Assassin Deception (16 page)

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Authors: C. L. Scholey

BOOK: Assassin Deception
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“Why are they fighting over me?” Chloe asked worriedly.

“To begin with, it’s not just you. There are other factors involved that do not concern you, sweetheart. But in answer to your question, Dirk has cared for, loved, and watched out for you your entire life as one would a brother, or even an overprotective father figure such as myself. He has always patterned himself after me, as is his position. He feels he knows what is best for you as he has been included in all decisions made where you are concerned.

“Apparently, Damien disagrees. Damien does not look at you like a sister or child, but as a lover, a very wanted and coveted significant other.”

Chloe turned crimson at James' statement. “Come now, you have been in love with each other since the day you were born and you first set eyes on each other; it was destiny. This new development is interesting, though I must say the timing is much to be desired,” James muttered.

“Our loving each other is wrong? You don’t approve?” Chloe asked with concern.

“No, my dear, of course I approve, you are perfect for Damien and already a member of this family. I’m wondering at Damien’s sudden desire at power,” James replied thoughtfully. “Normally he is eager to allow Dirk free rein. Though I had always hoped he would take more of an interest, I’m concerned. Now is not the time for family to be arguing amongst themselves.”

“I think Damien was mad because Dirk drugged me last night and I didn’t want him to; I was afraid,” Chloe admitted.

“Oh?” James asked, looking surprised. “It’s not like Dirk to frighten or upset you. He must be feeling a great deal of stress. Though with two attempts at family members, the death of a loyal comrade, a wife and new baby, not to mention a daughter and two grandchildren depending on his protection…”

“I admit I was in pain and tried to get to the kitchen. I had no idea about Dirk’s orders. Damien stopped me from wandering and getting injured. Dirk wanted to help, but all I needed was an aspirin and a few kind words. Damien knew that, but let Dirk drug me anyway, even though I was crying and begged not to be.

“When I woke, Damien was livid. It was apparent he had been thinking about it all night. He declared Dirk would never tolerate him drugging Candy. He was angry, but mostly at himself. He was different this morning, James. It was like he aged overnight into a grown man, a different man, intent on stepping into a new role.”

“Ah, I see. So it’s not necessarily power he seeks, but possession. He is finally tired of sharing you with his older brother,” James said astutely, smiling.

They reached Chloe’s room. “They won’t fight, will they, James?” Chloe asked with worry.

“Never in their lives have they come to blows. Don’t worry, sweetheart. Now that I understand it’s not Wolf’s position Damien seeks, but merely respect for you and his rightful place, I can help smooth things over. I will take care of this. I promise.”

Feeling a great deal of relief, Chloe closed her door to await Damien.

* * * *

“You will not drug her again!” Damien was thundering when James entered the room.

“She was in pain! She needed my help,” Dirk howled back, enraged his actions were being questioned, especially by his baby brother and in front of others.

“By all means, Damien, I’m certain if Candy was in pain and the situation arose Dirk would understand you taking a syringe to his wife to knock her out, rendering her helpless before you. Wolf you would understand as well with Casey, would you not?” James said lightly. He poured himself a drink and settled into a chair.

“Not bloody likely,” Wolf snarled.

Everyone knew Casey was allergic to certain pain medication; Wolf almost lost her once because of it. Wolf leveled a dangerous look onto Damien. A very smug-looking Damien.

“That is completely different,” Dirk argued.

“Oh, how’s that?” James asked, eyes raised innocently. He swirled his drink around in his glass absently.

“Chloe is family,” Dirk protested.

“So is Candy; you are married, after all. Casey is now family, she is your daughter’s sister-in-law,” James said.

“But like Candy, Chloe’s mine to watch out for,” Dirk said lamely, seeing the direction his father’s thoughts were taking.

Once more Damien’s eyes sizzled towards his brother. “Chloe is mine,
yours. Have you made love to her?”

“Of course not!” Dirk howled, outraged that he would even ask; the thought was appalling.

“No more drugs, unless I permit it,” Damien snapped. “And only if Chloe is in agreement.”

“Fine!” Dirk snapped back.

“Next time there is a shift in command I want to hear about it before it happens and be able to voice an opinion; it’s my right,” Damien demanded.

“Do you wish Wolf to step down and we can vote on it?” James asked. He continued to swirl his drink around in his hand, keeping a careful eye on his youngest son.

* * * *

Damien thought about that for a moment. He knew what the position entailed. Wolf was very experienced. He had been in this line of work a long time. He was responsible, loyal—a very good friend. Because he had a family he wouldn’t make hasty, hot-headed decisions.

He also possessed compassion and insight. A good choice. Only the fact he hadn’t been included in the decision was the thought that made him pissed. Damien realized perhaps he was also to blame. He was very professional, yet he liked his freedom, being a free spirit. That was going to change as well, he determined.

“I don’t think Dirk could have made a better choice,” Damien said. His scowl was gone as his eyes rested thoughtfully onto Wolf.

“So do I,” James replied. He raised his glass to the man.

“Damien, I’m sorry I left you out of the decision. You have been agonizing over Chloe. I just thought an added burden was unnecessary. Usually these decisions don’t interest you,” Dirk commented.

“Maybe they should,” Damien mumbled.

“You’re angry with me because I frightened Chloe, aren’t you? I admit I should have handled her more gently. Things have been so hectic. All I could think of was her ending up in more danger. I can’t stand that she’s been injured. I still feel she was in a lot of pain and in need of relief,” Dirk argued.

“She cries when she’s drugged. The dreams must be horrible. You don’t see it because I’m the one who stays with her. Her father’s death still haunts her. For some reason, in her dreams she believes him to still be alive and coming for her. Her whimpers are so pitiful, but when drugged I can’t reach her or rouse her to soothe her fears; she can’t hear me, Dirk. She’s trapped with him.

“Candy was trapped once; it took a long time for her to hear you. You remember the hell she went through, her terror. Have some compassion for another innocent. A very beloved innocent.” Damien’s eyes looked sadly into his brother’s now understanding expression. He knew Dirk hated being reminded he had at one time terrified Candy so badly she escaped within herself. But this was an argument he would understand.

“We need to talk more,” Dirk said, gruffly.

Damien nodded his agreement.

“For now, why don’t we take a breather? You need to show your wives no one has been injured or killed during this confrontation. I’m certain they will all be eager to see you; it was exceedingly tense during breakfast.

“It’s one of the reasons I don’t like the little ones to join us. Although I agree at this time they need to remain close, tense situation or not. They should remain solely in the care of their overprotective mothers for the time being, while we protect the lot of them. A little later we can regroup,” James suggested. All agreed.

* * * *

Damien walked into Chloe’s room, turned, and locked the door. He glanced at Chloe, who sat on her bed. Her look was pensive, frightened. She stared up at him with trepidation. Damien moved towards her. She trembled, until gaining control. Damien sat on the bed beside her. He stroked a lock of her hair from her bruised forehead.

“Are you all right?” she whispered. She reached for his hand, clasping it to her breast.

“Everything is fine. No one will drug you again, Dirk promised. My brother and I have reached an understanding about the family, my involvement, and how important it is that I take an interested part. This should have happened a long time ago. It took you to make me see it. Thank you.”

“I’m sorry I upset everyone again. I seem to be doing that a lot.”

Damien eased her back onto the bed, then settled himself down beside her. She looked longingly into his deep blue eyes. Eyes that now smoldered with familiar passion. “I want you, Chloe, it’s been far too long,” he declared.

“You better want me, no one else would,” she teased through bright, eager eyes.

“No one else is allowed to,” Damien retorted. “Just me, only me.”

“Only ever you,” Chloe confirmed on a whispered breath as Damien captured her trembling lips to his own.

With deep tenderness he settled himself on top of her.



Chapter Ten



Chloe moaned when Damien’s large body pressed against her, sinking her deeper into the soft mattress. She pulled him closer, enjoying the feel of his familiar frame. His aroma was intoxicating, sensual. He pressed his mouth over hers in a heated dance. His tongue, warm and heavenly soft against hers, demanded possession.

“Chloe,” Damien groaned, wrapping his large fist in her generous locks of silky hair. He settled himself onto her slender body. She could feel him harden with his want of her.

Chloe kissed at his jaw line, his throat, wanting to taste him everywhere at once. She moved her tongue over his ear, tickling him in a way she knew drove him to deep desire. He trailed his hand down her slightly rounded belly.

She moved her fingers from his thigh up to his behind, running the length of him. His flesh quivered like the stunning stallion she had once been permitted to ride. Sleek, majestic, silk-covered power, like concrete, warm flesh. She buried her face against his throat, smelling of heady animal maleness.

Chloe smiled, remembering the first time they had ever made love. Her fear. Before, his large size had always felt so comforting to have around, until he had settled himself on top of her intimately, his intentions clear.

When he trapped her beneath him for the first time, she felt his dominance, his empowering strength. She had worried with indecision, wanting him, afraid of him. Not knowing whether she wanted to push him away or pull him close.

Damien had spent so much time waiting, coaxing, wiping her frightened tears away with soft fingers and lips. He admitted he had spent time with other women, not to make her jealous, but to make certain he was well versed in the art of lovemaking before he had joined with her. She was too important for him to fumble with. He didn’t want her injured or crying out in pain when he entered her. He wanted it to be perfect for her, for them both.

Damien had touched her intimately before, but never with such loving compassion and desire. His hands had trailed with a butterfly's touch over her innocent young body that shivered as her breath increased. It was as though his hands spoke to her flesh, thrilling her.

He wanted her eager for him, he made certain she was. He had soothed her with gentle words and promises of undying love. Chloe already knew he loved her. He was her knight, her only love, her everything, her Salvator. Once reaching that conclusion her fear had evaporated; she had wanted him just as much.

When she opened to him he was everything he had promised to be and more. There had been no pain, only pleasure. She needed no coaxing afterwards. She trailed after him eagerly and willingly, loving him even more. Allowing him anything when he continued to be so incredibly gentle with her, coaxing her to try new and exciting ways for him to love her, fill her.

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