Axel (Ride Series Book 3) (19 page)

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Authors: Megan O'Brien

BOOK: Axel (Ride Series Book 3)
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“There’s a whole room of people out there who are your family, too,” he told me.

Tears pricked the back of my eyes as I nodded, biting my lip against the emotion burning through me.

“I would take you away from this shit but this is the safest place for you and Maddox. So you’ll stay here until this is over.”

“How long will that be?”

His answer was simple, his tone biting. “Soon.”


“I’m kinda bored,” Jill stage whispered.

“I’m suuuuper bored,” Connie groaned.

“You guys are so dramatic.” Scarlet rolled her eyes. “It’s been like three hours. We hang out here longer than that all the time.”

All the girls had been brought in, Jill included, for protection.

“At least we can normally go outside,” Ettie put in, flipping through one of the magazines Scarlet had brought.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, feeling responsible for their predicament.

“Oh, shit, Soph, we’re assholes. Sorry,” Connie rushed to apologize.

I shrugged. “It’s my fault. I brought all this down on you.” I looked off to the side.

“Uh, no,” Jill shook her head emphatically. “Your asshole parents did that.”

“Soph, seriously. If we played the blame game, I’d be front and center for the shit my past caused,” Scarlet spoke up. “I learned a long time ago to let that shit go. Axel would much rather have you in his life and deal with this than the alternative. So would all of us.”

“Thanks,” I offered a small smile, accepting her one-armed hug.

“Where’s the chocolate?” Kat demanded from one of the couches where she was currently sprawled, swollen feet resting. The guys had disappeared down the hall a while ago, but that didn’t stop Sal from coming out periodically to make sure she was resting.

“Here,” I smiled, handing her a piece from our stash. The magazines and chocolate should get us through at least another hour. After that, we would need to get creative.

At least the kids were entertained. Mason, Maddox, and Gracie were playing together sweetly as we looked on. Well, more like Mason and Maddox were watching Gracie toddle around, but nevertheless, they seemed content.

“Axel wants another,” I confided. It had come up a few times, even in the last few days. Once all this drama died down, I was willing to consider it.

“Cole’s getting another,” Scarlet said, her eyes bright.

“What!” Kat shrieked.

“Keep your voice down,” Scarlet laughed. “And for God’s sake, don’t get up. We don’t need the pregnancy police back out here.”

“How far along are you?” Jill asked.

“About ten weeks, still early,” Scar answered, looking over at Gracie with a serene smile.

“Congratulations,” I offered, so happy for her.

“Thanks,” she grinned.

I looked at the women around me, thrilled our extended family was about to get just a little bit bigger.

“Still wanting to stay?” I asked Jill quietly a little while later. The kids were all down for a nap in the back rooms along with Kat and Scarlet. Jill and I sat side by side on one of the couches, browsing through magazines we’d already read ten times.

“Yeah,” she shrugged. “I like it here. And you’re here,” she poked me playfully.

“I’m glad,” I smiled.

“I need to start working. You all have been far too generous already,” she sighed.

“Take your time,” I soothed. “There’s no rush.”

“We’ll see,” she answered evasively.

I was nearly nodding off myself on the couch when a commotion woke me up. I had to blink a few times when I saw Axel and Wes hauling Benjamin McKenzie across the room. I shook my head as though to clear it.

Nope, I wasn’t seeing things. That was definitely Benjamin, the son of a New York senator being hauled across the Knights’ club floor.

Axel met my wide gaze and shocked me by tilting his head toward the back rooms with a cocked brow. He was asking if I wanted to follow or turn a blind eye.

I got up and followed, ignoring his exasperated sigh.

“What the fuck, man!” Benjamin protested as Axel hauled him into a room toward the back of the club. I followed tentatively, feeling like I was invading a space I didn’t belong in. Cole and Sal both leaned against the far wall, their arms crossed. Mack, Hank and Ryker all stood to my left watching Benjamin with pure hostility. I’d never seen this part of the club. It was a simple room with no furniture save for one piece. One chair sat in the middle of the room. Despite its simplicity, its placement invited a certain sinister-like quality. I swallowed audibly and I wasn’t even the one who was going to have to sit in it.

“Sit the fuck down,” Axel ordered, shoving Benjamin into it.

“What the hell? Do you have any idea who my father is?” he sputtered, trying to straighten his white polo. His eyes darted around the room, growing wider by the moment. When they fell on me, he recoiled with shock, – his expression confused.

“Sophie? What the hell are you doing here? Did these fucks kidnap you, too?”

Axel smacked the back of his head with a resounding whack that sent his head snapping forward. “She’s my wife.”

“Wife?” Benjamin looked thoroughly confused, rubbing at the back of his head.

“Yeah, so I’d say those plans of yours are pretty much to shit now,” Axel muttered, walking slow circles around Benjamin’s chair. He was the epitome of menace as his slow, calculated steps continued.

He was in his element and I suddenly understood why he’d been so upset when he’d had to let the guys handle things before. He exuded pure menace with a cool confidence I was thoroughly impressed by. I’d always known Axel could handle himself, but seeing him like this, I understood it on a different level.

Ben’s gaze turned to me. “Your father is going to be so pissed,” he shook his head. “This was never

“I figured, given how we got you here,” Axel returned.

“Yeah, about that,” Benjamin stammered, his eyes wide as they shot around the room.

“What? You don’t want dear old Dad to know you have a thing for hookers?” Sal snorted. “That you were looking to score enough blow to turn the state white?”

Despite myself, I nearly laughed. This was all just too freaking ironic.

“You should really think about diversifying. You’re too fucking predictable,” Mack put in, cracking his knuckles. “Coming all the way to Las Vegas for some pussy and blow.” He shook his head in mock admonishment. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m so glad our girl, Tracy, was hot enough to reel you in, but seriously, dude, don’t they have decent pussy in New York?”

I took it all in, realizing how much effort they’d put in to get Benjamin here. Even using one of the club chicks as part of the ruse. I was seriously impressed. I wondered what the plan from here was.

“What do you want?” Benjamin glared.

“I want you to deliver the message that Sophie’s already spoken for,” Axel began, stopping his slow circle to stand in front of the chair. “I want you to make it fucking clear that any future marriage is off the table. And,” he continued, pulling Benjamin’s head back so he was forced to glare up into Axel’s face, “I want all the fucking knowledge you have on her father. Anything less and all your conversations with Tracy and all the other shit we dug up on you gets spread far and wide,” he threatened, before letting go of his hair with such force that his head snapped forced. Axel stepped back with his arms crossed over his broad chest and waited.

“You think I know shit about her father?” Benjamin protested.

“I know you do,” Axel bit out.

“If you know so much, then what do you even need me for?” he demanded.

“Proof,” Axel shrugged.

Benjamin hesitated, sweat beading along his brow as he licked his lips nervously and shook his head. “I don’t know anything.”.

“Babe,” Axel spoke to me, his eyes moving to find mine. I knew what he was saying without needing the words. This was the part where things could get ugly. Again, he gave me the choice.

I nodded in understanding, slipping from the room.

I knew Axel operated outside of the confines of the law and he did that a lot. I also knew he was the best husband and father I could have ever dreamed of. That was what mattered to me.


“It’s not enough, man,” I heard Cole mutter as I was getting Maddox up from his nap a little while later. They probably thought I was still in the main room with the girls, far from earshot. “It’s a lot more than we had, but not enough.”

“I know,” I heard Axel growl with frustration.

“What’s next?” Mack asked.

“Holy shit,” I heard Sal’s intake of breath and my body went rigid at his tone. “You’re not going to fucking believe who I see on the video feed standing out front.”

Chapter 19

y mother stood in the middle of the main room in her crisp designer outfit looking like a fish out of water. Not a hair was out of place, not a wrinkle to be found, yet her eyes gave away her frazzled state.

“Sophie,” her voice rang out through the large room as I emerged, holding Maddox in my arms.

I felt Axel’s warmth at my back, providing unspoken support and comfort as I moved deeper into the room.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, noting the quiet audience we had as the girls looked on with wide eyes and the men stood scattered throughout the room, watching our exchange.

Her hand flew over her mouth as it visibly shook. “Is that…?” Her voice was a ragged whisper as she looked at Maddox.

“My son. Our son,” I amended with a nod, looking up at Axel.

“Oh, God,” she breathed.

Mad squealed, reaching his arms up for his daddy. Axel took him in his arms, moving to stand to my right as Sal took my left.

“Sal,” her voice was a murmur as she took us both in.

“What are you doing here?” his voice was cold and unyielding. For every bit of misguided attention she’d forced on me as a child, the only thing she’d offered Sal was indifference.

Sal’s father was a Spanish man from humble roots. Though I think my mother had loved him, she removed him from her life in search of pedigree and prestige.

My father had fit the bill to a T. I couldn’t fathom choosing money over love.

“I want to help,” she replied, effectively shocking the hell out of me.

“Come again?” Sal demanded.

She glanced around, clearly uncomfortable by the amount of eyes on her. “Can we talk, in private?”

I looked to Axel and then to Sal, letting them make the decision. After a brief moment of hesitation, Axel nodded.

“Take Mad,” he instructed Ryker, carefully handing our son to his uncle. He grasped my hand, his touch warm and firm as he led us back to Cal’s office.

Axel and Sal leaned against the desk as my mother took a seat. I couldn’t remain that still and stood, leaning against the wall pensively.

“Talk,” Sal ordered brusquely and despite myself, I winced at his tone.

“I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, with both of you,” she began. “Despite what you may think, I love you both very much.” She swallowed as I sucked in a surprised breath. I could remember only one other occasion where she’d said she loved me in my entire life. “I’ve had a lot of time to reflect this last year. I’ve lost both of you and I want to try to make things right.” She twisted her hands in her lap, a nervous gesture I’d never seen in her before. She was always so put together, so impenetrable.

“Your father…” She shook her head, looking at me. “His sanity has…well, he’s changed,” she said primly, trying to hold on to her pride while delivering what I was sure she considered shameful news. “He’s obsessed with bringing you home. I’m worried he’s going to do something brash. Well, more brash,” she amended.

“You know he has men here in Hawthorne scouting?” Axel cut in.

She winced. “I didn’t know for sure. But I’ve caught wind of some of his conversations. I knew he might be planning something.”

“He belongs in the fucking nut house,” Sal muttered.

“You might be right,” she allowed. “I left him.” She shared the shocking news with quiet dignity. “I gathered what I could. I think it will help,” she offered, pulling a large file out of her purse and handing it over to Sal.

Sal reviewed the file, his brows lifting before he handed it over to Axel. “It will,” Sal nodded.

My shoulders sagged with relief, ready to be done with this insanity.

“Do you think after all this is over – if I came back to town, that we could talk?” she asked cautiously, her gaze snapping from mine to Sal’s.

A heavy silence followed her words as Sal remained motionless with his arms crossed and gaze to his boots. I could understand his reaction but as for me well, I wanted to believe that redemption was possible.

“Maybe,” I nodded.

“Maybe,” she swallowed, accepting the words before rising and straightening her blouse. “He’s beautiful,” she told me and I knew she meant Maddox.

“Thank you.” I nodded, moving toward Axel as he lifted his arm to pull me into his body.

She gathered her things and left the room without another word.

The sob that escaped me was unexpected and sudden. I curled into Axel’s big body as his arms came up around me holding me tightly.

“I’ll go see her out,” Sal offered, leaving us a few moments together.

“Baby.” Axel’s sigh was sympathetic as he held me tighter still.

“I don’t know why I’m crying!” I sputtered. “She was always so mean to me but I guess I miss her, which is so screwed up.”

He squeezed me tighter. “She’s your mom.” He knew firsthand how deep that love ran and how confusing it could be.

“Yeah,” I agreed hoarsely.

“For what it’s worth, she just gave us the rest of the information we need.”

“Really?” I pulled back, looking up at him as he wiped my tears away.

“Yeah, babe. We’re gonna be able to end this. Soon.”

I blew out a relieved breath. “Good.”


With the information my mother had provided handed off to the police, an arrest warrant had been issued for my father. It was a rare show of partnership between the Knights and the local PD. Not something, Axel assured me, I was likely to see again.

I didn’t know the details of the charges and, at the moment, didn’t care. I assumed Axel would tell me what I needed to know. I was focused on keeping Maddox content and hoping we’d be in our own beds that night.

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