B0089ZO7UC EBOK (7 page)

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Authors: Jez Strider

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I ran for the weapon as best I could in platform heels, but Dante’s young thrall got to it first. My own fangs extended and I made the split second decision to attack Dante anyway.
I knew Marcus only had moments before he’d be ripped to shreds.
The girl fired once and missed, sending sparks flying from one of the surveillance monitors.

My teeth were tearing into Dante and he did what I wanted, releasing Marcus and wriggling to get me off.
He backed up and slammed me against a wall.
Oh it hurt, but I wasn’t about to let go.
I just buried my teeth deeper and drank as much blood as I could from him.
After all these years I was still learning the truths of what I was and it was true that you could get stronger from drinking from the elders.
Drinking from Antonio quickly revealed that much to me.

I heard a shotgun blast and turned instinctively, ripping Dante’s flesh.
Antonio had picked up the fallen guard’s gun and killed the servant girl.
He looked appalled with himself but she’d been on the verge of firing the weapon again and this time in point blank range of Marcus.

“For my Master!”
I’d heard her scream before she went eternally silent.

Antonio and Marcus gave each other that “dude nod” and turned toward Dante and myself with readied weapons.
The elder struck back with his elbow and I lost my grip from the blow, falling to the floor.
Blood ran from my mouth, down my chin, and onto the dress.
The blow left me winded and I tried to crawl toward my protectors.
Dante was weakened and in pain, but he snatched me by the hair before I could gain enough distance, pulling me to standing beside his tall frame.

“Let her go, father.
You can’t force someone to love you.
What did you expect when you imprisoned her for what was it?
Two hundred years?”
My breathing was coming out hoarse and I knew that one or more of my ribs were broken.
Vampires may regenerate more quickly from injury than normal humans, but broken bones take time.

Dante ran his free hand through his white hair and over his face as he tried to decide his next course of action.
“I knew I shouldn’t have trusted the boy,” he said, talking down to Marcus.
“Though I do applaud how convincing he was.
I was sure after watching you ravage her on camera he’d kill you for me,

“I may still kill him for taking advantage of her, but
is more important right now.”
He gave a small laugh.
“For all your years, you’re an idiot, man.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills, tossing them to the floor.
“I don’t need your fucking money.
I need her.”
He pointed directly at me.

My eyes lowered and I couldn’t help but feel shame.
Sure, I’d been weak, hungry, and thought Marc was dead, but he’d still been forced to watch me with another man.

“So what’s our next move, gentlemen?”
Dante taunted, giving a tug of his hand and pulling my hair.
“Do we let the little courtesan die or do we make a deal for her love and life?
She’s accustomed to being bargained for.
Don’t be fools and think I won’t kill her before you can take me down.”

Antonio spoke up.
“She’s comes with us, you go free.
Simple enough.”

A laugh erupted from my captor and he leaned in and kissed my cheek roughly.
“What do you think?” He asked me.
“You’d like to protect these boys by being my little caged bird again, yes?”
With his hand he made me nod my head.

Suddenly my body convulsed into a violent fit and I coughed up blood.
I wasn’t used to consuming such massive quantities of it.

“Let him take me.”
I said with as much confidence as I could muster.

“Hell no,” both of my lovers said in unison, then gave each other a brief look.

Antonio spoke up.
“Father, you’re severely injured.
Even you won’t hold out much longer with bullet wounds and deadly bites.
Give her to us, and you have my word, we will let you leave.”

The vampire slowly led me closer to his private chamber door before shoving me toward Marcus.
If he hadn’t caught me in his embrace I would have collapsed.
“Never call me father again.
You have failed me for the last time, Antonio.”
I heard him call back as he fled through an exit in his private chambers, “Soon,


The rest of the evening is a blur.  Much of what I know is from what was recounted to me later.
My strength and adrenaline must have given out when I felt Marcus’ arms around me.
I recall thinking I was bleeding to death on the crimson carpet.
It’d been a feverish dream, because when I woke I was in one of the hotel’s bathroom tubs.
Marcus was gently washing away the blood from my face when I turned my heavy eyes toward him.
My body ached and I felt like I’d suddenly contracted the flu.
Venice crossed my mind again and how I would have died from the plague if Dante hadn’t turned me.
Tears ran silently down my cheeks.

“Don’t cry.”
Marcus seemed uncomfortable around my tears.
“It’ll be okay.
You’re other vampire…friend went after the old one.”

All I could do was
my head slowly and I looked away from Marcus.
In my heart I felt deep shame and regret, not just toward hurting Marcus, but also Antonio.
Oddly enough, I felt the same emotion for Dante when my anger had passed.
All their pain was my fault.

Marcus remained quiet and just let me cry.
I was thankful for it.
He washed all the blood from my hair, brushed it delicately, and fixing it into a side braid.

“I didn’t know you knew how to do that.”
I said softly, toying with the tail of the braid.

He gave a weak laugh.
“My two older sisters always made me help them out when I was a kid.
I couldn’t refuse.
They were bigger than me at the time.”

I knew he was trying to cheer me up and it helped a little.
“I remember you mentioning them.”

“Wait here.
I’m going to go get your clothing.”
He gave me a soft kiss on top of my head before leaving the room.

My anxiety was rising quickly.
Being alone terrified me.
I saw the bloody dress I’d been wearing shoved into the trash can and I screamed and called for Marcus.

He’d immediately returned to the bathroom, holding the gun ready as he glanced around.
“What is it, babe?”
The gun lowered and he knelt by my side for a moment, before lifting me up into his arms. He carried me out of the bathroom and into Dante’s private chamber where he’d dropped my clothing when I screamed.
I sobbed against his chest.
When I seemed to calm somewhat he sat me down on the bed and wrapped the bedspread around my naked body.
The cover smelled like it had been recently washed.
I was glad.
If I’d have had to smell Dante’s scent I would have vomited.

“I’m sorry.”
I remember whispering over and over as I lay down.
The wall across from me had a painting.
I knew the figure, because it was me.
My own accusing stare was on me as I drifted into sleep.

That night I had a vivid dream.
I was surrounded by Antonio, Dante, and Marcus, all three of them dead on the ground and drained of all their blood.
They all seemed peaceful and innocent, like they were asleep.
Rage filled me and I wanted revenge on who killed them.
When I turned, I saw my reflection looking back at me in a window.
My fangs were extended, covered in blood, and my eyes glowed.
I realized what I had done and leapt into the air with a primal scream.
I was flying, faster and faster away from what I had done.
The ocean was in the distance.
Before I knew it, I was over the massive body of water.
The moon shone on the surface and I dove deep under the surface until I was completely surrounded by darkness.

I awoke with a start and a gasp for air.
As I looked around the room, I was disoriented on where I was.
Antonio and Marcus were both next to me in an instant, trying to calm me and asking if I was alright.

“Yeah, yeah.”
I held up my hand for some space and they both backed away.
“Just a dream.”
I looked from one to the other and noticed that Marcus had a fresh cut on his lip.
My head turned sharply to Antonio.
“Did you hit him?”

Antonio cleared his throat. “Perhaps, but he initiated the altercation.”

“We had some things to settle, man to man.”
Marcus smirked.
“Nothing to worry your pretty head over.”

I had to grit my teeth, but I didn’t have the strength to argue.
“Did you catch him?”

Antonio and Marcus stared at each other for a moment before Antonio looked at me and spoke.
Even with his injuries, he was too fast.
He was also healing quicker than any vampire I’ve ever seen.”

“Then he’ll come after me again.”
My heart sank and I was scared.

“If he does, we will be ready.
We won’t be caught off guard this time.”
Marcus said.

My head was pounding and I rubbed my eyes roughly.
“Do we have to worry about the police?”

Antonio spoke first.
“Dante had some police on the payroll.
Besides, we are relatively secluded out here.
None of the patrons are going to speak out.
It would do harm to their precious reputations to admit they were here.
Unfortunately, I do have to stay here for a while to keep the business afloat.
There would be too many vampires looking to feed on the streets if this place goes under.”

“Are there really that many vampires?”
The shock in my voice must have been evident.

“Dante had many…admirers.
It’s going to be hard to usurp his throne, but I can do it.”
I knew there was more he wasn’t telling me, so I glared at him until he continued.
“He was my father and I’m not much younger or less powerful than he.
I just never wanted to oppose him.”

For a long moment my mouth hung open in shocking revelation.
“You…you were already a vampire when we were together in Venice.”

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