Awoken (19 page)

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Authors: Alex South

Tags: #Sci-Fi & Fantasy

BOOK: Awoken
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“Ohm!” Oa shouted, trying to find his friend; but it was no use. He could not see Ohm anywhere in the chaos. He turned and sprinted under the energy conduits. He knew he had to get back to the ARI and make sure Kai was okay. Together they could find Ohm. Oa ran through back alleyways to avoid Legion troops. He let his sense of direction and keen memory guide him back to the ARI.

As he ran over a high-arching bridge, Oa spotted the beloved vessel. Some structure had been blown away, leaving a gap between the bridge he was on and the landing platform. Through the smoke, he could see Kai and Susan fending off Legion soldiers at the entrance of the platform. He launched Seeker toward the ramp that the Legion where swarming up. Oa flew in fast, swinging himself into three Legion troops at the top of the slope. The minions tumbled off of the walkway, plummeting back to their home below. Oa skidded across the ramp and off the side, catching himself with Seeker. He hauled himself back up to the deck, Seeker in hand, and ducked as Kai shouted from behind a barricade.

“Get down, Oa!” She called as she fired her second pistol, sending chords of angry blue lightning coursing into eight Legion soldiers that she had previously hit with her tracer pistol. Oa crawled up the ramp next to Kai on the landing platform.

“I lost Ohm. We have to get to the ARI and go find him!” he shouted.

Kai nodded and turned to Susan who lay crouched behind the barricade, panting from a previous attack on the enemy. “Can you buy us some time to get the ARI in the air?” she asked.

Susan roared in affirmative, swelling in size. Her body blazed with radiance as she charged forward, bolting down the ramp. Lightning extended from her paws; and she swatted the first Legion soldier with the deadly claws of light, flinging it off the ramp in pieces. Arcs of energy crackled out of Susan’s tail as she spun around and whipped it through four more Legion soldiers, shredding them instantly. Bounding through the air, Susan pounced on another Void warrior. Emitting a harsh growl, she snapped at its head. Lightning poured from her jaws and tore the monster apart.

Oa and Kai ran to the ARI. They sprinted up the ramp and through the ship to reach the bridge. Oa dropped into the pilot’s seat. He looked over at Kai, his face lighting up in alarm.

“I forgot! We don’t have Fred. How will we fly with no power?” he asked.

“It appears that Fred has been storing backup energy in the ARI for an emergency; I found the reserve coils during my inspection. We should have enough until the next cycle starts,” Kai responded.

She reached under the console and flipped an important looking switch. The ship came to life. Oa immediately lifted the ARI up above the platform, angling down so they could see Susan below. Kai pulled down a contraption on the wall next to her; it flipped out, revealing a visor and two handles. She put her face in the visor and gripped the handles, squeezing a pair of triggers. Two keen blue bolts tore through the ramp, taking the Legion with it.

Susan looked up from below. When she saw the ARI in the air she raced upwards, zipping through the open deck and into the power-hub chamber. The varl returned to her normal size as she floated into the cockpit to join Oa and Kai.

“Thank you Susan! You’re purple and fierce as always,” Kai said with a pride as she fired the ship’s weapons again, taking out another chunk of the city and several Legion with it.

“We don’t have much time, Oa. Use those piloting skills and get us to where you lost Ohm so we can scan for Fred; this ship needs its power source back,” Kai commanded.

Oa nodded and tilted the ARI so it was pointing straight down. He slammed the throttle forward and sent them spinning down through the hole that Kai had made with her potent weapons.


Ohm picked himself up off of the ground. He was dazed and his vision was bleary from the blast and subsequent fall he had suffered. He instinctively reached for the spot on his hip where he had hidden the soul ember. When Ohm didn’t feel the ember, he panicked and lost focus on his efforts to maintain his balance. He stumbled and keeled over onto his face. The old Awoken glanced up and saw a pair of imposing black boots standing several paces in front of him.

“The Destroyer lost something, but the piece has been found,” Eol said. His whisper filled the air with menacing calm.

Ohm lifted his head. His blue ocular plate burned brightly. “Don’t get too attached to that title. I wiped away all traces of the Destroyer; and I will do the same to you, Eol,” he replied coldly as he pushed himself to his feet.

Eol merely chuckled, as if he had a joke he desperately wanted to share. Ohm stood facing the shrouded figure. The demon stood a head taller than Ohm, his face concealed, save for the two red eyes that shone out of the darkness. As wind blew through the city, it pulled at the numerous ends of the winding sheets that wrapped him, opening them enough to reveal two black metallic hands. His boots made a dull ring on the deck as the fiend took several calm steps toward Ohm. Eol held out his closed fist, slowly opening it to reveal a familiar gleaming crystal. The dead eyes of the lightning varl pelt atop Eol’s head glared down at Ohm, daring him to take back his beloved treasure.

Ohm reached out toward the ember, but Eol’s fingers began to curl around it. “Please don’t hurt her,” Ohm pleaded, his resilient defiance melting away at the sight of the soul ember in Eol’s palm.

“She has a name, Ohm,” Eol said. His voice was keen, piercing through Ohm despite the chaos all around them. “Ari,” the demon hissed. The name echoed through the air, haunting and bitter.

“Don’t hurt Ari,” Ohm pleaded one last time. He stepped toward Eol, his hand still stretched out in desperate longing. His tired soul dreaded what he knew would come next.

“There it is!” Eol snarled with satisfaction. He tossed the small stone in the air; it glimmered in the light one last time before the monster caught it. Eol tightened his grip and crushed the soul ember. With a loud crack, frantic light exploded out of his hand. Ari’s essence tried to escape Eol’s cruel grasp, only to be pulled back into the Void of his closed fist. He sighed a pleasure-filled rasp of death before opening his claw to reveal the emptiness that remained.

Ohm stared for a moment then dropped to his knees. His head hung forward limply, shadowed beneath the hood he wore. He spoke no words as Eol softly laughed in elation. Ohm was still as he let the grief find its way to the corner of his mind where he never dared to tread. He extended his arms out to either side of him. From within the veins of his body, water surged forth, spiraling in streams around him. To Ohm’s left, the disk of a shield formed, to block a world that continually sought to break his will. To his right, he cast the sharpest of blades, with which to exact his vengeance. His icy will drained all energy and life from the liquid’s existence, hardening it down to the solid cold he felt inside. Ohm lowered the ice weapons to his sides.

“The Destroyer always reveals itself. My nature cannot be denied,” Eol laughed, taunting Ohm with the fire of his words.

“You’re mistaken. We define our own nature, and yours is to be destroyed,” Ohm said with deadly calm as he rose to his feet. He strode across the gallery to meet Eol.

Around them, statues of immeasurable value crumbled as Awoken melted away under the blaze of the Legion storm. Ohm’s gaze never wandered as he focused on his enemy. Eol’s stance widened, readying him for battle. He reached and pulled the Void staff from his back, leveling the weapon at Ohm. The monster seemed to flicker in several places at once, becoming a blur as he rushed toward Ohm. Ohm finished his stride, dropping low into a lunge. He brought up his shield to block the attack with speed that matched Eol’s. The demon’s staff drove into the center of Ohm’s shield but the Traveler’s icy will held, as did the shield.

Eol’s eyes blazed fiery red as he drove himself forward. Ohm did not falter, but his feet slid back across the deck. His right arm was stretched behind him, holding the blade ready. He tilted his shield slightly, letting Eol’s staff slip to the side, which sent Eol careening off to his left. Ohm sprang after Eol, spinning through the air. His ice blade struck faster than any other Awoken could move. Ohm sliced at the monster that had taken Ari from him, but Eol had regained his balance and was prepared for the attack. The demon spun his staff up, deflecting Ohm’s sword. Eol continued the staff’s twirl, slicing viciously at the old Awoken with the other end. Ohm’s instinct spotted the attack and instantly calculated the best evasive maneuver. He dropped out of his leap and tucked into a roll, sliding a microbur’s width under the deadly stroke of the Void staff. He hopped to his feet outside of Eol’s reach. Ohm spun around and raised the shield up in front of him. He faced his opponent with his sword drawn high, pointing toward Eol with lethal intent.

“You are not ready to remember, are you, Ohm?” Eol questioned, the Void staff held casually at his side. “Ask yourself,
how do I know her name?
” He extended his other hand toward Ohm.

“What, h-how?” Ohm stammered as he stiffened, realizing with horror that he hadn’t been surprised at Eol’s knowledge of Ari’s soul ember. “You shouldn’t know. You can’t! Why wasn’t I surprise—? AUGGGHHH!” Ohm’s protests were cut short as he cried out in pain. The blue light flashed behind his mask.

“Get out of my head!” Ohm screamed as he dropped to his knees. The ice weapons crumbled away as he clutched the side of his skull with his one good hand.

Eol shouldered his weapon and backed away from the fallen Traveler. Legion soldiers swarmed around their leader and rushed at Ohm, seeking to end his existence.

“Maintain a defensive position. I am flying us out of danger; the ARI is nearby,” Fred commanded. The trusty pack reformed the ice shield on Ohm’s left arm and activated the aqua jets to send them flying backwards out of the burning gallery. The Legion fired after Ohm, but the shots glanced off of the barrier that Fred had raised to protect them.

The pair dropped down between platforms and walkways toward the ARI as it flew beneath the city. In the cockpit, Oa and Kai were scanning the mayhem above looking for Ohm.

“There he is!” Kai yelled when she saw the familiar streak of the aqua jet as it lowered their wounded friend down.

“I’ll get under him,” Oa said, piloting the ARI so that Ohm would drop onto the open deck.

“We are on board,” Fred’s voice came through the control board a moment later.

Kai looked around for a way to reply. She took an educated guess and held down a button. “Okay, we are going to get out of here. How bad is Ohm hurt?”

“By my readings he is physically unharmed, though his mind seems to be in shambles,” Fred replied.

“I’m alright now. I’ll be in the power hub in a moment so we can leave,” Ohm said. His tired voice rattled over the receiver.

Oa flew to the far edge of the floating metro. He lifted the ARI up and spun the ship around to look back at the Careening City of Artisans. The far side of the city was nearly consumed in flames and smoke as the Legion did their work. Despite the danger, Oa did not want to leave.

“We should go back and save the others. Kai, take the pilot’s seat. I will go out and reel in as many Awoken as I can with Seeker,” he said. His voice was set in determination despite the fear he felt inside.

Kai nodded in agreement. She could sense Oa was nervous, so she reached over and slapped him on the chest. Her reply was both encouraging and confident. “Don’t worry, we are going to be fine. I can dodge these guys forever. Let’s go be heroes!”


Episode 09 - Heart of Resistance

“I take it we aren’t leaving yet?” Ohm asked. His voice was weary and disoriented.

“Affirmative, buddy. We are going back just long enough to rescue some of the Awoken,” Oa replied reassuringly as he climbed out of the pilot’s seat.

“Somehow I’m not surprised. Alright, we must be swift. I’ll take over copiloting duties. Kai, if my memory is correct, the ARI has a wind wing. We’ll need it to make a quick escape,” Ohm commanded, regaining his faculties with each word he spoke.

“If you mean the thrusters that used to be in the ARI’s folded wing thingy … I’ll explain later, but we can’t use that,” Kai called back, edging past Oa to get in the pilot seat.

Oa was halfway down the corridor to the power hub chamber when Kai yelled out, “Oa, wait! Get back up here. Whose are those, Ohm?”

Oa rushed back up into the cockpit. Susan had eagerly commandeered the copilot’s half of the helm. The lightning varl floated above the seat. Her paws sparked against the control panel as she watched events unfolding through the forward viewport. Susan’s tail draped around the chair, claiming the right side of the bridge. Oa stood behind Kai and gazed out over the city. From the direction of the mountain, orange blurs streaked across the sky, diving down onto the city. Blazing white light shot from the orange vessels, cutting into the swarm of Legion fighters.

“Those are the colors of the Enlightened. The efforts of our search have paid off,” Ohm congratulated the crew.

“I have not recorded any specific time spent searching for the Enlightened. We are far from the mountain,” Fred said, deflating Ohm’s statement.

“Then call it fate, my friend. That and hats have always led us where we needed to go,” Ohm replied cheerfully.

Oa tuned out the duo as their sidebar conversation continued. “The smoke from the city is too thick. Kai, can you see what’s happening?” he asked, leaning forward as he tried to peer through the chaos below.

“Not yet,” Kai said. She paused, then an idea struck her. “Change of plans, Oa. We’ve got allies now, we can fight. Get me close enough, and I will pound those Void scum with the ARI’s cannon. The targeting goggles will see right through that smoke.” There was fire in her voice.

Ohm and Fred’s conversation ended abruptly. “The ARI doesn’t have any weapons,” Ohm said, puzzled.

“It does now. Sorry Ohm, but I had to alter some things on this ship. It’s got to be original. I couldn’t just rehash the previous builder’s model,” Kai’s replied curtly. She was proud of her work.

“You sound like Cale and Jess,” Ohm said, reminiscing.

“I better sound like them. I had to learn all their crazy engineering techniques,” Kai grumbled, hopping over to the copilot chair. She shooed Susan off the seat. The lighting varl relocated behind Kai, resting her pointed snout on top of the Awoken’s head. “That works, I guess,” Kai said in amusement as she pulled down the targeting controls from the wall.

Oa took control of the helm and looked out over the wreckage. Flaming pieces broke off and fell from the city, tumbling down into the abyss. The metro’s thrusters belched soot and a dark smoke. Oa was daunted by the task of flying into the war zone.

“Can you get us close?” Kai asked.

Oa considered a possible strategy, then he remembered the strange tool in his bag. “I got a monocle back in the city. It should be able to see through the smoke,” he explained as he grabbed Mordecai’s monocle from his satchel.

“I’d like to take a look at that when we get out of this mess,” Ohm said, “till then, I will manage our power systems and defenses. Now, let’s go help save the city.” His zeal was infectious, and it bolstered the crew’s spirits.

Oa took notice of his mentor’s sudden interest in the monocle, but it was not a good time to bring up Mordecai. Oa placed the device on his head. It covered his left visual receptor. He peered through the lenses, amazed by the clarity and enhancements the device gave his sight. He looked toward the city, and the lenses automatically whirred and clicked to adjust their focus. His gaze raced forward through the fog of war, picking out every little detail.


A nearby blast rattled Abur in his flight harness as he raced his Z-7 Torch through the desolation of the city. The other two Z-7’s that made up his squadron kept pace with him and flanked his ship, one on either side. The two Torches matched Abur’s every move as he dove down into the chaos, plummeting through the black flames of the Void. The squadron of Torches burst out from underneath the carnage for a brief respite from the fighting. Abur looped back up, piercing through the lattice structure of the city. His squadron reentered the battle behind an echelon of 6 Legion Tridents.

“Execute a full burn and flank left. Engage when the Tridents try to break,” Abur commanded.

His squadron dropped back then sped off in a wide arc to his left. Abur lined his sights on the rightmost Trident fighter. He paused briefly, then fired. The two potent cannons above him shot forth white rays of light. The weapons struck true, shattering the Legion Trident. The rest of the Legion squadron spun off to the left, only to fall into Abur’s trap. The other two Z-7 Torches ripped through the foes, tearing them apart with deadly accuracy that had been honed by countless cycles of combat. Abur banked to the right as his wing mates fell back into formation. He adjusted the channel on his ray-com transmitter.

“Torch 7, this is Torch 1. You’re now in command of the aerial attack. I’m landing Torches 1 through 3 to hunt down the infantry portal,” he reported.

“Copy that, Torch 1. May our fallen protect you,” Torch 7 affirmed.

“May they protect us all,” Abur replied, switching off the channel.

Abur looked down into the burning cityscape below. The targeting system in his helmet narrowed in on a structure that appeared to be the focal point of the Legion horde.
That must be where the infantry portal is
, Abur reasoned. He maneuvered his fighter in a tight arc around the suspected portal location.

Abut spotted the closest landing platform. It was missing a connecting walkway, but the support struts looked intact. He slowed his speed and dropped his Z-7 onto the platform, landing the ship deftly. He pushed the release lever, and the font of the cockpit cracked open in front of him with a hiss. Beside him, the other two Torches swiftly landed on the platform, each of the front hatches popping open. His warriors, Trae and Kendry, stepped out. They were the strongest of the Enlightened, undefeated in combat. This trio was the best defense the Great Planes had against the Legion. They stood together for a moment as Abur scanned for the structure that he believed housed the Legion portal.

The Enlightened warriors were identically clad. They wore helmets that masked their faceplates. A short cloak was draped over each of their shoulders. Underneath the cloak, they wore full-body flight-suits. These suits were built for combat and made of a heavy brown fabric. Horizontal grey bars of woven metal ran in columns down the sides of the suit’s body, arms, and legs.

The heroes stood completely still as Abur plotted their strategy. He mentally mapped their path to the target building. When the Enlightened leader was ready, he stepped forward to the edge of the platform. Below them, a walkway circled around a bulky building. It led to a lane crowded with Legion soldiers and continued up to the portal’s suspected location. Abur and his two warriors took several steps back. Then in unison, they ran forward, leaping out over the gap. They sailed through the air, striking the deck of the walkway below with a singular ring from their metal feet. They rolled into fighting stances as the Legion spotted them.

Abur glanced down at the bars he wore: twenty-two in number, each containing a sacred soul ember woven into the metallic mesh. The sight brought him comfort. The trio spoke together in unison, “Our past is set in these stones. Upon such a foundation we will not be moved.”

Abur raised his arms up. His palms faced toward the Legion as the crimson-eyed demons raised their nihilistols. They fired at the Enlightened warriors. A shimmering white bubble formed from Abur’s hands, encasing his warriors in a dome of light. The Void bullets struck the field and dissipated.

“May the Fallen grant us speed,” Abur shouted, keeping his arms raised as he rushed toward his enemies. To either side of him, Trae and Kendry’s bodies had become enveloped in the shimmering white light of their own ember armor. The warriors plowed into the Legion at full speed. Since Abur’s shield only blocked the Void bullets, Legion soldiers passed through unharmed until they were met with the attacks of Kendry and Trae. Abur’s comrades were whirlwinds of kicks and punches as they fought toward their goal. Ember energy swirled around Trae and Kendry’s bodies, concentrating around their fists, knees, and elbows before each flurry they launched. Every strike tore through another Legion soldier, returning it to the Void.

The Legion fought back, attempting to overwhelm the Enlightened warriors with sheer numbers. They lashed out with their gloved fists, unable to use their nihilistols in such close combat. The Enlightened warriors were too filled with purpose to notice the occasional blow that landed upon them, as they battled through the Legion. The three heroes never stopped pressing their attack. Void troops shattered all around them, even as more rushed in to stop the trio.

Abur could see their goal, a less than noticeable domed structure at the end of the lane. It was built out of an old transport vessel, and inside lay the Legion’s portal. The battle reached a crux, and the Enlightened warriors could hardly move as they were surrounded by such a vast horde. For every Void spawn that Trae and Kendry crushed, several more had taken its place. Abur was growing fatigued from holding back the numerous nihilistol blasts that poured down on them from the structures on either side of the lane.

“This is Torch 1 requesting aerial support on coordinates (49.3.4),” Abur yelled into the ray-com transmitter in his helmet.

“Copy that, Torch 1. Hold position. Torches 30 through 40 are on their way,” Torch 7 replied.

Abur grunted in effort, driven to his knees under the strain of keeping the ember-energy shield up. Trae and Kendry dropped to their knees in a similar pose. Holding their arms out, they added their own concentration to the shield. The barrier increased in tenacity. The Legion beat down on it, no longer able to penetrate the shield with their physical attacks.

“We must hold,” Abur said. His voice was strained. Trae and Kendry just nodded silently.

Suddenly, blue bolts of light cut through the air, striking into the midst of the Legion horde. The deck shook as each blast rattled the supports that held the entire lane together. Numerous Legion soldiers were blown away by the attack. Abur looked up through the ember shield. He saw an odd disk-shaped vessel, silhouetted in the smoke and flames.


“Clear the lane, Kai,” Ohm commanded. “Apparently, I’m in communication with the acting commander. He says the fighters will keep the Legion off our backs while we help those three below take out Legion’s portal.”

“Is he talking about the Void structures we saw on the ridge above Bolleworth?” Oa asked Kai as he moved the ARI to provide her with a clear line of fire down the lane. Legion soldiers were running back from across the city to try and stop the Enlightened warriors below.

“Yeah, Void portals. Some Legion scouts must have snuck in and set them up,” Kai responded as she opened fire on the avenue below, blasting the Legion away as they came pouring into the lane from the surrounding city.

Oa watched the three warriors rise up. They sprinted toward the building at the end of the street, making short work of the remaining Legion troops in their path. They battled their way into the structure. Not long after, the Legion below halted. They flickered slightly before dissipating into the wind, leaving the city ruined but safe once more. In the air above, the Enlightened Torches made short work of the remaining Legion Tridents.

“It seems the official commander is one of the warriors we just aided. He is requesting assistance returning to his ship,” Ohm said, relaying the message he had just heard over his ray-com to the rest of the crew. “Can you set us down on the lane, Oa?”

“Yes, I can. I see a good spot,” Oa replied as he dropped the ARI down, swinging around to face the heroic trio as they exited the building at the top of the sloping avenue.

“Lowering the entry ramp and disengaging restraint harnesses,” Fred informed them. Oa stood up and threw Mordecai’s monocle back into his satchel. He grabbed the bag of soul embers and ran out, eager to meet the Enlightened warriors.

Ohm and Fred were already waiting on the open deck when Oa came racing out. Kai arrived just behind him. They were in time to watch the three Enlightened Warriors stride up the ramp.

“Wow! That was awesome! You guys really showed those Legion,” Oa exclaimed.

“It was the will of your predecessors, young Awoken, though we arrived too late. This city has already seen much loss,” Abur said, halting in front of Oa.

“How do you know I am young?” Oa asked out of curiosity. “I could be a bajillion cycles old.”

“No one who has lived long in this world would still have such a bright ember,” Abur said laying a hand on Oa’s shoulder. “I can sense its presence—a new ember, with a fire stronger than any other I have known … But it’s a mystery. How could your ember feel so strong when your creation number must be so high?” He grew increasingly puzzled as he spoke.

Kai laughed nervously, pulling Oa back out of Abur’s reach. She put her arm across his shoulder. “Would you get a load of these guys, Ohm? Sensing Embers? Ha!” Kai mocked as she looked briefly at Oa. She knew discretion was best; things would only get complicated if the newcomers discovered that the young Awoken had no soul ember. Oa nodded back at Kai in understanding. He knew that he should keep the number he had found on his birth cell to himself. Ohm stepped up, taking charge of the situation.

“Pardon my friend’s ignorance to your ways. I, myself, was unaware the Enlightened could harness ember energy. I have only heard rumors of your order. We’re grateful you rescued the remains of this city. How did you arrive so soon?” Ohm asked, diplomatically steering the conversation to safer territory.

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