Awakened (11 page)

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Authors: C. N. Watkins

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica

BOOK: Awakened
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Nicole paused
She looked at me. "Don't think
you're getting out of that, whore. You're going to lay there and
watch me put on this dress. I think Stefan will it enjoy on me much
more than you." She took off her shirt and her jeans; I closed my
eyes, letting the tears turn into rivers down my face.

"How do I look?" She started swirling
around in place. I could see why Stefan had once been interested in
her. But now, she was a lunatic. Lunatics were never pretty, at
least not on the inside. I started screaming.

Nicole walked over to me and pointed a
gun straight at my lips. I immediately froze, and stared at her.
Even my tears paused. She tilted my head up, using the gun under my

"Shut the fuck up, you little bitch,
or I will kill you right here. You understand that?" She waited for
me to answer. I nodded and tried to control my

She pulled the gun away from my face
but continued to set the bed. "Now what should I do with you?
Decision's, decision’s." She sat there for a couple of minutes, and
I was starting to get scared. Was she going to kill me?

I heard foot-steps
She brought someone else with
Seeing the freaked out look on her
face, I was pretty sure she was alone, or thought she

She glared over at me and then walked
out into the hall-way and looked down the hall towards the stairs.
I leaned up. Suddenly, a body flew against Nicole's and both of
them land on the ground. She let out a loud scream and I closed my
eyes; my heart pounded hard in my chest, what was

Cool hands surrounded my body, pulling
me in close; I jumped, quickly opening my eyes up, I couldn't tell
who it was but as soon as he leaned in I could smell the ocean
breeze; I knew who it was. Stefan had saved me! He unhooked my
hands and gently released the binding around my mouth. I instantly
started to sob. I rubbed my hands and tried to calm myself but
Stefan grabbed me and swiftly pressed me against his chest. I could
feel his heartbeat pounding in my ear and I could feel his chest
hard under my cheek. I started crying even harder, sobbing into his
shirt. He rubbed my cheek, telling me everything was

I pulled my head back and looked up
into his eyes, making sure it was really him. He looked down at me;
his caramel eyes were soft. I snuggled my face back down into his
shirt and continued crying. Being in his arms helped, but I still
couldn't get a grip on myself. I heard the front door open and
close again. I snuggled further into his chest scared it was Nicole
coming back into the house. Stefan grabbed my waist and pulled me
back in to him

"Shhh...It’s just Charles. Everything
is okay, I promise." He kissed the top of my head, running his
fingers through my hair. I snuggled into his chest and took a deep
breath in. His scent filled my lungs as he held me tight. I felt
like everything was perfect and breathed a sigh of

His phone buzzed in his pocket so I
lifted away from him. He reached in and grabbed it, holding it to
his ear. He snapped it shut as he stood. “Stay here.” He commanded.
He walked out of the room and his sudden departure made my body
feel cold and lonely. When he came back he stood across from me,
his caramel eyes filled with compassion and love.

"Nicole is being taken back to Seattle
to a different facility. I don't know why they decided to release
her, but never the less, they did." He squatted down so that he was
face to face with me. His thumbs wiped my tears away. "Jennifer,
are you okay? I don't know how this happened? How the fuck does
this shit keep happening?" He stood back up and punched the air. I
just sat there and watched him, not sure what to do. He leaned down
and kissed my forehead, hard, before disappearing down the hall. I
heard water start to run so I got up, as if I was on auto-pilot,
and walked to the bathroom. I walked in and waited in the door
frame, wondering what he was doing.

"Where are your towels?" He asked,
feeling the water.

I walked out of the door way, opened
the closet and grabbed a towel. As I walked back into the bathroom,
Stefan grabbed me by my waist and walked me over to the bathtub,
shutting the door behind me.

My face turned red.
Was he expecting me to take a bath?
He looked at me, holding my head with his hands,
"I want you to get in the bath, you will feel so much better after
you get in, I promise." He started taking off his shirt that was
soaked in tears, he tossed it to the side. He took off my sweat
pants and he tossed it on top of my shirt. I stood there, while he
slowly looked at me, his stare deliberately going up and down my
body, a shiver ran down my spine. He bent down to turn off the
water then stood in front of me again. He slid my underwear off and
tossed them on the growing pile of clothes. I wished there was
something to block his view; I was uncomfortable standing butt
naked in front of him.

Stefan grabbed my hand and helped me
down into the bath tub. The water was warm, and felt so good
against my skin. He rolled his pant legs up and placed his feet in
the water. I wanted to cradle around them. He grabbed a wash cloth
and started washing my body, taking special care not to be too
rough or miss any spots. I closed my eyes and leaned my head
against the back of the bath tub. It felt so good to be here, with
him. This bath felt amazing; he made me feel that way.

"You are so beautiful." The words
floated effortlessly off his tongue. He was looking at me with
those caramel eyes, and all I could think about was reaching up and
kissing him. He touched my cheek, caressing my skin with his thumb.
I couldn't get enough of him.

Everything is going to be
okay, I promise. Nobody will ever hurt you again.”

You’re trembling, just
breathe.” He grabbed my face and cradled it in his hands. He leaned
down and, in one swift move; his lips were planted on mine. Soon,
everything was forgotten on his lips and I felt invincible. Stefan
took the wash cloth and began teasing my nipples, making them perk
to attention. He peeled his lips off of me and swept my lips with
his thumb; he felt so warm.

I will always be here for
you; trust in me.” He kissed the top of my nose before stepping out
of the bath and drying his legs off.

He helped me out of the bath and
wrapped the towel around me while draining the bath tub. I felt
like all the worries flow down the drain along with the dirty

"Are you sure you're okay? You aren't
talking much tonight. I just need to hear your voice,

I nodded my head. I didn't want to
speak; I only wanted to hear his voice. I no longer felt
self-conscious being naked in front of him. It made me feel more
empowered and sexy. He made me feel this way.

I could no longer control my actions.
I stood on my tippy-toes and pushed my lips on his. He grabbed my
waist, pulling me into him. Before too long, our tongues were
exploring each other’s mouths. He moaned into my mouth and pulled
me harder into his chest. He leaned down and hooked his arm under
my knees and his other one on my upper back and pulled me up to his
chest. I put my hands around his neck trying to hold on. Our lips
never parted as he walked me back into my bedroom and laid me on my

This man empowered me; he made me feel
alive; made me feel things I have never felt. I dreamt about him in
my sleep, I thought about him all day long, and even when I was
with him, I couldn’t get enough of him. I was sure he knew how he
made me feel. He was a hot millionaire. He knew he could get any
woman he wanted.

The towel fell to the floor
and Stefan got on his knees, still on top of me. He let out a deep
sigh and quickly moved off of me and sat on the edge of the bed,
his back turned to me.
What I had done
wrong. Was my body not good enough for him?

I rose up to my elbows and looked at
his back. He had crotched down with his head in his hands. I could
see the rigid muscles that made me want to kiss every inch of

What’s wrong?”

Jen, I….we…. can’t do
this.” He turned to face me and let out another sigh.

What the hell is wrong,
Stefan?” I wrapped my sheet around me and moved so I was sitting
right next to him. I hadn’t slept with many men, but I had never
been rejected before now. This was a horrible feeling.

It’s not you.”

It’s me. Yeah that’s a
good line Stefan. Come in here, save the day, start kissing me and
then stop. How fucking sick are you, Stefan?” my voice was getting
louder. I didn’t care. I was hurt and I wanted him to know I felt
used and taken advantage of.

In this moment, he wasn’t the strong
person I had grown accustomed to seeing. Now, he was the 24 year
old boy, in my bedroom.

I realized he wasn’t going to say
anything so I stomped over to my dresser and found some shorts and
a tank top and quickly put them on. I walked out of the room and
went downstairs to make some hot tea; I needed a lot more than tea,
but I no longer felt like drinking.

Stefan didn’t follow after
me. He could sit in my room all day and wallow in his pity, I no
longer cared.
What was wrong with
I had never given up control with a
guy; I always knew exactly what I wanted. I had only had sex with
two guys in my life and both were long, steady relationships. Sex
with them was plain. It was good, don’t get me wrong, but just
being around Stefan and feeling his sexual energy penetrate me, I
knew he was going to be mind blowing. When Stefan was around I
couldn’t tell which way was up and which way was down; he turned me
off my axles and made my world spin.

None of it mattered. He had rejected
me. I closed my eyes as the water started boiling. Rejected. The
word stung.

I poured the water over my breakfast
blend tea and added a little honey. As I held the mug up to my
lips, blowing softly to cool it, Stefan entered the kitchen. He
looked broken down and beaten; I had never seen him like this. He
raised his head and looked at me.

Jen, I’m sorry.” He looked
at my eyes, waiting for them to become soft again. When they
didn’t, he continued. “I refused to take advantage of you after the
state you were in. You weren’t even talking to me!” He took a
couple of calming breaths before continuing.

You make me feel
different, than any other women before you. You make me feel alive
and like I am on top of the world.” He paused; taking a couple of
steps towards me than stopped. “What happened here,” He waved his
hands all around him, “was because of me. I did this. Can’t you
understand that? Can’t you see that maybe, just maybe, I make your
life worse?”

You’re fucking ridiculous,
you know that?” I tilted my head back and let out a chuckle. When
my head came down, it met his speechless gaze. “You come in here,
and sweep my off my feet and make me feel emotion’s I didn’t even
know existed and then you practically save my life,
!” I yelled, hoping
to get the point across. “Then you tell me you make my life worse?
Well, let me tell you something Stefan, you don’t know shit about
what I want! If I didn’t want you, I wouldn’t have thrown myself at
you upstairs. So take a hint.” I let out a breath and took a sip of
my tea, letting the hot liquid course through my body.
He got me so riled up!

I’ve had enough of this.”
Stefan walked over to me with a hard gaze on his face. He grabbed
my arm, rather roughly, and pulled me towards the stairs. My body
followed him without any questions. “I’ve tried to control myself
and respect what just happened, but you don’t get to yell at me.”
We led me up the stairs. “You’re going to be punished for that.” We
walked into my room and I could feel the anticipation and fear
making me wet.

I wanted you for the first
time in my bed, but I guess this will do. Lay down on your stomach,
ass in the air.” We stood by the door, neither of us moving. “Now!”
He startled me so I quickly walked over to the bed, doing as he
told me.

The bed dipped down with his weight
behind me. He pulled my sweats down and rubbed my cheeks. His hand
disappeared. His hand quickly slapped my backside, making me scream
out in pleasure.

You don’t get to talk to
me like that, Jennifer. You need to be reminded who the dominate is
in this.” His hand came down again, but this time it was more
pleasurable. He slid two fingers across my clit and started rubbing
me. “You are so wet,” he groaned, as he pushed his fingers inside
of me, I moaned and, as he circled them around, making me cry out

He flipped me over on my back and
pulled his fingers out but that was quickly replaced with his cock.
He thrust inside of me; I pushed my head into my pillow, screaming
out in pleasure.

Jesus Christ, you are so
tight. Take your head out of the pillow, Jennifer. I want to hear
you scream my name.” I did as I was told. He thrust harder, deeper
into me. “Come, now.” Stefan growled. My body flew over the edge as
I felt his warm seed shoot into me.

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