Avengers and Philosophy: Earth's Mightiest Thinkers, The (2 page)

BOOK: Avengers and Philosophy: Earth's Mightiest Thinkers, The
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The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series


Series Editor: William Irwin


South Park and Philosophy


Edited by Robert Arp


Metallica and Philosophy


Edited by William Irwin


Family Guy and Philosophy


Edited by J. Jeremy Wisnewski


The Daily Show and Philosophy


Edited by Jason Holt


Lost and Philosophy


Edited by Sharon Kaye


24 and Philosophy


Edited by Jennifer Hart Weed, Richard Davis, and Ronald Weed


Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy


Edited by Jason T. Eberl


The Office and Philosophy


Edited by J. Jeremy Wisnewski


Batman and Philosophy


Edited by Mark D. White and Robert Arp


House and Philosophy


Edited by Henry Jacoby


Watchmen and Philosophy


Edited by Mark D. White


X-Men and Philosophy


Edited by Rebecca Housel and J. Jeremy Wisnewski


Terminator and Philosophy


Edited by Richard Brown and Kevin Decker


Heroes and Philosophy


Edited by David Kyle Johnson


Twilight and Philosophy


Edited by Rebecca Housel and J. Jeremy Wisnewski


Final Fantasy and Philosophy


Edited by Jason P. Blahuta and Michel S. Beaulieu


Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy


Edited by Richard Brian Davis


Iron Man and Philosophy


Edited by Mark D. White


True Blood and Philosophy


Edited by George Dunn and Rebecca Housel


Mad Men and Philosophy


Edited by James South and Rod Carveth


30 Rock and Philosophy


Edited by J. Jeremy Wisnewski


The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy


Edited by Gregory Bassham


The Ultimate Lost and Philosophy


Edited by Sharon Kaye


Green Lantern and Philosophy


Edited by Jane Dryden and Mark D. White


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy


Edited by Eric Bronson


Arrested Development and Philosophy


Edited by Kristopher Phillips and J. Jeremy Wisnewski


Inception and Philosophy


Edited by David Johnson


The Big Lebowski and Philosophy


Edited by Peter S. Fosl


Spider-Man and Philosophy


Edited by Jonathan Sanford


The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy


Edited by Dean Kowalski


The Hunger Games and Philosophy


Edited by George Dunn and Nicolas Michaud


Game of Thrones and Philosophy


Edited by Henry Jacoby


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Copyright © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved


Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey


Published simultaneously in Canada


Chapter opener design by Forty-five Degree Design LLC


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The Avengers and philosophy : Earth’s mightiest thinkers / edited by Mark D. White.


pages cm. — (The Blackwell philosophy and pop culture series; 46)


Includes bibliographical references and index.


ISBN 978-1-118-07457-2 (paper); ISBN 978-1-118-22253-9 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-23645-1 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-26138-5 (ebk)


1. Avengers (Fictitious characters) 2. Comic books, strips, etc.—Moral and ethical aspects. 3. Superheroes in literature. 4. Superhero films—History and criticism. 5. Philosophy in literature. 6. Philosophy in motion pictures. I. White, Mark D., 1971- editor of compilation.


PN6728.A9A93 2012








If you like superheroes—and you wouldn’t be reading this book if you didn’t—you
superhero teams, and the Avengers are the preeminent team in the Marvel Universe. The best thing about the Avengers is that not only do you get to see all your favorite heroes banding together to defeat formidable threats against incredible odds, but you also get to see them interact both as superheroes
as people. Whether they’re cooped up in Avengers Mansion or exploring the deepest realms of space, you get to see how they work together and play together, both when they get along and when they don’t. That’s what we love about the Avengers, whether in the comics, the animated series, or the feature film—it’s equal parts superhero epic and soap opera.


Just as the Avengers assemble to confront threats no single hero can handle himself or herself, the contributors to
The Avengers and Philosophy
assembled to discuss a range of topics so broad that no single philosopher could possibly handle it all. Have you ever wondered how the “big three” Avengers—Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor—compare in terms of their moral philosophies? Has the Kree-Skrull War ever made you consider the ethics of war itself? What about the Avengers’ peculiar tendency to welcome former criminals into their ranks, such as Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch? We didn’t forget to ask questions about the great Avengers villains: Can Kang actually go back in time to kill himself? Do we actually admire Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers? And finally, speaking of soap opera, can the Scarlet Witch and the Vision truly love each other?


No matter what Avengers lineup you prefer, or which Avenger is your favorite, there’s a chapter in
The Avengers and Philosophy
for you. (Why no Squirrel Girl, you ask? Wait for volume two—it’s
her.) So until Avengers Academy opens a branch near you, this book is the best way to learn from Earth’s Mightiest Philosophers—until we get our own movie, that is!



I would like to thank Bill Irwin for his constant support, encouragement, and hard work on this book and the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series as a whole; Connie Santisteban at Wiley, who saw this book through from beginning to end; and my fellow contributors, who came through with insights into philosophy and the Avengers I would never have imagined. I also want to give special thanks to Christine Hanefalk, who was incredibly supportive, especially in the stressful final weeks of this project. Finally, I would like to thank all the creators who have made the Avengers shine for half a century, starting with Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, through Kurt Busiek and George Pérez, and all the way up to Brian Michael Bendis, and Joss Whedon for bringing Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to life on the silver screen.


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