Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4) (12 page)

BOOK: Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4)
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“You annihilated them,” Jayce said and fist bumped Carson.

“We did. Callie was lethal.”

“Hardly. All I did was set them up. You and your cousins have mad ninja skills.”

Carson did a fake martial arts move that made Jayce and Callie laugh. “So, are we gonna hang around a while?” he asked Jayce.

“Actually, I was thinking of heading on home. Pops is packing up his stuff as is JD and Bronson.”

“Dawson and Briggs are staying. Jimmy and Michael, too. Okay if I stay and catch a ride with them? Everyone’s gonna crash at Uncle Bronson’s tonight. He already said it was okay.”

“Okay, but call me when you leave and when you get to Bronson’s.”

“I will. Thanks, Dad.”

“Yep. Have fun.”

“I will. And thanks, Callie,” Carson said.

“Thanks for letting me be on the team.” She stood up on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Carson turned red, but grinned from ear-to-ear. “You bet. See you soon.”

“I hope so.”

They watched him run off to join his cousins before looking at one another. “So, you’re headed home?” she asked.

“Yeah, kinda ready for a shower, a beer and maybe a burger or steak on the grill.”

She put her hand to her belly. “Oh great, now my stomach’s rumbling. I guess I should get Lily and get her home and fed.”

“Or you could come to my place.”

It was clear from her expression that Callie was surprised by the invitation. “Your place?”

“Yeah.” He took her hands in his. “Carson’s going to be gone all night.”

“But Lily—”

“Will probably eat and pass out. Being in the water always wears the little ones out.”

“But I don’t have clothes or—”

“So, go we go to Cody’s, you get what you need, leave your car and I’ll drive you to my house.” He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. “Please?”

“Like I could say no to that.” She kissed him again and pulled back. “Okay, on one condition.”

“Name it.”

“You let me drive your truck.”

“Drive my truck? Woman, do you have any idea what you’re asking?”

“I do and it’s nonnegotiable.”

Jayce heaved an overly dramatic sigh. “Well, fine. You can drive.”

“Then count me in, cowboy.”

Jayce grinned and tugged her hand. “Then let’s get a move on, girl.”

“You in a hurry?”

“I am indeed.”

Callie laughed and they ran the last bit of the way to where Jason sat. Lily smiled and reached her hands up to Jayce. “My Ace.”

Jayce had another moment then, his heart felt full and emotions tugged at him. He picked up Lily and closed his eyes for a moment as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. He sure hadn’t planned on any of this, but Callie and Lily Williams had wafted into his heart like a warm summer breeze and reminded him of what he wanted most in life. He wanted a family – a woman who loved him and his son, one who wanted to be a family with them.

“My wubs Ace.” Lily pulled back and looked at Callie. “My wubs Mommy.”

“And Mommy loves you,” Callie said with a smile. “Now you want to go home and get cleaned up so we can go to Jayce’s house?”

“Ace house?”

“Yes, baby.”

“My go you house.” Lily patted Jayce’s face.

“Well, all right then, Lily Belle. Let’s get our stuff and get going.”

Ten minutes later, Jayce was in his truck, following Callie. It was silly. He’d dated a lot of women without being nervous, yet here he was, feeling like a high school boy, about to have his first “alone” date.

Jayce chuckled at the thought. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been excited about a date. It felt good. So why wasn’t he just enjoying it?

Chapter Nine


Lily was sound asleep before they reached Cody’s house. Callie took her inside and, with Jayce’s help, managed to get her bathed and into pajamas with her half asleep through the entire process.

Callie tucked her in to sleep in the playpen she’d bought at the second hand store. “Sorry about that.” She looked at Jayce as she straightened from smoothing the lightweight blanket over Lily. “I guess all the fun, sun and swimming wore her out.”

“Yeah, she’ll probably sleep like a log. Carson was like that when he was little.”

They went downstairs. Callie stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Since our plans for the evening fell through thanks to a tired toddler, how about I fix dinner? I have some pork chops I put in to marinate this morning and already have pan of potatoes, carrots, squash and onions cut up and ready to roast.”

“That sounds good enough to make my stomach grumble, but honest to god, I need a shower.”

Callie considered it only for a moment. “You have any extra clothes in your truck?”

“Yeah, jeans and a T-shirt, I think.”

“Then shower here and let me fix you dinner.”

Jayce’s smile was sexy enough to start a fire. “Well, you know I might be talked into that.”

“Oh?” She returned the smile. “And just what does a girl have to say to talk you into it?”

He took her hand to pull her to him. “Just tell me that you want me, sugar. That I’m not in this alone.”

“Oh you are definitely not alone.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

Callie’s breath caught in her throat when he traced two fingers across the top of one shoulder and over the curve of her breast. She trapped his hand in both of hers. “You’re not alone, Jayce. I want this. I want you, but…” She looked down, hesitant to fully speak the truth for fear he would turn and walk away.

“Callie. Look at me.”

When she raised her head to look at him., he continued. “It’s not just sex, honey. This – whatever’s happening between us. I’m not trying to win a romp in the sheets. I’m trying to win your heart.”

Oh god, talk about hitting a home run. Callie had never felt she had a very strong romantic streak – until now. She was mush, absolute and total mush. Jayce brought his hand to the nape of her neck and his fingers tightened in her hair, pulling her head back. His gaze locked with hers and for a long moment, neither of them moved.

Then his lips softly brushed hers. How could such a feather-light touch create such a torrent of fire? Yet, that was the result. She felt the energy slide down her body, pooling in her belly as his lips moved slowly down the length of her neck.

Each touch was the equivalent of another little bolt of energy, exploding within her, making her skin hot and her insides quiver. His lips found hers again, but this time, the kiss was neither soft nor gentle. It was a kiss of hunger, of domination and need.

Callie responded with hunger of her own and the kiss quickly turned into a match of possession, each trying to fill their own nee
. Sh
pressed closer, molding her body to his and felt his arousal. Realizing he was turned on was like throwing gasoline on a fire. Now all she could think of was wanting him. Wanting to touch and taste and feel him inside her.



The slow grind of her body against him eroded Jayce’s resolve to take it slow. He realized he had a grip like a vise on her and made himself loosen the hold. He pulled back from her lips to look at her.

Callie’s skin was flushed and her breathing fast, making her breasts swell with each inhale.

“God you’re beautiful.” He kissed her softly.

She closed her eyes and leaned on him, running her hand over his chest. “You don’t have to say that.”

“It’s true. You are beautiful and I want you, Callie. But not just for hook-up sex. Not that at all.”

His words seemed to free her of the last of her hesitation. Callie smiled, grabbed his shirt in both hands and tugged. Buttons flew, bouncing as they hit the floor.

Jayce had time enough to grin before her mouth was on his chest and her fingers were working at the button of his shorts. He abandoned thoughts of taking things slow and pulled her to him, claiming a kiss. Callie moaned and moved her hands from his pants to tangle in his hair, returning the kiss with unbridled desire.

Passion hot enough to start a fire and one whose blaze had burned south of the belt much faster than he had expected. Jayce was accustomed to women being instantly turned on, but this was something new for him.

Sex usually meant him working up to a full on burn. That wasn’t the case with Callie. This was instant heat, the kind that made a man lose his mind and revert into some kind of primitive beast with only one thought in mind. Sink in and stroke hard.

He didn’t want it to be that way, but damn if that wasn’t where he was. Locked in the kiss, he waltzed her backward and lowered her onto the sofa. His hands worked at the loose T-shirt she wore and she pulled back so he could yank it over her head and toss it aside.

Callie raised her hips, allowing him to slide her shorts down her legs. Jayce ran his hands up her sides, traveling over her curves. The black swimsuit clung to her, barring him from feeling her skin. He took hold of the shoulder straps and worked the top of the suit down. Inch by inch, he revealed her.

Once he dropped the suit, he ran his hands back up her legs. His hands splayed as he stroked up over her abdomen, feeling the firm muscle beneath soft skin. Jayce stretched out on top of her, capturing her lips in another kiss. Callie returned the kiss eagerly, her hands moving up to tangle in his hair.

Her hands loosened in his hair when he moved down the length of her neck to where her heartbeat pulsed through the soft skin against his lips. She wiggled beneath him and raked her hands through his hair.

Jayce continued his journey down her body, pausing as he reached her breasts. Soft, full mounds that filled his hands, they were topped by a perfect pair of dusky nipples that begged to be licked and sucked.

Callie breath hitched and her fingers tightened in his hair when he captured a nipple in his mouth and flicked his tongue across the taut nub. His erection jumped when she arched up against him, pressing against his mouth. A small exhalation of pleasure escaped her lips the sound stirring a side of him Jayce wasn’t eager to reveal.

Jayce had never made a secret of the fact that he loved women. He loved the look, the feel and the taste of them. He loved touching and kissing and eliciting passion from them, playing their bodies the way others played musical instruments.

What he didn’t speak of was how he loved knowing he had the power – that a woman was his to pleasure at his leisure. His greatest enjoyment came from knowing that he could propel her to the edge of madness with wanting, then prevent her from crossing that threshold. He could carry her toward release time and again until finally, when he allowed it, she achieved satisfaction beyond her imagining.

Jayce moved on from those luscious breasts, wondering if Callie could handle that or if she was too inhibited. She was seductive, strong, certainly not shy, but none of that ensured she was strong enough to relinquish control.

Her fingers tightened almost to the point of pain and she bucked up against him as his mouth moved to her sex. “Oh god – holy – hold on – wait.”

That was the last thing he expected, as was her pushing back from him. Jayce sat back on his heels and Callie swiped her hair back from her face, then moved onto her knees. She ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders.

“Sorry, but we need to slow it down a little. It’s been – well it’s been a while and I’m a bit what you might call short fused.

Relief washed over him at her words and he chuckled. She wasn’t trying to back out, just slow down, and that he could do.

Well, maybe. Now that he had a good look at her, kneeling naked in front of him with her hair spilling in a riot of waves around her shoulders, it was hard to keep his big head in control. Little head was feeling a bit disappointed that he hadn’t tossed her back on the couch and buried himself inside her.

“Honey, I’m with ya, whatever pace you want to go.”



Jayce’s words eased her discomfort. She hadn’t been lying. If he’d done so much as move his lips over her, she’d have lost it – exploded like the grand finale of the Fourth of July fireworks show.

His smile had her moving to press closer to him. The feel of his chest against her breasts and the tingle that danced over her skin as his hands played over her back and down to her ass gave her a thrill that had her body heating. She raised her face to accept his kiss.

Good god, could he kiss. World class, toe curling, it was a kiss that could strip away the strongest resistance and turn a woman into a puddle of need. Long and deep with just the right amount of pressure and tongue technique.

Add the mounting stimulation of his hands circling around her hips to the junction of her thighs to lightly stroke her sex and it was almost enough to have her saying the hell with foreplay and going straight to the main event. Almost, but not quite. Despite her limited experience in terms of numbers, Callie knew instinctively that Jayce was a man she didn’t want to rush.

She moved out of the kiss and lowered herself, inch-by-inch, her lips and tongue enjoying the feel and taste of him as she worked to unzip his pants and slide them down his lean hips.

Holy shit, everything really is bigger in Texas.

She wrapped her hand around him and when she started to stroke, his body tensed and his hands moved to tangle in her hair. She was slow and steady, increasing the strength of her grip a little at a time. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

God almighty, was he sexy – the sexiest man she’d ever known.

A minute passed before he pulled back. “’Fraid it’s my turn to plead a short fuse.”

“Trust me there’s nothing short about your fuse.” She smiled and lay back on the sofa, watching as he stood to step out of his pants. “You’re gorgeous. Truly gorgeous.

Jayce chuckled and came to her, covering her body with his and nuzzling her neck. “Thanks honey, but the real beauty is right here, lying beneath me.”

Callie hadn’t been fishing for a compliment. She knew she wasn’t the ugliest woman on the planet, or the most beautiful. In all honesty, she saw herself as average. “You don’t have to say that. We’re already naked.”

His smile vanished. “This isn’t me flattering to get in you, sugar. I mean it and you have to know. You’re beautiful.”

“I’m glad you think so.” Her hands drifted down to the point where their bodies met and she rubbed at the head of his erection. “I want you, Jayce.”

“And it’s obvious I want you, but I know there was a
coming, so what is it?”

“I don’t have protection.”

“Oh.” He sat back on his heels. “Are you going to get pissed if I say I do?”

“Why would I get pissed?”

“’Cause it makes me seem like I was expecting this to happen.”

“Weren’t you?”

“Were you?”

“I was hoping.” She smiled at him. “Really hard.”

“Well, hell, in that case.” He reached for his pants on the floor and pulled a condom from the pocket.

“Let me help you with that.” Despite it having been a while, she managed to complete the task without him losing his erection. He leaned over her, propped on his elbows and kissed her.

Callie kept hold of his erection, guiding it. When he gave a push with his pelvis, she gasped, wrapped her legs around his waist and moved her hands to his ass.

That was all the incentive he needed, apparently, because what happened next surpassed every dream and imagining she’d had of what sex with Jayce Weathers would be.


Fresh from the shower, Jayce wrapped a towel around his waist. Callie finished drying, hung her towel on the rack in the shower and stepped out to wrap her arms around him. He accepted and returned the embrace, surprised to find himself with the beginnings of an erection.

They’d spent the last two hours on Cody’s couch and floor, and he hadn’t imagined that he would be ready for another round tonight. His hands moved up her back and he felt the scars. He’d felt them before and had seen the ink-work that covered them. He couldn’t help but be curious.

“Can I ask something?”

She pulled back to look at him. “Sure. What?”

“The scars on your back. How did you get them?”

Jayce saw the guarded expression that came on her face a split second before she looked away. She made a move as if to leave the bathroom, but he quickly took hold of her arms. “Callie, sugar, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“Don’t apologize.” She looked up at him. “I just need to check on Lily and I’ll tell you, okay?”

“Sure.” He watched her leave, unwound the towel from his waist and headed downstairs to find his shorts.

A few minutes later, she walked down the stairs, dressed in a pair of gym shorts that rode low on her hips and a loose cropped off T-shirt.

BOOK: Ask Me to Stay (Honky Tonk Angels #4)
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