Anything for Profit 2: Nothing to Lose (32 page)

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The first night she was down there, he came in late and didn’t touch her. She had deliberately gone to bed clad in a sexy nightie to tempt him, but she went to sleep that night totally unsexed. It was nice sleeping in his arms but she wanted to make love to him. To a susceptible sixteen-year-old there was no greater connection.


The second day Elle was there, she was cleaning up in the kitchen when she came across a wad of money. It was just lying on the kitchen floor like somebody had dropped it. She started to pick it up but decided to leave it where it was and notify Rude, who was in his bedroom at the time. She knocked on his door and waited for a response.


“Yo, who is it?” he called out.


“It’s Elle. Sorry to bother you, but I found some money on the floor that I think you dropped in the kitchen.”


He got up and came to the door. Stretching, he said, “I probably dropped it when I came in. Thanks.” He held out his hand expectantly.


She smiled. “No, I didn’t wanna mess with it, so it’s still in there. I don’t fuck with nobody money.”


He laughed and asked her to go get it for him. Elle agreed, and went to retrieve the bread. When she handed it to him, he smiled at her and gave her this approving look. Elle didn’t know what that was about but she grinned and told him to get some more rest.


He asked her if she needed anything. She said no but he handed her a c-note and told her to order a pizza or something, and keep the change. Elle thanked him and told him she wouldn’t disturb him again. She wished him sweet dreams. He laughed and thanked her, and then shut his door and went back to bed.


Rude didn’t tell her the real truth. He had planted that money in the kitchen on purpose. That was a test to see if she could be trusted. Unbeknownst to Elle, Knight had approved that little honesty assessment. It was actually his idea.


Later on around midnight, Elle was rereading one of her favorite Maya Angelou novels and half-listening to some videos on BET when Knight came walking in. She broke out in a huge grin and hopped up and hugged him. He palmed her ass and held her close for a moment. She could feel his erection growing through his pants. Satisfied, she pressed against him closer.


Knight backed up a step and took off his shirt. Elle gazed at his chiseled chest. She was almost drooling with dilating hearts in her pupils. He was so sexy. She was in love.


He unbuckled his belt and then stepped out of his boots and pants. Knight usually kept a serious expression. During intimacy there was no exception. “Take that off so we can get in the shower,” he commanded.


Dumbfounded, Elle said, “Huh?” She had just got in the shower before he got there. And she had never showered with a man before. She was sort of shy because she had a little complex about her weight. She was 5’5” and 168 pounds, which was a little on the thick side.


Knight repeated himself, slowly that time. “Take your clothes off
, and come in the shower with me.”


Eager to please him, Elle swallowed and took a deep breath, and then she disrobed. She was shaking like a leaf because he had the light on. The way she loved him, she couldn’t disappoint him. His facial expression said he approved of her body so she relaxed a tad.


“Go ‘head in the bathroom,” he commanded.


Nervous and praying her booty wasn’t ashy, Elle mustered up her confidence and headed for the private bathroom inside the master bedroom they occupied. Knight followed behind her with this lust-filled gaze. She looked down at his penis and realized he was hard. He clearly appreciated the ampleness of her form. She smiled to herself, and her hang-ups about her body slowly disappeared. The fact that he seemed to find her sexy made her feel like a woman.


When they got in the shower he washed himself first, and then he slowly bathed her with a sponge, spending extra time on her private parts. After that, he massaged her nipples into tiny erect gumdrops and licked and sucked them like they were fruit flavored. She caressed the back of his head and gasped. It felt so good she didn’t want him to stop.


Knight worked his way down and kissed and licked her belly. He stopped at her bikini line and spread her legs. Gazing at her womanhood, he parted her lips. Elle
almost choked from excitement. When he placed his mouth on her he took her to another place. She spread her legs as far as she could and arched her back so he could get it good. And he did. She threw her head back and moaned.


Elle had received the star treatment before but their oral skills couldn’t compare to Knight’s. He had her hearing symphonies and shit. She exploded and begged him to stop but he kept on until she literally couldn’t take it anymore. When he finished she was panting like she’d just run a marathon.


Knight may have been a hardcore killer in the streets but he was seductive and romantic in the sheets. When he stood up, he ran his fingers through her hair amorously and tongued her down. Elle was already dizzy with lust and desire but that kiss pushed her overboard. She was head over heels. At that point all she wanted to do was show him how much. She sank to her knees and swallowed as much of him as she could. That was the biggest form of adoration she could think of at sixteen.


Elle had sworn she’d never put a dick in her mouth but now she didn’t care about that. She didn’t care about the hairdo she was ruining either. Or the fact that he could lose respect for her. At the time all she cared about was pleasing him. Knight was a grown man who she aspired to keep. Elle’s young naïve heart believed that now they were exclusive. Oral sex in the shower solidified that.


Knight stared down at her in disbelief wondering where she’d learned to give head like that. She wasn’t exactly a pro but she knew what she was doing. He was turned on by the sexy faces she was making. It looked like she was enjoying it as much as he was. The water cascading down on her was also an arousing effect. Elle was exotic-looking. And she looked a hell of a lot older than sixteen. Damn, she had him kind of open.


She did something with the back of her throat that almost made Knight cum. He stopped her and pulled her to her feet because he wanted to prolong it. He wasn’t done with her yet.


When he stopped her, Elle looked at him awkwardly, and asked, “Did I do something wrong?”


Knight fought back a smile. She had these big, pretty, doe eyes. They made him think of that new song “Pretty Brown Eyes” by Mint Condition. Elle’s eyes were so innocent and unsure. When she looked at him he could see the genuine love she felt for him. She wasn’t corrupted, and that purity shit really turned him on. The look in her eyes was so different from that of the money hungry, gold digging scavengers he usually bedded. He was moved to taste her again. It was all good because that pussy was his. He went head-first once again in the shower.


That time he really made her kitty cat purr. Elle’s vaginal walls were on fire. She was in ecstasy, trembling and crying out his name. After she came again, he rose and picked her up and backed her up against the wall. Sucking on her neck, he forced himself inside of her.


They went raw dog for the first time. Elle clawed his back and screamed in pleasure as he deep stroked her. She couldn’t believe he was fucking the shit out of her raw. She didn’t protest because she was ridiculously, naively, and euphorically in love.


It was so beautiful. It was everything she had imagined being in love to be. Knight stroked her with emotion. He was caressing her, kissing her, and staring at her like he was in love too. Elle was so caught up in the moment she closed her eyes and wrapped her legs around him tight.


That pussy was stupendous. Knight felt himself about to cum and warned her. “Damn, baby girl, I’m ‘bout to bust! Aaaaggghhh!” He shot off right inside of her.


When he ejaculated Elle was delighted. Him cumming in her was synonymous to them being monogamous. He may as well have put a ring on her finger. They were that engaged. As he caught his breath, she held him close and murmured tiny declarations of her undying love for him. It was settled. Knight was her man.


They showered again, and then dried off and got in bed naked. They were both spent from all the glorious shower sex. Knight held Elle from behind and cupped her breasts. Caressing the left one, he told her how proud he was that she had stood up. He was referring to her finding that money earlier and returning it to Rude. He said they had purposely left the money out to test her, and she had passed with flying colors. He told her he was glad he found a girl he could trust.


Elle just laid there shocked for a second. She honestly had no idea. She was just an honest person when it came to stuff like that. She never had a reason to steal from anyone. She had boosted a few clothes from department stores like Lord & Taylor and Bloomingdale’s but she never stole from anybody she knew. Let alone someone she cared about.


Knight told her that was the second test she had passed. Elle was a little puzzled by that comment. He laughed and told her he knew she was one of the little girls outside that day who had witnessed him and his man stickup Puerto Rican Tito with the black and gold Mercedes. He said he knew the police came to her house a few times but she didn’t rat them out.


Elle couldn’t believe he brought that up. The notion that they shared such a deep dark secret was almost overwhelming. She knew he was wrong for the things he did but it felt so right. She turned around and faced him, drawn by the mystery and danger he eluded. She had never felt closer to Knight than at that moment.


He kissed her on the forehead and made a strange request. He asked her to sing to him. Thinking he was kidding, Elle just laughed.


“Elle, I’m serious. I love to hear you sing.”


She smiled in the dark and cleared her throat, and then she commenced to sing him a lullaby she used to sing to her little brother and nieces when they were babies.


Hush little baby, don’t say a word. Elle’s gonna buy you a mocking bird. If that mocking bird don’t sing, Elle’s gonna buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turn brass, Elle’s gonna buy you a looking glass…”


It must’ve sounded pretty soothing because he fell asleep holding her within minutes. Elle was elated.


She spent the next two days playing wife. During the day when Knight went out to handle business, she cooked and cleaned the apartment. When he came home in the evenings she fed him well and then sexed him all night.


She learned a lot from him that weekend too. Besides his weak spots and preferred sexual pleasures, he taught her how to bag up. She stayed up with him until the wee hours of the morning getting the product she brought down from New York ready for the workers.


Elle got to see heroin in its purest form. Knight told her it was China White – the best. He took small amounts at a time and diluted it with a cutting agent called quinine. The purpose of that was to stretch it and bring back more money. He said the concoction was so powerful that a person could overdose off the quinine alone. He warned her to never mess with that shit. Elle assured him that he didn’t have to worry about her using nothing like that.


After he cut the dope, they spooned it into little wax bags for distribution. The goal was to place the same amount into each bag. To be concise, they used these little coffee stirrers with a tiny spoon-like end. One level scoop went in each bag. The bags then had to be folded and taped shut. Each would sell on the street for twenty bucks. Sitting there they bagged up over $20,000 worth of product.


Elle left Baltimore fifteen hundred bucks richer, and armed with the sexual prowess to make a married man leave home. She also knew how to cut and bag up heroin. She didn’t know it at the time, but in the years to come both of her new skills would prove to be financially beneficial.














E-BOOK COMING 5-25-2012






Head Bitch In Charge


Book I




By Caroline McGill












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