Read Are Lobsters Ambidextrous? Online
Authors: David Feldman
Whydoes rinsing with hot water “set” a stain? Why is rinsing with cold water more effective in eliminating the stain?
Whyis the bark of a tree darker than the wood inside?
Whydo seven-layer cakes usually have fewer than seven layers?
Whyis the part of bills that needs to be sent back by customers often too large for the envelope it is to be sent back in, forcing customers to fold the bill stub?
Whyare men’s neckties tapered at the bottom?
Whydo stripes on neckties always run in the same direction? And why do American ties run in the opposite direction from English ties?
Whatis the purpose of the oil found in the head of sperm whales?
Whydo women put perfume on their wrists?
Whydo pretzels have their strange shape?
Whydo disposable lighters have two separate fluid chambers even though the fluid can flow between the two?
Whatingredient in diet drinks provides the one calorie? Why do some diet drinks have one calorie and some have no calories?
Whydo diet colas, but not sugared colas, contain phenylalanine? Isn’t phenylalanine the same substance found in chocolate?
Whatis brominated vegetable oil, and why is it found only in orange soda?
Howdo they put the pockets in pita bread?
Whydo we wear caps and gowns at graduations? Why are the caps flat and square? What does the color of gowns signify?
Whyaren’t skyscrapers ever made out of brick?
Whyare nine-volt batteries rectangular?
Whydo most mailboxes say “Approved by the Postmaster General” on them? How do they differ from mailboxes without the approval?
Whydoes a ball tend to veer toward the ocean when one putts on a golf course?
Whydo dishwashers have two compartments for detergent? And why does only one compartment close?
Isit true that horses cannot vomit?
Whydoes the tax stamp on a pack of cigarettes say “20CLASS ACIGARETTES”?
Whatare the small, light-colored spots on a brown cigarette filter? Do they have any function?
Inmovies and television dramas, what is the purpose of boiling water when babies are delivered at home?
Whydo frogs close their eyes when swallowing?
Whydo the paper bags/sacks in supermarkets have jagged edges where you open them?
Howand why do hotel amenities (such as turndown service and bathrobes) spread so quickly among different hotel chains?
Isthere any difference between men’s and women’s razors?
Whatare the numbers on the bottom right of my canceled checks? Why aren’t those numbers there before the check is canceled?
Whydo banks sometimes attach a white piece of paper to the bottom of canceled checks?
Whydo the clearest days seem to follow storms?
Whyare paper and plastic drinking cups wider at the top than the bottom?
Whydo steak houses always serve such huge baked potatoes?
Sincecomputer paper is longer than it is wide, why are computer monitors wider than they are long?
Whyare all calico cats female?
Whydo ditto masters come in purple rather than blue ink?
Whyare the interior walls of tunnels usually finished with ceramic tiles? Are they tiled for practical or aesthetic reasons?
Whydoes heat make us sleepy in the afternoon when we’re trying to work but restless when we’re trying to sleep at night?
Whydo we feel drowsy after a big meal?
What’sthe difference between jams, jellies, preserves, marmalades, and conserves?
Whydon’t trees on a slope grow perpendicular to the ground as they do on a level surface?
Onnutrition labels, why does the total number of grams of fat often far exceed the sum of saturated and polyunsaturated fats?
Whydo ambulances have the emblem of a snake wrapped around a pole painted on them?
What’sthe difference between “super” and ordinary glues?
Inwhat direction are our eyes facing when we are asleep?
Whydo weather thermometers use red chemical instead of the silver mercury found in medical thermometers?
Howdo they measure the vitamin content of foods?
Whydoesn’t the water in fire hydrants freeze during the winter?
Whydo baked goods straight from the oven often taste (sickeningly) richer than after they are cooled?
Whyis gravel often placed on flat roofs?
Thereare many miniature dogs. Why aren’t there any miniature house cats?
Whatis the meaning of the numbers inside the arrows of the triangle on recyclable plastics? And what do the letters below the triangle mean?
Whyare there no public bathrooms in most supermarkets?
Whydo babies blink less often than adults?
Whydo your eyes hurt when you are tired?
Whydoes after-shave lotion have to sting? What causes the sting, and could it be replaced by a nonsting ingredient?
Whydo you often see tires on top of mobile homes in trailer parks?
Whydo cows stick their tongues up their nostrils?
Whydon’t banks return canceled checks in numerical order?
Whatmakes cotton shrink more when washed than wool when cleaned?
Whyare powdered laundry detergents sold in such odd weights?
Whatare we smelling when it “smells like rain is coming”?
Whydo unopened jars of mayonnaise, salad dressing, fruit, and many other foods stay fresh indefinitely on the shelf but require refrigeration after being opened?
Whyare matchbooks assembled so that the sharp side of the staple is on the striking side, risking injury to the fingers?
Whyare paper (book) matches dark on one side and light on the other?
Howcan the blades of electric can openers be sharp enough to cut through metal yet not sharp enough to cut our fingers when touched?
Whydo most retail establishments with double doors usually lock one of the two leaves?
Inlarge enclosed shopping malls, why is the last door on both sides of the main entrance often closed?
Whyare there two red stripes around the thinnest part of bowling pins?
Doescatnip “work” on big cats like lions and tigers?