Angels in My Hair (17 page)

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Authors: Lorna Byrne

BOOK: Angels in My Hair
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'Did anyone feel it?' he asked.

I knew exactly what he was going to say and I asked the
angels, 'Can I say it as well, that I felt it too – so that it would
help him?' But they said no.

'I felt God walk among us,' he said, 'And I felt him touch me.
Did he touch anyone else?'

I so much wanted to say, 'Yes, he did, he touched me too,'
but I was told no, that I was to be quiet. And the sad thing
was that no one else had the courage to say 'yes, God touched
me,' to have the courage to acknowledge God. God had
actually touched them! We are so afraid to say that God is in
our lives; we are so afraid to acknowledge God openly, to
speak openly.

I don't know who the other people were who God touched,
but I do remember that young man and, even to this day, I
hope that whatever he is doing, he keeps on acknowledging
that beautiful thing.

When the prayer meeting was over we had the usual tea and
biscuits. When everyone else was having tea, I slipped outside
to the car park with my drink in my hand. I went over and
walked between some small trees – I was still shaking with
excitement – and angels walked around the trees with me.

'I know that young man desperately wanted acknowledgement,'
I said to the many angels around me, not talking to any
one angel in particular. I asked the angels and the young man's
guardian angel to help him to keep his faith, his belief in God,
regardless of whether he became a priest or not. I asked them,
'What if I share with Joe about God walking among us and
touching some of us?'

'No, Lorna, that would be too much for Joe to understand,'
the angels replied. 'A time will come when you will share more
with Joe but, you must remember, not everything. This is one
of the things you will never share with him.'

I felt a little sad. As I walked back towards the entrance, the
Angel Elisha appeared and held the door open for me, smiling,
'Don't be sad,' she said, and, as she said that, my sadness left

I met Da in the corridor and he said he was ready to go. I said
I would find Joe and meet him at the car. We were home in a
few minutes and neither Da nor Joe said anything particular
about the prayer meeting, so I believe that they saw nothing.

Chapter Sixteen
The tunnel

By the time we had been living in the cottage for four years, the
garden was in good shape. We were growing plenty of
vegetables and we had some hens – the only difficulty was
finding where the hens had laid the eggs! Eventually, we
fenced off the part of the garden with the big shed and used it
as a henhouse, and after that it was no problem. Joe also built
a long clothesline for all the washing; I can still remember the
day he made it – he on a step ladder using a sledgehammer and
me holding the pole. We laughed so much.

One afternoon, Christopher and Owen made a tent from
poles, a blanket and some string and were having great fun
playing in it while I was down the garden hanging out the
washing. Suddenly a big beam of light landed in front of my
feet and hit me like a little slap – and I nearly fell over. It was
Angel Hosus, of course! I laughed, knowing Hosus was doing
this for fun.

'Lorna, I have something to tell you.' He said, 'It will be
happy and sad. God is sending you a little baby soul. You will
become pregnant in the New Year, but this little baby will not
stay: it will return to God.'

'I am sad already,' I said. 'Why are you telling me this, Angel
Hosus? Why don't you just let it happen and say nothing? It
would be easier for me not to know.'

'Joe will be delighted you are pregnant, Lorna,' Hosus said,
'and when this little baby goes back to God, Joe will share in
this in a little way that will help him understand your gifts.'

'Do you think he'll understand?' I asked.

'Yes, he will,' answered Hosus. 'He'll understand – he'll find
it a bit unbelievable in some ways but, as time goes on, he'll
know that it's all true because of other things that will happen
in your lives. It's now time for you to talk to Joe again.'

'Okay, I will,' I said. 'Maybe when I go for a walk with him

The children were still playing in their tent and running
around in the front part of the garden when Joe came home
from work that evening. He opened the gate. Christopher and
Owen ran to him and he picked them both up in his arms and
carried them into the cottage. Later that evening, I asked
Elizabeth to mind the children while Joe and I went for a little

As we walked down by the canal, we talked about all kinds
of things and I said, 'I have something I'd like to share with
you. Something that the angels show me.'

I explained to Joe a little about the energy I see around
plants as we passed wild flowers growing along the bank of the

'Hold my hand, and maybe the angels will help you to see
the energy around these flowers,' I said as I held his hand
tightly. 'Look at that flower there, do you see the way balls of
energy are coming out of it? The flower is throwing off its own
energy. Can you see the different colours – yellow, white and

I turned, still holding Joe's hand and still asking the angels
to let him see.

'Look at that red poppy. Can you see the spirals shooting up
from the base of the plant about a foot into the air? They're like
fireworks exploding, one following another, only lasting for a
few seconds.'

Joe looked, but it was obvious from the expression on his
face that he could see nothing, and that he even doubted as to
whether there was anything to see. My heart sank.

'Come on,' said Joe, 'let's go home.'

Suddenly, angels appeared as if they had come out of the air
above the canal. The angels blew gently in the direction of the
flowers. Joe started to walk away. I grabbed his hand and said,
'Look at the breeze blowing the flowers. Can you see now,

He stood in amazement, as if he was glued to the ground,
and said, 'I've never seen anything like that before.'

He described for me what he was seeing. I smiled happily.
This was the first time I had ever been given confirmation that
others saw the same things I did

Joe stood smiling at me in wonder. 'Some things are hard to
believe but I know I shouldn't doubt you.'

He turned and looked again and, seeing that the energy
around the flowers had disappeared, he was a little

'I never understand it myself,' I said to Joe. 'It is almost as if
the energy turns on and off, only to be seen physically with the
human eye at certain times.'

We strolled contentedly home, hand in hand. Joe and I put
the children to bed and later that evening we sat and talked.
Joe asked me a lot of questions, and some I could not give
answer to.

As time went on, Da became involved with different prayer
groups in Dublin and around where he lived, including the
'born-again Christians'. Occasionally, when the children and I
would be up visiting my parents, we arrived as a visitor from
the prayer group was leaving. One particular day, just as we
reached the gate of my parents' house, the hall door opened
and a man stepped out.

He looked at us and then turned to Mum and asked, 'Who is

Mum replied that I was her daughter and these were her
grandchildren. He suggested to Mum that she bring us along
to the prayer group one Sunday. I said hello but kept walking
with the children around to the back of the house. I asked
Mum who the man was. She told me he was one of the
preachers from the born-again Christian prayer group in
Dublin. I didn't ask any more questions, and Mum didn't give
any more information.

Later the children and I caught a bus back to the cottage in
Maynooth. As I was washing up in the kitchen I was keeping
half an eye on Christopher – who was playing with toys on
the dining room floor while Owen was sleeping on a blanket.
I was thinking about us being invited to this prayer group in
Dublin as a family. At that moment the kitchen door gave a
little creak and opened. Instantly I knew it was Angel

Angels do not usually intervene with something material
that is happening in our world, but for some reason they
frequently do with me – often in small ways, such as Michael
helps me to lift things and Hosus blows on the washing. I have
also heard stories about times when angels are allowed to
intervene physically in exceptional circumstances. One
woman who came to me described how she couldn't get a key
to turn in a locked door, as she tried to help her elderly mother
who was inside. This went on for some time and she was
desperate. She prayed to God and asked her angels for help
and, suddenly, the locked door opened without her touching
it. This is what we call a miracle: we have no explanation for
it, but we know we couldn't have done it ourselves. This is
rare, but it is happening more frequently as people are
evolving spiritually and are reaching out to the angels.

'Is that you, Michael?' I called, without turning around from
the sink. As he entered the kitchen he touched my shoulder.

'Lorna, you called me!' Angel Michael said.

'I didn't realise I had, Michael,' I replied.

'Lorna, you have not realised yet,' he said, 'but for a long
time now you have not needed to call us by name when you
want us. All of God's angels are with you all of the time.'

'How did you know then, Angel Michael, that it was you I
wanted to talk to?' I asked.

'Lorna, your human mind and soul are connected,' Michael
explained. 'Your soul knows, ahead of your consciousness,
that the human side of you needed to talk to me.'

I laughed at the idea of my soul knowing ahead of me and
Christopher called out, 'Mummy, what are you laughing at?'
As he got up and walked into the kitchen, Christopher put his
hand over his eyes and said, 'Mummy, where did that bright
light come from?'

I tickled him and didn't answer his question, then I sent him
back to play with his little brother.

'Michael,' I said, 'you know one of the things I love is going
to the prayer group in Maynooth. I have met wonderful people

Angel Michael gave me a big smile and said, 'Tell me now
what is really on your mind.'

I took a deep breath and I told Michael about being in
my mum's house in Leixlip and about the man leaving the
house who had invited us as a family to this prayer group of
born-again Christians in Dublin. 'You know, I always feel
nervous about having to go somewhere new,' I said. Angel
Michael started to laugh at me. He reached out and took my

'Lorna, you won't have to stand on your head or do anything
like that,' he said. 'Don't worry.' We both laughed. Michael
continued, 'Just remember, when you go to the prayer group
in Maynooth you should pray and praise God. Do so the same
way; just be free, Lorna, in your prayer and praise. There will
be a lot of families there, so in this way it will be different.
When the time comes, Lorna, you will go as a family to this
prayer group with your parents, but it won't happen for quite
some time.'

As always, Michael was right. It was to be many years later
that we all went together and, when it did happen, it was a
turning point in my life which brought me much closer to my

Christopher peeped in the kitchen door. 'I can see the light
again, Mummy.'

Angel Michael disappeared. I picked Christopher up and we
played wheelbarrow for a little while.

In the New Year, just as the angels had said, I became pregnant.
Joe and I were very happy about the pregnancy, even
though my heart was heavy as I knew that this little baby
wasn't going to stay.

When a woman becomes pregnant, the baby's soul already
knows if its mother will miscarry: if it will be aborted, stillborn
or deformed. Regardless of what happens, the baby's soul still
loves its parents and will always be by their side – it will be
there to help them through life. If you have ever lost a baby,
never forget that that little baby's soul chose you to be its
mother or father. It actually chose you before it was even
conceived; that little soul loves you and was full of joy that you
were able to conceive it.

In the Bible you read sometimes that God already knew you
before you were conceived: this is because we were already
spiritual beings in Heaven, where we were all queuing up to
leave Heaven and be born on earth.

We have an awful lot of abortions in the world, but one must
remember that even if a mother decides to have an abortion,
that little soul already knows that its mother may do this and,
even knowing this, has already chosen this woman to be its
mother – even if that means that they are only conceived and
never actually born. The little soul has chosen that mother and
will love her no matter what. It is unconditional love. I would
like every mother to remember this, particularly any woman
who has had an abortion. Maybe a young girl had an abortion
because she was afraid of life, of the world out there, or maybe
she was scared of her parents or felt she had no one in whom
to confide. Remember, that baby's soul loves you and never for
one moment holds it against you that you did not give birth to
it. It already knew what would happen and it will pour its love
onto you.

I remember, some years later when people started to come
to me, a woman came to me to seek guidance. At one stage she
said to me, 'I had a few miscarriages.'

'Yes,' I said. 'The angels are telling me that.' At that moment,
I remember turning and looking towards my kitchen door and
there, sitting on the floor, were five little children, five little
souls surrounded by light, and they were beautiful – beautiful
souls and beautiful little children. They turned and smiled at
their mother. She couldn't see them but I told her what I could
see and she was filled with joy. I was able to tell her that some
of them were boys and some were girls, and also what they
looked like. That made her so happy. The little souls told me
to let their mother know that they have always been around
her and have always been with her.

'You know, I've always felt in the past that they were around
me,' the mother said to me. 'Sometimes I even thought I felt
their little hands touching my leg. I can even feel them now,
touching me.'

I had to smile, because at that moment they were up around
her chair and they
touching her.

'Yes, they are,' I said with a smile, 'and you are blessed that
you can feel the touch of your own little children who God has
sent to visit you. Remember, when the time comes for you to
pass over, those five little souls will have their hands stretched
out to you to bring you to Heaven as well.'

'Thank you,' the woman said, 'I never told anyone about the
presence of my little babies around me, and I never told
anyone that I felt them touch me. I was afraid to tell anyone. I
was afraid that people would think I was mad.'

One thing people must remember is that there are millions
of people who are actually having spiritual experiences, but
they are afraid to say it. There are plenty of people who believe
that angels are there helping them, and who actually sometimes
feel them, but often they say to themselves – maybe I
didn't see them, maybe it was my imagination. It is wonderful
to acknowledge them and to say, 'Yes, I do believe in angels.
Yes, I do believe in God.' Many times we don't do this. Many
times we only say these things when we are bereaved, very ill,
or desperate in some ways. Only then do we turn to God and
pray. We are often afraid to acknowledge God and his angels.
As you grow, spiritually, you will find that you won't be afraid
to acknowledge God, his angels or any spiritual being that has
come from the heavens.

During the first few months of my pregnancy, Joe did not
look well either. He complained a lot with pains in his stomach
and the doctors sent him to the hospital for tests. They said it
was a rumbling appendix, but that he was not sick enough to
operate and so he was sent home with medicine. Joe continued
to be in a lot of pain and, unable to keep food down, he lost a
lot of weight that he couldn't afford to lose.

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