Audrey Hepburn (86 page)

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Authors: Barry Paris

BOOK: Audrey Hepburn
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I HAVE ALWAYS DEPENDED on the kindness of strange friends and archivists—and on the facts and favors they provide me over the years of researching and writing a biography such as this. There is no nice way to “group” people; doing so by location is perhaps least offensive. So those mentioned in the Foreword now join all the others for a full geo-alphabetical listing below.
Biography is a mosaic, and a mosaic is an arty jigsaw puzzle: Random pieces arrive in no sensible order. Some pieces never arrive at all; many turn out to belong to somebody
puzzle and thus a colossal waste of one's time. Gradually, some shape or outline is discernible, and then patches of the whole that may or may not connect. Not even the biographer himself knows what the picture will look like until it's done—unless his picture is preconceived, in which case he's not to be trusted.
Each of the people and institutions below supplied pieces of the Audrey Hepburn mosaic or helped me figure out where they belonged. With every project, I am always amazed anew by the generosity of the folks I ask for help. I am fondly grateful to everyone listed below, and I think George Coleman would approve of sharing this book's dedication with all of them.
Teresa Albanez, Jeffrey Banks, Dolores Barrett, Michael Barson (Putnam), Theodore Bikel, Patricia Bosworth, Professor Richard Brown, Charles Busch, Roger Caras, Cynthia Cathcart (Conde Nast), Horst Cerny, Maria Ciaccia, Jocelyn Clapp (Bettmann), Howard Cutler, Nickolas Dana (Rochester), Jody Donahue, Dominick Dunne, Gene Feldman, Mary (Mrs. José) Ferrer, Rose Ganguzza, Robert Gottlieb, Jane Halsman (Philippe Halsman Estate), Rose Hayden, Robert Heide, Mary Hernandez (Unilever), Celeste Holm, John Isaac, Roger Jones, Martha Kaplan, Wendy Keys, Ed Klein, Eleanor Lambert, Owen Laster (William Morris Agency), Ralph Lauren, Wayne Lawson
(Vanity Fair),
Lorraine Martindale (Putnam), Camilla Pecci-Blunt McGrath, Stafan de Mistura, Eric Myers, Patricia Neal, Marni Nixon, André Previn (Bedford Hills), Eric Rachlis (Archive Photos), Jill Rembar, Richard Schmidt, Marian Seldes, Deborah Solomon, Eli Wallach, Shelley Wanger, Victoria Wilson, Ron Wisniski and Robert Wolders (Rochester).
George Axelrod, Janis Blackschleger, Peter Bogdanovich, Florida Broadway, James Coburn, Stuart Crowner, Tony Curtis, Rudy Fehr, Mel Ferrer, the late Eva Gabor, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Rick and Deborah Geary, Lenny Gershe, Kirk Hallem, Charles Higham, Judd Klinger, Della Koenig, Gavin Lambert, Richard Lamparski, Jack Larsen, Julie Leifermann, Leonard & Alice & Jessie Maltin, Ginny Mancini, the late Doug McClure, Roddy McDowall, Joseph J. O'Donohue IV, Wallace Potts, David Stenn, R. J. Wagner, Connie Wald, Billy & Audrey Wilder, Cara Williams, Mignon Winans, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., and the inspiration of Marcia Davenport.
Dr. Tom Allen, Stephen Baum, Ken & Betty Behrend, Bill Bollendorf & Dr. Madalyn Simasek, Patti Burns, Judi Cannava, Jim Cunningham, Ron & Lynn Curry, Dan & Barbara Ernsberger, Janet Fanale, Lucy Fischer, Albert French, Doris and Josie Kalina, Tim Menees, Ruth Ann Molloy, James and Queen Christina O'Toole, Myrna Paris, Ben Paris, Merica Paris, Christopher Rawson, Sylvia Sachs, Shirley and Morris Shratter, John Ezra Schulman, Bob Simeone, Marilynn Uricchio, Laura Wallenchek and that wild, wacky Egyptologist Tim Ziaukas (in Bradford, Pennsylvania).
John & Margie Barba, Ken & Denise Cummins, Patricia Heberer (Holocaust Museum), Sandra Homner-van Damme, Senator Nancy Kassebaum, Madeline F. Matz (Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, Library of Congress), Liz Mays, Jacqueline Pessaud, and James Lee Auchincloss.
William Banks and Anne Cox Chambers (Atlanta); Steven Bach (Vermont); Bob Curtwright
(The Wichita Eagle);
William Donati (Memphis); Katharine Dunham (East St. Louis, Illinois); Grada [Wolders] and Dr. Ronald E. Glegg (Sarasota, Florida); Marilynn Gump (Wichita, Kansas); Cathy Henkel (Seattle); H. R. Hutchins (Royal Dutch Shell, Houston); Ned Lehac and Jane Sherman (Englewood, New Jersey); Pamela, David, Todd, Heather and Paris Loyle (Wichita, Kansas); Nancy & Wyoming B. Paris, Jr. (Bel Air, Maryland); Wyoming B. Paris (Wichita); Trever Pat-ton (Wichita); Yvonne Quarles van Ufford (Manchester, Massachusetts); Margaret Schouten (Sarasota, Florida); Teller (Las Vegas) and Michael Tilson Thomas (Miami).
Charles H. André de la Porte; Martin Appelmann (Bosch & Kuening Uitgevers, Baarn); Mrs. G. A. Bechtold; Vim Borawitz (The Hague); Leendert de Jong (The Hague Film House); Alfred Heineken III (Amsterdam); Ida de Jong; Ph. Kamphuis (chief of Army Staff section, Military History Dept., The Hague); Jascht Kulom (Dutch Film Archives, Amsterdam); Michael Quarles van Ufford (Breda); B. Melis of Shell International (The Hague); Hako & Christine Sixma van Heemstra (Vetuphen); Cornelus Tieleman (The Hague); Hesje and Willem van Hall; Countess Klarien von Zuylen van Nyenveldt; Anneke van Wijk; Paul van Vliet; author-historian Paul Vroemen and Coos and Rocky (Et Kamerik); and Rose-Marie Willems.
Mark Austen (Kompass Training Centre), Maria Avgoulis (William Morris Agency), the late Jeremy Brett, Kevin Brownlow, Sappho Clissit, Ninette de Valois, Jane Edgeworth, Angela Dukes Ellis, Annabel Farjeon, Maude Gosling, Peter and Catherine Green and families, Lord James Hanson, Penelope Hobhouse, Ronald Hynde, Elizabeth Kennedy, Richard Lester, Charles Saunders, Hugo Vickers, and Fred Zinnemann.
Michele Amon, Alain Barthot, Marie-Claude Benard, Leslie Caron, Hubert de Givenchy, Roland Petit, Gabrielle Hayat-Gelber, Bethany Haye, Veronique de Moussac, Marie-Christine Protoy, Alan Riding
(International Herald Tribune),
Ian and Yvonne Quarles van Ufford, Bob Willoughby, and the late Terence Young.
Doris Brynner (Geneva), Sean Ferrer (Tolochenaz), Jack Glattbach (Geneva), Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan (Geneva), Christa Roth (Geneva); and my faithful friends Peter Viertel and Deborah Kerr (Klosters).
Antonio, Bice & Giovanni Abbadessa, Enzo Amato, Anna Cataldi, Valentina Cortesa, Countess Lorean Gaetani-Lovatelli, Sophia Loren, Tony Menicucci, Grazia de Rossi, Sergio Russo, and Arabella Ungaro.
Cole and Marilyn Dodge (Nairobi, Kenya); David Heringa (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada); Ian MacLeod (Capetown, South Africa); Victor Soler-Sala (Madrid, Spain); Christine Sparagana (Santiago, Chile); and Gustavo Tavares (Dominican Republic).
Associated British Pictures
Abramson, Martin
Academy Award nominations:
Breakfast at Tiffany's
The Children's Hour
The Nun's Story
Wait Until Dark
Academy Awards; for costumes; Hepburn and;
My Fair Lady
; Out
of Africa
Roman Holiday
Acting: Ferrer (Mel) and; Hepburn and
Advise and Consent
Aging, Hepburn and
Albanez, Teresa
Albano, Italy, Ferrers in
Alberti, Laura
Alcohol, Holden and
Alexander, Jane
Alexandre (hairdresser)
Algemeen Handelsblad
Allen, Gene
Allers, Franz
Alpert, Hollis, and Paris When it
America: Hepburn's views of; immunization of children
American Film
Funny Face
Love in the Afternoon
The Nun's Story
American Film Institute: “Salute to Billy Wilder” ; tribute to Cary Grant
American films, in England
Ames, Preston
Amsterdam, after war
Anderson, Lindsay;
Making a Film: The Story of “Secret People

Anderson, Robert
Andre, Carol
Andrews, Julie; and Academy Awards; and
My Fair Lady
Anet, Claude;
Angeli, Pier
Animals, Hepburn and
Anne Frank Educational Trust
Anorexia, questions of
Anouilh, Jean:
The Fighting Cock
The Lark
Anti-Semitism, World War II Holland
Antoinette Perry Award. See Tony Award
Arkin, Alan; tribute to Hepburn
Arnhem, Holland: tribute to Hepburn; van Heemstra family in
-World War II, ; ballet performance ; battle of
Around the World in
Ashcroft, Peggy
Ashton, Frederick
ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
Assam (dog)
Associated British Pictures (ABC) ; and Hepburn; and
War and Peace
Astaire, Adele
Astaire, Fred; and
Funny Face
Atlanta, Georgia, UNICEF event
Atlanta Journal,
They All Laughed
Attenborough, Richard;
A Bridge Too Far
Audrey Hepburn: An Intimate Portrait,
Audrey Hepburn Hollywood for Children Fund
Audrey Hepburn in Her Own Words
(TV documentary)
Audrey Hepburn's Enchanted Tales
Audrey Hepburn's Neck,
Aumont, Jean-Pierre
Auric, Georges
Autobiography, Hepburn and
Autumn Sonata
Avedon, Richard; and
Funny Face
; tribute to
Axelrod, George
Aylmer, Felix
Aacona Hoya, Jose
Bacall, Lauren;
Sex and the Single Girl
Bache, Kitty
Bad Company,
Bailey, Pearl
Bainter, Fay
Balaban, Barney
Balcon, Michael
Balkin, Karen
Ballard, Lucien
Ballet, Audrey and ; study with Rambert
The Ballet Club
Balsano, Roberta
Bancroft, Anne
Bangladesh, UNICEF field-trip
Banks, Jeffrey
Barba, John
Bardot, Brigitte
Barry Lyndon
Basehart, Richard
Beaton, Cecil; and Ferrers' marriage; and
My Fair Lady
; portrait of Hepburn
Beauchamp, Anthony
Beau Geste
Beauty; of Hepburn
Beckerman, Sidney
Beedle, William Franklin, Jr.
Holden, William
Behn, Marc, “The Unsuspecting Wife”
Belafonte, Harry; tribute to Hepburn
Belgian Congo, filming in
Bell, Vladimir
Bender, Dick
Bentley, Eric
Berenbeim, Glenn
Bergen, Polly
Bergman, Ingmar,
Autumn Sonata
Bergman, Ingrid
Bernhardt, Sarah
Bernstein, Leonard
Bertolucci, Bernardo
Best-dressed list
Bienstock, Abraham
Bikel, Theodore
The Birds
Blackman, Honor
“Blackout performances,” World War II
Blackschleger, Janis
The Blackshirt
(BUF publication)
Bland, Neville
Blindness, Hepburn and
Blood and Roses
Boarding school
Bogart, Humphrey; in
Bogdanovich, Peter; and Gazzara; and Hepburn; and Stratten; and They
All Laughed
Bondarchuk, Sergei
Booth, Shirley
Borghi, Christiana
Bosnia, Cataldi and
Bosworth, Patricia
Bourbon-Dampierre, Prince Alfonso de
Bourdin, Lise
Boyer, Charles
Boyer, Jean
Bradshaw, George
Brand, Neville
Brando, Marlon
Brandy for the Parson
The Brave Bulls
Brazil, street children
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Brett, Jeremy
Brett, Simon
Bridges, Olive
A Bridge Too Far,
A Bridge Too Far
British Film Academy
British Union of Fascists (BUF)
Britt, May
Broadway, Florida; and Ferrers' marital problems
Bron, Eleanor
Brook, Rupert
Brooklyn Eagle
Brown, Alan,
Audrey Nepburn's Neck
Brown, Clarence
Brown, Josephine
Brown, Kay
Brown, Richard
Browne, Stanley
Brownlow, Kevin
Bruce, Lawrence E., Jr.
Brynner, Doris Kleiner ; and
My Fair Lady
—and Hepburn: death of; home of; illness of; marriage to Dotti; thinness of ; UNICEF involvement
Brynner, Victoria
Brynner, Yul; and Ferrers' marital problems
Buchell, Betty and Philip
Bulimia, questions of
Bullfight, Hepburn and
Bürgenstock, Switzerland, Ferrer home ; burglary
Burnett, Carol
Burstyn, Ellen
Burton, Richard
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George
Butler, Jerry
Byng, Douglas

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