Attrition of the Gods: Book 1 of the Mystery Thriller series Gods Toys. (30 page)

BOOK: Attrition of the Gods: Book 1 of the Mystery Thriller series Gods Toys.
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“Huddle up, it’s going to be a tight fit,” Chamuel says, confirming her anxiety. “And don’t forget to hold your breath.”

The sudden surge catches Adam off-guard and he has little control though Chamuel skilfully directs the boards towards the right pipe. Ember closes her eyes and holds on for dear life as Chamuel squats down low, preparing to enter the black hole. Behind them there’s a rush of air. Chamuel looks back, worried.

“Uh oh.”

“What?” says Adam, also looking back.

“Incoming,” says Chamuel going ashen.

There’s a roaring noise and then a torrent of water can been seen hurtling towards them.

“Paddle!” Chamuel shouts.

Quickly all three dip their hands in and scoop like mad. The roar of the coming water increases and just as the first board is about to enter the pipe Adam’s board gets jack-knifed as the sudden wave hits. He crashes against the wall with a cry of surprise and tumbles off.

Ember screams for Adam but as soon as they enter the right-hand pipe they are plummeting down, rattling from side to side. Her head bashes against the metal pipe around her and her arm grazes along rusted walls. No words are possible as it picks up more and more speed as they ride the crest of the wave but she is sure she hears Chamuel shout out a childlike yelp of excitement. Then with a sudden whoosh they launch into another underground river. Chamuel quickly reaches out to an exposed tree root that hangs above and steadies the vessel.

“Wahoo! Back in the day people paid good money to go on a ride like that,” Chamuel enthuses in a high-pitched scream. He looks back and his childish state changes, “Where’s Adam?”

Ember is shaking. “He came off right before we entered the tunnel. Maybe he will be here, he can’t be far behind…”

They both look up expectantly. A heavy weight forms in Ember’s stomach as she keeps her eyes on the exit, willing Adam to appear. Chamuel paddles the board to the side of the river, guiding it to the embankment so they can disembark.

“Don’t worry. He’s tough cookie. He’ll be fine,” Chamuel says, not wanting to lie but needing to calm Ember down. The crazed look in her eyes makes him nervous.

As the realisation that she has just lost Adam hits, she borders on hysterics. The only thing keeping her feet on the ground is Adam. They were in this together. Without him she has no idea what the hell she is doing.

“No. He won’t,” she cries. “The excess water would have dragged him towards the left-hand pipe. What’s down there? Where does it go? Tell me!”


Adam’s board is lost. Not a strong swimmer, he struggles vainly to swim against the tide which is now dragging him towards the left-hand pipe. Desperate to avoid this he kicks hard and grapples with the wall, his fingers catching a small ridge. He holds on for grim life but then a second surge hits him and pulls him from the wall, dragging him right into the mouth of the left pipe.

Desperately holding his breath Adam feels like he is being spun in a blending device as he whirls rapidly around the wrong pipe. It descends at a sharp angle and seems to go on for an age. He doubts the destination will be any better than the trip but he needs to get out of here before he runs out of air and limbs. A particularly brutal tumble smashes his ribs into the wall of the pipe and any remaining air is knocked out of him. Suddenly, though, he is airborne, gasping for breath before he plummets down into an underground lake.

He is underwater again, rolling, not knowing up from down. Then the waters calm and he can see flickering light in one direction. He heads for it as his throat burns and his ribs spasm in pain. He breaks the surface, delighted but terrified. Chamuel never did say what was down this tunnel. He half swims, half floats to the water’s edge where he can see he is in a large cave, courtesy of hundreds of flaming torches placed around the walls.

‘Fire means people, surely,’ he thinks. ‘Is that good or bad?’

In the distance Adam can hear some scrambling. It sounds like some sort of animal noise and a stampede getting closer and closer. He looks for somewhere to hide but cannot make one out. The din is getting louder as whatever it is gets closer. Panicking, he swims to the edge and scuttles behind a rock in the darkest space he can find as his ribs pulse with pain. A hundred or more shadowy figures are entering the huge cave. He watches as they scurry around the edges of the lake, excitedly gathering the many bits of litter that have arrived with the rush of water.

Adam lies flat trying to avoid detection. He is on the far side of the lake and notices the figures don’t seem keen on getting too wet as they pull objects from the pool with long stick-like hooks. Adam feels a slight sense of hope. He assumes these are a nasty gang, remembering Chamuel’s warning about not wanting to end up flowing down the left pipe. Also the sounds coming from the group are not what he would associate with a friendly welcoming party. Adam struggles to make out any individuals but can see they are working in unison as they scavenge through the waste. “How bad does it have to be to have to survive off shit that has already been cherry picked by the other inhabitants?” he asks himself.

The answer soon becomes clear as a larger member of the group climbs up on a rocky parapet next to one of the flamed torches. Adam gulps as he can see exactly what he has stumbled upon and why Chamuel was so reluctant to travel down this side.

With thick leathery skin that covers his large forehead and an elongated bottom jaw, the beast is distinct. His powerful limbs hold his body, covered in a down of rough hair. Upright and wide shouldered, the figure is revealed to be an emaciated and decaying, but fearsome-looking, Humanzee. Its cold eyes strike fear into Adam’s heart. He recoils in a sudden panic and rising to his knees staggers backwards, dislodging a rock as he moves. A splash as the rock hits the water alerts the beast, who turns, looking towards him. A prayer is all the young man can muster. “Please God, don’t let him see me.”

A snarl from the beast causes its large, fierce-looking teeth to unfurl as it points towards Adam’s hideout, screeching to the others who all turn to look. A moment’s silence is broken by a cacophony of screams as the pack seems to go into a frenzy, running in then out of the cold water, none daring to go above their depth, but seemingly desperate to reach him. Adam’s relief that they cannot cross over to him is short-lived as three or four figures carrying tall objects come into view. They are large poles and the beasts are pushing them into the ground. He looks up and his terror is compounded as he can see the labyrinth of tree roots hanging from the cave ceiling. The poles will reach them easily and then the agile-looking beasts will effortlessly swing from one to the next, transporting themselves to his little sanctuary.

The first attempt fails as a small member falls into the water while trying to reach the roots. His aids drop the pole so he can scramble out and back to the shore. A second and third attempt also fail and Adam allows himself to hope once more. The figures seem defeated and have gone quiet, then suddenly more pandemonium ensues as a larger pole arrives and two of the pack lodge it firmly into the mud, holding it steady, then tipping it towards the roots. It easily reaches and Adam decides he must take flight. He looks around but there is nowhere to go. He looks back up and can see three Humanzees now climbing the pole.

A noise behind him reveals he is no longer alone and an unseen assailant grabs him, clasping his head under their arm and pulling him into the lake and below the water. Petrified, Adam can see nothing. Powerless to resist the firm grip around his neck, he is dragged further and further down. Certain he is about to die, one flicker of a thought gives him some hope. “Those Humanzees can’t swim so how is this one dragging me down into these depths? It can’t be a Humanzee.”


“Humanzees… they live out there, don’t they?” Ember is still trying to extract information from a reluctant Chamuel.

Eventually he relents. “Yes, but believe me, if I am right, which I always am, there is much worse than them down there. We got to keep moving, Ember. I am sorry about Adam, really I am, but we can do
. I have to get you out of here and follow the plan. We have a mission and nothing can stand in the way.”

Ember’s mind is going round in circles as she tries to process everything she has gone through. And now she has to do it without her partner in crime, on her own, without even the prospect of her dad being able to help her. She can feel the heat of tears behind her eyes and is desperately trying to stop them from pushing through. She knows as soon as those tears start to fall she will completely lose it.

What other creatures could be down there? She tries not to think about what might be happening to Adam but all sorts of vile and terrifying images flash through her mind. And then Chamuel’s words sink in. A mission? What mission? The panic fades as she begins to think things through: the disc and everything Raphael had been saying was all leading to something. The possibility of purpose sharpens her mind and she looks at Chamuel with focused eyes.

“Wait…What do you mean… mission?”





Leo’s notes…


Thirteen Djinn left Levant with gold and harem?

Reuben went to Italy - He is our main worry, seems to be evil personified, definitely doesn’t like Jews. Mainly in Europe now, Possible based in England

Levi Egypt Still in play Simeon thinks he is controlling both the US and Canadian governments.

Simeon Greece Now part supporting humans and recruiting new champion. Seems to have a serious drinking problem!!

Zeb China Believed to be still in play either China or Russia

Judd East Asia Believed to be still in play either China or Russia.

Daniel Ethiopia First of the Djinn to return to their home after death caused by an accident in Africa

Naphtali South America Dead I think he returned as well?

Isaac Iberia? Spain/Portugal - Seems to of been a victim of whoever or whatever is killing these Djinn and taking their amulets. He has not returned to Djinn dimension.

Asher West Asia - Assumed to still be active


Gad North Africa Dead not returned

Ephraim India Dead not returned

Joseph North America Dead not returned

Benjamin ??? Stayed in the Levant = Middle East Persia? Iran? Unknown believed dead not returned


Four Arc Hon = Amitiel, Raphael, Chamuel and Michael. Unsure whose side they are on seem to be on Simeon beliefs Michael was victim of the same assailant that has been killing the Djinn.

Baal and Solfrid first Djinn to assimilate as humans thousands of years before the thirteen arrived.

The Demiurge, creator, absent God?

Human champion has beautiful woman on her arm?? No idea what this means


Stoke Prison


Leo is grateful to the prison Governor for granting him permission to meet with Shane each day for their chess game. Leo had been a model prisoner before the “incident” and the routine of the chess games could only add to the stability of his mental state so the Governor told him he would ask Shane if he was willing.

At first Leo had wondered if Shane would accept. He wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t. He realises that the tiny crumb of credibility his stories ever had with Shane is probably long gone now that he has been banged up in the loony wing and diagnosed with delusional disorder. Still, he needs to try to warn Shane of the event that is surely going to happen. Faith has been in short supply lately but Leo needs to at least have faith in Shane. The thought that he might fail to convince Shane that he has been telling the truth is his biggest fear, as he knows this could lead to Shane being unprepared for the coming attack the Djinn most definitely have planned. He also knows his idea to escape from the prison will not be met with approval from Shane. Leo decides not to panic. He has to believe in fate, even though he knows even fate is controlled by the Djinn.

Shane had pondered the idea of turning down Leo’s request for special visits. The Governor told him there was no pressure if he wanted to decline; he explained that Leo’s condition was called delusional disorder and caused him to imagine things. Shane had only begun to settle into a normal prison existence since Leo’s episode. He was curious though since so many things didn’t add up. The cameras failing on the two occasions Leo was attacked, the involvement of Robert Price, the lady called Solfrid, even the attempt on Leo’s life at the exact time Shane was off the wing. So he agreed to the visits in the end and the two reignited their chess tournament.

“So they finally clocked that you’re a fruitcake,” remarks Shane on seeing Leo for the first time in months. Leo smiles and hugs his friend. They set up the game and begin to play.

“Do you think I’m crazy?” Leo asks him.

Shane looks away. “I don’t know, man.”

Leo is encouraged that it’s not an outright “no”. He decides to plough straight into it.

“You must plan an escape.” Shane gulps; he hadn’t thought Leo would embark on his normal crackpot conversation so early on.

“Escape? Why would I want to do that? I will be out in less than eighteen months.”

Leo sounds very concerned as he replies, “You won’t be alive in eighteen months, maybe not even in a month if you stay here.”

A sigh from Shane betrays his impatience at Leo’s ramblings. “Listen, old man, I agreed to these meetings because you’re a genuinely nice guy and I enjoy the tales you tell but if you think for one minute you are going to coerce me into some crazy fucking escape plan, you can stop now. Can we not just play chess and do our time?”

This time Leo is irate. “Fucking hell! Are you blind? I have spent the last twenty-odd sodding months trying to enlighten you on what is going on out there. I have explained that you are an important part of what is about to happen. You saved me from my first assassination attempt, for God’s sake! Do you think it is a coincidence that the minute you’re not around a second attempt is made on my life? Do you? I am past concern for my own life; however, I have been given the unenviable task of trying to educate you on the facts.”

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