Apocalypse Unleashed (43 page)

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Authors: Mel Odom

Tags: #Christian

BOOK: Apocalypse Unleashed
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“Nothing to say?” she asked.

“I know when to steer clear of trouble,” Goose replied. “But I don’t like the thought of you being in this mess.”

“I don’t like the thought of you being over there. I guess we’re at a stalemate, First Sergeant. So if you can’t come to me, I guess I’m going to come to you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” But Goose hoped it wouldn’t be anytime soon or that the commanding officers would reconsider. He understood the sense of what Megan was proposing, and God knew they needed the help, but he didn’t want families on the firing line.

Megan interrupted his thoughts. “They’re telling me I have to keep this call short.”

“I understand.” Goose squeezed the phone more tightly than he’d intended. He didn’t want to surrender the contact he had with her. He wanted to feel her close to him. He wanted her to understand that he was going to walk again. More than that, he was going to soldier again. The doctor was wrong. He
to be wrong.

“I love you, Goose,” Megan said.

“I love you too.”

“God willing, I’ll see you soon.”

The broken connection clicked in Goose’s ear. He swallowed hard and struggled to keep his emotions in check. Then he folded the cell phone and handed it back to the waiting nurse.

“Sounds like you’ve got yourself a good woman, First Sergeant.”

“Yes, ma’am. One of the finest women I’ve ever met.”

“Excluding present company.”

Despite the fear that gripped him from the debilitating effects of his knee injury and the thought of Megan being anywhere on the ground in Turkey, Goose summoned a smile. “Of course, ma’am. Excluding present company.”

“You see if you can get some more rest, First Sergeant. If you need anything, just let me know.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Goose lay back and closed his eyes. Even though he felt certain sleep wouldn’t come, it took him under its wing so softly and suddenly he wasn’t even aware of it.


Downtown Sanliurfa
Sanliurfa Province, Turkey
Local Time 1931 Hours

Goose came awake feeling someone staring at him. He blinked against the thick darkness. For a moment, with the drugs coursing through his system, he was lost and thought he was in the field somewhere. He wasn’t sure if it was the Middle East or Africa or even one of the wilderness jaunts he’d been on in Eastern Europe.

Then he felt the bed beneath him and remembered he was in the medical facility in Sanliurfa. That realization wasn’t any more restful. For all he knew, one of the CIA’s assassins lurked in the room.

Out of years of habit, he reached for a weapon, but one wasn’t close to hand.

“At ease, First Sergeant,” Remington spoke out of the darkness.

“Yes, sir.” Goose started to get up but his leg remained in traction.

“I can’t get up, sir.”

“I knew that. You ready for the light?”

Goose squinted against the coming brightness. “Yes, sir.”

Remington turned the light on. The illumination stabbed into Goose’s eyes. Thankfully the dimmer muted the full strength, but the sudden brightness still gave him an instant headache.

“How are things out there, sir?”

Remington approached the bed. Despite the fatigue that clung to him, he appeared unstoppable. “We’ve held the enemy in abeyance. They’re still there, but we’ve convinced them that taking this city isn’t going to be as easy as they’d first thought.”

“That’s good, sir.”

“It’s good, but it’s not enough. The Syrians are still convinced they can get the job done.” Remington took in a breath and let it out. “Even with the UN reinforcements, our situation hasn’t improved enough to promise that we can hold the line here.”

“At least we’re not being run out of town on a rail in full rout, sir.”

A tight, humorless smile curved Remington’s lips. “That’s true. But I don’t like looking for how things could be worse. I want to concentrate on making them better.”

“Yes, sir.”

Remington studied Goose for a moment. “Your friend Icarus managed to disappear again.”

Goose heard and felt the bald accusation in Remington’s words. “That man’s not my friend, sir.”

“Yet the two of you seem to end up spending an inordinate amount of time together,” Remington countered.

“Not through any effort on my part, sir.”

Slowly Remington nodded. “I’d like to believe that.”

“It’s the truth, sir.” Goose had a feeling that whatever was going to happen with Icarus, the mysterious agent had disappeared from his life for good. He was in God’s hands now.

“Moving on,” Remington said. “You’ve noticed that we have reinforcements.”

“Couldn’t help but notice that on the way in, sir.”

“The secretarygeneral of the United Nations routed them to us.”

“Carpathia did that, sir?”

“Yes.” Remington studied Goose’s face. “Do you have a problem with that, First Sergeant?”

“No, sir.”

“That’s good, because without those men we wouldn’t have been here waiting when you finished your little trek through hostile territory.”

“Roger that, sir.”

“There’s been an interesting twist to come out of their arrival.”

Goose waited.

“SecretaryGeneral Carpathia wants to reorganize the world’s military forces. In light of everything that’s gone on, the secretarygeneral recognizes the need to combine those armies into one unit. Put all our toys in one box. With everything facing the world today, the confusion and chaos, I think it would be a good idea.”

Maybe under other circumstances, Goose would have thought so too. Instead, as he thought about the situation, Icarus’s warnings about Carpathia kept coming to mind.

“Even more interesting, Carpathia offered me a new position: he wants to make me a full colonel.”

“You’re thinking of leaving the army?” Goose was so surprised he forgot to address Remington as sir. He hastily amended that.

“I don’t think of it as leaving the army. I took this position to serve my country. At the moment, I believe the best way to serve my country is by joining Carpathia’s efforts. The man has done a lot of good in the world in just a short time. He’s made a believer out of me.”

At those words, a chill ghosted through Goose, leaving him unsettled. “I guess congratulations are in order, sir,” Goose said.

“Thanks.” Remington paused. “But something else brought me here. In this new position, I’m going to need good people. Men I can count on. You and I haven’t been totally in sync for a while, but I think that’s because of the situation, not because of any fundamental differences. We still soldier the same.”

Goose chose not to say anything, thinking that was the wisest course.

“I’d like you to think about coming along with me,” Remington said.

“Thank you, sir, but I don’t see how I can do something like that. In case you hadn’t heard, my knee—”

“Is totally blown,” Remington interrupted. “I talked to the doctor. The plain fact of the matter is, if you stay with the army, Goose, your career is over.”

The words hit Goose like physical blows. It was one thing to deal with the facts by himself in the quiet of the room. But it was another for Remington to give voice to them.

“Yes, sir. I know that’s what the doc says, but that’s not necessarily—”

“Sergeant, unless you can pull a miracle out of your butt, that’s how it’s going to be.”

Goose struggled to find his voice. “Yes, sir.”

“I’ve got you scheduled to depart on the first medevac we can put together. I don’t know when that’s going to be. We’re still in the planning stages.”

Goose accepted that without comment, but everything in him wanted to fight, to resist.

“That’s how the army wants to do it,” Remington said. “But I’ve got something else I can offer. In my new capacity as colonel.”

Even though he tried, Goose couldn’t speak.

“You’re a soldier, Goose,” Remington declared. “That’s all you’re ever going to be.”

“That’s all I ever wanted to be, sir.”

“I know. That’s why you passed on Officer Candidates School.

But I can use soldiers in this new army. Maybe you’ll never be fieldready again, but you’ve got a lot of knowledge locked away in that thick skull of yours. A lot of spit and polish. I need that. If you want, I can offer you a position with me. As my aide. Once you get back on your feet.”

“That’s considerate of you, sir.”

Remington frowned. “It’s not just considerate, Sergeant. It’s downright generous.”

“Yes, sir. I’m still just a little fogged from the pain meds. Thank you, sir.”

“When you get out of that bed, report to me, and we’ll get squared away on the paperwork.”

“Yes, sir.” Goose answered automatically, but he knew he wanted time to think about the offer. Everything was coming down on him too fast.

“I also heard that Megan and some of the civvies from Fort Benning are going to be joining us here,” Remington said.

“Yes, sir. She said that was in the works.”

“I convinced SecretaryGeneral Carpathia to assist in making that happen.”

Goose couldn’t believe it. “But, sir, those are civilians. This is a war zone.”

“We also need support staff, Sergeant, as I’m sure you’re well aware.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I was just thinking that it would be a pity if you shipped out from here on a medical discharge at the same time Megan arrived.”

That thought filled Goose with a deep, visceral fear. “I wouldn’t want to do that, sir.”
Megan’s not experienced enough to handle something like this. And we’re barely holding our own here.
In the end, Goose knew he didn’t have a choice.

Remington knew it too. He nodded. “When you’re able, come by my office. Let’s make that paperwork official.”

“Yes, sir.”

“As you were, First Sergeant.”

“Yes, sir.” Goose saluted from the bed. Silently he watched

Remington leave the room. Then he tried to relax and let the meds claim him again. His mind whirled, trying to figure out what he was supposed to do.

Local Time 0441 Hours

Goose swayed awkwardly on the crutches as he stood in front of the hospital. He hadn’t been able to sleep. The meds were no longer having an effect, and he felt restless for no reason that he could name.

He just knew he couldn’t stay in the hospital any longer. So he’d hobbled from his room and out of the hospital without the duty nurse catching him.

Now that he was out, he didn’t know where to go.

The throbbing pain in his knee increased, and he wondered if he could make it back to his room without falling on his face. Needing help to get back to his bed would be embarrassing.

The early morning light was just beginning to lift the shadows night had draped over the beleaguered city. Several of the sandbags stacked against the building to reinforce the walls had been blown open by explosions. Deep craters scarred the street. Hummers and other military vehicles whizzed past, resupplying men and ammo.

Watching them, Goose felt guilty and useless.
he thought,
I never thought I’d finish my career up like this. I signed on to be a soldier, to be a man who made changes in the world.

As he thought that, he wondered if that very desire had been the thing keeping him from having a closer relationship with God.

He’d never considered that before. But he remembered the talks with Bill Townsend when they’d discussed church and faith. Bill had been a consummate soldier, but that wasn’t all he’d wanted to be, wasn’t all he’d worked at. There wasn’t a day that went by that Bill hadn’t ministered to someone, even if it was for five minutes over a cup of coffee at a diner. He’d carried his message to every country they’d ever served in together.

Goose had listened to it all, but he’d never really taken it in. Bill had seemed able to serve God and the military at the same time. But Goose knew that he’d given God short shrift over the years.

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