Arresting Lilith

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Authors: Victoria Lawson

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Arresting Lilith


Victoria Lawson

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With a blaring and thunderous entrance accompanied by boots to the door of a lush penthouse suite Agent Weber yelled, “DEA! FREEZE!” His team flooded around him attempting to apprehend Donavan Goode, notorious white collar pill pusher. He’d been the center of a drug investigation into a pill mill ring.


Over ten months of manpower had come to the conclusion that Donavan Goode had been working directly with fellow doctors and clinics to write powerful narcotic prescriptions for non medical and inappropriate reasons, selling to addicts and anyone else creating a large network of drug users. Unable to pin any solid evidence against him until recently, Donavan had gone under the radar for a few years. “Down on the ground! Now!” Agent Declan Weber bellowed.


She gasped mouth wide and in shock. “Holy. Shit. Are you serious right now?” Lilith froze as she saw at least a dozen black booted, uniformed men spill through the door of her boyfriend's uptown suite. Men surrounded her and Donavan. Quickly immobilizing him and pushing her flat on the ground and quietly cuffing them both in a matter of seconds. She didn’t even have time to breathe.


“STAY DOWN!” Declan called out. He’d expected to catch Donavan with his pants down, balls deep in some hooker but whoever this woman was, was anything but.


“Donavan! What is this bullshit?!” Lilith yelled. Face down on the ground with her hands behind her back all she heard was the sound of heavy boots on the floor. Lilith didn’t dare look up. Donavan never responded to her plea. “Donavan! Talk to me! What’s going on?!”


“Shut up Lilith! Keep your mouth shut. Don’t say a fucking word! You hear me?! NOT A WORD!” Donavan yelled squirming against the tight handcuffs. In this moment he didn’t regret that he’d never told her how he afforded such a lifestyle. Being a spine and sports medicine doctor had its perks but nothing like what he was afforded now. Working with athletes required him to be gone for a certain amount of time.


Lilith never made much of a fuss except for not having a key to his place. She assumed being together for little over a year would warrant a key to each other’s place. She was too nosy and she would have found something. At least now she wouldn’t be able to testify against him. What she didn’t know she couldn’t say.


“Quiet!” Agent Weber nudged the good pill prescribing doctor with his steel toe boot.


“Boss, we’ve got suitcases full of pills. We’re looking at Oxycontin, Hydracodone, Vicodin, and even morphine. There aren’t just prescriptions. We’re looking at more than pills though boss.” Duke had found a couple pounds of marijuana and cocaine stashed in a woman’s designer duffle bag behind the bathroom sink.


Declan shook his head. He was bound to get a promotion off this bust. Maybe then he’d get back to some semblance of a social life. “Alright. Bag it and tag it boys.” He nodded to his team. “Good work. This one is going to go down in the books for sure. There has to be more than a couple of millions in narcotics here.”


Duke scanned over the girl on the floor next to Donavan Goode. “What about the whore boss? What do we do with her?” Duke was the team’s All-American asshole. Two time all-state football champion. Retired marine with twelve years of service, and a purple heart to boot. For all his glory he was still an asshole.


“Duke, oversee the acquisition of the narcotics please. She’s not a whore.” Agent Weber waved off Duke. Walking around her Declan noticed her all white attire. Unable to help himself he noticed there was no panty line to her backless would be body suit. Her hair tied in a sophisticated ponytail made him wonder what caliber of woman she was — the self made rich elite or inherited trust fund bourgeois.


“Damn right I’m not.” Lilith huffed. The nerve they had. Her mind was still reeling. Obviously her boyfriend had been some sort of drug dealer. She hadn’t known but what worried her more was that she didn’t see any signs.


Declan bent down in front of her. “Then just who are you?”


“Lilith. Lilith Tate. Donavan’s girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend.” She glared at Donavan and rolled her eyes. Looking up she expected to meet an overweight, balding man with a monopoly mustache. What she found was something out of a dream. “Well, now that’s odd.” Lilith put her head down. The strain of looking up was agitating her neck. This was going to be a long night.




In the interrogation room of God knows where, Lilith fidgeted in her seat. She was handcuffed to the table. One officer after another had come in asking her questions about Donavan. They drilled her repetitively. The good cop bad cop routine was expected. They brought her coffee, water, and even coke. She drank nothing. She touched nothing. Lilith was well versed when it came to cops. She knew she was suspect because of the situation but she had asked for her lawyer immediately and damn near seven hours later her lawyer was still MIA.


The room was dark and seedy. With one light hovering above her she thought this place oddly characteristic of a dark crime drama. Lilith’s life had taken many turns but she thought she’d outgrown these type of men. Laying with her head on her arm she closed her eyes. No one had been in for at least ten minutes. Maybe she’d get a break.


“Rise and shine Ms. Lilith Tate.” Agent Weber nudged Ms. Tate’s shoulder. It was time to let her go. She was cleared. Never seen in any of the video surveillance. Never heard or spoken of on any of the audio recordings either. Upon reviewing the video surveillance the women that came and went in the good doctor’s home were high paid escorts.


Declan wondered why though because what was before him, even with smudged eyeliner and frayed hair, was the kind of woman that oozed sex. When she rose she squinted at him. “I know you have been here for a while. We’re letting you go.”


“About time. I had nothing to do with his extra curricular activities. I told you people that.” She watched Agent Weber unlock her cuffs. Rubbing her wrists she groaned. God it felt good to be free. She pulled her hair down from her ponytail which had been causing her even more headache. The release of her long brown wavy hair gave her goosebumps. Small pleasures in life she noted. “My lawyer?” she asked curiously.


Agent Declan Weber was quiet. He was in awe of what he’d just seen. She aroused him to no end. Attraction like this was common for him so he thought it unusual that he wanted her still.


“Oh...right, you never called did you?” She rolled her eyes. It was to be expected. She figured since it was the DEA, her doctor boyfriend was pushing millions of dollars in narcotics, and she knew she was innocent, she’d just let this go on for a bit. She was a believer in good karma. If you were a good person then good things would happen. “Can I get a Kleenex or something?”


Declan disappeared for a moment. When he walked back in he held a small box of wet wipes, Kleenex, and a bottled water.


“You know I could sue you right?”


“But, you won’t,” Declan answered.


“Who are you?” Lilith scanned the pretty boy over. This was the man who stood above her. The man she didn’t expect to see. Men involved with task forces such as this weren’t usually this attractive were they?


“Agent Declan Weber,” he answered calmly.


“Give me your card Mr. Weber,” Lilith asked adamantly.


He handed her his card. His face nonchalant.


“You have a pen?” Her hand held out waiting.


Declan handed her his pen from his short pocket.


“Your badge number?” Lilith tried to think of all pertinent information she’d need for the future.


“410543.” Declan never wavered from her eyes.


“Supervisor?” Lilith asked bluntly.


“Chief Franklin Durden.”


Lilith wrote the following information down on the card. She kept his pen and stuck the card in her bra. He sat there observing her, complying with everything she asked. She wiped her face down with the wet wipes and guzzled the bottle water. Afterwards she put the wet wipe in the bottle, closed the bottle and held it in her hand.


“Thank you Declan. As you can imagine anything I put my fingerprints on is coming with me. Just in case. But I think you know I had nothing to do with this. If you need me for further questioning, please contact me. I don’t need my lawyer but if you pull this shit on me again, I’ll not only bring my high powered attorney, but the district attorney is a very, very good friend of mine. This will get nastier than you need it to be. When you confiscated my purse, I’m sure you searched it. I would gather you searched it personally.


“What would make you say that?” Declan asked.


“The way you’ve been staring at me. Like you have questions you want to ask me but not about this drug bust, instead about who I am. But you know you can’t because this is your job and I’m a suspect.” Lilith paused for a rebuttal but received none from Declan. He merely crossed his arms.


“Right. Well, when you searched my purse I’m sure you saw my business card holder. I’m sure you kept a card. So when I go home and count my cards. I’ll count one less than what should have been there. Feel free to call. I’ll comply with anything you need. I’ve had a bad history of picking bad men but this...”


Lilith shrugged and crossed her arms. It set in that she’d been betrayed and put in the way of danger yet again. Her dominant demeanor felt as though it was disappearing.


Declan saw a short pause in her educated aggressive approach. In that pause the hurt of a woman who was lied to was all that he could see. He’d seen many women pretend that they didn’t know, many other women defend their men while their men turned on them, but rarely a woman who didn’t know what was going on. She’d be cleared of the investigation soon but he already knew she was innocent.


“Can I take you home?” he asked softly. There was no use in refuting anything she said. Clearly educated not only in book sense but common sense he found himself entertained by her intellect.


“Where’s my car?” Lilith asked. She wanted to take herself home and take a hot shower to wash every groping cop hand off of her. Looking down at her white body suit only made her cringe. She’d just bought it and now it looked like she’d run through a building on fire catching every bit of dirt, grime, and smoke stain there was.


“Towed. I can have it at your home tomorrow morning.” Declan saw Duke out of his peripheral and noticed him staring intently at either him or Lilith. He couldn’t make it out.


“Call me a taxi. I don’t want to see another cop. Not any time soon.” Lilith exited the interrogation room. As she walked through the station all eyes were on her. Comfortably numb from the ordeal she sat on a wooden bench and waited in the hallway by the elevators.




Lilith woke up on the couch with cotton mouth and no water in sight. Her head was pounding and her body suit stuck to her with sweat seemingly drenching her body. She looked around and saw she was home but she must have been so tired from the ordeal that she crashed on her couch.  Wobbling from the couch with matted hair Lilith made her way to her shower.


The instant the water hit her face she felt the night wash right off of her. Sweat vanished, dirt and grime pooled at the bottom of her feet. With her body gloves soaped up she washed her body.


Donavan’s face flashed in her mind. The anger in his face. Black boots pacing the hardwood floors. Loud and deep voices flooding the suite. Agent Declan Weber leaning down in front of her. The cold interrogation room. The metal clanky chair. The barrage of cops using their wits to break her. Lilith washed her hair and rested her hands against the wall letting the hot water coat her body. Too consumed in her own thoughts to hear the knock on the door. It wasn’t until the third loud bang she shook herself free of her daze.

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