Ashlyn (The Highland Clan Book 5) (14 page)

BOOK: Ashlyn (The Highland Clan Book 5)
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“Why?” Her question came out in a breathy huff.

“So I can sate your needs where it’s warm.”

“You think I have needs?”

“Aye, I know you do.”

“And what are they?” She ran her fingers through the tendrils of his hair flying everywhere, wet from the snow.

“You need me inside you. You were thinking about it not long ago.” He pushed her scarf up so he could nuzzle her ear, flicking the sensitive skin with his tongue as he laughed.

“And how would you know that?” She tipped her head back, giving him better access to her neck.

“I could see your nipples peak through your clothing.”

“Nay, you could not.”

“Tell it true …you were thinking about me, were you not?”

“Aye, I was…” She sighed as his tongue traveled down her chest, moving fabric aside to clear his trail.

He chuckled, almost finding his way to her nipple, but too much clothing interfered.


“Aye, what?” He stopped his teasing and gazed into her eyes.

“Aye, let’s go back. I do want you inside me, but where it’s warm, not here.”

He pushed himself away from her, then helped her to his feet. Bending over, he chewed on her lower lip just a bit.

“The pheasant,” she reminded him through a laugh.

He looked around for a moment before spotting it. Almost tripping in his haste, he ran to retrieve the bird. Soon they were climbing up the hill again. Her mind was so befuddled by desire as Magnus helped her onto her horse that she would not have been able to find the way back to the hut by herself.









Chapter Fourteen


Magnus did his best to calm the fire in his blood, at least until they arrived back at the hut. Hellfire, he had almost taken the lass out in the middle of a snowbank. What had she done to his brain? Once they reached the warmth of their temporary home, he tossed the pheasant into a snowbank by the door where he could tend to it later.

After he made sweet love to Ashlyn again. Neither had said much on the ride back. He was too busy trying to calm his need…a need that had been sated last night like never before.

Yet it was even stronger this morn. He wanted her again, wanted to touch those luscious curves that fit so perfectly in his hands. Ashlyn was different from the other lasses in their clan. She was fierce of spirit, and there was little delicate about her other than her skin. He came up behind her in the hut, caressing her bottom from behind. “Will your tender sensibilities survive the light of day, Ashlyn?”

She spun around and gazed up at him. “Aye. I am still curious, wondering if ‘twill be the same today.” Her gaze carried a flicker of hope—one he wished to fan into a wild blaze.

“Allow me to attend to the fire, then I’ll assist you in doffing your clothing.”

“Mayhap I’ll assist you with

He chuckled as he tossed his mantle to the side and then bent down to take care of the fire. When he finished, he stood to face her. The sight before him froze him in his spot. There she stood with naught on.

“You take my breath away.” He’d made sure to warm his hands over the fire before he stood. He removed his clothing, setting it all on the stool before he moved to take her into his arms.

She whispered, “Will you not show me?

“Show you what? I’ll show you whate’er you’d like.”

“Show me how to ride you like a horse.”

“Aye. With pleasure. You shall be pleased to be on top, I think. But first allow me the opportunity to relish you and your curves the way they deserve to be worshipped.”

He kissed her lips tenderly, groaning into her mouth when her nipples hardened against him. He tugged on her lower lip, nipping her just a touch, and she opened for him, allowing him into her sweetness. His tongue slowly penetrated her mouth, taunting and tasting her, stroking her until a small sound at the back of her throat told him that her need was building as much as his.

They explored each other, his hand cupping the soft globes of her bottom while her delicate hands skimmed down his back until they rested on his hips. He carried her to the pallet, their lips still locked until he settled her underneath him. Her gaze was filled with trust, and she had no idea how that trust unmanned him. She was so beautiful, so enticing, every inch of her lovely flesh tempting him to pound into her for his own needs. But he would not. He cared more about her pleasure than he did about his own.

Her breasts skimmed against his chest in a light tease, and he settled on his side, facing her. His hands caressed her hips and followed a trail up to her breasts. He massaged one, gently tweaking the responsive peak. His gaze caught hers, and he enjoyed watching her respond to his touch. Leaning down, he took the succulent peak into his mouth, lazily tracing a path around the base of her nipple until her hands laced through his hair, gripping him with pleasure. He took her full in his mouth, drawing the tip in and releasing it in a rhythm he knew she felt because her ragged breathing matched his.

He slipped his erection between her thighs, and she responded by spreading her legs for him, giving him access to her passage. His hand wove through her curls until he found her sleek folds. Then he slipped a finger inside her, and her heat wrapped around his finger, making him groan.

“Show me, Magnus. Show me how to ride you.” Her hand cupped his face and she kissed him, a gentle tease that almost slayed him. She was so honest with her feelings, with her sensuality. He shifted her on top of him, guiding her legs on either side of him so that she was straddling him.

Her eyes widened and she her mouth formed a full circle. “Oh.”

“Aye. You have me right where you want me. I am all yours, but trust me, lass—” his voice came out in husky pants, “—I cannot wait much longer.”

She squirmed and wiggled until she was directly above his cock. He reached up and cupped her breasts, fondling her nipples as she reached down and wrapped her hand around his cock. Moaning with delight, she brought her hand up and down his length a few times before she centered herself over him, carefully placing his cock where she wanted him. Then she plunged down slowly, allowing herself time to adjust to him.

When he was buried to the hilt in her hot sheath, he groaned, his hands switching to her hips so he could help guide her with her movement. She rocked against him, awkward at first until she found her rhythm, her breathing telling him she was not far from climaxing. She opened her eyes to look at him. “Magnus, is this good for you?”

“Aye.” Good? Shite, she rode him so well he could barely speak. As she continued to slide down and back, down and back, she spread her legs so he could penetrate her deeper, bringing him inside so far that he felt like he’d died and gone to heaven.

Her hands glided up his body, stopping at his nipples, then she leaned down to raze her teeth over each one.

“Ash, do not play much longer.”

She splayed her hands across his chest for leverage and rammed him hard, unwavering in her pressure and rhythm, her need driving her into a frenzy that almost sent him over the edge. But he would not go over without her. He held his breath and massaged her sex until she screamed his name, convulsing on him. His seed shot into her, and he felt his world dim under the force of his pleasure. She collapsed on top of him, her face nuzzled into his neck.

Neither spoke until they regained their control. Magnus brought his hand up behind her back, tucking her close. Making love with her was unbelievable, like naught he’d ever experienced. Who would have believed that the lass who preferred to be prickly with every man she met was truly as sweet as any could possibly be?

When he was finally able to speak, he whispered, “Did you like riding me, lass?”

She giggled, rolling off him to his side. “Aye. Magnus, I have a feeling there are many other things you can teach me.”

He grinned.


Ashlyn lifted her newly plaited hair off her neck, thinking about how wonderful Magnus’s hands had felt the night before. How she wished he would manage her hair every day. They were outside now, preparing to continue with their journey. They hoped to take advantage of the weather and travel the entire day. The sky was clear, and the air temperature had warmed a wee bit.

Magnus readied her horse for her, and when he helped her mount, he said, “A part of me wishes to stay here forever.”

She had to admit she’d been thinking the same thing. “I agree. Our time together has been wonderful. I must thank you for being so kind and patient.”

“Ash, I never expected to fall in love with you, and I never expected to be blessed with such a wonderful two days alone with you. I have to admit it was more than I ever thought it would be.” He paused. “I feel I need to remind you that you gave me your maidenhead. ‘Twas a most wondrous gift, and the teachings of my sire and my laird tell me that we should marry. If ‘tis what you wish, I will honor it.”

Somehow, his offer of marriage did not sound as enthusiastic as she’d hoped to hear, his declaration being that they
marry, not that he wished to marry. She decided to be honest with him. “I am more confused than ever. I had not expected our time together to be so enjoyable, but I cannot swear my love for you. Is that fair?” His brief mention of falling in love had not been heartwarming or convincing. Had he changed his mind? Had she disappointed him in some way?

“Mayhap we are rushing this.”

“Mayhap we just need to spend more time together, especially at home. Much has happened in a short time, Magnus, and I must thank you for your support, but I need to work things through in my mind.”

Magnus nodded and mounted his horse, and they traveled in silence for quite a ways, both lost in their thoughts. The day was beautiful, but Ashlyn’s mind was troubled. Should she not wish that Magnus would swear his undying love for her, that he should wish to marry immediately? Instead, she felt almost…relieved. Finally, she realized what was holding her back.

Fear. The fear of disappointing him. The fear that he might leave her. She was not like Rhona at all. His first wife had been so sweet, and sweet was never a word anyone would use to describe her. She wished to give her heart to him, but what if she wasn’t enough for him? Was his reluctance because he was not ready give his heart to someone else? Was he missing his wife even more?

She could not get rid of the fear of being left behind. It had happened to her too many times. Her father had left her and her mother when he had drowned in the boat. Others had come and gone after that. True, one man had stayed with them for much longer than the rest, and they’d all hated him, but there had been others who had stayed for a short time and then left. Ashlyn had almost loved one of them the way she had loved her da, but he had left and never returned.

The experience that had hurt the most, though, was that awful night after Robbie Grant had taken her mother away. She’d thought she and Gracie would be alone forever. Then that wicked man had come and hurt them. It had been the start of several days of terror, but eventually Robbie had found them and he’d sent her and Gracie into the Highlands, a place they had never been before. Again, she had felt abandoned, even though they’d made the trip with their wonderful escorts, Logan and Gwyneth. She recalled wondering if she’d ever see her mother again.

That feeling of being abandoned had drilled down to her very bones.

She couldn’t bear ever being abandoned again, by a husband or by anyone.

So she had never allowed anyone close enough to hurt her.









Chapter Fifteen


Magnus saw something out of the corner of his eye and brought his mount to a stop. The sun was not yet at its highest, and while it had melted some of the snow, the ground was still covered in at least one hand’s length.

“What is it, Magnus?” Ashlyn peered past him to see what had caught his eye.

He led his horse over to the heap buried in the snow, dismounting when he came abreast of it. “I pray ‘tis not a dead body.”

He brushed some of the snow off the pile.

“I think ‘tis an animal, not a person.”

He knelt down beside it. “Aye, ‘tis a deer.” He brushed the snow off to get a better look.

“Is that an arrow?” Ashlyn asked.


Ashlyn’s head jerked up to scan the area. “How odd. I do not recall the carcass being there on the way down, so it must have happened after the snowfall.”

“It looks like the breast was cut away for someone’s dinner. We must have company not far from here, but it would surprise me if they were reivers. They usually do not travel about in the snow.”

“We shall have to test our tracking skills,” Ashlyn said.

Magnus mounted his horse. “I hope your skills are better than mine.”

“Aye, Uncle Logan trained me. We need to head toward the sun so I can look for ridges left by horses.”

“But there’s too much snow to show hoof prints.”

“Aye, ‘tis true, but tracks may show in ravines or shallow areas near rocks, and the uneven ground should show in the sunlight.”

Magnus shrugged his shoulders and let her take the lead. It was not long before Ashlyn had settled into her warrior countenance, her attention completely devoted to her task.

A couple of hours later, she pointed ahead of them, her face breaking into a huge smile. “Look, Magnus. Do you see it? ‘Tis not just one horse but several, and the paths all lead in the same direction.”

If they hadn’t taken the time to track the hunters, they would have missed the smoke off in the distance. There was also a new path that he did not recall seeing on the way to Edinburgh.

“Ash, do you recall that path?” he asked, pointing.

“Nay, we did not see aught from here until the big ravine. I recall Jamie telling us there’s a keep there that has been deserted for two years. The walls are crumbling.”

They stared over the land, neither saying a word until Ashlyn whispered, “We must go see who it is.”

Magnus stopped his horse and dismounted. “Why? We have no idea who that is. ‘Tis not hard to believe that someone would inhabit the place in winter, just as we did. Mayhap they are simply holing up during the storm.”

“But what if…” She held her arms out to him and he assisted her down.

“What? What is running through your mind?” He turned, his hands on his hips, afraid of what she was about to say.

“What if ‘tis Ranulf?”

He could hear the raw emotion in her voice. The possibility she raised had been in the back of his mind, but he’d ignored it intentionally. He did not wish to risk Ashlyn’s life. “I agreed to see if there was someone there, but I never agreed to attempt to stop MacNiven with just the two of us. Ash, ‘tis a huge risk I am not ready to take. We cannot go there. We are alone. If you’re correct, what are our chances? ‘Twill be two against how many?”

“We cannot just leave without checking. We must.” She tugged on his hand for emphasis.

“We’ll go back for assistance first. We’re closer to Grant land than Edinburgh. There should be guards patrolling not far from here.”

“We cannot take that chance, Magnus. What if they leave?”

He wrapped both his hands around her wee one. Hellfire, but he admired her bravery. Still, he could not risk her safety. What if…

She moved over so their sides touched. “I see how your mind is working. You mustn’t let your worry for me sway you. Do you not recall our king’s edict? He wants MacNiven found. That could be him.”

Magnus ran his hand across the top of his head, rubbing his hair, wishing some solution would pop into his mind, but it did not. “I cannot risk it.”

“Then I shall go on my own.” She tugged on the reins of her horse.

He stopped her. “Nay, you’ll not go on your own.”

“We were given a task to complete by our king, and there is a fair chance that task is across that meadow,” she snapped. “How can you leave with a clear conscience?”

“All right. Please think on this. We cannot go charging in there as though we are one hundred guards or more, but if you insist, we shall get close enough to determine who has inhabited the ruins. Please remember, my sweet, that chances are they are reivers who have come in from the cold for a couple of nights. If it proves to be MacNiven, you must agree that if there are more than two guards there, we will head to Grant land for assistance before we attempt to take on a group that vastly outnumbers us. Agreed?”

He watched her work this through in her mind. The poor lass wanted the lout to be held accountable for all he’d done. Could he blame her? “Ashlyn? I’ll have your agreement before we move any closer. I will not take us into a bloodbath. Please tell me you recall that battle at Castle Dubh and all the dead.”

That comment hit home, he could tell.

She stared at her hands for a moment, but then whispered, “I agree. But do you not agree with me that we should at least observe? Find out what we can?”

“Aye. I can accept that, as long as you promise not to attack someone on your own. You are verra good with your bow and arrow, but not so good with your fists.”


“You promise to stay by my side?”


Magnus searched the area. “We’ll secure the horses in that circle of trees, then move closer on foot. Please follow my lead, lass. We do not wish to draw attention to ourselves. I do have more experience in that area than you do. Remember Edinburgh.”

“I’ll follow you.”

She agreed too quickly. His hands settled on her waist and he gave her a light squeeze before he lifted her onto her horse. Hellfire, but he hoped it was not MacNiven. She might go charging at the fool without thinking. There was too much emotion involved.


Ashlyn’s heart beat so strong she looked at her chest to see if she could see it, but fortunately, she could not. She stayed behind him as she’d promised, vowing to herself that she’d follow his instructions and not act as rashly as she had done in Edinburgh.

Once they reached the trees, he placed his hands on her waist and lifted her off her horse without making a sound. Throwing the reins over bushes, he took her hand and led her toward the back of the crumbling curtain wall. With any luck, they would find a break in the back.

She had to admit that walking hand-in-hand was a welcome intimacy. And she could not deny that she liked the way he looked at her—as though he cared.

He’d said he loved her, and she realized she was ready to admit that she felt the same way. This would be a foolish time, but mayhap she could tell him tonight when they were alone. He was her protector, her lover, and the only person who knew all of her shortcomings and fears.

Magnus did his best to trek through the areas where the snow had already melted, somehow able to find those few areas without much effort to be certain they did not leave a trail of footprints. When they reached the edge of the curtain wall, he turned around with his finger to his lips, indicating he’d heard something and she needed to be quiet.

She clutched his arm and listened.

A female voice spoke first. “Do you like warming his bed?”

A second female voice answered. “Aye. ‘Tis what I must do if I wish to stay around.”

“You think he will get rid of us?”

“Nay. He told me he needs us both in Edinburgh. He feels justice was not served correctly, and he plans to right it. I do not know how, but he is cunning and devious. He promised me much coin if we do our job right.”

“But what job?”

“I know not, but mayhap if he pays us enough coin, we can find our own place to live. He talks as though he only plans to be in Edinburgh for a short while.”

“One of his guards told me there are large bordellos in Edinburgh where women get paid a portion of the money they make for spreading their legs.”

“If he doesn’t pay us for the job he wants done, mayhap I’ll do that,” the woman said with a heavy sigh.

“And what would you do if we stay in Edinburgh?”

“I do not know. I did not ask for this life, and I’m already tired of it. I’d like to be married and have bairns, but I do not think ‘twill ever happen now.”

The other lass sighed. “Aye, ‘tis the way of the world. At least our chief treats us better than Hew Gordon treated Aline.”

Ashlyn squeezed Magnus’s hand. Aye, they’d found MacNiven—together. He turned to her and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

The first voice spoke again. “I’m getting cold. I wish to return to the keep. I hate this building, ‘tis too drafty, and there are not enough men to keep wood in the hearth.”

“We may not be here long. The chief is awaiting confirmation of something. I know he has plans to move to a nice keep, though I know not where. I hope he keeps us both. I’ll return to the keep with you. Promise not to say a word of what I’ve shared?”

“I promise.”

There was a loud rustling of skirts as the women trudged back through leaves and snow toward the great hall.

“What do we do?” Ashlyn whispered in Magnus’s ear.

“We go get assistance, as I said before.”

“But we know not how many are here. She said there were not enough guards to cut wood. Would it not help the Grant guards to know how many are here?”

“Aye, you have a point.” He released her hand and crept down the wall to another opening, but then came back to her.

He pointed to the spot he had just come from. “I’ll use that opening to get inside because ‘tis near the back entrance to the kitchens and the hall. I’ll wait there a few minutes to see if I can learn aught or see any guards. You are to stay here and do naught.”

Her eyes widened.

“Ashlyn, promise me you will not run off like a daft woman.”

“But can I not go with you?”

“Believe me, I would rather keep you within sight, but we will be easily seen if we travel together inside the wall. ‘Tis safer for you to stay here. I hope to only be a few minutes. If the guards are around, I shall know right away if we are outnumbered.”

She scowled, but he lifted her chin with his finger.

“Promise me? I cannot bear to think about anything happening to you.”

She hated to do it, but she nodded.

“Good. Have your bow and arrow ready.” He tugged her to him and kissed her forehead, then gave her a sound kiss on the lips. He whispered, “I love you.”

Off he went toward the opening before she had the opportunity to tell him how she felt. Aye, her love for him had blossomed, and she was delighted. Now she needed to let him know. How she wished to follow him, but she had given him her word. After the incident in Edinburgh, she did not want to risk going off on her own.

Waiting for Magnus would feel like an eternity.








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