Arrow's Fall (27 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Lackey

Tags: #Science fiction, #Fantasy, #Epic, #General, #Fiction, #Fantasy - General, #Fiction - Fantasy, #Fantastic fiction, #Valdemar (Imaginary place), #Fantasy - Epic

BOOK: Arrow's Fall
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The next time she came to herself, she found that there was a scrap torn from her sleeve near the bucket, still damp. After trying to puzzle it out, she decided that ite’d done it herself, and the dream had been a rationalization of it.

As delirium began to take her again, she tried to tell heerself that it was unlikely that her hallucinations would include Kris a second time.

But they did, and Kris continued to guard her from the hideous visions, all the while trying to give her courage.

Finally she gave up even trying to pretend to hope, and told Kris about the argonel.

“No, little bird,” he said, shaking his head at her. “It isn’t your time yet.”


“Trust me. Trust me, dearheart. Everything is going to come out fine. Just try to hold on—” He faded into the stone, then, as she woke once more.

That puzzled her. Why should a fever-dream of her own making be trying to urge her to live, when she only wanted release?

But tor the most part, she simply suffered, and endured the waiting, watching for some sign that her message had safely reached Selenay. The Queen and her entourage should have reached the Border about two days after she and Kris had ridden through the palace gates. They would have been expecting Kris about three or four days after they arrived—a week after she’d been thrown in here. With luck and the Lady with him, Rolan should reach them about that time. She added the days in her head—that meant he would reach the Queen in six to ten days at his hardest gallop—six if he could take the Open roads, ten if he had to backtrack and hide.

When Hulda first appeared, at the end of the third day, Talia thought initially that she was another hallucination,if it hadn’t been that Hulda’s sharp features and strange (ray-violet eyes were unmistakable, Talia wouldn’t have recognized her. She was swathed in a voluptuous gown of burgundy-wine velvet, cut low and daringly across the bosom, and there were jewels on her neck and hands and the net that bound her hair. But most amazing of all, she appeared to be hardly older than Talia herself.

She stood peering into the darkness, eyes darting this way and that; a cruel smile touched her lips when she finally spotted Talia huddled against the wall. She moved from the center of the room with an odd, gliding step to stand above Talia, eyes narrowed in pleasure, and nudged her sharply with one dainty shoe.

The pain she caused made Talia gasp and pull in on herself—and her heart leapt into her throat when she realized that the woman was still standing there—real, and no hallucination.

When Talia’s eyes widened with shock and recognition, Hulda smiled. “You remember me? How very touching! I had no hope you’d have any recollection of little Elspeth’s adored nurse.”

She moved a few steps farther away and stood artfully posing in the light that came through the ventilation bole. “And how low the mighty Herald has fallen! You’d have been pleased to see me brought so low, wouldn’t you? But I am not caught so easily, little Herald. Not half so easily.”

“What—what are you?” The words were forced out almost against Talia’s will.

“I? Besides a nurse, you mean?” She laughed. “Well, a magician, I suppose you’d call me. Did you think the Heralds held all the magic there was in the world? Oh, no, little Herald, that is for, for from being the case.”

She laughed again, and swept out of the cell, the door clanging shut behind her.

Talia struggled to think; but—Lord and Lady, this meant there was more, much more at stake here than she’d dreamed.

Hulda—so young-looking, and claiming to be a magician. And she hadn’t any trace of a Gift, Talia knew
for certain. Put that together with the mage who guarded Ancar and kept her from Mindspeaking to other Heralds— gods protect Valdemar! That meant that old magic,
magic, and not just Heraldic Mind-magic, was loose in the world again. And in the hands of Valdemar’s enemies—

And Hulda had been—
have been—playing a deeper game than anyone ever guessed, and for for longer. But to what purpose?


Hulda came again, this time after dark, bringing some kind of witchlight with her. It was an odd, misty ball that gave off a red glare that flickered and pulsated; it floated behind her and hovered just above her shoulder, bathing the entire cell in an eerie, reddish glow.

This time Talia was more or less ready for her. She was free from delirium for the moment, and feeling light - yet clear-headed. She had managed to put her own emotions and the helplessness of her position in the back of her mind, hoping for some stroke of luck that might bring her a chance to strike back at her tormentors.

She had figured that Hulda was warded, even as the Prince was; she probed anyway, and discovered her guess was correct. So rather than making any other moves, she simply shifted her weight where she sat so that she might be able to get to her feet at a moment’s notice.

Hulda smiled mockingly; Talia glared right back.

“You might rise to greet me,” she mocked. “No? Well, I shan’t ask it of you. You’ll be dancing to my little
Prince’s tunes soon enough. Or should I say, ‘King’? I suppose I should. Aren’t you at all curious as to why and how I came here?”

“I have the feeling you’d tell me whether I cared or not
* Talia said bitterly.

“Spirited! You’re right, I would. Oh, I spent years looking for a child like Ancar—one of high estate, yet one who could readily incline himself to what I would teach him. Then once I found him, I knew within a year that one land would never be enough for him. So once I taught him enough that he could do without me for a time, I turned my attention toward finding him a suitable mate. Dear Elspeth seemed so perfect—” she sighed theatrically.


“You are so talented, little Herald! What volumes of meaning you convey with a single syllable! Yes, dear Efapeth seemed perfect—coming from a long line of those Gifted magically,
with such a father! Plotting against his own wife! Delicious!”

“If you’re trying to convince me that treachery is inherited, you’re wasting your breath.”

She laughed. “Very well then, I’ll be brief. I intended Elspeih to be properly trained and eventually consolidate an alliance with Ancar. As you probably guessed, I substituted myself for the original Hulda. Things were progressing quite well—until you intervened.”

This time the glance she shot at Talia was venomous. “Fortunately I was forewarned. I returned to my dear Prince, and when he was of an age to begin taking part in the making of plans, we put together a quite tidy plot.”

She began pacing the room, restlessly, the folds of her vermilion gown collecting loose dirt from the floor, dirt which she ignored.

it,” Talia asked the ceiling above her head, “what is it about would-be tyrants that makes them speak and posture like third-rate gleemen in a badly-written play?”

Hulda pivoted sharply about and glared, her hands twitching a little as if she’d like to settle them about Talia’s neck. Talia braced herself, hoping she’d try. Granted, she was as weak as water, but there were some tricks Alberich had taught her. . . .

“Haven’t you got anything better to do than boast about your petty triumphs to a captive audience?” she taunted.

Hulda’s face darkened with anger; then to Talia’s disappointment she regained control of herself, and slowly straightened and smoothed the folds of her gown while she calmed her temper.

“You’re to be a part of this, you know,” she said abruptly. “Ancar wanted both of you alive, but you alone will do. We’ll all ride together to the Border and wait for your Queen there. She’ll see you with us, and be reassured. Then—”

“You don’t seriously think you’ll get me to cooperate, do you?”

“You won’t have a choice. Just as my Prince’s servant can keep you from sending your little messages, so I can control of your own body from you—particularly you’re in rather poor condition at the moment.”

“You can try.”

“Oh, no, little Herald. I can bring in more help than you could ever hope to hold against. I will succeed.”

She laughed, and swept out the door, then, the witchlight following.


As Talia had hoped, on the tenth day of her captivity, the door to her cell opened, and Prince Ancar and his magician stood before her. And with him was Hulda.

She was in another of the periods of clear-headedness between bouts of delirium. She debated facing them standing, but decided that she didn’t have the strength. She simply stared at them with undisguised contempt.

“My messengers have sent signals telling me that the Queen of Valdemar has turned back at the Border,” Ancar said, gazing at her with basilisk-eyes. “And now they say she gathers an army to her side. Somehow you warned her, Herald. How?”

She returned him stare for stare. “If you two are so all-powerful
’ she asked contemptuously, “why don’t you read my thoughts?”

His race reddened with anger. “
you Heralds and your barriers—” he spat, before Hulda managed to hush

Talia stared at him in astonishment.
Brightest Lady—he can’t read me—
can’t read me, can’t read Heralds—no wonder we almost caught Hulda before
— For one moment, she felt a stirring of excitement, but it faded. The information was priceless—and useless. It only meant they would not be able to pluck truth from her thoughts, and so would never know when and if she lied.

So start now. Tell them a truth they would never believe. According to Elspeth, Hulda had never believed that the Companions were more than very well trained beasts. She had been convinced it was the Heralds who picked the Chosen, not the Companions.

So. “My horse,” she said after a long pause, “My horse escaped to warn them.”

Ancar smiled, and ice rimed her blood. “An imagination, I know. You should have been a Bard. This will only delay things, you must realize. I have been working toward my goals for years, and I can easily compass a little more delay.” He turned toward Hulda, and brushed his lips along her hair. “Can’t I, my dear nurse?”

“Easily, my Prince. You have been a most apt pupil.”

“And the pupil has exceeded the teacher, no?”

“In some things, my love. Not in all.”

“Perhaps you will be interested to hear that I know of your quarrel with the young Heir, little Herald. It would seem that she is quite crestfallen, and determined to make it up with you, since my informant tells me she is most eager to be meeting with you again. A pity that won’t happen. It would have been amusing to watch the meeting—and you under my dear nurse’s control.”

Talia tried not to show any reaction, but her concentration slipped enough that she bit her lip.

“Do tell her who our informant is, my love,” Hulda murmured in Ancar’s ear.

“None other than the trusted Lord Orthallen. What, you are not surprised? How vexing. Hulda discovered him, you know—found that he had been working at undermining the Heralds and the Monarchs so long and so cleverly that no one even guessed how often he’d played his cards.”

“Some of us guessed.”

“Really?” Hulda pouted. “I
disappointed. But have you guessed why? Ancar has promised him the throne. Orthallen has wanted that for so very long, you see. He thought he had it when he arranged for an assassin to take Selenay’s father in battle. But then there was Selenay—and all those Heralds who persisted in protecting her. He decided to do away with them first—it’s a pity how little luck he’s had. He has been so surprised at the way you keep eluding his traps. He’ll be even more amazed when Ancar gives him the dagger instead of the crown. But I
disappointed that you had guessed at his perfidy already.”

“My poor dear—two disappointments in one day.” Ancar turned his cold gaze back on Talia. “Well, since you have denied me one pleasure, you can hardly blame anyone but yourself when I use you for another, can you? Perhaps it will make up for the entertainments your actions denied my dear nurse.”

“Ah, but be wary of this wench, my lord King,” Hulda cautioned. “She is not without weapons, even now. Your servant must not let the barrier break for even a moment.”

He smiled again. “Small chance of that, my love. He
the penalty should he fail to keep her trapped within her own mind. Should he weaken, my heart—he becomes

She trilled with delight as he signaled to the hulking guards that stood behind him.

They seized Talia and dragged her to her feet, pinioning her arms behind her back. Anguish threaded her body as the wound broke open anew, but she bit her lip and suffered silently.

“Stubborn as well! How entertaining you will be, Herald. How very entertaining.”

He turned and led the way from the cell with the magician and Hulda in close attendance and the guards following with Talia. There was a long corridor that smelled of mold and damp, and an iron door at the end of it. Beyond it was the smell of fear, and blood.


They shackled her arms to the cold stone above her head, putting an almost intolerable strain on her wounded shoulder.

“I consider myself an artist,” Ancar told her, “There is a certain artistry in producing the most pain without inflicting permanent damage, or causing death.” He removed a long, slender iron rod from the fire and regarded the white-hot tip thoughtfully. “There are such fascinating things to be done with this, for instance.”

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