Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (29 page)

BOOK: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
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he story you’ve just read is based in part on Blizzard Entertainment’s computer game
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
and its expansion pack,
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
. Released in July 2002 and July 2003 respectively, these titles topped sales charts and were praised by critics, picking up “Editor’s Choice,” “Strategy Game of the Year,” “Game of the Year,” and other awards from numerous publications.

Over five years later,
Warcraft III
is still a popular choice for online multiplayer matches, and is a staple of professional gaming tournaments around the world. The single-player campaigns allow players to command and interact with some of the most powerful and interesting characters in Warcraft lore and to experience a pivotal time in Azeroth’s history firsthand.


If you’d like to read more about the characters, situations, and settings featured in this novel, the books listed below each offer another piece of the story of Azeroth:

  • Thrall’s story (along with more on Taretha Foxton, Aedelas Blackmoore, Durnholde Keep, and the orc internment camps) can be found in
    Warcraft: Lord of the Clans
    by Christie Golden.
  • Jaina Proudmoore plays a central role in
    World of Warcraft: Cycle of Hatred
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido as well as the monthly
    World of Warcraft
    comic book by Walter Simonson and Ludo Lullabi, Jon Buran, and Mike Bowden.
  • Kel’Thuzad’s reprimand by the Kirin Tor can be seen in detail in “Warcraft: Road to Damnation” by Evelyn Fredericksen (on
  • The further fate of the Sunwell is revealed in
    Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy
    by Richard A. Knaak and Jae-Hwan Kim (hardcover ultimate edition available).
  • Prince Varian Wrynn of Stormwind is a young refugee in this volume, but his adventures continue in the
    World of Warcraft
    monthly comic by Walter Simonson and Ludo Lullabi, Jon Buran, and Mike Bowden (hardcover collected edition available).
  • The magical city of Dalaran will also appear in
    Warcraft: Mage,
    a manga written by Richard A. Knaak and scheduled for release in February 2010.
  • The story behind the mysterious prophet who warned Terenas, Antonidas, Arthas, and Jaina is revealed in
    Warcraft: The Last Guardian
    by Jeff Grubb.
  • Further information about Ner’zhul’s life and undeath has been recounted in
    World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde
    by Christie Golden,
    World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal
    by Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden, and “Warcraft: Road to Damnation” by Evelyn Fredericksen (on
  • Sylvanas Windrunner and the Scourge attack on Silvermoon are both featured in
    Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy volume 3—Ghostlands
    by Richard A. Knaak and Jae-Hwan Kim.
  • Illidan Stormrage, Archimonde, and the demonic forces of the Burning Legion all wrought havoc on Azeroth in the
    Warcraft: War of the Ancients Trilogy
    by Richard A. Knaak.
  • Like most demons, Kil’jaeden was originally a mortal. His people, the eredar, largely decide to give themselves over to corruption in
    World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde
    by Christie Golden.
  • Anduin Lothar is forced to kill one of his oldest friends in
    Warcraft: The Last Guardian
    by Jeff Grubb. Lothar goes on to pit himself against Orgrim Doomhammer in
    World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness
    by Aaron Rosenberg.
  • Terenas, Uther the Lightbringer, and the Alliance of Lordaeron manage to drive back the Horde in
    World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness
    by Aaron Rosenberg.
  • Orgrim Doomhammer grows to adulthood just as the orcish clans of Draenor are forged into a single savage Horde in
    World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde
    by Christie Golden. Later, during the Second War, Doomhammer faces unexpected defeat in
    World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness
    by Aaron Rosenberg.
  • The Knights of the Silver Hand are first formed in
    World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness
    by Aaron Rosenberg. One of their most famous members goes into exile during the events of
    Warcraft: Of Blood and Honor by Chris Metzen and later reappears in World of Warcraft: Ashbringer
    by Micky Neilson and Ludo Lullabi.
  • Khadgar’s adventures are explored in detail by
    Warcraft: The Last Guardian
    by Jeff Grubb,
    World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness
    by Aaron Rosenberg, and
    World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal
    by Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden.
  • Aegwynn led a challenging and largely solitary existence until she met Jaina in
    World of Warcraft: Cycle of Hatred
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido. Aegwynn continues to advise and assist Jaina in the monthly
    World of Warcraft
    comic book by Walter Simonson and Ludo Lullabi, Jon Buran, and Mike Bowden.
  • The pit lord Anub’arak reveals the Lich King’s grim plans for Azeroth in “Warcraft: Road to Damnation” by Evelyn Fredericksen (on
  • Lord Prestor’s betrothal to Princess Calia and his secret ambitions come under suspicion from the red dragon Korialstrasz in
    Warcraft: Day of the Dragon
    by Richard A. Knaak.


You’ve met Arthas. You’ve seen his youth, his greatest love, his greatest loss, and his greatest challenge. You’ve witnessed his most desperate hour, his brutal rise to power, and finally his reawakening. But that’s just the beginning. Now you can challenge him yourself in
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

World of Warcraft
is an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. In it, players create their own heroes and explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world shared with thousands of other players. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic battles, they form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory.

World of Warcraft
is the most popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game of all time, with more than 11.5 million active subscribers worldwide—if it were a country, that population would be larger than 135 real-world nations. Its second expansion pack,
Wrath of the Lich King,
released in November 2008 and set a new record as the fastest-selling PC game of all time, with more than 2.8 million copies sold in its first 24 hours of availability and more than 4 million in its first month.

To discover the ever-expanding world that has captivated millions around the globe, go to and download the free trial version. Live the story.

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