Assassin Mine (3 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Sax

BOOK: Assassin Mine
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“Fuck!” he roared, thrusting forward, smacking his hips
against her face. Hard jets of cum spurted from his cock, his release
gloriously savage, incredibly primal. Sabria milked him with her hot mouth,
draining every drop from his body and every thought from his brain.

“Sabria.” Darius shuddered, his mind blank. He petted her
black hair as she leisurely cleaned his cock, her tongue darting over his skin.

A calmness fell over him, a peace, and it scared Darius.
He’d been trained to kill, conditioned to think of the
first and only, not wanting anything for himself, yet he wanted that peace and
he wanted her with a frightening ferocity.

“I hear the longer males last, the more they enjoy
sex…release,” Sabria shared, his seed glistening on her lips.

My seed.
Darius straightened with pride. “Enjoyment
is forbidden.”

have a lot of rules, don’t they?” She held
out her hands and he pulled her upright. He clasped her to him, their forms
merging into one. “I don’t think I’d survive for long there.”

“Not as you are.” Darius’ grip on her ass tightened, the
thought of Sabria strapped to a breeding chair, her talented mouth muzzled and
her body shared with hundreds of
males, enraging him. “You will
take the next ship off the planet,” he ordered. “You can’t stay here.”

“I’m waiting for my brother,” Sabria confessed quietly.

“You’ll wait for him on a planet far from the fighting.”
Darius held her at arm’s length. “You’ll be safe there.” He yanked on his
leather pants, covering the pale skin she’d touched and caressed and sucked.
she leaves, my sanity will return. I won’t want what I can’t have.

“I might be safe.” Sabria dusted off her knees, grime from
the walkway clinging to the dark fabric of her pants. “But will I be happy? Are
you happy, Darius?”

don’t feel happiness.
“You won’t be happy
as a breeder, Sabria. I know that.”

Her black eyelashes fluttered. “Not even as your breeder?”

Fuck. She would express my deepest wish.

aren’t allowed breeders.”

have breeders.” She raised her

don’t.” He skimmed his fingertips over
her lips, regret twisting in his stomach.

Her face darkened. “Then you aren’t really a
are you?” She flung her hands in the air. “You can follow their rules all you
want, denying yourself happiness, companionship and love. Shit, you can even
dress like them.” She plucked at her utilitarian pants. “But you’ll never be
accepted.” She glowered, her righteous anger bewildering Darius.
Why does
she care?
“I say fuck the Federation and fuck the
.” She
stomped away from him, her boots echoing on the rock. “They aren’t worthy of
us, Darius.”

Of us.
His heart clenched painfully, the unnatural
yearnings within him intensifying. “Leave the planet, Sabria,” Darius called
after her, frantic for her safety, this female who made him feel, made him
want. “Don’t make me kill you.”

She didn’t answer and he allowed her to go, unable to stop
She’s not mine.
He watched Sabria until she turned the corner,
disappearing from his view and from his life.
She can never be mine.

Chapter Three


Traz, where are you?
Sabria glanced upward,
fearfully. The sky above her had darkened with
warships, the
invasion having started at daybreak. The fighting originated in the city’s
core, the missiles pummeling the walkways and destroying the buildings around

My brother’s not coming for me. I have to save myself.
Sabria ran along the darkened alley, an alley similar to the one she’d met
Darius in, moving toward the outskirts of the city, zigzagging to evade the
forces. The zing of gunfire echoed around her and the
earth shook, the fighting growing fiercer.

A woman huddled against a wall, unconscious, her single eye
closed, her chest moving with each breath, one of many women Sabria had seen
this morning. Any female who hadn’t taken a
blocker had been rendered
immobile, ready for pickup by the
. They’d become breeders,
sexual slaves.

My fate.
Sabria hid in an alcove and extracted her
long-range communicator, praying it would work with the
filling the airspace above her. She tapped her brother’s emergency code into
the device, trying once more to contact him.

“Recipient is unavailable,” the machine chirped. “Wait to
relay communication.”

Sabria waited, rehearsing her message in her
head, the last message she might ever leave for her brother. Musical notes
tinkled, signaling the start of the recording. “Traz, Traz,
Symrah III
is being invaded. Don’t bother coming for me here. I’ll hitch a ride to another
planet with the
assassin they call Dreck.” She touched the
tracking device Darius had placed on the back of her neck. “Unless he kills me
first. That’s a joke…I think.”

The gunfire grew closer. The smell of death and explosives
filled her nostrils. “Shit. Traz, please don’t do anything stupid. I’ll be
safe.” A single-manned fighter ship lowered, its engines agitating the dust
around her. “I’ll let you know as soon as I can where I am. If you can’t come
for me, that’s okay. I understand.” A wall toppled, eliminating her exit. “I
love you.”

She turned and scurried back from where she’d came, leaping
over bodies and debris. A slight form rushed toward her, heading in the
opposite direction, his head bowed, his shoulders hunched, a rifle in his

Sabria yanked at a door handle.
She hid in the doorway, pressing her spine against the metal door.
Walk by
me. Walk by me
, she silently chanted.

The boy paused directly in front of her, his pale
face lined with fear, the crotch of his black leather uniform wet, the stench
of urine clinging to him. His hands shook, his rifle rattling against his

Sabria held her breath.

He turned and time slowed, every second stretching. He met
her gaze. His red eyes widened. He raised his rifle.

I’m going to die.
An eerie acceptance layered over
Sabria. She thought of Traz, the overprotective brother she loved, and of
Darius, a male she wished she’d fully fucked.
Will he think of me?

“Darius,” she whispered, yearning to say his name one last

“What the—” The boy squeaked, his face contorting, his body
jerking. His eyes widened and he fell to the stone, his limbs twitching.

“They’re using child soldiers for this war,” a familiar
voice scoffed. “Child soldiers to kill.”

He saved me.
Sabria stepped around the
fallen boy, noting that he breathed. They both breathed.
I’m alive.
smothered a giddy laugh. “You came for me.”

Darius stood in the alley with his feet braced apart, his
shoulders broad and wide, his face hard. He was dressed the only way she’d ever
seen him dressed—for killing, the leather adorned with daggers and guns. Heated
emotion blazed from his eyes. Her
assassin was furious and
deadly and the most wonderful sight she had ever seen.

“I warned you I would come for you.” Darius turned her
around and pulled her arms behind her back. “You’re now my prisoner of war.”
Cool metal encased her wrists, locking the awkward position in place. “You
won’t speak or move unless I give you permission, understand?” He barked out
the orders, no softness in his voice.

Fear crawled up Sabria’s spine.
Don’t make me kill you.
His previous words rang in her ears. “I understand.”

He spun her to face him and his gaze met hers. “I don’t
think you do. This isn’t a game. The punishment for disobedience is death.” He
removed a blade from a thigh sheath, unfastened his jacket and drew a red line
across his pale chest with the deadly tip.

“Darius.” She gasped, feeling his pain.

“Dreck,” he corrected. “And I won’t warn you again, female.”
He swiped his hand across the cut and pressed his fingers to her face, smearing
warm blood over her skin. “If you speak in public, I’ll kill you.” He ripped
the sleeve of her shirt, painting that exposed skin red also.

He’ll kill me.
Sabria nodded mutely, knowing deep
down in her soul Darius would carry through on his threat.

“Obey me and you might live.” He heaved her over his
shoulder, his hard muscles pressed against her stomach, his hand gripped her
thighs, and he ran down the alley, his footsteps soundless, his breathing
steady. Sabria couldn’t see anything, her hair covering her face, her ass in
the air, her life placed blindly in the assassin’s rough palms.

I might live.
She wiggled her fingers, wishing she
clutched a dagger.
I have to trust him. I have no other choice.

Darius moved quickly, dodging bullets and weaving between
obstacles, the cries of dying men and gunfire intensifying as they progressed.
Sabria’s breasts slapped against Darius’ back, her nipples abused, stimulated
by the rough treatment.

He wants to kill you, not fuck you.
Sabria pushed
away her untimely arousal and concentrated on verbal clues, attempting to
uncover his intentions.
Where is he taking me?

Wind whipped around them, the rumble of a ship’s engine
deafening. Darius stalked up an incline and ducked under a doorway, his body
folding into hers. The wind stopped and the air grew warmer. They were inside.
yelled, their unique voices barely audible. Metal smacked against metal, the
noise diminished and the mesh floor under them moved.

“Captain Grok.” Darius clipped his words, his tone cool.

,” a
sneered at Darius as the
Federations often sneered at Sabria’s brother, contempt underlying the
greeting. “I thought you’d be dead by now. It
your destiny.” Males
laughed and Sabria glared at the floor, yearning to defend her assassin. “Did
you bring my crew a breeder?”

“Once I extract its information, you can have it…if it
survives.” Darius gripped the waistband of her pants and lifted, the fabric
squeezing her stomach. Sabria dangled, her head and legs lowered.

It? Does he mean me?
Sabria’s hair dragged on the
metal floor.

“Yes, if it survives.” The captain sighed. “I lost three
breeders on the voyage here.” His nose whistled as he breathed in. “It is small
and has lost blood. You handled it too roughly, Dreck. I’ll note that in your

“Note that I will handle it more roughly.” Darius sat with a
thump and settled Sabria facedown over his lap, her breasts crushed against his
thighs, her ass raised in the air. Her face heated, her position humiliating
and precarious. “If it doesn’t give me the information I need.” Darius slapped
her pant-covered ass hard, and she jerked, forced to take his abuse silently,
pain radiating from the point of contact.

The other
chuckled. “You do know how to deal
with the primitives, Dreck, being one yourself.” Darius rubbed his hand over
her curves, massaging the coarse fabric into her warmed flesh, his touch
stimulatingly rough. “What did it do to warrant the interrogation?”

“It unlawfully accessed files.” Darius walloped her ass
again, the sound echoing in the small, dark chamber. Sabria bit down on her
bottom lip and swallowed her cries, pain flowing into an even more humiliating
pleasure, her pussy dripping with moisture.

“Federation files?”

Darius slid his hand between her thighs and stroked her
fabric-covered pussy, tormenting her, teasing her. “

“Whose files?” the captain demanded.

“Mine.” Darius landed another blow on her beleaguered ass.
Sabria moaned softly, her body humming with need.

“Yours.” The captain’s laugh held more triumphant than
levity. “This is why we use
as assassins. You’re disposable. The
question is…should we wait for the Federation to eventually dispose of you,
risking another information breach, or should we dispose of you ourselves?” The
threat hung in the air.

There are no old
Sabria had noted that
unusual fact when she’d infiltrated the
system, looking for
Darius’ files.
I won’t be the excuse they use to finally kill him.
raised her head, preparing to take the blame for her own mistake.

“That is unnecessary.” Darius slapped his hand between her
shoulder blades, pushing the air from her lungs. “I’ve contained the breach and
I’ll extract the information from this Federation operative. There’s no need
for further action.”

The ship shuddered. “I disagree,” the captain retorted.
“You’ve served your full purpose in our cause. I find comfort in knowing that
even if the council doesn’t dispose of you, our enemy soon will.”

Darius growled softly and yanked Sabria upward by her pants’
waistband. Doors hissed open. He slung her over his shoulder and stomped into
an adjacent ship, the doors closing behind them.

“Ship, engage,” he barked. The ship hummed to life, the
floor rolling under them.

He didn’t set her on her feet and he didn’t remove her
restraints. He moved with her through a brightly lit corridor, his gait fast
and smooth, his spine straight. Sabria remained silent, watching his ass cheeks
clench and unclench under his formfitting body armor, waiting for direction,
not wishing to anger him more by speaking.

“My unnatural obsession with you almost got me killed
today.” Darius’ voice was chillingly flat. “That’s unacceptable.” They turned
into a small room and he lowered her feet to the tiled floor, sliding her body
against his.

“But now, you’re my breeder.” He pushed her hair away from
her face. “And after I find release within your pussy, these feelings will go
away. I’ll no longer want what I can’t have and my life will become manageable
once more. Everything will return to normal.” He paused. “You may speak,

Sabria glanced around the room. The walls
were a glaring white, the space empty except for a large silver metallic chair,
the armrests and stirrups outfitted with restraints.
A breeding chair.
She swallowed hard. “I thought
couldn’t have breeders. It’s
forbidden,” she repeated what he had told her.

“Ahhh…but I don’t have you officially as a breeder, do I?”
Darius removed the restraints from her wrists. She rubbed her tingling hands,
the blood rushing into her fingers. “You’re my prisoner of war and, as
prisoners of war die all the time, no one will know you served a different
purpose.” His face was grave, his lips flat.

He’ll kill me when he tires of me.
Sabria nibbled on
her bottom lip.
Unless that never happens.
“I’ll be your breeder,
Darius.” She patted his chest and he winced. “Shit. I forgot. I should bind
your wounds.” She examined Darius’ leather-clad torso, seeing no traces of
blood. “That cut—”

“—is healed.
heal quickly.” He pulled a
dagger from a sheath. “I don’t require medical attention, especially not from
you. You’re a female and the only thing
need from females is

His arrogant tone incensed Sabria. “And you’re a
woman-hating asshole,” she muttered under her breath. She curled her fingers
into fists, struggling to control her temper, wanting to slap him, not seduce

also have superb hearing.” Darius’ lips
twitched. “Hold still.”

She inhaled sharply as the dagger descended. With
lightning-fast strikes, Darius sliced her clothing into strips. The fabric fell
to the white-tiled floor, leaving her naked, not a single scratch etched on her

She exhaled, her nipples puckering in the cool air, and his
gaze lowered to her chest. Darius’ physical response to her nudity was
immediate and unmistakable, his body armor hiding nothing, his long, thick cock
pressing against the skintight leather.

He leisurely examined her, his gaze possessive and proud,
his ownership of her clear. Sabria suppressed the urge to cover her breasts and
her mons, leaving her hands by her side, allowing him to look his fill.

The silence stretched. He didn’t touch her, his body
remaining frustratingly out of reach. Sabria waited and waited and waited until
her patience snapped.

She cupped her breasts, lifting them, squeezing them,
blatantly offering her curves to Darius. “What do you think?” Sabria gazed at
him, yearning for more reassurance. “Am I fuckable?”

don’t fuck. They find release.” Darius
circled her as a predator would circle his prey. “And all we require for
release is a pussy.”

“I have one of those.” She played with her breasts, rolling
her nipples between her fingers and thumbs, pinching the tips until they
whitened, the pain gratifyingly sharp.

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