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Authors: Adam M. Grant Ph.D.

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Opening quote
John Andrew Holmes,
Wisdom in Small Doses
(Lincoln, NE: The University Publishing Company, 1927).

George Meyer
David Owen, “Taking Humor Seriously: George Meyer, the Funniest Man behind the Funniest Show on TV,”
New Yorker
, March 13, 2000; Simon Vozick-Levinson, “For
Writer Meyer, Comedy Is No Laughing Matter,”
Harvard Crimson
, June 4, 2003; Eric Spitznagel, “George Meyer,”
, September 2004; Mike Sacks,
And Here’s the Kicker: Conversations with 21 Top Humor Writers on Their Craft
(Cincinnati: Writers Digest Books, 2009); and personal interviews with Meyer (June 21, 2012), Tim Long (June 22, 2012), Carolyn Omine (June 27, 2012), and Don Payne (July 12, 2012).

geniuses and genius makers
Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown,
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter
(New York: HarperBusiness, 2010).

highly creative people
Donald W. MacKinnon, “The Nature and Nurture of Creative Talent,”
American Psychologist
17 (1962): 484–495; and “Personality and the Realization of Creative Potential,”
American Psychologist
20 (1965): 273–281.

creative scientists
Gregory Feist, “A Structural Model of Scientific Eminence,”
Psychological Science
4 (1993): 366–371; and “A Meta-Analysis of Personality in Scientific and Artistic Creativity,”
Personality and Social Psychology Review
2 (1998): 290–309.

Frank Lloyd Wright
Roger Friedland and Harold Zellman,
The Fellowship: The Untold Story of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship
(New York: HarperCollins, 2007), 138; Ed de St. Aubin, “Truth Against the World: A Psychobiographical Exploration of Generativity in the Life of Frank Lloyd Wright,” in
Generativity and Adult Development: How and Why We Care for the Next Generation
, ed. Dan P. McAdams and Ed de St. Aubin (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1998), 402 and 408; Christopher Hawthorne, “At Wright’s Taliesin, Maybe the Walls Can Talk,”
Los Angeles Times
, September 3, 2006; and Brendan Gill,
Many Masks: A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright
(New York: De Capo Press, 1998), 334.

Edgar Tafel
Joan Altabe, “Fallingwater Is Falling Apart,”
Gadfly Online
, February 18, 2002; see also Hugh Pearman, “How Many Wrights Make a Wrong?”
Sunday Times Magazine
, June 12, 2005.

cardiac surgeons
Robert Huckman and Gary Pisano, “The Firm Specificity of Individual Performance: Evidence from Cardiac Surgery,”
Management Science
52 (2006): 473–488.

Star analysts
Boris Groysberg, Linda-Eling Lee, and Ashish Nanda, “Can They Take It with Them? The Portability of Star Knowledge Workers’ Performance,”
Management Science
54 (2008): 1213–1230; and Boris Groysberg and Linda-Eling Lee, “The Effect of Colleague Quality on Top Performance: The Case of Security Analysts,”
Organizational Behavior
29 (2008): 1123–1144.

interdependence as a sign of weakness
MarYam G. Hamedani, Hazel R. Markus, and Alyssa S. Fu, “My Nation, My Self: Divergent Framings of America Influence American Selves,”
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
37 (2011): 350–364.

this makes their groups better off
Nathan P. Podsakoff , Steven W. Whiting, Philip M. Podsakoff , and Brian D. Blume, “Individual- and Organizational-Level Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis,”
Journal of Applied Psychology
94 (2009): 122–141; and Philip M. Podsakoff , Scott B. MacKenzie, Julie B. Paine, and Daniel G. Bachrach, “Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Critical Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature and Suggestions for Future Research,”
Journal of Management
26 (2000): 513–563.

expedition behavior
Personal interviews with Jeff Ashby (July 9, 2012) and John Kanengieter (July 13, 2012).

no longer have a target on their backs
Eugene Kim and Theresa M. Glomb, “Get Smarty Pants: Cognitive Ability, Personality, and Victimization,”
Journal of Applied Psychology
95 (2010): 889–901.

revealed his skills
Sabrina Deutsch Salamon and Yuval Deutsch, “OCB as a Handicap: An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective,”
Journal of Organizational Behavior
27 (2006): 185–199.

idiosyncrasy credits
Edwin P. Hollander, “Conformity, Status, and Idiosyncrasy Credit,”
Psychological Review
65 (1958): 117–127; see also Charlie L. Hardy and Mark Van Vugt, “Nice Guys Finish First: The Competitive Altruism Hypothesis,”
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
32 (2006): 1402–1413.

Berkeley sociologist
Robb Willer, “Groups Reward Individual Sacrifice: The Status Solution to the Collective Action Problem,”
American Sociological Review
74 (2009): 23–43.

givers get extra credit
Adam M. Grant, Sharon Parker, and Catherine Collins, “Getting Credit for Proactive Behavior: Supervisor Reactions Depend on What You Value and How You Feel,”
Personnel Psychology
62 (2009): 31–55.

study of Slovenian companies
Matej Cerne, Christina Nerstad, Anders Dysvik, and Miha Škerlavaj, “What Goes Around Comes Around: Knowledge Hiding, Perceived Motivational Climate, and Creativity,”
Academy of Management Journal

Jonas Salk
David Oshinsky,
Polio: An American Story
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 205–206 and 208.

“evil father figure”
Douglas Heuck, “A Talk with Salk Sheds Wisdom,”
Pittsburgh Quarterly
, Winter 2006.

rare comments about the incident
Academy of Achievement, “Jonas Salk Interview,” May 16, 1991, accessed March 15, 2012, http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/sal0int-4, and Paul Offit,
The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005), 57.

Peter Salk
Luis Fábregas, “Salk’s Son Extends Olive Branch to Polio Team,”
Pittsburgh Tribune
, April 13, 2005.

responsibility bias
Michael Ross and Fiore Sicoly, “Egocentric Biases in Availability and Attribution,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
37 (1979): 322–336.

top words
Mark Peters and Daniel O’Brien, “From Cromulent to Craptacular: The Top 12
Created Words,” Cracked.com, July 23, 2007; and Ben Zimmer, “The ‘Meh’ Generation: How an Expression of Apathy Invaded America,”
Boston Globe
, February 26, 2012.

reflect on each member’s contributions
Eugene M. Caruso, Nicholas Epley, and Max H. Bazerman, “The Costs and Benefits of Undoing Egocentric Responsibility Assessments in Groups,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
91 (2006): 857–871.

recognize what other people contribute
Michael McCall, “Orientation, Outcome, and Other-Serving Attributions,”
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
17 (1995): 49–64.

psychological safety
Amy Edmondson, “Learning from Mistakes is Easier Said Than Done: Group and Organizational Influences on the Detection and Correction of Human Error,”
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
32 (1996): 5–28; and “Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams,”
Administrative Science Quarterly
44 (1999): 350–383.

major role in innovation
David Obstfeld, “Social Networks, the Tertius Iungens Orientation, and Involvement in Innovation,”
Administrative Science Quarterly
50 (2005): 100–130.

perspective gap
Loran F. Nordgren, Mary-Hunter Morris McDonnell, and George Loewenstein, “What Constitutes Torture? Psychological Impediments to an Objective Evaluation of Enhanced Interrogation Tactics,”
Psychological Science
22 (2011): 689–694.

San Francisco hospital
Robert Burton, “Pathological Certitude,” in
Pathological Altruism
, ed. Barbara Oakley et al. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 131–137; Natalie Angier, “The Pathological Altruist Gives Till Someone Hurts,”
New York Times
, October 3, 2011; and personal interview with Burton (February 23, 2012).

put themselves in other people’s shoes
Adam M. Grant and James Berry, “The Necessity of Others Is the Mother of Invention: Intrinsic and Prosocial Motivations, Perspective-Taking, and Creativity,”
Academy of Management Journal
54 (2011): 73–96.

registry gifts and unique gifts
Francesca Gino and Francis J. Flynn, “Give Them What They Want: The Benefits of Explicitness in Gift Exchange,”
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
47 (2011): 915–922.

tend to stay within our own frames of reference
C. Daniel Batson, Shannon Early, and Giovanni Salvarani, “Perspective Taking: Imagining How Another Feels Versus Imagining How You Would Feel,”
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
23 (1997): 751–758.

goldfish crackers over broccoli
Betty Repacholi and Alison Gopnik, “Early Reasoning about Desires: Evidence from 14- and 18-Month-Olds,”
Developmental Psychology
33 (1997): 12–21.”

younger siblings
Beatrice Whiting and John Whiting,
Children of Six Cultures: A Psycho-Cultural Analysis
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975), David Winter, “The Power Motive in Women—and Men,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
54 (1988): 510–519; Frank J. Sulloway,
Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives
(New York: Vintage Books, 1997); and Paul A. M. Van Lange, Wilma Otten, Ellen M. N. De Bruin, and Jeffrey A. Joireman, “Development of Prosocial, Individualistic, and Competitive Orientations: Theory and Preliminary Evidence,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
73 (1997): 733–746.

“It is amazing”
de St. Aubin, 405.

Chapter 4: Finding the Diamond in the Rough

Reggie Love
Personal interview (May 28, 2012); and Peter Baker, “Education of a President,”
New York Times
, October 12, 2010; David Picker, “Amazing Ride Nears End for ‘First Brother’ Reggie Love,”
ABC News
, November 22, 2011; Jodi Kantor, “Leaving Obama’s Shadow, to Cast One of His Own,”
New York Times
, November 10, 2011; and Noreen Malone, “Obama Still Hasn’t Replaced Reggie Love,”
New York Magazine
, February 16, 2012.

C. J. Skender
Personal interviews with Skender (January 16 and April 30, 2012), Beth Traynham (May 4, 2012), Marie Arcuri (May 5, 2012), and David Moltz (May 10, 2012); see also Megan Tucker, “By the Book, Sort of . . .”
, September 20, 2006; Kim Nielsen, “The Last Word: C. J. Skender, CPA,”
Journal of Accountancy
, April 2008; Patrick Adams, “The Entertainer,”
Duke Magazine
, March 4, 2004; and Nicki Jhabvala, “Road Trip: UNC,”
Sports Illustrated
, November 8, 2006.

Israel Defense Forces
Dov Eden, “Pygmalion without Interpersonal Contrast Effects: Whole Groups Gain from Raising Manager Expectations,”
Journal of Applied Psychology
75 (1990): 394–398, and “Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Organizations,” in
Organizational Behavior: State of the Science
, ed. J. Greenberg (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2003), 91–122.

intellectual blooming
Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson, “Teachers’ Expectancies: Determinants of Pupils’ IQ Gains,”
Psychological Reports
19 (1966): 115–118; and
Pygmalion in the Classroom: Teacher Expectation and Pupils’ Intellectual Development
(New York: Crown, 2003).

“Self-fulfilling prophecies”
Lee Jussim and Kent Harber, “Teacher Expectations and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Knowns and Unknowns, Resolved and Unresolved Controversies,”
Personality and Social Psychology Review
9 (2005): 131–155.

employees bloomed
D. Brian McNatt, “Ancient Pygmalion Joins Contemporary Management: A Meta-Analysis of the Result,”
Journal of Applied Psychology
85 (2000): 314–322.

low expectations trigger a vicious cycle
Jennifer Carson Marr, Stefan Thau, Karl Aquino, and Laurie J. Barclay, “Do I Want to Know? How the Motivation to Acquire Relationship-Threatening Information in Groups Contributes to Paranoid Thought, Suspicion Behavior, and Social Rejection,”
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
117 (2012): 285–297; and Detlef Fetchenhauer and David Dunning, “Why So Cynical? Asymmetric Feedback Underlies Misguided Skepticism Regarding the Trustworthiness of Others,”
Psychological Science
21 (2010): 189–193; see also Fabrizio Ferraro, Jeffrey Pfeffer, and Robert I. Sutton, “Economics Language and Assumptions: How Theories Can Become Self-Fulfilling,”
Academy of Management Review
30 (2005): 8–24.

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