Autobiography of My Mother (40 page)

BOOK: Autobiography of My Mother
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With John Maund, president of the Australian Watercolour Institute from 1938–45.

Douglas Stewart
(oil), 1941. This was painted while he was writing his verse-play
Ned Kelly

With Meg as a baby. I taught myself to draw from memory while I was baby-minding my new daughter.

Meg in the city.

Back home after the trip to Europe in 1954 with Meg and Douglas. I missed our new home at St Ives, and the space and light of Australia.

Early Spring
(watercolour), 1968, painted at St Ives. Flowers look best in a vase straight from the gardens where they have been picked.

Moon Over Ku-ring-gai
(watercolour), 1970s, a painting much loved by Douglas.

Douglas at work in his writing room at St Ives, 1970s.

At work in my studio at St Ives, 1970s.

In the garden at St Ives with Douglas and our Tonkinese cat, Fang, 1970.

With Meg in the garden at St Ives, 1988.

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Version 1.0
Autobiography of My Mother

Published by Random House Australia, 2012

Copyright © Meg Stewart 2007

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

A Vintage Book
Published by Random House Australia Pty Ltd
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW, 2060

Addresses for companies within the Random House Group can be found at

First published in Australia by Penguin Books Australia, 1985
This Vintage edition first published in 2007

National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication Entry

Stewart, Meg, 1948–.
Autobiography of my mother.
Rev. ed.

ISBN 978 1 74166 823 0.

1. Coen, Margaret, 1909–1993. 2. Painters – Australia – Biography. 3. Watercolorists – Australia – Biography. I. Title.


Cover photograph of Margaret Coen, 1930, from the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Stewart family collection of photographs
Photograph of Meg Stewart by Jessica Hromas
Cover design by Christabella Designs


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