Angels Blood (7 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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She sure was generous with other people’s property. The man looked at her with a jaded eye, maybe she was pushing the royal air thing a bit too far. 

The boss man kicked the prisoner awake then leaned down and untied him from the wheel.  He had to pull him up to his feet as the man was stiff from the night’s sleep there.  He led the prisoner over to the horses and asked him which was his but the fellow gave no reply at which point the boss gave him a slap across the face. Again he asked him and this time the prisoner nodded at the brown one.  He was promptly sat upon it and tied into place, hands behind his back.

I shall take him now.”

The boss handed Nightwing the reins and they moved off, heading north along the road. 

A few minutes into the journey the captive spoke up,

I thank you for saving my life. I am indebted to you.”

Nightwing turned and nodded.  She wasn’t ready to address him yet.  Night was still deep in thought about what to do with him.  She certainly wasn’t going to be handing him over to the king’s men who would probably execute him outright as a highway robber. He was a thief and probably a killer to boot too. Night really didn’t need this complication in their journey but it was of her own making and now she had to deal with it.

Then with a sigh she pulled the rein of his horse and got him riding side by side with her, Loranda on the other side.

If I decided to let you go, what would you do with your freedom?”

The prisoner looked up in surprise and he gave it quick thought before replying.

I would tell you I promise not to harm you or your companion and give my word you will be safe in your further travels.”

Nightwing studied his face, still thinking, still deciding.  She really didn’t want to set a criminal free but there were more pressing needs at hand.  There really wasn’t much for it but to let him go. 

Very well, you are a free man, I do not wish to have to rescue you again though so keep out of trouble.” 

She reached behind him with her dagger , sliced through his leather bonds and gave him his rein, the man sat there rubbing his wrists and looking at her. 

Now be off with you and not another word.” 

He tipped his head to both Nightwing and Loranda then galloped off directly east into the trees.

I have been wondering what you may do, he could have proven a handful if you had kept him.”

Yes, let’s just make sure we stay well in front of those wagons, if they ever catch up we will have a lot of explaining to do.”

They both spurred their horses on and continued on their way. 

Wollfen and his three companions sat there on their horses in the clearing facing the ten enemy horsemen at a distance of maybe 80 yards.  Each side had obviously grown slack in their vigilance and now here they were, stopped, staring and not quite sure what to do.

Wollfen acted all of a sudden with a loud,

Ya!” as he charged at them, pulling his sword free and yelling, “Justin! Keera! Flanks!”

They all sprang into action knowing what was expected of them, this well-oiled machine was about to test its mettle.  Dark was a little to the side and back of Wollfen as he charged.  The rank of the enemy hesitated and didn’t move, it was a mistake they would pay dearly for.  This was something they never would have expected; four riders charging the flank of ten well armed troopers. Dark had her crossbow up and out in a flash, a bolt flying straight and true hitting one of them square in the chest even as he ducked out of the way, too slowly.

Wollfen deliberately aimed his horse at the edge of the horseman directly in front of him, screaming like a banshee.  The rider was caught by surprise, he and his horse did nothing more than dither on the spot and start to move backwards attempting to draw his sword.  Wollfen’s horse crashed into his flank, his sword cutting the air above the horseman’s head. Bowling the enemy horse over in a flurry of dust, Wollfen's own horse staggering from the impact and caught itself again.  Wollfen spurred him on and steered in a tight arc to return to the fray.  The enemy horseman, he could see, was lying on the ground winded and out of action, two other horses were also rider less.

In that initial clash Justin and Keera had wasted no time in drawing bow and crossbow, having shot two others down as they had fanned out to the sides. Dark had followed Wollfen through the gap.  She had punched through and was still trailing him resetting her crossbow as she went.  They had all practiced the reloading of those bulky things time and again but now it was paying dividends.  The remaining six horsemen were still a little confused but the sergeant of the troop was barking curt orders. Four of them closed ranks while two others split and each gave chase to Justin and Keera.

Again Wollfen charged but just before he closed up with them, Dark moved a bit to the side and fired another bolt catching a man in the abdomen.  He too hit the ground hard curled up and didn’t move. 

Now it was three on two, Wollfen danced his horse to the left, focusing on the left rider, swinging low and hard at his body and was met by the other persons sword.  Both of their arms were flung back and out by the impact which allowed Wollfen to spring his surprise.  Pushing in close in one swift movement, he stabbed a dagger he had ready under the rider’s armpit and felt it bite deep to the hilt.

Slicing free, Wollfen wheeled to the second rider who had come behind him and met the man’s sword strike with a glancing blow from his own. Dropping his dagger, he gripped hi sword with both hands and swung with a ferocity that almost unhorsed the second rider with a blow that caught him on his chest. Wollfen went behind this rider, ignoring the first who he knew was now out of it.  He swung again, another body blow this time deflected by his opponent.  Once again he moved, swung and felt the impact vibrate up his arms.

The man was weakening and looked desperate. Not giving him time to regroup, Wollfen again swung hard and their swords clashed.  This was no dance of sophistication, this was a bludgeoning until one made a mistake and Wollfen was dictating the terms. Another swing and again the rider attempted to block the blow.  But this time Wollfen hesitated while striking from above allowing the other man to raise his sword and strikeout to take the impact. But the hesitation was planned, it allowed the other man’s sword to travel too far and the first few blows had sapped the man’s energy.  Wollfen’s blade split the air and found no blocking blade in its path.  It cleaved through the helmet of the man in front of him and he fell dead, blood spraying out in an arc over the ground.

Dark in the meantime had dropped her crossbow and met the third rider with a clash of blade too.  They had stood side by side trading blows until the man had managed to grab Dark’s blade with his gloved hand. Dark surprised him with a deft spring from her own horse onto the back of his. She pulled out her dagger plunging in down deep into the bottom of his neck.  Pulling it free a spurt of blood shot out, some of it catching Dark’s face.

Justin and Keera had only a vague idea of what was going on in the center.  They had their hands full galloping in wide arcs with a soldier on the tail of each of them.  Justin decided to spring a surprise and turned full in his saddle facing backwards.  With a clear shot available he notched and fired a single arrow at the man behind him.  The enemy soldier had been following too close and couldn’t dodge in time, taking the arrow full in the chest.

Keera on the other hand was riding hard around and around trying to work out a plan.  As she passed the group in the center she could see victory was at hand.  So did the rider behind her who saw the last of his comrades’ fall, he broke off the chase and made a beeline for the trees.

Wollfen had seen the rider break off and sprung into action, giving the last horseman chase towards the trees.  On he rode, jabbing his horse’s flanks.  He was sure his mount was hating him right about now.  He quickly realized he wouldn’t catch the horseman in time, Wollfen stood in his stirrups and lifted his sword high and threw it with all that he had. At that moment he hunched down and gave an extra jab to his horse, he hoped that even if the sword only put the horseman off a bit it would allow Wollfen to catch up.  He needn’t have worried, the sword flew true and struck the fleeing rider on his right lower side skewering him.  Unfortunately, it didn’t stop him and on he went, Wollfen still chasing.  Then just before the trees, the man hunched forward and the horse slowed to a canter turning in an arc. The horseman started heading back towards his dead comrades.

Keera had ridden on hard and fast, she had been oblivious to the rider abandoning the chase, the fear and adrenaline was coursing through her.  When she did look back, she saw only Dark and Justin in the distance. Then pulling up and wheeling, she scanned the field.  There, far over near the tree line was Wollfen chasing a man with a sword protruding from him.  That was curious, she trotted back to the others and as she did she saw the soldier on his horse wheeling and walking back to them, which was even weirder.

Wollfen came up behind the impaled rider and looked at him, he was dead in his saddle, the horse deciding to do his own thing. He led the horse back to the others gathered together and they took stock of what had just happened.

He looked at all the others, none worse for wear and addressed them,

Congratulations on passing your first real test in battle together.  It was a little dicey and I think that’s the first time any of us have faced off against military troops.  We had no plan but managed a good outcome.  I think you all did well.” 

He watched their reactions but he was probably expecting a bit much.  They were all coming down from adrenaline highs.

I think that we were a bit lucky in managing to act first and after the initial surprise of stumbling upon them too.  We can’t count on that happening again.  We have managed to let our vigilance slip, I don’t think it will need to be discussed beyond that?”

This time he could see agreement on their part.  None of them really wanted to have to do that again if they could help it.

They picked over the soldiers bodies, checking to see what they carried and what supplies they had on their horses.  It quickly became obvious it was only a day patrol from the light supplies present and there wasn’t much beyond that of value. Wollfen managed to find a small bag of foreign gold coins on the sergeant’s body. They took what food they could find and drained water bags into their own canteens.

Dark found a nifty new dagger made with a smooth gold hilt, the blade patterned with floral acid etching and red leather grip, it would replace the one she dropped during the melee’. 

Pity we can’t use their clothes for something, they look to be in good condition.”

Justin piped up too,

I could use new boots, mine are starting to part at the seams.”

Wollfen looked at the dead men and themselves,

You are right, everyone strip.” They all looked, strip? After pausing, Wollfen went on, “It would be prudent of us to change clothes totally and become part of the enemy army.”

They would hang us!” Justin exclaimed. 

They would run us through with swords just as quickly when they find us again.  And I say when not if.  We are riding into the heart of enemy territory here make no mistake, we are treading in dangerous lands right now.  It also occurs to me that with these clothes on and if we ride all night we can be in the port by morning.  I am sure the port will be a bustle of activity with soldiers moving about.  They won’t take too much notice of four bedraggled troopers coming back from the front looking for some rest.”

At the mention of the last part Keera perked up,

We could go to a tavern I know of there.  It is discreet and I know the barkeep who will be able to help us a lot.”

Keera thought of all that free beer she could get from him too. He was a sweet man indeed she thought with a smile.

Wollfen accepted Keera’s words,

Then it is settled, we move as soon as we are dressed, we can keep our regular clothes in those packs.”

They busied themselves, stripping and redressing out there in the middle of the field. Keera found the least bloody body and turned him over, the man looked at her and held a sword to her throat. 

Move and you’re dead.”

He stood up looking at the others.  He favored an ankle, but apart from that he was uninjured.  It was the man Wollfen had bowled over in the initial clash.  Now he stood there, sword at her throat and looking about trying to work out what to do.  The others slowly moved around him.  If only they had ridden on, he could have moved off then, but no, talk of infiltration and swapping uniforms, they were spies.

Do anything and I will run her through!” he called out, what else could he do?

Wollfen stepped forward, watching the man intently.

And if you harm her, you will be shot down.”

Justin and Dark both had a bead on him, all they needed was the go ahead. Wollfen with one hand raised toward them spoke slowly but surely,

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