Armadale (44 page)

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Authors: Wilkie Collins

BOOK: Armadale
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‘Are the Broads within an easy day's drive there and back, from this house?' asked Allan; feeling, if they were, that the place for the picnic was discovered already.

‘Oh, yes, sir; a nice drive – quite a nice easy drive from this beautiful place!'

They were by this time ascending the portico steps; Allan leading the way up, and calling to Midwinter and Mr Bashwood to follow him into the library, where there was a lighted lamp. In the interval which elapsed before the wine made its appearance, Midwinter looked at his chance acquaintance of the high-road with strangely-mingled feelings of compassion and distrust – of compassion that strengthened in spite of him; of distrust that persisted in diminishing, try as he might to encourage it to grow. There, perched comfortless on the edge of his chair, sat the poor broken-down nervous wretch, in his worn black garments, with his watery eyes, his honest old outspoken wig, his miserable mohair stock, and his false teeth that were incapable of deceiving anybody – there he sat, politely ill at ease; now shrinking in the glare of the lamp, now wincing under the shock of Allan's sturdy voice; a man with the wrinkles of sixty years in his face, and the manners of a child in the presence of strangers; an object of pity surely, if ever there was a pitiable object yet!

‘Whatever else you're afraid of, Mr Bashwood,' cried Allan, pouring out a glass of wine, ‘don't be afraid of that! There isn't a headache in a hogshead of it! Make yourself comfortable; I'll leave you and Mr Midwinter to talk your business over by yourselves. It's all in Mr Midwinter's hands; he acts for me, and settles everything at his own discretion.'

He said those words with a cautious choice of expression very uncharacteristic of him, and without further explanation, made abruptly for the door. Midwinter, sitting near it, noticed his face as he went out. Easy as the way was into Allan's favour, Mr Bashwood, beyond all kind of doubt, had in some unaccountable manner failed to find it!

The two strangely-assorted companions were left together – parted widely, as it seemed on the surface, from any possible interchange of sympathy; drawn invisibly one to the other, nevertheless, by those magnetic similarities of temperament which overleap all difference of age or station, and defy all apparent incongruities of mind and character. From the moment when Allan left the room, the hidden Influence that works in darkness began slowly to draw the two men together, across the great social desert which had lain between them up to this day.

Midwinter was the first to approach the subject of the interview.

‘May I ask,' he began, ‘if you have been made acquainted with
my position here, and if you know why it is that I require your assistance?'

Mr Bashwood – still hesitating and still timid, but manifestly relieved by Allan's departure – sat farther back in his chair, and ventured on fortifying himself with a modest little sip of wine.

‘Yes, sir,' he replied; ‘Mr Pedgift informed me of all – at least I think I may say so – of all the circumstances. I am to instruct, or perhaps I ought to say to advise—'

‘No, Mr Bashwood; the first word was the best word of the two. I am quite ignorant of the duties which Mr Armadale's kindness has induced him to intrust to me. If I understand right, there can be no question of your capacity to instruct me, for you once filled a steward's situation yourself. May I inquire where it was?'

‘At Sir John Mellowship's, sir, in West Norfolk. Perhaps you would like – I have got it with me – to see my testimonial? Sir John might have dealt more kindly with me – but I have no complaint to make; it's all done and over now!' His watery eyes looked more watery still, and the trembling in his hands spread to his lips as he produced an old dingy letter from his pocket-book, and laid it open on the table.

The testimonial was very briefly and very coldly expressed, but it was conclusive as far as it went. Sir John considered it only right to say that he had no complaint to make of any want of capacity or integrity in his steward. If Mr Bashwood's domestic position had been compatible with the continued performance of his duties on the estate, Sir John would have been glad to keep him. As it was, embarrassments caused by the state of Mr Bashwood's personal affairs had rendered it undesirable that he should continue in Sir John's service; and on that ground, and that only, his employer and he had parted. Such was Sir John's testimony to Mr Bashwood's character. As Midwinter read the last lines, he thought of another testimonial, still in his own possession – of the written character which they had given him at the school, when they turned their sick usher adrift in the world. His superstition (distrusting all new events and all new faces at Thorpe-Ambrose) still doubted the man before him as obstinately as ever. But when he now tried to put those doubts into words, his heart upbraided him, and he laid the letter on the table in silence.

The sudden pause in the conversation appeared to startle Mr Bashwood. He comforted himself with another little sip of wine, and, leaving the letter untouched, burst irrepressibly into words, as if the silence was quite unendurable to him.

‘I am ready to answer any question, sir,' he began. ‘Mr Pedgift told me that I must answer questions, because I was applying for a place of trust. Mr Pedgift said, neither you nor Mr Armadale were likely to think the testimonial sufficient of itself. Sir John doesn't say – he might have put it more kindly, but I don't complain – Sir John doesn't say what the troubles were that lost me my place. Perhaps you might wish to know—?' He stopped confusedly, looked at the testimonial, and said no more.

‘If no interests but mine were concerned in the matter,' rejoined Midwinter, ‘the testimonial would, I assure you, be quite enough to satisfy me. But while I am learning my new duties, the person who teaches me will be really and truly the steward of my friend's estate. I am very unwilling to ask you to speak on what may be a painful subject, but perhaps, in Mr Armadale's interests, I ought to know something more, either from yourself, or from Mr Pedgift, if you prefer it—' He, too, stopped confusedly, looked at the testimonial, and said no more.

There was another moment of silence. The night was warm, and Mr Bashwood, among his other misfortunes, had the deplorable infirmity of perspiring at the palms of the hands. He took out a miserable little cotton pocket-handkerchief, rolled it up into a ball, and softly dabbed it to and fro, from one hand to the other, with the regularity of a pendulum. Performed by other men, under other circumstances, the action might have been ridiculous. Performed by this man, at the crisis of the interview, the action was horrible.

‘Mr Pedgift's time is too valuable, sir, to be wasted on me,' he said. ‘I will mention what ought to be mentioned myself – if you will please to allow me. I have been unfortunate in my family. It was very hard to bear, though it seems not much to tell. My wife—' One of his hands closed fast on the pocket-handkerchief; he moistened his dry lips, struggled with himself, and went on.

‘My wife, sir,' he resumed, ‘stood a little in my way; she did me (I am afraid I must confess) some injury with Sir John. Soon after I got the steward's situation she contracted – she took – she fell into habits (I hardly know how to say it) of drinking. I couldn't break her of it, and I couldn't always conceal it from Sir John's knowledge. She broke out, and – and – tried his patience once or twice, when he came to my office on business. Sir John excused it, not very kindly; but still he excused it. I don't complain of Sir John; I – I don't complain, now, of my wife.' He pointed a trembling finger at his miserable crape-covered beaver hat on the floor. ‘I'm in mourning for her,' he said, faintly. ‘She died nearly a year ago, in the county asylum here.'

His mouth began to work convulsively. He took up the glass of wine at his side, and, instead of sipping it this time, drained it to the bottom. ‘I'm not much used to wine, sir,' he said, conscious, apparently, of the flush that flew into his face as he drank, and still observant of the obligations of politeness amid all the misery of the recollections that he was calling up.

‘I beg, Mr Bashwood, you will not distress yourself by telling me any more,' said Midwinter, recoiling from any further sanction on his part of a disclosure which had already bared the sorrows of the unhappy man before him to the quick.

‘I'm much obliged to you, sir,' replied Mr Bashwood. ‘But if I don't detain you too long, and if you will please to remember that Mr Pedgift's directions to me were very particular – and, besides, I only mentioned my late wife because if she hadn't tried Sir John's patience to begin with, things might have turned out differently—' He paused, gave up the disjointed sentence in which he had involved himself, and tried another. ‘I had only two children, sir,' he went on, advancing to a new point in his narrative; ‘a boy and a girl. The girl died when she was a baby. My son lived to grow up – and it was my son who lost me my place. I did my best for him; I got him into a respectable office in London. They wouldn't take him without security. I'm afraid it was imprudent; but I had no rich friends to help me – and I became security. My boy turned out badly, sir. He – perhaps you will kindly understand what I mean, if I say he behaved dishonestly. His employers consented, at my entreaty, to let him off without prosecuting. I begged very hard – I was fond of my son James – and I took him home, and did my best to reform him. He wouldn't stay with me; he went away again to London; he – I beg your pardon, sir! I'm afraid I'm confusing things; I'm afraid I'm wandering from the point?'

‘No, no,' said Midwinter, kindly. ‘If you think it right to tell me this sad story, tell it in your own way. Have you seen your son since he left you to go to London?'

‘No, sir. He's in London still, for all I know. When I last heard of him, he was getting his bread – not very creditably. He was employed, under the Inspector, at the Private Inquiry Office in Shadyside Place.'

He spoke those words – apparently (as events then stood) the most irrelevant to the matter in hand that had yet escaped him; actually (as events were soon to be) the most vitally important that he had uttered yet – he spoke those words absently, looking about him in confusion, and trying vainly to recover the lost thread of his narrative.

Midwinter compassionately helped him. ‘You were telling me,' he said, ‘that your son had been the cause of your losing your place. How did that happen?'

‘In this way, sir,' said Mr Bashwood, getting back again excitedly into the right train of thought. ‘His employers consented to let him off– but they came down on his security; and I was the man. I suppose they were not to blame; the security covered their loss. I couldn't pay it all out of my savings; I had to borrow – on the word of a man, sir, I couldn't help it – I had to borrow. My creditor pressed me; it seemed cruel, but, if he wanted the money, I suppose it was only just. I was sold out of house and home. I daresay other gentlemen would have said what Sir John said; I daresay most people would have refused to keep a steward who had had the bailiffs after him, and his furniture sold in the neighbourhood. That was how it ended, Mr Midwinter. I needn't detain you any longer – here is Sir John's address, if you wish to apply to him.'

Midwinter generously refused to receive the address.

‘Thank you kindly, sir,' said Mr Bashwood, getting tremulously on his legs. ‘There is nothing more, I think, except – except that Mr Pedgift will speak for me, if you wish to inquire into my conduct in his service. I'm very much indebted to Mr Pedgift; he's a little rough with me sometimes, but if he hadn't taken me into his office, I think I should have gone to the workhouse when I left Sir John, I was so broken-down.' He picked up his dingy old hat from the floor. ‘I won't intrude any longer, sir. I shall be happy to call again, if you wish to have time to consider before you decide.'

‘I want no time to consider, after what you have told me,' replied Midwinter warmly, his memory busy, while he spoke, with the time when
had told
story to Mr Brock, and was waiting for a generous word in return, as the man before him was waiting now. ‘To-day is Saturday,' he went on. ‘Can you come and give me my first lesson on Monday morning? I beg your pardon,' he added, interrupting Mr Bashwood's profuse expressions of acknowledgment, and stopping him on his way out of the room; ‘there is one thing we ought to settle, ought we not? We haven't spoken yet about your own interest in this matter – I mean, about the terms.' He referred a little confusedly to the pecuniary part of the subject. Mr Bashwood (getting nearer and nearer to the door) answered him more confusedly still.

‘Anything, sir – anything you think right. I won't intrude any longer – I'll leave it to you and Mr Armadale.'

‘I will send for Mr Armadale, if you like,' said Midwinter, following him into the hall. ‘But I am afraid he has as little experience in matters of this kind as I have. Perhaps, if you see no objection, we might be guided by Mr Pedgift?'

Mr Bashwood caught eagerly at the last suggestion, pushing his retreat, while he spoke, as far as the front door. ‘Yes, sir – oh, yes, yes! nobody better than Mr Pedgift. Don't – pray don't, disturb Mr Armadale!' His watery eyes looked quite wild with nervous alarm as he turned round for a moment in the light of the hall-lamp, to make that polite request. If sending for Allan had been equivalent to unchaining a ferocious watch-dog, Mr Bashwood could hardly have been more anxious to stop the proceeding. ‘I wish you kindly good evening, sir,' he went on, getting out to the steps. ‘I'm much obliged to you. I will be scrupulously punctual on Monday morning – I hope – I think – I'm sure you will soon learn everything I can teach you. It's not difficult – oh, dear, no – not difficult at all! I wish you kindly good evening, sir. A beautiful night; yes, indeed, a beautiful night for a walk home.'

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