far.”

Jeff continued. “My thought is to base the new currency on fuel, redeemable at the Corpus Christi refinery. One Texas dollar for one gallon of gasoline or diesel. To do this the republic has to take ownership of the oil coming into Corpus and of the refinery. In order to spread this currency and get the citizens to believe in it and to find it useful…I have a plan in mind. It’s simple really. The new government establishes gas stations across its territory. To establish these gas stations, where the new currency can purchase fuel, the government sends out crews to pre-selected existing stations to put them back in working order, then supplied with tankers of fuel. Electricity to run each station will come from generators that are run off of a portion of the fuel that is regularly delivered. Each station will also be allocated currency to be distributed free to the area’s citizens, each citizen being granted one hundred Texas dollars on a one-time basis. As these new Texas dollars spread, each individual will be able to engage in commerce with other individuals using the currency, slowly but surely replacing the current barter system. The official currency will be the only item that will be recognized for purchasing fuel from the station. It’s a kick start, a boot strap operation. The fuel stations will be replenished with fuel as needed, but the currency will not be distributed again freely.”

“The amount of currency placed into circulation will be calculated against the amount of fuel that can be produced in Corpus in one year. As production improves, more currency will be floated in a balanced amount. Eventually the amount of currency in circulation will be rationed such that it never exceeds more than fifty percent of the amount of fuel that can be produced in a given time…that’s something we can’t predict exactly right now though.”

“At this point I’m guessing you’re wondering just how this new government can make this happen. There’s a plan, but I’ll let the Admiral explain that part.”

The Admiral began by saying “Before I do my part Adrian, do you have any questions for Jeff on what he’s said so far?”

“No, he’s explained it well enough, please go on; this is interesting.”

“Well then let me go back a ways in time to give you some background. When the fleet dispersed to the various places around the nation our fervent hope was that the US government would re-establish itself and we would once again be under a civilian government. Militaries that aren’t so constrained become very dangerous over time. But, and this is a big but, that hasn’t happened; and we, the fleet commanders, have come to the conclusion that it won’t happen. The survivors of the grid’s dropping have no inclination to allow that government to come back. In a few places people have gathered together to try, but have failed each time. No one wants it back. Nearly no one that is. And the few that do are not trusted by the many that don’t.”

“We’ve discussed almost endlessly what to do, and have arrived at the conclusion that we will place the former United States Navy under the command of the Republic of Texas. It is the first credible and freely elected government to form since the disaster.”

Adrian started to speak, but the Admiral raised his hand to stop him. “Whoa now, let me finish. We also speak for the other military branches, Army, Air Force, Marines of course, and Coast Guard. I hate to say it this bluntly, but like it or not you are now the Commander in Chief of the former United States Military. That’s a lot to say and a lot to swallow, but hear me out, there’s logic behind this. Believe me it’s irrefutable, because we have all taken turns playing devil’s advocate and the result, no matter how it’s argued, came out the same way.”

“Now, how does this tie into the currency question? It’s simple, the Republic of Texas now owns the military and it’s the military that is pumping and refining oil. By virtue of possession, the oil and its products belongs to the Republic, therefore the Republic can issue currency backed by the oil and its products. We have a great source of technology and knowledgeable and skilled men and women in Corpus. We’ve already set up a mint to stamp money. We’ve settled on aluminum coins for now, paper printing can come later. Counterfeiting is a problem for the future, the currency can be redesigned as the ability comes along.”

“We’ve also thought through what to do with the military that is now at your disposal and our suggestion, and it’s only a suggestion since you are now the CIC, is to leave the military where it is for now. We can begin refining oil in many places using nuclear powered ships at refineries, these can then distribute the Texas dollars and oil to various portions of the remaining continent and Hawaii and begin bringing order out of the chaos in those places.”

“At some point in the future, this will probably lead to other sections of the country that will want to join the Republic of Texas, and while this may seem far-fetched right now, we believe it will happen. This is a government that has already proven itself even though it is in such an early stage. People want that, they want what you have wrought from the raw material of Texans, they want a stable currency…barter can only take you so far…they want law and order and the model is right here, right now, and nowhere else. In time I believe the entire former United States of America will become something akin to a Union of States of the Republic of Texas.”

“A seed was planted in Cotulla when you were elected President and a new government was formed. This new government, based on individual sovereignty became a catalyst, and the social structure you have created will spread very fast. And some day the former U.S. Armed Forces will be back in the hands it belongs in, the people of this country. It’ll be a different name, it’ll be a different government, but it won’t be a different people.”

Adrian held his hand up stop the Admiral. “So let me get this straight. You’re telling me that the entire United States Armed Forces, all branches of it, have decided that the federal government is dead and buried and the Republic of Texas is the first new government to self-create and that the military is handing over the keys to the Republic of Texas? Does that about sum it up?”

Chapter 29

es Adrian, that pretty well
sums it up. So what do you think so far?”

“I think it’s too much to comment on without time to think it through. The currency idea appeals to me, but I want to think it over and consult with Congress on this. Our first full Congressional meeting starts in one week. I’ll present it to them, and if you’ll allow me to borrow Jeff to answer their questions, we’ll put it to a vote. If it passes Congress my inclination right now is to sign the bill…but I also want to talk to Perry first and get his thoughts.”

“Secondly, to the turning over of the military, I have an immediate reaction, and that is…no. There is no way on God’s green earth that I want to assume command of it. Frankly I don’t even know what Texas would do with it.”

The Admiral replied. “I’m extremely glad to hear that. My biggest fear was that you would jump on it with both feet. It scares me no end to think of all that power aggregated into the hands of one man, or at least one man that actually wants that power. The fact that you don’t want it is hugely reassuring and I’ll sleep much better at night knowing you resisted ownership. However, I’m afraid that it’s a done deal.”

Adrian’s face turned red and his hands clenched into fists. The Admiral was opening his briefcase as Adrian began to speak. “Damn it Admiral! It is not a done deal. I do not and will not accept.”

The Admiral slid a two inch thick file across the table to Adrian. “Mr. President, and I say that knowing we are in your home, you have no choice in this matter. This folder contains the signatures of the Commandants of each of the branches of service. The signatures are appended to a document that turns full and total control over to the current sitting President of Texas and his successors. You simply have no choice in the matter. You have a heavy duty being imposed on you, and what you do with that duty is up to you. You can ignore us, or you can use us…we can’t control that. What we can control we have done so by virtue of this document.”

“Admiral do you realize that you are handing the greatest military in the history of the world into the hands of a simple ground-pounder? You’re placing nuclear warheads and missiles at my command? You’re telling me that I am supposed to be the supreme commander of the entire arsenal and the entire roster of this huge military machine? Do you even begin to comprehend how unqualified I am for that position? You’ve gone insane. Pure and simple.”

Linda watched as Adrian dug into his position and knew that clenched jaw meant business. She also watched the Admiral who was relaxed and cool. It was obvious to her that the Admiral not only expected Adrian’s resistance but as he had said, appreciated it. Watching the Admiral closely, she realized he would only be that relaxed facing Adrian’s refusal if he knew that the outcome was already ordained and Adrian’s resistance couldn’t stop the turnover from happening.

“Adrian…I’m sorry. This is a huge burden to place on any one man’s shoulders. We’ve carried this burden jointly and it has truly been a burden on us. You must know that we will support you to our fullest abilities in any way we can. We will provide suggestions and information to you at every step of every decision if you so desire. But the plain fact is this, you are now the Commander in Chief, involuntarily as it may be. You’ve been drafted son, and there’s no escaping it other than resigning as President…in which case the burden falls on your successor. You say you’re not qualified, but if you’ll remember the qualifications of past President’s you’ll realize that you are indeed far better qualified than the majority of them were. If it helps any, remember that your Constitution gives the power of declaring war only to Congress. Your main job will be to deploy military resources in a defensive posture and to oversee the day to day normal course of actions. If Congress declares a war then you’ll have the advantage of the best military minds in existence to help you formulate strategy. It’s not all bad, Adrian, not if you’re clear-headed and willing to listen before making decisions.”

“Look,” the Admiral continued. “This has been pretty intense, too much to swallow on a moment’s notice, I’m sure. Why don’t we take a break and let’s go see the girls. As frustrating as they are, I’ve grown genuinely attached to them and would like to see how they’re doing. We can pick this up again tonight after you’ve had a little time to absorb it all.”

Before Adrian could respond, Linda said, “That’s an excellent idea. Come on gentlemen I’ll lead the way. Adrian do you want to come or would you rather stay here and think a while?”

Adrian looked at Linda with an almost blank expression. “Hon, if you don’t mind I think I’ll stay here. Would you ask Roman, Matt, Perry, and Tim to come over? I need their advice on this.”

“Sure thing, I’ll do that on the way to the girl’s dorm. We’ll be back in a few hours.”

Linda stopped in front of a large rambling house. “This is the girl’s dorm.” She stepped onto the porch and knocked on the door. Race opened it a moment later.

Linda said, “Brought you some visitors!” Then stood aside so that Race could see the Admiral.

“Admiral!” Race shouted and rushed to give him a bear hug.

The Admiral, not having left the girls on the best of terms, was surprised at the warm welcome. He had been expecting them to be stand-offish at best, and quite possibly hostile.

“Race, it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you girls more than you know. Life on ship has been dull since you left. Everyone misses you girls and sends their regards. They’ve commissioned me to ask you all to come for a visit soon…we’ll provide a helicopter to take you back and forth.”

“Awesome! When can we go? Linda, when can we go?”

Linda looked at the Admiral and raised one eyebrow.

The Admiral replied, “As soon as I clear it with Linda and Adrian. Maybe even starting tomorrow when I go back. It’ll take a few trips to get all of you there. You girls can stay as long as Linda says. I don’t want to interfere with your schooling, though. Speaking of schooling, why don’t you show us around. You know Jose, this other gentleman is Lieutenant Parsons. I believe he’ll be staying behind for a month or two.”

Race took them on a tour of the house. After they settled down after the tour in the large room that doubled as a classroom and living room, she said, “See Admiral, we have everything in the world right here. We spend most of our time on military training which is great…but I know it’s good for us to have regular schooling too so we stick it out on that. Discipline means doing things that need to be done even though you don’t want to do it, as Adrian reminds us nearly every day.” She said this last with a smile.

“I see you’ve added a new member?”

“Yes sir,” Race said with pride. “Adrian’s Angels are now the Women’s Military Academy and Orphanage. The word is going out that orphans are welcomed at Fort Brazos. It was Adrian’s idea, he wanted a safe place for kids without family. He said that military school training for orphans was just the ticket. The plan is to have a boy’s academy and a girl’s academy made up of Texas orphans. Eventually, when enough of us have reached the age of eighteen and graduated from the training we’ll be formed up into the new Texas Rangers. Our mission will be much the same as the old Texas Rangers: patrol the border and enforce the laws. The boys and girls, well men and women at that point, will be assigned to Ranger Companies that are assigned to specific patrol regions. We’ll go from orphans to Rangers with an extremely important job to do for the Republic. We’re all excited and can’t believe how lucky we are. When I first saw Adrian, I knew things were going to change, but not this much. It’s beyond my wildest dreams!”

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