Read Anger Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Literature & Fiction

Anger (7 page)

BOOK: Anger
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He closed his eyes and groaned in frustration.

"There is nothing I would like better, except waking up inside you with your hair across your breasts. But, darling, there are quite a few things Marcus and I need to discuss before tomorrow. The council usually favors the dragon in its decisions, but the addition of the Mind Healer Orala adds some unexpected difficulties."

"Orala? What does she have to do with this? She isn't a Mind Healer." Now Alethea was really confused. The heat of fury had ignited in the depths of her mind, triggered by his attack on her mentor. She pushed against his chest. "How dare you involve her in this?!"

He flew back and fetched up against the wall. Surprised, she looked down and found her hands wreathed in red flames.

Her mind reeled in shock. Her power was never red—blue had always been the tone of her powers. As she wondered what the hell was happening, the scarlet flames began to crawl up her arms.


Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

"Rhys! Help me!" It was a wail of torment from the depths of her soul.

"What the hells is taking you so long? We are going to start without you." Lia came through the door with a cheerful wave and a hesitant look that broadcast the assumption she was going to catch them mating. "Oh, gods! Rifal! Get Celestyn. Now!"

Rhys had come up behind Alethea and was trying to calm her. She stumbled away from him, afraid of damaging him again. Everything she touched burst into flame on impact. His hands gently cupped her shoulders and soothing noises came from his throat.

Her grandmother was suddenly in front of her.

"Breath deeply, child. That's it." She reached for Alethea's hands.

Alethea jerked them out of her reach.

"No. I'll hurt you, too."

"Ah, no, child, just let me touch you." She reached again, and as she gripped Alethea's hands, the flames reached Rhys's fingers. He cursed and stumbled back, his hands scorched but intact.

A bright green flame began to shimmer in Celestyn's clear blue eyes. It spread through her in an even glow and out through her hands.

Alethea cried out as the ward energy touched her; she whimpered and sobbed as her grandmother held her hands fast and continued to cast the ward
her. 66

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

She didn't know how long they stood there, conjoined by the green pulse of energy, but when her grandmother finally released her, they were both exhausted and sank to the floor.

* * * *

A crowd had gathered, including spouses and servants. They were all astonished at the spectacle of raw power loose in the room. Well, not loose, precisely. Celestyn had arranged a collection of stones on the floor before she attempted to help. Within the area they encircled was a swirling black-and-red cloud of magic. Marcus eyed it and whistled sharply. Then he looked over at his new sisterin-law. A lot had suddenly become clear to him. Anyone with that much dark magic in them should have been driven completely insane. They would have been able to track her then, by the path of bodies left in her wake.

Alethea was a lot stronger than she looked.

* * * *

Kesler was attending to Celestyn, and Lia was healing Rhys. Alethea sat alone on the floor and looked at him with eyes so empty and lost his heart nearly split in half. It was the look of an innocent who didn't understand why she was being hurt.

"It's all right, Alethea," he reassured her. "Celestyn has it contained."

"But what is it? Why was it in me?" 67

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

"That we don't know, but tomorrow we are going to find out." He met her gaze with sure confidence, trying with all his might to infuse his look with security and calm.

"Are we going to take it with us?"

"Yes. We are going to use it to prove your mind has been tampered with. Your guardian Orala
a Mind Healer. She had good standing with the guild until she disappeared more than twenty years ago."

"So, she did this to me? Made me a killer, made me hurt people?" Sudden realization came to her face, "Oh, God!


* * * *

She whirled to see the last of the burns fade from his flesh. His eyes were full of concern, and they were directed at her.

"Alethea, are you all right?"

"I think so. Celestyn's power is different from mine, and the ward isn't sticking that well, but it should keep that ... whatever it is, out of me." A half-smile was all she could manage. She was so tired.

"Celestyn, can you bind that magic so we can transport it?" Kesler had her on her feet, and they both looked at Marcus as he spoke.

"Yes. I need to put it into something, though. Metal works best—a sword or a dagger, perhaps?" She blinked in surprise when Lia flipped a dagger into the floor at her feet. The surprise was that the dagger stuck in the floor; the blink was because the floor was stone. 68

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

"That will do." She laid the dagger on top of the warding stones and herded the dark magic into it. It didn't want to go. Sweat broke out on her brow as she forced it into the unyielding metal.

Finally, she sat back on the floor gasping for breath.

"Whomever touches that metal must have pure thoughts. The slightest hostile or evil thought could loose the magic."

"Since no one here qualifies, I will take care of it." Kesler tore off the lower section of his tunic and wrapped it around the dagger, then thrust it into a bolt of fabric the seamstress had left behind. "I'll keep it with me." Rhys had recovered enough to gently fold Alethea in his arms. She buried her face against his chest, and trickles of tears began to flow.

"Send something for dinner up to our room. Alethea needs to rest."

She kept her face against him, afraid to see the looks of disgust and horror on the faces around her. She had caused all this trouble—if only Rhys had let her die at the Wardstone. He tucked her into bed, fed her some choice tidbits from the tray that was sent up then curled up behind her to hold her as she slept. With all of the turmoil of her thoughts she doubted she would sleep, and yet she did. 69

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

Chapter 11

The next morning dawned bright and clear. Their little group however, was in the air before dawn. Before they left, Rhys removed a tiny leather pouch from the wardrobe. Alethea knew instantly what was inside, and she gave him a grim nod then followed him to the roof. Marcus and her grandparents were already there; Devon stood to one side dangling the twins upside down, laughing at their squealing giggles. As they arrived, he flipped the girls through the air to their mother and she caught them handily, setting them on their feet. They immediately ran to Marcus for hugs goodbye.

"Now, you girls behave and take care of your mother. Don't let her catch her dress on fire again." He gave each one a smacking peck on the cheek and set them down. Lia, meanwhile, had joined her husband, a smoldering look in her golden eyes.

"Send a messenger if you are going to be delayed, and watch your back." She thrust her hands through his hair and pulled his head down to hers in a ravenous kiss that made Alethea blush just to watch. "Hurry home, my love." Marcus stood blinking when she released him, a foolish smile on his face that he fought to subdue as he turned to his brothers and their soon-to-be passengers.

"Let's go."

Their transformations were swift, the human clothing shivering into a magical halo to be stored for their return to 70

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

bipedal form. Marcus's dragon form was black, Devon's was deep green, and Rhys was a the same metallic black as his brother. Each took on a rider—Marcus had Celestyn; Devon tried to walk in front of Alethea to take her, but Rhys shoved his brother off the keep before she climbed laughing onto his back. So, Devon had to take Kesler.

Once everyone was seated, the dragons were away. They climbed high into the sky, circling the keep in widening spirals, then shot in a direct line for the rising sun. Hours passed with the ground blurring beneath them before the Citadel of the Dragon Council, an impressive edifice carved into the side of the mountain, loomed before them. Watchers called out a greeting as the trio came in for a landing. Kesler leaped lithely off Devon's back then ran to Marcus's side to help Celestyn gain her footing. Alethea knew why—her thighs were stiff with the effort of holding herself in place, and as she swung her leg over Rhys's neck and slid to the ground, her traitorous legs wouldn't hold her. She fell to the ground in a heap. He swiftly shifted back into human form and picked her up.

An acolyte of the council ran out to give them a formal greeting, Rhys cut him off with a curt, "Are there quarters set aside for us?"

"Yes, Lord Rhys, of course. This way." Bowing low, he led them to rooms given to visitors to the council who were awaiting decision. There was food set out for them, and beds aligned along one wall. There was no privacy with the exception of the facility chamber. 71

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

Rhys put her on one of the beds and began to rub the feeling back into her legs in a gentle but thorough manner.

"It's okay. The strength will come back soon. Just relax," he murmured as she stiffened in protest at the audience. "It's all right, Alethea. Lia had the same problem the first time she flew as a rider, and your grandmother is also experiencing the same difficulty."

He gestured to one of the other pallets where Kesler was giving Celestyn the same treatment.

"Why doesn't he have a problem?" She muttered into the pillow to hide her flaming face.

"Because the elves are a lot more limber than any of us. It is how they manage to thrive in the depths of the forests." Devon was lounging nearby, munching an apple as he watched Rhys treat her stiffness.

Her embarrassment faded as her clothing stayed in place. A prickling sensation began then turned to a stampede of fire in her thighs and buttocks as the muscles flared to awareness. She mewled in discomfort and clutched the bedding so hard it.

"Shh, it's all right. It's almost over." She felt a hand in her hair and concentrated on that. The gentle stroking from the crown of her head down to her spine. Over and over. Gradually, she relaxed and was able to sit up. Rhys pulled her into his lap and continued to stroke her hair. With a start, she realized he was brushing it.

"Your hair got a little windblown on the trip, but the dress still looks amazing." His lips at her ear gave her a tiny shiver 72

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

of heat; the soothing stroke of the brush almost put her to sleep.

A knock sounded at the door. Marcus opened it.

"Alethea, this is our brother-in-law, Councilor Thoran—he is wed to my sister Shayr. He will be your advocate at the hearing."

* * * *

Thoran strode into the room and blinked. Whatever he had expected Alethea to look like, it was not this. Mostyn had coarse features, and a rough sort of charm. His daughter did not resemble him in feature or form.

Until he saw her eyes.

Mostyn had hypnotic, midnight-blue eyes, and his daughter had that same distinctive feature. The rest of her, though, was all Kesler's hair and coloring and Celestyn's features.

"I am pleased to meet you, sister. Rhys was a wise choice for you. And you for him." He bowed gracefully and came to embrace her. She stood on shaking legs and remained motionless as he hugged her. He then turned to address the room.

"We meet with the council within the hour. Marcus, your messenger arrived last night, and both of the items you mentioned have been taken care of. Alethea, you will be put to the Question. Whatever you do, don't lie. Each lie is registered by the charms that the Questioner will put upon you, and the result is pain. There have been those who died 73

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

under Questioning. The truth cannot hurt you, no matter how vile you think it is."

He waited until she nodded then continued.

"Kesler and Celestyn, you must not disrupt the proceedings, no matter what happens. Nor you, Rhys. You must let Alethea give her account of things in the most accurate manner she can, without considering your feelings in the matter. This is of utmost importance.

"I can assure you, however, that there is sufficient evidence to provide her with leniency. She will not lose her life in the sentencing."

Kesler and Celestyn clung to each other in relief. He knew it had been their greatest worry that her destruction of the village would cause the death clause to be enacted. Another knock on the door brought them to attention.

"It's time." He led them to the door, where the acolyte appeared to guide them to the main council chamber.

* * * *

Trembling, Alethea entered to face the council. Rhys took one of her hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. She squeezed back—no matter what the council decided, she was ready for it.

The council consisted of seven members, five male and two female. This was a representation of the population of the dragon race, and the reason why even mixed-blood females were protected and valued. It was also the reason Kesler and Celestyn had been able to gain assistance in tracking her. 74

Wardstone: Anger [Seven Sins and Virtue Series]

by Grace Viola

To one side of the hall stood an assemblage of mages and healers—all of the guilds and councils had representatives here. On the other side of the hall were two people she recognized, one by sight, the other by his midnight-blue eyes she saw in the mirror. Orala and Mostyn, both restrained by guards.

One of the females stood, "Greetings to all assembled. I am Councilor Virik and will be conducting these proceedings."

BOOK: Anger
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