Ashes to Ashes (151 page)

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Authors: Richard Kluger

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Foreword : A Quick Drag

John Hollander’s evocative article “Notes of a Redeemed Smoker” appeared in
of April 1969. The Samuel Johnson quotation is cited by Tennant in his
The American Cigarette Industry
, by far the best account of the subject in the era before medical science began to report steadily on the health perils of the product.

Chapter 1 : Adoring the Devil’s Breath

I Most of the pre-twentieth-century histories of tobacco are anecdotal and sketchy, and none dwells on the health problem in a reliable fashion. For general historical background on the earlier American aspects, the best works are Robert’s
The History of Tobacco in America
and Tilley’s
The Bright Tobacco Industry
. The subsequent literature on smoking and health is voluminous; for an overview of the evolving consensus, one might consult
The Consumers Union Report on Smoking and the Public Interest
, Diehl’s
Tobacco and Your Health
, Krogh’s
Smoking: The Artificial Passion, and especially the 1989 Surgeon General’s Report
Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking: Twenty-five Years of Progress.

II The Columbus quotation is from
Learning Mechanisms and Smoking
, edited by William A. Hunt (Aldine, 1970), p. 156. The graceful introductory essay by Jerome Brooks to the Arents Collection at the New York Public Library is useful for understanding the important role of tobacco in England and her American colonies as well as the early natural history of the crop.

III For an example of the exchanges in the
, the first substantive published scientific exploration of the health question—though narrow in scope because the cigarette was not yet in common usage—see the March 14, 1857, issue.

IV For a colorful and graphic rendering of the early manufacturing history of the cigarette, see
Smoke Signals: Cigarettes, Advertising, and the American Way of Life
by Jane Webb Smith, produced for an exhibition at the Valentine Museum in Richmond in 1990 (and distributed through the University of North Carolina Press).

V Winkler’s
Tobacco Tycoon: The Story of James Buchanan Duke
is the standard biography and not entirely idolatrous. See also
James Buchanan Duke: Master Builder
by John Gilbert Jenkins (Doran, 1927);
James Buchanan Duke, 1856–1925
by Watson Smith Rankin (Newcomen Society, 1952); and
“Sold American!,”
a company-written history of the first fifty years of American Tobacco. For a more objective view, see
December 1936 issue and Corina’s
Trust in Tobacco
. A
New York Times (NYT)
editorial nicely stated the prevailing view on the pernicious effect of cigarettes on January 29, 1884; a contrasting view from its pages five years later is cited by Jerome Brooks in
The Philip Morris Century
on p. 59 of the first volume (1956); the work, commissioned by the company, is unpublished but is included in my papers.

VI The prime source on RJR is Tilley’s turgid but essential
The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
, done largely under company scrutiny; it breaks off in 1964, just when the competition with PM was warming up. For human interest on Richard Joshua Reynolds, see also
The Gilded Leaf
co-authored by his grandson Patrick; and
Barbarians at the Gate
by Burrough and Helyar, more a Wall Street than a tobacco saga.

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