Awakened (20 page)

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Authors: C. N. Watkins

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica

BOOK: Awakened
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Sabrina walked out of her
dressing room and stopped, looking over at me.

Oh. My. Gosh. Jennifer,
you look…..breathtaking,” she said, before stepping up to her

Doesn’t she?” Sam

I think we’ve found her
dress,” Judy chirped in.

Oh my gosh, you are so
pretty.” Hayleigh walked over and smiled up at me.

I spun around on the
platform. This
the dress; I felt gorgeous in it and I was confident that
Stefan would agree.

An hour and two champagne
bottles later, we had all found our dresses and were headed back
into the limo. The dresses were being delivered to the spa so we
could get ready there.

We pulled up to the spa and
walked inside to yet another private room. We all got massages,
manicures, pedicures, and our hair fixed and styled to match
perfectly with our dresses. They styled mine in a sideways bun that
started out as French braid on top of my head and then weaved down
into a tight bun. My makeup was a smoky eye with the blacks and
creams color that matched my dress perfectly. I was going to knock
Stefan off his feet.

I heard my phone ding in my
purse and I reached down to grab it as the makeup stylist finished
me up. It was a text from Stefan.


*Everything is ready at
the house.

Can’t wait to see

Hope I can find you


I smiled pretty big. I
loved how mysterious this was going to be.

*Hope you can find me

some other

snatches me


I hit send and tossed my
blackberry back into my bag. This was going to be fun.

After we got dressed we
were escorted out to the limo. We all looked stunning; everyone had
their own style. Sam was pretty in pink; she had a gorgeous dark
pink gown that was mermaid style. It hugged her tight and flowed
down around her feet. She had paired it with black Christian
Louboutin pumps. Judy had on a dark maroon gown that was fitted to
her body, perfectly. Sabrina had on a dark blue strapless gown that
flowed out around her waist to her feet. Hayleigh had on a bright
purple dress with black flats.

We were ready for this



We pulled up to the house; it had been

There was a red carpet from
the driveway that led to the backyard and hundreds of camera’s
flashing against a backboard that spelled out
Happy 21
Birthday Samantha
. There
were people talking to the photographers and smiling as they made
their way down to the backyard.

Judy grabbed my hand. “Honey, these
people will ask you questions. You don’t have to answer anything
you don’t want to. They have strict instructions to not press you
when you tell them no comment so just keep a smile, pose for the
camera and make your way to the backyard. Once you’re on the
backyard, you should be able to find Stefan.”

She could obviously tell how nervous I
was. I could do this if Stefan was beside me, but without him I was
a wreck.

As soon as the door opened, the
photographers started snapping photos. Sabrina and Hayleigh got out
first and immediately started posing for the cameras. Judy was out
next and did the same. I looked over at Sam who smiled and signaled
with her hand that it was my turn.

The limo driver helped me out and I
made my way towards Sabrina, who was talking to a photographer. I
looked back and saw Sam exiting the limo; all the photographers
immediately turned their attention to the birthday girl. I let out
a sigh, I was so nervous. Judy squeezed my hand.

Breathe, dear. Almost
over,” she said as we continued to walk.

Excuse me ma’am. Can we
ask you some questions?” A photographer yelled at Judy. She turned
around and made her way to the photographer so I followed

Good evening, Mrs. Long.
This is supposed to be one of the biggest parties of the year with
some A list names on the guest list. What’s the theme?” He held a
small microphone closer to her mouth with a camera being pointed in
her face.

The theme is Masquerade.
We are donating all money and presents to Save a Life. It’s a
charity that helps children with special needs get adopted into a
permanent home. It has always been Samantha’s favorite charity.”
Judy said, calm as ever.

How wonderful is that? Do
you mind if I get a picture of you ladies standing

Judy called over to Sam and Sabrina
and we stood there and smiled at the various photographers snapped
our photos.

Can I get names for this
picture?” He held to recording device to Judy’s mouth

I am Judy and this is
Samantha, the birthday girl. This is Sabrina and my granddaughter
Hayleigh, and finally, this is Jennifer.”

Oh my gosh, Jennifer. Can
I ask you questions about your relationship? Rumors are you are the
reason he broke up with Madelyn. Can you comment on that? How did
you two meet? What’s it like dating a millionaire?” All the
photographers were joining in. I felt weak.

She has no comment. You
gentlemen have a great night.” Judy pulled me away. Once we got to
the end of the red carpet I finally let out a breath.

The backyard looked
beautiful. Hundreds of little white lights lit up the backyard
creating a very romantic feel with soft music playing in the
background. There was a huge white tent with a stage and tons of
white chairs, where dinner would be served. There was a full
service bar, blackjack and Russian roulette tables, and a huge
dance floor. By the tent there was a table with a four story cake
with layers that were black, white, and pink that had the
on the

I started scanning the huge crowd for
Stefan; it didn’t take long before I spotted him. How could I not
recognize the sexiest man who has ever entered my life? He was
wearing a black tux with a bow tie and a plain black mask with
small feathers coming out of the side. He was playing blackjack and
looked so charming. I could sit here and stare at him all

Well, aren’t you going to
get him?” Sam nudged me towards Stefan. I turned back and smiled as
I made my way to him. He quickly turned his head in my direction
and I saw the hunger come alive in his caramel eyes.

He stood to his feet and we walked
towards each other. Everyone else in the party vanished, and it was
just us. We never lost eye contact as I made my way into his

Well, Miss. White, you
clean up nice don’t you?” He said taking my hand and twirling me
around so he could see all of me.

You don’t look too bad
yourself.” I said adjusting his tie. I wanted to rip his clothes
off and have my way with him right now.

You look absofuckinglutley
gorgeous baby.” He whispered as he nibbled my ear. “All I can think
about right now is how I want to fuck you.” He made me blush in
anticipation considering we were having the same

He held my hand and pulled me next to
him as we began walking. “I have a couple of people I want to
introduce you to.”

We walked up to a group of people with
drinks in their hands; they turned as we walked up.

This is Alex, Sabrina’s
husband. This is Joe; he’s the vice president of Long Publishing
and his wife Tiffany. You remember Madelyn.” I shook each hand as
he said their name and smiled. When he said Madelyn my heart
immediately dropped.
What was she doing
I suddenly felt light headed and
needed to sit down.

Stefan turned his head and whispered.
“Are you okay?” I nodded and tried to control my breathing, a
million questions were running through my head.

This over here is
Madelyn’s fiancé Ryan.”
Oh, thank you
“And of course, you remember
Charles.” We all shook hands.

You look wonderful, Miss.
White,” Charles said, kissing the back of my hand.

Thank you Charles, you
look very nice as well.”

Good evening everyone.” I
looked up to find an older man talking into a microphone in the
middle of the lawn. “Welcome to Samantha’s
Masquerade Party.” Everyone began clapping and cheering.
“Dinner is now being served in the white tent to your right, if you
could please start making your way there. It’s the big white tent;
if you miss it, you may need to adjust your mask.” Everyone in the
crowd laughed.

We made our way to the tent. There
were little place cards showing everyone where they were supposed
to set. We were at a table with Judy, Alex, Sabrina, Hayleigh, Sam,
and Charles. The servers appeared and sat down our plates in front
of us. It was filet mignon wrapped in bacon, garlic mashed
potatoes, and green beans with a sauce.

Stefan looked over at me, “Are you

Very,” I smiled

We all ate our meals, carrying on
light conversation. Once we were done, the servers removed our
plates. We sat there, sipping our wine, making small

After a while the same man returned to
the front of the tent with a microphone.

Good evening again, ladies
and gentlemen, I failed to properly introduce myself earlier. My
name is Jack and I am tonight’s MC.” Everyone in the tent
applauded. “I see some of you are still finishing your meal, please
take your time. I just want to remind everyone about some of the
events happening tonight. There is the 50:50 raffle, the winner
will receive 50 percent of the earnings and the other 50 percent
will go to the Save a Life chairty. We also have some table games
out on the lawn, blackjack and Russian roulette, so if you’re
feeling lucky, please stop by one of those tables. There is an
auction with items that include a six day five night stay in a
house on the beach in Maui, Hawaii and a vintage ’69 Shelby GT 500
Mustang. The smaller items are in baskets lined up in front of the
stage, feel free to take a look when you get a moment.” Everyone

I thought you would enjoy
that,” the MC chuckled. “Once you are done eating, if you will join
me over by the cake table, Samantha will blow out her candles which
will be followed by dancing and last call for raffle tickets.
Enjoy!” Everyone burst into applause again. Stefan grabbed my hand
and we started walking to the cake table.

Did you get a raffle
ticket?” I asked as we walked.

Yes, I got one for both of

I wondered if I should even ask how
much he donated, but curiosity got the best of me. “How much did
you donate?”

Fifty thousand a ticket.”
My jaw dropped open. Stefan stopped and turned around.


a ticket

Yes, that pot is easily up
to a million. Jennifer, there are big people here, rich people.
It’s going to a good cause, so people reach deep in their pockets.”
He tugged my hand until I started walking.
Shit, one hundred thousand dollars total!

Everyone gathered around the cake that
now had what looked like sparklers in it, shooting a fountain of
beautiful sparkles and light everywhere.

The crowd started singing the birthday
song as Sam waited patiently to blow out her candles. After
everyone was done singing, she blew out the candles and snuffed out
the rest as everyone began to clap.

Who’s ready to dance?” The
MC asked. Everyone started to cheer and head towards the dance

Stefan grasped my hand and we walked
towards the tent. Once we got inside, Stefan handed me a glass of
champagne and led me to a bar stool by the dance floor. We chose a
seat and drank our champagne while we watched the other couples
start dancing.

The Long’s sure knew how to throw a

I’ll be right back babe, I
need to use the restroom.” Stefan kissed me on the cheek before
exiting the tent.

He returned with another glass of
champagne before wrapping his arm tightly around me, and pulling me
in for a passionate kiss.

Are you enjoying
yourself?” He whispered into my ear.

Very much so.” I couldn’t
help but smile.

Three glasses of champagne later, Jack
came on the microphone again. “Ladies and gentlemen, you have only
tem more minutes to purchase your raffle tickets, then please meet
me back in the larger tent. See you soon.”

Sam ran over to me almost crashing
into me.

There you are, I have been
looking everywhere for you. It’s so hard to find you with all these
people wearing masks. Let’s go freshen up.” She said, grabbing my
arm from Stefan.

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