Asking for Andre (11 page)

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Authors: Minx Malone

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Asking for Andre
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He’d given her some space yesterday as she’d asked and she could only hope he wouldn’t show up here today as he’d originally threatened. Law still hadn’t completely forgiven her for criticizing the ad in last week’s meeting. If he found out she was now sleeping with the client, she would be out of a job.

“So I’ll be conducting a follow-up session with Indigo Jewelers in about thirty minutes that I could use your assistance with. Then after that we could go dance naked on 18th Street.”

Casey nodded before the words sank in. “Wait, what?”

Mya laughed and crossed her arms. “You’ve barely heard a word I’ve said. Where is your mind this morning? Or should I even ask?”

Casey shrugged. “I’m sorry. I’m just tired. I’ve never been so happy to see the weekend arrive.”

A distinguished woman approached then, looking them both over from head to toe. She wore a fitted black suit with a matching hat that obscured her face. The soft sheen of pearls glinted from around her throat.

“Excuse me, I need some assistance.” She somehow managed to look down on them both despite her short stature.

“Yes ma’am. Are you here for the Indigo meeting?” Mya held out a hand and the woman gave it a perfunctory shake.

“No indeed. I’m with the Lavin Group.”

Casey turned sharply. “Andre said he wasn’t coming in today.”

When she looked up, Casey felt her heart stop. It was Andre’s mother. Mrs. Lavin’s eyes narrowed. “Is that so? You seem to know more about my son’s activities than I do.”

Whatever Casey was about to say instantly turned to dust in her throat. She glanced at Mya from the corner of her eye. The other woman wore a mirror of her own expression, surprise and horror written all over her face.

Casey cleared her throat. “I just meant that Mr. Lavin isn’t scheduled for a meeting today. Was there a change of plans?”

Andre rushed up behind them. “Yes, something has come up.”

He turned to Casey and gave her a warm smile. She closed her eyes. Flirting in front of her coworkers was a bad idea but flirting in front of his mother was just not happening.

Mya squeezed her arm and when Casey jumped, she winked. “I’ll let Mr. Lawson know everyone is here. Why don’t you show the Lavins to whatever conference room is available?”

Casey nodded, grateful for the direction. “Please follow me.”

The first conference room they passed was empty so she ushered them in. Even if someone else was scheduled to use the room, she would just have to juggle the schedule around. Anything was better than standing in the hallway with her lover and his disapproving mother.

“Mr. Lavin. How unexpected!” Law came in so quickly that the door almost knocked Casey off her feet. She took the opportunity to duck out, ignoring Andre’s scowl. She marched down the hallway at a fast clip until she reached the ladies’ restroom. At least he couldn’t follow her in there.

“That’s what you think. Do you always talk to yourself when you’re nervous?”

Casey squealed when his face appeared in the mirror behind her. “What are you doing? This is the

He nuzzled the side of her neck and she felt her panties grow damp. She clenched her fists and fought back the desire already curling through her veins. With him, the slightest touch sent her over the edge. Just a look and she was dripping wet, ready for him. If it didn’t feel so good, it would be painful.

“You’re avoiding me. I’ve missed you.” Andre closed his eyes as he spoke and her heart warmed.
I’ve missed you, too
. Ambushing her at work wasn’t her preferred method of contact but she hadn’t allowed him any other choice. She’d turned off her phone and he didn’t know where she lived. He was reaching out to her the only way he could.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say yet. Things were never supposed to go so far between us.”

“I know. One night.” He sounded angry. Casey turned to meet the harsh flint of his gaze in the mirror. They looked like an advertisement themselves, his dark European good looks against the staunch conservatism of her proper high-necked blouse and pencil skirt. He followed her eyes in the mirror down to where her bottom pressed back against his groin. His cock hardened and pressed against the crack of her ass, and she hummed in delight and pushed back against it.

“I could take you just like this.” His head lifted and their gazes met in the mirror. What he saw there must have pleased him because he smiled craftily and walked over to the door, flipping the top latch with a loud click.

Casey shook her head rapidly as he stalked back to her, knowing even as the protest rose to her lips that it was useless. She’d been without him for two days.
Two whole days.
Her system cried out for a fix, her pussy already clenching in anticipation of his possession. She could deny it all day but they both knew she wanted this.

“Put your hands on the sink.” Andre placed her hands against the cool surface of the counter. She sucked in quick, uneven breaths as his hands trailed over her back down to the curve of her bottom. He lifted her skirt quickly and folded it up over her back.

His hands shook slightly as he peeled her thin panties down her legs. “
, your scent drives me crazy.” She stepped out of them carefully and watched as he brought the cotton to his nose and inhaled. “If I could bottle this I would make a fortune.”

He tucked her panties in the interior pocket of his suit jacket and she knew she wouldn’t be getting them back. Forcing her to work the rest of the day bare-assed was something he probably found amusing. He would no doubt find it a fitting punishment for ignoring his calls and denying him her body.

“Spread your legs.” Andre pushed her forward and stepped between her outstretched legs, forcing her to brace them wider. He reached down and unzipped his slacks in a hurried movement. “It’s been two days. Too long,” he muttered. She wasn’t even sure he was talking to her anymore, so much as speaking aloud.

“I can’t go this long without you again.” He thrust inside her and she cried out at the sudden shocking invasion. He pulled back and stroked into her again, pressing hard until he sank in all the way. With his back covering hers, his arms holding her down, she felt completely overpowered. Completely overwhelmed.

“Say you’ll stay with me.” He reached between their legs and cradled her with his palm, the heel of his hand tight against her clit. She whimpered at the hot coil of pressure building beneath his hand, her desire spiraling out from the hard pistoning movement of his cock to the gentle rocking pressure of his palm. His strokes varied in speed but they were all deep, forceful reminders of something she couldn’t deny.

He commanded her body in a way no one ever had. He held the key to all her physical desires as if she were a treasure box that only he could unlock.

He gripped her hair and the bite of pain only sharpened what she felt inside.

“Yes. I’ll stay with you! Anything you want.”

Andre powered into her from behind, riding her hard, pushing her to her limits. Casey stared at their image in the mirror and was momentarily shocked. He looked carnal, with the long, curling strands of her hair wrapped around his fist. She looked sultry with her kiss-swollen lips and flushed cheeks. If she could have taken a snapshot of the image she would have. Something to take out after this whirlwind affair was over to remind her of what he’d taught her about herself.

“Andre, please!“ She cried out as he flicked his finger against her clit, tickling her in conjunction with his thrusts, his cock and his finger moving as one. The amplified sensation brought her to the teetering edge of her orgasm, the towering wave of pleasure hovering, ready to crash down on her at any moment.

Casey broke when he pinched her clit gently. She buried her face in her arm to stifle the cries she couldn’t contain. She bit her lip so hard she tasted blood as the last tremors of her release shook her.

“Damn it. I didn’t mean to do that.” Andre pulled out gently and rested his forehead against her back. “I didn’t use protection. You make me so crazy, I didn’t even think.” He smoothed her skirt down over her thighs and helped her stand.

“You make me crazy too,” she whispered.

Suddenly things felt awkward, standing with him in a bathroom of all places, with the smell of their sex all around them. Casey didn’t know what to say to make things right. The only thing he wanted to hear was something she couldn’t say.

“I need my panties back.”

“You’ll get them back. Tonight.” Andre grinned and patted the pocket of his jacket. “In the meantime, their absence will remind you of me.”

He held her head in his hands so she couldn’t avoid his eyes. “I can stay in the States for a while. I have enough business interests here that it would make sense. I want you to move in with me.”

Casey pulled back in surprise and covered her mouth with her hand. “Move in with you?”

“Don’t say no right away. Just think about it. We’ll talk more tonight.” He kissed her then, a soft brush of his lips against hers, before he backed away.

“I’ll leave first. I don’t want to embarrass you. Plus, I should at least show my face in this meeting since I requested it.” He winked at her and then he was gone.

The door swung shut behind him and she hurriedly cleaned between her legs before adjusting her skirt. The cool air in the room made her acutely aware of her missing panties. Which was probably exactly what he’d intended.

He wants me to move in with him.

Casey ran her hands over her face in frustration. How did one night turn into sharing an address? An affair was just fun and games to him, but if she let herself go too far, she wouldn’t be able to pick herself back up when he finally left. She had to prepare for her future. A future that most likely didn’t include him. Other people could live with someone casually but she wasn’t that sophisticated. Where she came from, living together was still taboo even if you were getting married. She could just imagine what her mother would think if she found out Casey was shacking up with a man she hadn’t even been dating that long.

She trudged back to the reception desk and plopped into her chair wearily. It was almost five o’clock. She could probably slip out a little early. After everything she’d been through that week, she deserved it.

A few minutes later, Casey pushed open the agency’s double glass doors and stepped out onto Connecticut Avenue. She loved the energy of Washington, D.C. There were always people rushing by in dark suits or joggers with their dogs. It was a city that never slept but with a totally different vibe than New York. In New York the energy had been manic, so much going on that she felt drugged every second she was there. The nation’s capital was just as vibrant but with a controlled pace, an orderly energy. Here, the celebrities were senators and congressmen instead of actors and musicians.

A soft whistle on her left drew Casey’s attention. She turned slightly to see a low-slung sports car keeping pace as she walked. Rolling her eyes, she walked faster. Despite her lack of fashion sense, she’d been hit on before by men with flashy cars. She wasn’t sure why. She was hardly dressing to impress.

“Cassandra, don’t be difficult.”

She whirled around when she heard her name. The passenger side window lowered to reveal Andre, tapping his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel.

“What are you doing?” Casey looked both ways up and down the street before pulling open the door and getting in.

“I thought you were going to call me later.” As soon as she pulled the door shut behind her he raced off. She gripped the door handle until her knuckles turned white. They pulled up to a red light and the car rolled to a smooth stop. She exhaled softly in relief.

“I figured you were getting off soon anyway, so I decided to just wait. Why didn’t you get in when I first called your name?”

She laughed. “Because I thought you were some random guy hitting on me. It happens occasionally. Men in this city will hit on anything that moves. Well, I suppose men are like that in every city.”

His lips thinned into a tight line. When the light turned green, they sped off in silence. Everyone on the street seemed to turn and stare as they passed. The windows were tinted so she doubted they could see her.

“Why are people staring? They can’t see us, can they?” Although she knew he was famous, it still gave her a little jolt to watch other people’s reactions. He was so nonchalant about it all that she could almost forget his identity.

Andre gave her a tight smile. “It’s the car. Bugattis aren’t so prevalent outside of Europe. I decided to rent a car since I’ll be in town for a while. I’ve been thinking about buying one of these so this gives me a chance to test it out.”

She nodded even though she had no idea what he meant.
She made a mental note to research it when she was back in the office. All she knew of cars was they were expensive to buy, expensive to fuel and expensive to park. Lots of city dwellers didn’t bother with them. It would probably be a long time before she owned one.

“So, what do you feel like for dinner? Italian, French or maybe Chinese?”

“I can’t imagine you eating moo shu pork from a little white box.” Casey smiled at the image. She was tempted to ask for Chinese just to see what he would order.

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