Ash to Steele (7 page)

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Authors: Karen-Anne Stewart

BOOK: Ash to Steele
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   Jess breaks the silence by attempting small talk, even going as far as asking me about work. 

   “Since when do you give a shit about my work?”

   Pain explodes against my shin, and I send Jess a warning glare, which she ignores and kicks me again.

   Clearing my throat, I slide my legs a little further under my chair and decide to appease her, “I’m busy trying to come up with a design for the new energy efficient solar line Granddad instituted.”

   Emma begins to scribble on her napkin as Jess continues to ask me about the design needed while I flippantly answer a few of her questions before slanting my eyes, warning her to knock it off.  She’s about as interested in my work at my grandfather’s business as I am, which is not much.  The only reason I’m working at his company is out of respect for him. 

   Changing tactics, Jess explains that, in addition to the restaurant, I have taken over the decision making aspect of my grandfather’s business while he undergoes chemo. 

   Emma’s hand stops moving as her gaze meets mine, her eyes full of empathy.  “I’m sorry about your grandfather.”

   There’s a vulnerability in her eyes that I haven’t seen before, a sadness that sends a sharp ache straight through my chest. 
Fuck, another reason I want to hate her

   “Working at your grandfather’s company must take away from your other job.  The owner of the restaurant must be really nice to donate food every night and give you the time needed to help out your grandfather.”

   Jess opens her mouth to correct Emma, but I return her under the table kick, shutting her up.

   Emma’s voice changes, her eyes becoming hooded, “Is your grandfather doing well with the chemo?”

   I don’t want her sympathy, and I sure as hell don’t want her looking at me the way she is right now, making me want to scoop her in my arms and hold her until all of her sadness disappears. “He’s a tough bastard,” I state quickly, my gaze turning harsh, desperately needing to dispel the effect she has on me. 

   Her daddy may be a preacher but Emma seems to possess the ability to curse a man with her bewitching smile, casting a spell on what’s left of my soul, but it’s the radiance in her eyes that conjures the vexing illusion of something I can never have that’s so damning.

   “What’s this?” I ask angrily, dragging myself away from her hex as I grab the napkin Emma’s been scribbling on the past twenty minutes.  The bold, smooth lines of the company’s initials with a design made of a brilliant abstract mixed with a simplistic, clear, sure artistry creates a formidable yet inviting feel.  “You just drew this?”

   Emma’s hands drop to her lap as she leans back in her chair defensively, “I heard you and Jess talking.  I was just playing around.” 

   My gaze snaps back to hers, seeing that ambiguous light becoming opaque, and I curse underneath my breath at the harshness of my tone with her.  Although it’s torture seeing the light in her eyes, it’s unbearable watching it go, especially when I’m the one causing it to dim.  Softening my voice, I hold up the napkin, “This is perfect, exactly what we’re looking for.”

     “Oh,” she mumbles, relaxing her shoulders a little.  “Um, thank you.”

    Jess beams proudly, “Of course it is!  She’s an amazing artist.”

   The blush that spreads across Emma’s cheeks at the compliment does hateful things to me. Turning my attention back to the drawing, I ask, “An artist, huh?” I slide the napkin across the table, “How much for this design?  After you recreate it on the computer with a little color and sharpen it, making it 1200 DPI?”

   “I don’t mind designing it for you.  I can have it ready by tomorrow.”

   “You’d give it to me?” my question is laced with bewildered amusement. 

   Emma gives a small, unsure nod.

   A hearty laugh bursts out before I can contain it, “You really are small town aren’t you?”

   “Fine!” she snaps, halting my laughter and catching me off guard.  Emma grabs the napkin, crumbling it and throwing it into her purse.  “Like I said, it was only me playing around.”

   Suppressing another chuckle at how she squares her jaw, lifting it just a notch, I can’t help but admire her determination to despise me when it’s clear by the hurt in her eyes that she cares what I think. 

   “Damn, Jess, I hurt your friend’s feelings again.”

   “Stop being a prick!” Jess snaps.

   “My feelings aren’t susceptible to your nocuous attitude,” Emma proclaims, smoothing her sweater before folding her hands calmly on the table.

Yes, she is most definitely a beautiful liar
.  Bursting out in laughter, my brows pull together, “Nocuous?”

   The slightest curve tilts her luscious lips and a need-filled ache builds steadily in my pants as my throat goes dry.  Feelings stirring to life inside shame me.  I’m not the type of man to want the woman, just what the woman can do to satisfy my needs at that moment.  With Emma, I want something more.  If only I knew what that something is so I can just take it already, fuck her, and be done with it.

   The next glance into her expectant eyes proves that it won’t be that easy.  Not with her.  “You mistook my meaning.  I meant what I said about the design; it’s perfect for the product, simple but strong.  I still want it, but I won’t take it for free, so what do you want for it?”

   Emma appears uncomfortable.  It’s obvious she’s out of her element when it comes to business deals. I’ll have to work with her on that before she starts selling her art, assuming she isn’t giving that away for free as well.  I already know she’s giving lessons for free at the center, a quick call to Patty, the center’s coordinator, confirmed that. 

   “I-I don’t know.  Maybe fifty dollars.”

   “I don’t work for a small mom and pops business, Emma.  Don’t undersell yourself.”

   The chewing on the inside of her cheek, causing her lip to curve sideways and downwards, is a pretty good indicator that she’s still struggling with coming up with a price.  I decide to put her out of her misery, “I’ll pay one thousand dollars.”

   “One thousand!”  Her eyes widen in shock.

   “But, you have to present it,” I state, guessing she’s not done much of that either.

   The panic in her eyes proves I’m right.  “Present it where?”

    “To the board members at the meeting on Friday.”

    “I have to work on Friday,” she blurts, relief filling her beautiful eyes.

    “Okay, Friday evening then, at the party the company is hosting for the new line.  You can go as my guest and present it there.”

   Jess glares at me.

   I smile cockily. 

   “I have to work early Saturday morning.”

   “You’ll be out of there in plenty of time to sleep before work the next morning,” I state, my tone indicating that the decision has already been made.

   She opens her mouth to protest, but the waitress returns with our lunch and her blouse open a few more buttons.

   Jess rolls her eyes as Emma glances at me through her lashes, deepening her spell. 

   Clinching my jaw, I tear my eyes away from her and give the waitress a wink chock full of innuendo, effectively disgusting Emma to the point where she is ignoring me again. 

   The rest of the lunch hour is spent with Emma barely touching her meal and Jess shooting visual daggers at me.  I thoroughly enjoy my sub, knowing that Jess will not be asking me to do her anymore favors with Emma anytime soon. 

   “Can I please have a carry out box?” Emma asks the waitress, reaching for her purse.

   “I’ve got the tab,” I announce, pulling out my wallet.

   “Thank you,” Emma manages to spit out, “but I can pay for my lunch.”

   “I’m sure you can, but you’re not going to,” I state, leaving no room for argument while I give the waitress a generous tip instead of what she really wants, as indicated with her number written on the receipt she hands me.  Leaving the receipt on the table, I turn towards Emma and Jess, feeling every bit of the tension Emma is struggling to control. 

   “Thank you for lunch,” Emma’s words are rushed and tinged with a little anger.

   “No problem,” I smile, refraining from brushing back a piece of hair that has loosened from the bun and is blowing across her face.  The stark blue of her eyes shimmers, brightened further by her tan, silky skin.  The chestnut wisp continues to torture me as it falls against the corner of her full mouth.  Thoughts of my lips on hers, her lips on me, leave me in physical torment.  I want to feel that mouth getting me off.  Stepping away from her, I grapple with my waning self-control and make myself focus. “Where do you work?”

   “Shallonelles,” she replies, her eyes not quite meeting mine.  She hesitates before adding, “And the gallery on Main.”

   “What do you do there?”

   “I create the art for the paper’s ads.”

   “What do you do at the gallery?” I ask, getting the feeling she left that part out on purpose.

   “I give tours.”  Emma flashes a forced smile.

   “Is any of your work there?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

   “No.” There’s that fake smile again, and something I wasn’t prepared for…a heartbreaking longing.

   “Not yet, anyway,” Jess chimes in, giving me a warning look to back off.  “But it won’t be long before her work is hanging in galleries.”

   Emma smiles appreciatively at Jess, giving her a quick hug before giving a polite, but impersonal, wave my way and walking to her car. 

   Once Emma’s out of earshot, Jess lights into me, “What the hell was all that about with the design?”

   “What?  I wasn’t lying; it’s good.”

   “I know it’s good, but that’s not what I’m talking about.  You know that you don’t need to present it.  You make the decisions about things like that without needing the board member’s approval.  What are you up to?”

   “Granddad has been trying to get me to play nice with the members.  I thought I would appease him on this one.”

   “Oh, please!  You thought you would seize the opportunity to try to get Emma in your bed.”

   “You know that I don’t let anyone in my bed, ever.”

   “You also don’t chase after anyone either,
.  At least, not before Em.”

   “I’m not chasing after,
.  She just looks like she could use some practice presenting and selling her art.  This is the perfect learning experience for her.”

   “You don’t help anyone, either,” Jess chastises.

   Raising my brow, I scowl at her.

   Sighing, she backs off.  “You know what I mean.  You don’t help anyone with things like this, and definitely not with women.  The opposite sex means only one thing to you,

   “You’re of the opposite sex and only my friend,” I remind her.

   “We’re different.”  She lets out a long breath, her own scowl daring me to bring up that night when we were sixteen, confused as hell, and made a huge mistake.

   That night hasn’t been breached since it happened.  We both know it’s better that way.  A lot of things are better staying buried in the past. “Maybe I’m turning over a new leaf.”

   “Or maybe you’re trying to burn an old one.”

   “Jess!” I snap, my tone clearly letting her know it’s not wise for her to continue on the path she’s started down.

   “Sorry,” Jess states, the pleading look back, “but you, more than most, know what happens when you play with fire.” 

   “Dammit, Jess, don’t!” I try to demand, but it comes out more like a plea than a command. 
Fuck, this has not been my finest few days
.  My control is slipping.  I haven’t lost control in years, and there’s no way in hell that I’m going to lose it now. 

   Giving me a quick hug, Jess pulls away, a mist in her eyes that I rarely see.  “Just don’t make Emma the kindle to your inferno.  I don’t want to see either of you hurt.”

   We both know that it’s way too late for me.  As far as Emma, that’s up to her. 

   “What’s Em’s number?”

   “Breck, please!” she begs.

   “C’mon, Jess, when’s the last time I’ve had to call any woman looking for sex?  I need her number to set-up another lunch meeting to go over the presentation.  Besides, you know that I never make anyone do anything they don’t already want to do.  Emma knows how to say no, and I know how to respect that.”  Flashing a cocky grin, I shrug my shoulders, “Even though I never hear that word.”

   Hesitating, Jess shakes her head, grabbing my phone and adding Emma’s number.  “I swear if you hurt her, you’ll have to deal with me.”

   “I’ve been dealing with you since I was four, I think I can handle it,” I quip, pulling her back into my arms. “You, Jessica Raye, are just a softie underneath your hard ass exterior.”

   Playfully jabbing me in the side when I say her middle name, she looks at me sincerely, “And so are you.” 

   I make sure Jess makes it to her car before calling Emma.

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