Astrid Cielo (4 page)

Read Astrid Cielo Online

Authors: Begging for Forgiveness (Pinewood Creek Shifters)

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Paranormal

BOOK: Astrid Cielo
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me carry you."

pupils dilated as she took in his scent and he knew the moment she knew.


sweetheart, let me carry you."

bit her lip as she looked toward the petite brunette.

up to you, sweetie."

took a deep breath and her grey eyes returned to his.
He'd never believed in love at first sight,
even with Skylar he'd fallen in love weeks into an intense courtship, but with
Aspen something inside him shifted into place, something he'd not realized he'd
been missing.
He was undeniably in love
with this woman.

Chapter 4

slipped into the backseat of Sky's Tahoe and tightened his hold on Aspen when
she made to scramble off his lap.
Aspen's eyes widened, but she stilled.

worry, Aspen.
I won't hurt you."

are you?"

I'm Skylar's mate."

eyes widened."I...I-"

cupped Aspen's cheek and rubbed his thumb over her smooth skin.

okay, Aspen, because you are my mate, too."

bit her lip and he longed to kiss her.
Smooth pale skin, a heart-shaped face with black hair tumbling around
her shoulders, and beautiful grey eyes completed a beauty that Skylar didn't
Xavier thought Sky was damn
sexy, his tawny blond hair usually in disarray all over his head, green eyes
and a hard body he could lick all day.
But Aspen's beauty was different, feminine where he and Skylar were
definitely male.

settled his hands on the curve of Aspen's waist and schooled his smile when she
Her body went rigid, but slowly
relaxed against him.
The buzz of conversation
reached his ears and Xavier listened as Skylar spoke, his body tensing at Sky's
obvious defense of him.

not going to hurt her, that man is her mate and would kill to protect

won't hurt her?
That's why we're going
to the hospital now, because he yanked and threw her.”

turned to look out the window and see the male that had once held Aspen poke
Skylar in the chest.

caught her," Skylar growled.

petite brunette placed herself in between the two, the once bare-chested male
hissing as her body came into contact with Skylar's.
Aspen's hands grabbed his and Xavier wound
their fingers together.

, he can take care of himself," he whispered into
Aspen's ear.

petite brunette pushed the two males apart.

swear this is worse than when my kids get into an argument.
We'll blame each other at the hospital.
Now some one get in that truck and drive,
Caleb will take the passenger seat and me and Andrew will hop in the back with
Aspen and..."

Skylar said.

thank you..."


now let's go!"

door opened and the rest of Aspen's tenseness drained, leaving her relaxed
against his body.
He looked up praying
it wasn't the male who'd held her--Andrew--and relieved to see that it was the
petite brunette.

Xavier, I'm Miranda."

"Nice to meet you."

looked over to the other side of the Tahoe when the door opened and
The sound of the slap reached
his ears before a slight pain welled on his shoulder.
His anger forgotten he looked back over at

enough of that, Xavier.
Get in the
truck, Andrew.
You two will play nice,
do you understand?"

found himself nodding before he knew what he was doing.
Aspen's laugh pulled him from his
He loved that sound and knew
he'd spend his whole life just to hear her laugh again.
She dipped her head when Xavier looked back
at her.
He placed his fingers under her
chin and brought her face up to his.

an elementary school teacher."

nodded and dipped his head placing a small kiss on Aspen's lips.
Her face turned a beautiful shade of
She rested her head on Xavier's
shoulder and he sighed.
Maybe this was
what he and Skylar had been missing.
their relationship had seemed strained lately.
Of course the past three months had been trying, but even before that
it'd not been entirely blissful.

was nothing to do now but wait and see.




baby is fine, Aspen."

breathed a sigh of relief at Dr. Sanchez's words.
She felt even more relieved when the alien
picture of her growing baby graced the screen.
Miranda squeezed her hand and Aspen tried to smile, but more was
weighing on her than just the welfare of her unborn child.
It was almost as though she was caught in a
nightmare and she couldn't wake up.
she actually been witness to the mate who'd left her kissing another man?
More confusing still was the instant
attraction she felt for that other man.
It was like meeting Skylar for the first time all over again.
Her body, soul, mind and cougar wanted him


how could this be?
Was her connection to
Skylar false?
Had she spent the last
three months pining away for a man that wasn't even her mate?

I come in?"

Skylar filled the doorway, his
presence making her heart beat a little faster.

there goes the false connection theory.
Aspen looked into familiar green eyes--green eyes that haunted her every
dream and fantasy--and nodded.

talk later, okay," Miranda said before releasing Aspen's hand and walking
toward the door.
She stopped in front of
Skylar, barely reaching mid-chest on the male and pointed her finger at
Aspen wanted to laugh at the way
Miranda transformed from friend to alpha female before her eyes.

you, whoever you are, better not hurt Aspen.
She is a member of my pride and I also consider her my best friend.
Consider yourself warned."

nodded at Aspen before turning and walking out of the room.

with that, I'll get all the paperwork filled out so you can be discharged,
okay, Aspen."

you, Dr. Sanchez."

"My pleasure, Aspen.
Oh, and do me a favor and tell Theresa


Dr. Sanchez left and the tension in the room reminded Aspen of a dense
She took a calming breath when
Skylar took a hesitant step toward her.
She could do this.
Couldn't she?

missed you."

why did you leave?"

slapped her hand over her mouth.
Skylar's lips curled into a small smile and her cougar went crazy at the
sight of their mate's sexy grin.

didn't leave...well, I came back and you were gone."

left me without a word.
What was I
supposed to think, and before you tell me I should have stayed and waited, I
know you left me with the intention of never coming back."

fisted her hands, her claws digging into her palms.
The pain was a welcome distraction to keep
her from tears.
She would not cry in
front of this man.
He wouldn't know how
much his leaving had hurt her.
Skylar hung
his head and sighed, his actions confirming what she'd always known.
He'd never planned to return, but biology had
overridden his own desires.
And though
it felt as though she were ripping a piece of her heart out, she knew how badly
this would end.
Hell, weren't her
parents’ proof that sometimes fate got it wrong?

sometimes fate doesn't get this mate thing right-"

covered the distance between them in the blink of an eye.
His hands framed her face and forced her to
look into his beautiful green eyes.

not letting you go, Aspen.
You are mine
and I don't care if that other male is your baby's father, I am your mate and
you belong to me."

words were like a slap in the face.
Aspen bit her lip and pulled away.

Aspen said between tears that could and would not be stopped.

said that I wasn't leaving."

swiped her tears and her cougar rose to the surface, the familiar ripple of fur
erupting over her arms.


bent into her face, an obvious challenge for her cougar, his green eyes going

he said between clenched teeth.

believe my patient has asked you to leave, sir.
Don't make me call security."

shifted her attention to the short and curvy female standing in the doorway,
her eyes cautious but firm as she regarded Skylar.

won't leave my mate," Skylar said.

female smiled sweetly.

believe you don't have a choice, sir.
Now, mate or not, my patient has requested that you leave, so you can
leave or I can make you leave."

closed his eyes, his whole body shaking.
He leaned down and took her mouth, his tongue invading on her gasp.
She wanted to hate that he kissed her, wanted
to push him away, but her traitorous body relaxed for the first time in months
and basked in his dominance, the way he was rough until he got her
How he gentled his kiss,
dueling his tongue with hers.
She hated
that she wanted him so badly.
Hated that
she'd soaked through her panties with wanting him, and she was so confused
because all she could imagine was Xavier joining them.

mine," Skylar said before turning and leaving her alone with the curvy

you okay?"

nodded and touched her lips with her fingers.
The curvy brunette smiled.

name is
and I'll be your nurse.
We just changed shifts, so I'll be taking
over your discharge."


need to follow-up with Dr. Sanchez next week.
I know your previous appointment was next month, but in light of your
visit to Pinewood Creek ER Dr. Sanchez thought it would be better if she saw
you next wee...Are you even listening?"

jumped when a hand touched her shoulder, pulling her from varying thoughts of
clawing Skylar's pretty face and kissing him senseless.
How dare he even think this baby was anybody's
but his!
She looked up into
face and sighed.


sighed and
looked at her watch before taking a seat on the stool sitting beside Aspen.

spill it.
What's bothering you?"


give me that crap, girl.
I may be
twenty-five, but that doesn't mean that I'm naïve.
! I’ve been a
nurse since I was twenty.
Seen and heard
it all...Ok, maybe not all, but a spill."

bit her lip and stared at the curvy brunette.
She leaned forward and took a deep whiff of the female's scent.

a platypus."



were sniffing me to figure out what I was, well I'm a platypus."


"Okay, now that you've determined
is okay to talk to me about super secret shifter stuff, tell

tenseness slowly eased when she realized that if she told this person who
didn't know her at all she could relieve a lot of the stress she'd felt for the
past three months.

my mate...or at least I think he is..."

not sure?"

I was the night...the night we-"

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