Astrid Cielo (11 page)

Read Astrid Cielo Online

Authors: Begging for Forgiveness (Pinewood Creek Shifters)

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Paranormal

BOOK: Astrid Cielo
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Chapter 9

wiped the blade on his jeans and inhaled the sharp scent of fear filling his
This girl had been a good choice,
just the right amount of fight to satisfy his wolf, and enough fear to scream
with every slice of the knife.
He placed
his knife in his bag and undressed.
was the part that Shane enjoyed the most, running in their wolf forms to catch
their prey.

circled his hardened shaft and pumped twice, but restrained himself from taking
it any further.
He'd already had this
woman willingly; her nails had dug into his back as he pumped in and out of her
Such a sweet fuck, it was too bad
she had a greater purpose to serve.
finished placing his clothing into his bag and welcomed the change, from man to
He lifted his head to the sky and
His wolf delighted in being let
free to stalk their prey.
At first he'd
been reluctant to hunt the wounded females, but after his first taste of blood
laced with fear his wolf had been hooked.

wolf took in the scents of the forest and ran the scent of her blood leading
him ever closer.
Within minutes he had
her in sight, her blonde hair glistened in the moonlight and her pale white
skin made his human side want to take her again.


was about revenge.
He had to let the
agent know he'd come to visit.

wolf took over and leaped taking the female down.
She screamed and he enjoyed her new
He took a moment to enjoy the
cuts he'd given her, across her belly, down her thighs, and arms all bleeding
freely testament to the depth of his knife.
She struggled valiantly, but in the end his strength was too much and
like the others she stared blankly into the night sky.

rushed over his wolf and he howled to the moon again at his kill.
But this time his wolf's cry wasn't answered
by his twin.
Rage formed in his wolf's
guts and he tore at the female's flesh.
He sat beside the body and allowed the change to come over him.
No longer was she a blonde-hair, blue-eyed
beauty, but a mangled mess.

left the girl and packed up his gear.
stopped at a stream on the way and washed the blood from his naked body before
redressing and continuing to his quaint room at the local bed and
He smiled at the elderly
woman who smiled at him when he walked through the door and continued on to his
He stripped his clothing and
settled onto the bed.
The agent, Skylar,
wouldn't know what hit him.




snuggled closer to the warm, hard body and sighed.
It'd only been twice that she'd been the ice
cream filling of one of the most delicious ice cream sandwiches, but she was
already addicted.

Xavier had left, she tossed and turned her curiosity only growing with each
passing moment.
So, after like the
fiftieth time of changing positions, she’d tracked her mates to the clearing in
the woods they’d chosen.
Her pussy
moistened as scenes of hardened flesh met hardened flesh in the moonlight.

shrill beep of her alarm made her groan.
Hands moved from her waist to travel slowly up her body to cup her
Warm breath tickled her ear
when Xavier whispered, "Time for work, sweetheart."

opened her eyes to Skylar's green ones and her mouth automatically turned up, a
smile the most natural thing when he looked at her so intently.
It was hard to believe that only two days ago
she'd felt so alone and now she was contemplating sharing her life with two

traced her lips with his fingertips and she sucked his finger into her
His eyes widened.

love to see you smile."

heart swelled.
Skylar pulled his finger
from her mouth and looked over her shoulder.
Nothing was said, but suddenly she found herself lying on top of Xavier,
her legs held apart by his.

movements were unhurried when he tapped the snooze button on her alarm clock.

long does your snooze last?"

"F-five minutes."

smiled his canines prominent and his green eyes glowing.
Pure predator.

bent over her and took her mouth, his tongue wasting no time to delve within
the recesses of her mouth.
Aspen sighed
and allowed it to happen.
Allowed them
both whatever they wanted.

moved her shirt--Xavier's shirt--up her torso the cooler room air causing her
nipples to pebble.
Hands cupped her
bared breasts, fingers pinching her nipples.
She moaned into Skylar's mouth and arched into Xavier's hands.

pulled back and another second of pointed stares and she was placed on her back
on the mattress the shirt fluttering to the floor.

bit gently on her shoulder before his mouth took Skylar's place.
Hands--Skylar's--caressed her thighs before
parting them to bare her most intimate flesh to his gaze.

only got four minutes left, Xavier, let's make them count."

air caressed her intimate flesh moments before warmth caressed her clit.
Aspen squirmed then cried out, her yelp of
surprise captured in Xavier's mouth, when Skylar's tongue snaked through her
He was merciless with his tongue,
alternating with stabbing his tongue in and out of her sheath and flicking his
tongue over her clit.
Her climax was
building fast when Skylar pulled away.
Aspen groaned.

, baby, Xavier wants a taste."

squirmed while they changed positions.
Her hips shot off the mattress when a tongue flicked rapidly over her
Skylar cupped her face and took
her lips like a man possessed.
The taste
of herself mixed with his flavor made her moan.
Her hips moved of their own accord trying to get closer to the mouth and
tongue that was delivering such delicious torture.

left her mouth.

more minutes, Xavier."

finger slid deep, slowly pumping into her aching core.
Then a second finger joined the first while
Xavier sucked her clit into his mouth.
Aspen panted and Skylar bent to take her nipples into his mouth.

moved his fingers faster and faster, his tongue never ceasing its work on her
Aspen's breath caught in her
throat and her cries of completion mixed with the shrill beeping of the alarm
Her whole body seized with the
rapture of a climax she never thought possible.

opened her eyes to find Xavier and Skylar smiling down at her.

morning, baby," Skylar said with a peck on her lips.

morning, sweetheart," Xavier said and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

took a deep breath and smiled.

was way more enjoyable than my alarm clock."

Xavier stood and took her into
the bathroom.
He sat her on the counter
and turned to fill up the bathtub.

chewed on her bottom lip.
Why wouldn't
they take her?
Was there something wrong
with her?
Finger's pried her bottom lip
from between her teeth and she looked up into green eyes.

wrong, Aspen?"

were the last thing she wanted, but her hormones had different plans.
Hands cupped her cheeks.

do that." Skylar said.

what," she said between the tears.

"Cry, hurt like that."

turned her head and swiped at her tears.

baby, I'm sorry."

can't help it."

turned off the water.

her pregnancy, Sky.
She'll be on an
emotional roller coaster even after the baby is born."

panicked look made Aspen giggle.
He moved
out of the way when Xavier stood to his side and she was lifted again.
She sighed as she sank into the warm water.

do you know so much?"

"As soon as I found out
you were pregnant I read everything I could find on the internet."

smiled and cupped his cheek.

was so sweet."

serious about being your mates, Aspen.
It's not just because of the mating call, but we want to give you the
time that you need.
We need to do
Aspen turned to Skylar's
voice and nodded.
She did need that,

won't you have sex with me?"

growled his eyes glowing.
He bent down
and nipped gently at her shoulder.
matching nip followed from Xavier.

only have so much control, Aspen."

Ever since she'd been pregnant
she'd wanted—no—needed something physical.
She stayed so horny, her body choosing inappropriate times to cry out
for its mate.
At first she accustomed it
to an unfulfilled mating, hoping that it would decrease with time.
Then she found out she was pregnant...

took a deep breath, gathering her courage to ask for what she so desperately
needed--To feel close to her mates in the most primal way.


took a deep breath and nodded.

up, baby or you'll be late."

stood up and walked away.
Aspen turned
to Xavier the strain evident on his face.
Aspen sighed.

got this, Xavier.
I've been bathing
myself for years."

face softened for a second.

We can't do this right now or
you'll be late for work.
And I've
neglected my work for far too long."

do you do?"

a website designer.
I'm sorry,

stood and hurried from the room.
huffed and finished her bath.
dressed and walked into the living room.
Caleb looked up from his seat on the couch and Wesley stood the bear
shifter cop nodding at her politely.
Aspen sighed.
It looked like she
was going to be late.


Chapter 10

took off at a run.
His need was coursing
through his veins, his skin on fire from wanting her so badly.
Xavier followed and they ran and ran.
They let the surrounding woods bring back the
level headedness they needed to face her again.

minutes later, they stepped into the living room of Aspen's house and accusing
eyes turned their way.
Skylar knew this
look well, since he’d endured it during childhood often.

stood and moved toward them but Caleb stood up and blocked her path.
Skylar growled.
No one kept his mate from him.

They didn't do it!"

don't know that."

face turned red.
"Yes I do."

large male stood and coughed to bring their attention to him.

nobody is blaming anyone.
I just came to
check and see if anyone knew anything."

could it be a coincidence that all this started when they came to town?"

stomped her foot and pushed past Caleb.
"Oh for goodness sakes, Caleb, I told you it wasn't them; they were
with me last night."

reached out and pulled her behind him his wolf settling some with him between
her and the perceived threat.
The large
male stepped forward.

think some introductions are in order.
I'm Wesley Chambers with the Pinewood Creek PD and I'm investigating a

shook the hand extended to him.

This is my mate Xavier."

nodded his brows drawing together.
Xavier stepped forward and Wesley extended his hand once more.

you were with Aspen all night?"


that's not entirely true, Skylar and I went running in the woods last

restrained Aspen who tried to step past him.
His little cat hissed and he pinned her with a stare.

down, baby."

welled in her eyes and Xavier pulled her into his arms.
Skylar turned back to Wesley.

exactly are we being accused of?"

not accusing you of anything, but since you're new in town and we have a murder
at the same time you have to admit that's suspicious."


turned and picked up a folder off the coffee table.

don't normally do this, but given the nature of the injuries the victim
sustained I'd say this is a special case.
I think we need to sit down and talk."

turned to find Xavier whispering to Aspen.

going to take her to work while you handle whatever this is, Sky."

though he hated to see his mates leaving, but he was thankful that Xavier
understood she shouldn't see whatever depravity humanity had to offer.
Aspen broke from Xavier's hold and stood in
front of Wesley her hands on her hips.

may have left me to go into the woods, but I followed them.
They didn't do whatever it is you and Caleb
think they did."

sighed and took her by the hand.

pulled her hand from his and turned to Skylar.
"I was there."

seen it all.
He waited for disgust to
enter her eyes, rejection.
But it
never did.
She allowed Xavier to take
her from the house and Skylar sighed.

followed Wesley and Caleb into the dining room and sat at the table a
burgeoning file folder sitting in front of him.

was called out early this morning on a call.
A couple of runners found the body of Marcy Stevenson partially hidden
in the woods in between the pride and pack lands.
We rarely have a homicide, but when we do the
whole community panics.
I'm trying to
keep this hush-hush because…well open the folder and see for yourself."

nodded and flipped open the folder.
trained for this his whole life-his childhood a series of exercises that his
guardian concocted to ensure he was ready to take his place as an agent within
the human/shifter relations department of the Shifter Council.
But no matter how many files he'd opened they
always took his breath away.
pictures of lifeless victims, always tortured by a shifter were never something
he’d gotten used to.

Stevenson was no different.
Her hair,
which was once a pretty blonde color, was red with the blood that should be
coursing through her veins.
Her face was
marred by claw marks down her right cheek, her nude body displaying bite marks
and knife wounds.


fought the bile as he sifted through the pictures, but one caught his
It made his blood run cold
when he traced the X carved onto Marcy's left thigh.
It couldn't be.

supposed to be dead," Skylar whispered.

supposed to be dead?"

shook his head.

learned a long time ago that if I knew their names then they were a real person
before I carried out their sentence.
This X here is the calling card of the last case I was working on.
I executed the guilty party after arriving
too late."

exactly are you?"
Caleb's eyes

"I'm an agent for the
shifter/human relations department for the Shifter Council.
I am called on to execute those who purposefully
harm or kill humans putting our secret in danger."

sat back in his chair and rubbed his chin.
Skylar waited for somebody to say something. He slid the folder back to
Wesley and stood.
The chair made an
earsplitting noise when he stood and it crashed to the ground.
Wesley stood and gathered the file.

you'll excuse me I've got to contact the council.
With that pattern of injuries it's obvious a
shifter did this."

I count on the council for help?"

"Of course you can.
I'd be amazed if they didn't take over

Skylar held his hands up.
He'd been a part of a Council take over more
than he'd ever wanted.
Each time the
local shifters took offense to the high-handedness of the council.

"Calm down, bear.
I'm the one you'll deal with and I wouldn't
dream of stepping on your toes," Skylar said his tone dripping with

laughed and slapped him on the back.
"I believe I'm going to like you after all."

shook his head.
"First a cougar and
a mouse and now a dog wants to get into the pride.
What's next?"

make that call."

took out his cell and made a call he never enjoyed making.




here," Xavier said when he pulled up to Haven’s.

am I supposed to work when I won't know what's happening to you two?"

be fine, Aspen.
Don't worry about it,
Skylar will have it all fixed before I get back."

turned to him and his wolf growled to see the tears still streaming from her
He got out of the SUV and was at
the passenger side before he knew what he was doing.
He opened the door and pulled her into his

, Aspen, I promise that it will all work out.
We all know that
and I

cried into his chest and he held her.

usually not like this."
Aspen said
when she pulled away from his chest.

cupped her cheeks and smoothed away the tears with his thumbs.

know that, sweetheart; I've told you it's the pregnancy."

smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull his face down to hers.
Xavier bridged the gap between them happy
that she wasn't crying any longer.
hated to see her cry.
But he did have to
admit he was becoming addicted to kissing her tears away.
He started gentle, his lips barely grazing
hers, but soon he found he couldn't resist her.
He couldn't resist the ease in which she gave him control.
This time was no different.
Aspen moaned when he pulled her ponytail a
little harder than gentle giving him instant access to her mouth.

clung to him as he darted his tongue in and out of her mouth.
He pulled her closer, her belly bumping
against his groin.
Xavier pulled back
nibbling on her bottom lip.
groaned and tried to pull him closer.
laughed and turned her toward the restaurant then patted her on the butt.

ahead and work, sweetheart.
I'll be back
to pick you up and you'll see that everything will have been worked out.
Besides, I've
get some work done, too."

sighed then entered the restaurant.
sighed and got into the truck hoping what he'd told Aspen was true.
He whipped out his cell phone and was
relieved when Skylar answered after only a couple of rings.

is she?"

"Worried and with good reason.
Do we need to get a lawyer?"

only half joked because despite his faith in Skylar's ability to get them out
of a mess they'd no hand in, he was worried.


contacted the Council and I've been given my orders."

voice sent chills up his spine.
It was
the same each time he was ordered to execute a shifter who killed.
He knew how much Sky hated it, how morose he
was after the kill.
Of course, in
retrospect, it was probably what made Xavier love Sky even more, Sky's obvious
hate for ending a life.

sorry, Sky."

"Yeah, me too.
Look, I've got a lot of work to do so I'll
see you two back at the house tonight."


he got back to the house, Sky wasn't there.
A sense of emptiness washed over Xavier while he worked in an empty
house without his mates.
Surely that
emptiness would fade when Aspen was finally his.
His and Sky's.




of watching his target had finally paid off.
The black haired beauty with grey eyes settled into a kiss with the
dark-haired male with obvious devotion.
What a shame he'd have to end such true love.
He felt the edges of his mouth curl into a
All in good
That wolf and his mates
would pay for what he'd done.

entered the restaurant called Haven’s and his belly growled.
It'd been a while since his last meal.
A girl with black hair cut in layers to her
shoulders and grey eyes smiled up at him.
His cock hardened at the sight of such beauty.

my name is Charisma, welcome to Havens.
Will there be just one?"

I'm currently unattached."

giggled and her face flooded with a most becoming pink.
Yes this one was perfect.

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