As You Are (4 page)

Read As You Are Online

Authors: Sarah M. Eden

Tags: #emotion, #past, #Courage, #Love, #Historical, #truth, #Trials, #LDS, #transform, #villain, #Fiction, #Regency, #lies, #Walls, #Romance, #Marriage, #clean, #attract, #overcome, #widow

BOOK: As You Are
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“Good day.” Clara returned the greeting as a farewell and moved quickly around him, Edmund clinging to her like a bat to the eaves.

“I do not like him,” Edmund whispered to her.

“Neither do I.” Why couldn’t the world just leave her be?

“There is Alice.” Edmund pointed ahead of them.

Clara followed his gesture and, sure enough, saw Alice, hands clasped to her mouth, laughing. Her tiny giggles gave way to fits of uncontrolled laughter.

“Alice,” Clara called out to her.

Alice spun at the sound and, still laughing, toddled back to her. Clara knelt on the ground before her. “You know you are not to run off, dearest.”

“So funny.” Alice sputtered through her fingers.

“Dearest.” Clara attempted to chide the wayward girl, but Alice’s laughter had infected Edmund. In the next moment, Clara laughed herself, though she was at a loss to explain why. “Just what, Alice, is so funny?”

“Mister,” she answered through another sputter.



“And who is Mr. Funny?” Clara asked, her own laughter impossible to hold back now. Alice had a laugh that instantly sent others into fits of hysteria.

“Mr. Jonquil, I believe.” Mr. Finley’s voice answered the question.

Why couldn’t the infuriating man simply take his leave?

“Yes,” Mr. Finley continued. “Mr. Jonquil can, at this moment, only be described as excessively funny.”

Clara looked up at that, not at Mr. Finley but in the direction from which Alice had only just come. Mr. Jonquil stood there but not at all as she remembered him. When he had come for tea, he had been quite appropriately inconspicuous in his appearance, his clothing the subdued colors considered quite suitable for a gentleman. Indeed, his dress had always been unexceptional.

But there, in the churchyard, stood Mr. Jonquil, clad in a severely cut coat in a surprising shade of bright blue, paired with a waistcoat of orange-and-blue stripes. His watch chain must have held a half dozen fobs. His shirt points all but eliminated the line of his jaw.

“Mr. Funny.” Alice giggled. Edmund laughed as well.

Clara only barely managed to bite down an answering laugh but could not keep a smile from reaching her face. He really did look utterly absurd, and Alice’s infectious laugh was not helping.

Mr. Jonquil’s look became instantly tenser, his brows knit, mouth turned down in a frown. Clara wanted to laugh simply at the sourness of his expression but found she could not.

“It appears, Jonquil, you have been taking lessons from your brother.” Mr. Finley chuckled the way children did when taunting their playmates. “You look every bit as ridiculous as Lampton does on a daily basis.”

The tenseness around Mr. Jonquil’s mouth increased with each word Mr. Finley spoke. Clara felt unexpectedly compelled to speak up, regardless of how ridiculous Mr. Jonquil actually looked. She despised bullies.

“On the contrary, Mr. Finley,” she said. “I do believe Mr. Jonquil looks very well in blue. A man with brown eyes, for example, would look quite unhandsome in such a vivid color.”

As Mr. Finley’s eyes were decidedly brown, he seemed to bristle at this remark. Clara kept her expression as innocent as possible until the frustrating man took himself off. She felt a moment of triumph at that.

She turned to offer her apologies to Mr. Jonquil for Alice’s unfortunate fit of hilarity, but when she glanced back in his direction, she saw him in the lane just beyond the churchyard, mounting his horse.

He had offered not so much as a “by your leave” or a “farewell.” Certainly an unsociable gentleman. Perhaps he simply disdained to socialize with his neighbors. The son of an earl was, no doubt, accustomed to much higher company than that found in Grompton. He might not have appreciated her defense of him, but Clara fully meant to be proud of herself. There was once a time she would have cowered in silence.

“Come along, children,” she said. “I believe Suzie will be making sweet biscuits this afternoon. We don’t want to arrive too late to help her clean the spoon.”

That set the children to nearly running. Clara’s longer legs made keeping up with them a simple task. She found she had a great deal of time to think over the morning as they wound their way down the lanes leading west from Grompton.

She no longer wondered at the whispers that had echoed off the chapel walls and around the churchyard. Mr. Jonquil generally blended into his surroundings. She herself probably would not have noticed him if he didn’t sit behind them week after week. If she was being completely honest, his golden halo of hair drew her attention more often than it ought. That morning, however, his attire had drawn the attention of all the town.

What had brought about so odd a choice of clothing?
It didn’t suit him, despite what she’d told Mr. Finley. Clara felt a hot flush spread quickly across her face.
wasn’t entirely true. The color perfectly suited him. His eyes were certainly blue—another thing about him she couldn’t help noticing—but the blue of his coat had rendered them breathtaking.

“Can we stop, please?” Edmund asked, pulling on her hand.

Clara jumped from her thoughts and looked around, momentarily disoriented. They were not far from the turnoff to Ivy Cottage and were standing at the edge of Havenworth property. Clara followed Edmund’s eager eyes toward the enclosed field. Several gorgeous horses capered about, manes furrowing as they bounded and jumped. Clara appreciated the pleasant picture they made. Edmund, however, stood positively mesmerized.

“I wish I had a horse,” Edmund whispered, leaning against the fence. “I would be a good rider, I know it.”

Her heart squeezed at the longing in his voice. When did Edmund ever ask for anything? He willingly went about his studies. He watched out for Alice. The poor boy had endured Mr. Bentford.

All he ever wished for was a horse.

Clara could not begin to afford one. She forced down the lump that formed in her throat. “Someday, Edmund,” she promised him, squeezing his overly slender shoulders. “Someday you will have your horse.”

They watched the graceful animals for Clara knew not how long. By the time she pulled Edmund away from the sight, Alice had fallen asleep in her arms. Edmund continued their journey but reluctantly so, despite the promise of biscuits.

There had to be a way, Clara told herself. There had to be a way to give Edmund the only thing he’d ever wanted.

* * *

If they only ate three times a week, it might be possible. Clara laid her quill on the writing desk beside the sheet of parchment that contained her calculations. Two days had passed since Edmund had stood wistfully at the Havenworth fence.

She’d gone into Grompton that afternoon after the children had finished their lessons and had inquired after the price of various aspects of keeping a horse: shoeing, a saddle, bridle, feed. Without even taking into account the purchase price of such an animal, nor the cost of stabling—either constructing a stable at Ivy Cottage or paying to have the animal stabled elsewhere—she hadn’t the means to keep so much as a pony, let alone a horse Edmund could grow in to.

She exhaled a quick puff of breath and rose from the desk, crossing the sitting room to the tall eastern windows. The sun had long since set, and the children were sleeping in their rooms above. Even Suzie had retired for the night, leaving Clara the sole member of the household still awake. She looked through the windows into the darkness outside.

Dear, sweet Edmund.

“There has to be a way to secure a mount for the boy,” Clara told herself yet again.

Far into the dark night a light shimmered, no doubt flickering through the many windows of Havenworth, too distant for details but near enough for the light to be seen. That estate must have seemed the very picture of heaven to young Edmund. It was a beautiful home, small when compared to the grand estates of the aristocracy but far too grand to be labeled “quaint” as Ivy Cottage was. The grounds were lush, the trees near the house tall and majestic. Havenworth’s stables were at least as expansive as the house itself—home to quite a number of fine horses and ponies.

One of the distant lights extinguished. Havenworth was turning in for the night. Did Mr. Jonquil realize she could see his home from Ivy Cottage? She imagined not. He certainly had more important things to do with his time. He’d made that abundantly clear during his afternoon call the week before.

Clara leaned against the window frame. If she thought on the problem long enough, surely a solution would present itself.

Edmund had inherited an income from his late father. Most of that would not come to him until he reached his majority, some fourteen years down the road. In the meantime, the boy received a quarterly stipend, enough that, were she to tap deeply into the account, they could live more comfortably than they were. Clara, however, was determined not to use a single halfpenny more than she absolutely had to. That money was all he had to secure his future and allow him to attend Eton without the degradation of doing so as a charity student. Despite their straitened circumstances, Edmund had something to fall back on. Alice didn’t even have that.

She would one day require a dowry if she ever meant to marry. A dowry did not guarantee marital happiness, Clara knew well, but she would not force Alice into a life of misery for the sake of connections or family pride. She valued her children’s happiness above such things. So if Alice never met anyone she could trust enough to treat her with kindness and respect, she would need an income to live on. Here was yet another expense Clara was ill-prepared to meet.

The dowry could wait. But Edmund really ought to learn to ride. She simply could not think of a way to accomplish the feat.

The last light at Havenworth extinguished, bathing the countryside in black. Only the single candle lit in the sitting room broke the darkness. She took the candle and slowly made her way up the stairs to her room. She undressed methodically, her mind heavy, and sat on the edge of her bed in her warm, flannel nightdress, her bare toes cold in the chilly night air.

She blew out the candle and lay back on her pillow. She had her faults, heaven knew, but she had always been determined. Somehow, she would give her children what they deserved.

She just simply had no idea how.

Chapter Five

Philip and Sorrel had reached Scotland and would be meeting with Dr. MacAslon in a few days’ time. Not an ounce of the frustration Corbin felt with his eldest brother abated as he read the letter that had only just arrived. Five days had passed since the episode at church.

“You need to catch her eye,” Philip had said. “Stand out from the crowd,” he’d insisted.

Corbin, like a dolt, had gone along with the entire harebrained idea. He and Philip were of a size, similar enough in build for Corbin to borrow a few items of clothing. Years spent at the stables, working as hard as any of his stable hands, had given Corbin a little more mass than his brother, rendering the attire more form-fitting than it was on Philip. But, Philip assured him, a tight fit was considered quite stylish in Town.

Philip had been right on one count. Mrs. Bentford had certainly noticed him. If the fits of laughter she and her children had burst into upon first sight of him were any indication, he had certainly stood out. And he hadn’t failed to notice the rest of the congregation taking note of the ridiculous picture he’d made. Corbin couldn’t remember the last time Mr. Whittle had been required to stand at the pulpit for so long waiting for the chapel to quiet down.

When Philip came back from Scotland, Corbin was going to kill him.

He dropped the letter onto his desk and leaned back in his chair, spinning his sealing stamp in his hand. He’d made a complete and utter fool of himself, that much was certain. Half the stable staff had ribbed him over his mishap. He hadn’t yet returned to Grompton. He wasn’t sure he’d ever venture back.

Eventually, he realized, he’d have to face
again. Mrs. Bentford was his neighbor. He could see Ivy Cottage from the windows of Havenworth.

Corbin got to his feet and moved to the windows, passing his sealing stamp from one hand to the other as he thought. He’d simply wanted to capture her attention but not at all in the way he had. Perhaps he ought to think of a means of redeeming himself, making a better impression. Nothing came to mind.

The door to the library opened. Corbin turned to see Simmons step inside.

“Mrs. Bentford is here to see you, Mr. Jonquil,” the butler informed him.

Corbin dropped the stamp.

“On a matter of business,” Simmons clarified.

“Mrs. Bentford?” he asked in shocked astonishment.

Simmons nodded.


“Yes, sir.”

Corbin picked the stamp off the floor, then crossed back to his desk. He set the stamp down, but it rolled off the edge. A second try saw it settled securely on the desk. Corbin took a deliberate breath.

“Where—Where have you put her?”

“I suggested the sitting room, sir. But as she has come to discuss a matter of business, Mrs. Bentford insisted she meet with you in whichever room you conduct your business.”

“In here?” Had his voice actually just cracked?

“She is only a few paces outside the door, Mr. Jonquil.”

Absolutely no response came to mind. Corbin could do little more than stare at the man. Mrs. Bentford? At Havenworth? Just outside the door to his library?

Corbin looked around. At least the room was clean. Except for the desk. Corbin quickly straightened the papers there.

“Shall I show her in, Mr. Jonquil?” Simmons asked in a voice that hinted that he ought to have done so already.

Corbin nodded.

Simmons stepped out the door. Corbin smoothed the creases in his jacket and waistcoat, thankful he was wearing his own clothing and not the dandified fashions Philip had so long favored.
How do you do
? he silently practiced.
Good day, Mrs. Bentford
. He tried a different approach.
So good to see you again.

“Mrs. Bentford, sir,” Simmons announced from the door.

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