Assassin (12 page)

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Authors: Kodi Wolf

BOOK: Assassin
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"Yes," Rain encouraged.

Case wasted no time in applying more suction. Within seconds, Case knew she'd created a nice little red mark, but she couldn't stop sucking. She was enjoying it too much and, from the sounds Rain was making, she knew there were no complaints.

Case moved lower and started over. It wasn't long before she ran into Rain's bra and had to make a decision. Rain made it for her by pulling off her tank and her bra at the same time over her head and grasped the sides of Case's head to pull her in for more. Case obliged and wrapped her lips around one of the taut nipples in front of her face.

Rain felt her breathing increase again as Case's tongue went round and round her nipple. She wanted to lean back, but there were too many things behind her impeding her movement. She decided to make do with her current position and pulled Case's T-shirt out of her jeans. She ran her hands over the smooth skin of Case's back before reaching around in front and undoing the top button of Case's jeans. Rain let her legs dangle again to give her room and, with a little tugging on the flaps of the jeans, felt the zipper give way.

Rain reached around again and slid her hands underneath Case's jeans and cupped her buttocks. Case's lips left Rain's tit and started sucking at the flesh behind Rain's ear. Rain pulled Case into her body and Case ground herself into Rain's pubis, eliciting a moan from both of them.

Rain encouraged Case's thrusting and her thighs spread apart even more to expose her clit to the pressure of Case's body. Rain looked down and saw the curly blond hairs of Case's mound pushing against the crotch of her own jean shorts. She used the backs of her hands to push Case's jeans down even more and then pulled the woman hard into her own covered sex again. Rain pushed with her palms to rotate Case against her and knew when the seam of her jeans had slipped over Case's clitoris.

Case moaned a little and almost jumped when she felt the hard crease of Rain's jeans slide across her swollen clit. It was almost pain, but it didn't stop her from doing it again. Case nipped at Rain's earlobe and then sucked hard as she breathed through her nostrils into Rain's ear canal. The long groan she got from Rain was exactly what she'd been hoping for.

"I want you, Rain. I really want you," Case whispered into Rain's ear.

"Yes," Rain gasped out.

Case pulled away and then looked around their campsite. They were partially shielded by the back door of the truck from the people in nearby campsites, but if they tried to lay out their sleeping bags, they'd be giving a nice show for anyone who happened to turn their way. There was no room in the back of the truck and Case didn't think the back or front seats would be any better. So, Case gave up on the idea of getting to lie down with Rain and simply dropped to her knees.

Rain was about to protest, but Case's hands, quickly unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them off, didn't give her a chance. Rain was pulled to the edge of the carpeted interior and then Case buried her face in Rain's sex.

Rain wasn't prepared for the intense pleasure having Case's mouth on her produced. Her hands flew to the sides of the truck and gripped with all her might. A gasp was expelled from her lungs and then all she could do was whimper with each new sensation Case's movements caused. Her body automatically began rocking in a natural rhythm and she could feel herself rising higher and higher much faster than she'd expected.

Case licked and kissed at Rain's wet mound and let her nose massage Rain's clit. She slipped her tongue inside Rain and tasted the thick salty fluid that was slowly making its way out of Rain's body. She swallowed it and went back for more.

In a matter of moments, Rain's body was jerking from orgasm. She tried to keep her voice down in light of the families that were not a hundred feet away, but her cries echoed off the interior walls of the truck and she was sure someone had to have heard her.

Case continued to lick around Rain's vaginal opening and didn't stop until she was satisfied she'd gotten most of what she'd been after. She lifted her T-shirt and used the inside of the cloth to wipe her face clean. Then she stood up and started to pull up her jeans, but Rain stopped her.

Rain stared into Case's eyes. She knew Case hadn't climaxed with her, but she wasn't sure what Case wanted. Rain just knew she wanted to be inside Case again. Something about the fact that no one else had been welcomed inside the young woman before her was making Rain crave the sensation of entering Case. She wanted to feel Case on her fingers again.

"Can I be inside you? I want to feel you."

Case felt a fluttering of fear that she knew was pure reflex at the request. But then she remembered what it had felt like to have Rain moving inside her body and she knew she wanted that again. She nodded.

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle. I'll make it feel good," Rain promised.

Rain slid Case's jeans back over her hips and cupped Case's ass in her hands. She pulled Case forward a little and kissed her slowly and deeply, while her right hand moved between their bodies and rubbed Case's clitoris. Case's hips had a mind of their own and rocked side to side to control the tempo of Rain's moving fingers.

Rain dipped her fingers lower and brought forward some of the moisture she found to lubricate the skin around Case's clitoris. Case moaned at the pleasurable sensation and her tongue worked a little faster in Rain's mouth.

Case moved her legs together a little to get her jeans to fall past her knees, then spread them apart again when the jeans pooled around her ankles. With the wider stance, she knew Rain would have enough room to maneuver and so would Case.

Rain stroked her fingers back and forth over Case's entire folds and Case began to rock in a circle over Rain's hand. Rain coated her first two fingers in preparation. She held her fingers at Case's entrance and then slowly pushed up.

Case groaned and spread her thighs as wide as she could in her current position. Her hips moved forward and she couldn't help but attempt to lower her body onto Rain's fingers. Her hands gripped Rain's shoulders and her head fell forward onto Rain's chest as Rain continued to fill her.

It was not supposed to feel this good. It had never felt this good. Her body disagreed and reminded her of the night before. Rain pulled out almost all the way and then pushed in again and Case began to unconsciously ride Rain's fingers. Her breathing was fast and Rain's thumb played with her clit.

Case's movements sped up until she was thrusting hard and fast onto Rain's hand. Images of other times with men, being forced to ride them to bring them pleasure, surfaced in her mind's eye, but they were easily pushed aside. She lifted her head and looked into Rain's eyes. This was all about her own pleasure. Rain was getting her pleasure from giving it and that made all the difference for Case.

Rain held Case's eyes and when she saw Case begin to climax, she covered Case's mouth with her own. Case's hands went to Rain's face and ran through her hair roughly as she cried out her orgasm into Rain's mouth. She felt tears come to her eyes from the intensity and blinked them away, letting her body continue to ride the fingers pumping inside her.

Case's legs felt weak and she held on even tighter to Rain, as she pulled away from the kiss and tried to catch her breath. Rain eased her fingers out and brought them to her mouth. She really loved the way Case tasted.

Case watched Rain clean her fingers for a few moments and then bent over to pull up her jeans. She tucked her T-shirt into her waistband and then zipped and buttoned the front closed. She hopped up onto the edge of the truck and then pulled her right leg around behind Rain's backside and then leaned into the side of the truck, bringing Rain's still naked body with her. It was a lot more comfortable than she'd thought it would be and her hands naturally wrapped themselves around Rain's stomach to hold her.

Rain relaxed against the small body beside her. She maneuvered a little more until she was cuddled up into Case's arms.

"I like this," Case murmured.

Rain nodded her head, her left cheek rubbing against Case's chest.

Case felt completely safe, which was strange, since she was the one holding Rain. Her clothing, and Rain's lack of it, put her in a position of caretaking that made her feel warm inside, and that warmth seemed to translate into safety somehow.

Case stroked Rain's stomach in a way that was meant to be soothing rather than arousing and Rain felt herself drifting off to sleep.

"Thank you," Rain mumbled.

"For what?" Case asked.

"Letting me inside," Rain replied in a whisper, and then Case heard Rain's breathing even out and she knew Rain was asleep.

Case thought about it. Had she really let Rain inside? Not yet, her mind supplied. Case frowned. She'd never let her guard down before. This was risky territory, to say the least. She'd never had this kind of weakness before. Antonio had learned from the very beginning that he couldn't threaten Case with harm to her mother. She simply didn't care and would probably have even enjoyed watching the woman being tortured. And there wasn't anyone else in Case's life that had any kind of hold on her, then or in the recent past. But all it took was one fantasy of Antonio ordering her to shoot Rain and she knew she would refuse. Case looked up to the ceiling of the truck, but her gaze went far beyond it.

"What the hell have I done?" she whispered.




RAIN WOKE UP from her nap half an hour later, and Case helped her sit up. Then she jumped down from the truck and picked up Rain's discarded shorts and held them ready for Rain to step into. Rain pulled her bra and tank top on as Case buttoned her up, and then Case stepped back a pace and seemed to be sizing her up. Case grinned.

"You know, I don't normally have dessert after lunch, but I could get used to that."

Rain smiled and pulled Case forward and gave her a long slow kiss.

"Me, too," Rain replied, after she pulled her mouth away. "So, what's next on the agenda?"

"We could go for another hike, but first I need to use a pay phone. I haven't checked in yet today and I wanna make sure there's a clear connection."

Case had made sure to use the pay phone at the supply store on the way up, even though she'd been positive Doc wouldn't send her on any hits until she'd had a little more time to work on Rain's training. But she had never missed a day and she didn't intend to start now, no matter how unlikely it was that she would have any messages.

Rain nodded. Case jogged off to where the pay phones were located near the bathrooms and Rain sat down again in the back of the truck. She quickly pulled over her sports bag and unzipped the top so that she could reach in and pull out her brand new laptop. She opened it up and waited for the machine to boot up, then checked her e-mail, using the satellite link-up Case had purchased for a phenomenal amount of money.

Rain quickly downloaded the initial report that was waiting for her and then reset her password. She'd made a quick call to Dawson to request the background on Case while she'd been up near the bathrooms doing their dishes and had given him her new e-mail address to send the files to. Within moments, she had the files hidden under several innocuous sounding directories and then closed down all the programs, except for one of the games that had come with the computer. She had just barely started the game when Case came around the side of the truck.

"Hey, whatcha doin'?"

"Just messin' around. You ever played Minesweeper?"

"Play it? I'm a master. My best score ever was one-twenty-three on the expert level, but usually I stay around one-twenty-eight to one-forty-two. I just can't seem to break that one-twenty barrier."

"Wanna show me how to play? I can't seem to figure out what it is I'm supposed to be doing."

"Oh, sure."

Case climbed into the truck to sit side by side with the older woman and pulled the laptop so that it rested half on her right thigh and half on Rain's left thigh. With only a little explanation, Rain was able to grasp the logic of the game and only blew up when she had to actually guess at where the bombs were. Her scores stayed at about two-twenty for the first dozen games, but she was soon averaging less than two hundred, as she gained speed with the mouse.

"You learn pretty quick," Case complimented her.

"Once I figure something out, I tend to remember it," Rain replied.

"Good, then I shouldn't have to repeat myself too much," Case teased, as she climbed back out of the truck.

Rain grinned and then shut down the computer. She shoved the laptop back in her bag and joined Case outside. Case slammed the door shut and locked it. They headed off for another hike, but Case changed her mind before they reached the trailhead and led them to a grassy open area where several families were having picnics and playing Frisbee.

"I thought we were going to climb another trail," Rain commented.

"We were, but I really do want to start working on your skills and this is a good place to do it. Close your eyes."

They stood in the middle of the clearing and Rain looked around for a moment, unsure, before closing her eyes and waiting for Case's next instruction.

"Now, I want you to follow my movements. I want you to be able to pick out where I am at all times as I move around you. Tune out the kids laughing and the people shouting and the dogs barking and listen to the air around you. It will tell you where I am. Use your hands to follow me. Begin."

Case quit talking, but continued walking around Rain. Rain brought up her hands and pointed to where Case had been when she'd stopped talking. Case paused and reversed direction, then did it again. She weaved around Rain's body and Rain's hands only managed to track her fifty percent of the time. The farther Case moved from Rain, the less Rain was able to follow her movements. After several minutes, Case stopped in front of Rain.

"All right, not bad," Case said approvingly.

Rain opened her eyes.

"Why is this something I need to learn? Don't I just point a gun at the Target and pull the trigger?"

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