Angels Blood (16 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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I have four Man O Wars four days sail down the coast from here in a deep water port.”

But there are no deep water ports to be found south of Port Cholandra. In fact there are no cities or large towns to be found south of here.” 

That was certainly true until three years ago. But I and a few other Captains have been investing in a new bay.   But more of that later, we have much work to do and plans to make.  I will need to address the locals here and tell them of what is happening and ask for a vote to decide on what we are going to do.  Don’t worry, they will go with what I suggest, I’m a bit of a celebrity in these parts you know.” Winking, the man lifted up off his chair and bellowed out to the corporal who came running in,

There is to be a town meeting at midday in the square.  All must attend, now go and get the word out quickly.” The Corporal replied in the affirmative and sped out on his errand calling his men to him. Raz turned and looked at the four,

Are you hungry?”

Dark didn’t have to think on that,

We are famished actually, three days of dried fruit and jerky.”

Raz smiled, they would enjoy a feast very soon.  He walked out the front and caught the attention of a foot soldier, sending him on an errand.

Some food will be arriving soon and I hope you like it. Oh and I am going to be off now for awhile organizing things, when it gets near to midday come to the town square.” With that he was off.  There was much to do.

Within fifteen minutes, three people arrived at the building each carrying a huge platter of seafood freshly cooked and steaming.  They walked right in, placed the platters on the table and left again bidding the four well.  Another two boys walked in, one carrying a very large bowl of salad and the other a carry tray of condiments. Both deposited their loads, smiled and left. The four of them sat there eyes wide staring at this feast.  The platters were covered with shrimp and crayfish, crabs and fish fillets, even sea snake and oysters.  Dark looked at the other three, gave a huge grin and dove in, the other three followed suit and within no time at all they had their mouths full, juices dripping down their chins, hands wet and slippery.  All that could be heard were delightful moans and the crunching of crab shell and such. Dark looked at the others while eating, Keera was giggling and nudging Justin, he was focused on a particularly delicious morsel of Lobster.  Vaughn was smiling at Dark, they were all very happy and content.

It was a good hour later, Dark and company had finished their meal a while ago.  Having over eaten, they decided to sit outside in the shade of the veranda.  There were benches lining the wall and they all sat back relaxing and settling their stomachs.  It had been such a long time since any of them had such a full satisfying meal. Keera was chatting idly with Justin.  They had been bonding again since their time in Cholandra, it was good to see things were going well again. 

Vaughn unfortunately was still a spare wheel of sorts, but he hung around with Dark.  She could sense he was looking up to her more and more.  There was a loyalty developing there she was a little surprised by.  She also knew to respect it though.  She even started opening up to him about little stuff, now that Wollfen was ripped from her.  She had been feeling very lonely at night and while she obviously wasn’t contemplating Vaughn in that way, it was nice to have him there to talk to.

Dark thought about Wollfen, wondering how he was, was he suffering? She kept thinking about that and it kept bringing her close to tears, focus Dark focus. Yes, she would have to address the rescue of Wollfen with Raz soon enough. Once things were underway that would be her number one priority.

Dark sat up, looking at the sky.

It's almost midday, lets move.”

They all got up, stepped off the veranda and moved out.  The sand was a little hot under Dark’s feet.  She had forgotten she wasn’t wearing boots since that morning when they broke camp.  She had been sick and listless but she felt so much better after the meal and the heat of the day warmed her too, the sore throat was almost gone already.

In the town square a large crowd of people had gathered, mostly men, the women were still going about their work taking care of the children and such, they would hear of what was going on later anyway.  Raz was on a platform.  He was getting ready to address the crowd.  They moved over to the platform and stood to the side.

Raz raised his arms to the people and motioned for quiet.  The murmuring died down.  In a loud bellowing voice that carried across the entire square, he began. 

I have called you all here today because of grave and important information that has come out of Port Cholandra.  As you know we have not had any real contact with them since the occupation.  These travelers here were there and have seen first hand not only of what is happening there but in the outlands too.”

Raz paused for them to digest that information.  Then he went on, describing the enslavement of many of the people of Cholandra, to the build up of so many thousands of troops and then finally the slaughter of the townspeople of the outlands.  The last bit of information brought the most gasps and reactions of anger.

I can tell you,” he continued, “this force of twenty-five thousand men will move north and fight the Kingdom and the Kingdoms soldiers will be sorely pressed.” The people knew what that meant, no kingdom soldiers for here, “And we know that there will be many more reinforcements from Isogorr coming too. Our fishing vessels that travel north have spotted ships still traveling into Port Cholandra. I truly believe that it will only be a matter of time before they move down here.  And when they do, we will have to be prepared!”

The crowd started to grow restless, someone called out, 

What are we to do?” 

It is my intention to do two things.  One, I must secure the safety of our women and children by whatever means necessary. Two, organize a militia capable of defending those that can’t defend themselves and also use some forces to impede the progress of the enemy for the good of this land.”

There were many murmurs of agreement.  Raz had been very good to them this past five years and helped the town through many hardships. 

We are with you Lord Raz!” The crowds’ noise swelled, “Lead us and we shall follow!”

The crowd cheered the voices on.  Raz lifted his arms again and the crowd quietened,

I must tell you now, as you all know we have a new port four days sail from here.  I am sure all of you will agree that with its natural impediments and defenses it would be best if all of our families and loved ones were to move there,” Again the crowd murmured in agreement, “Also, I am not going to abandon this town to the enemy, it will remain occupied by our fishermen and must look normal for all appearances, it will also give us a forward lookout for when enemy forces appear south of Cholandra. With that in mind, I want you all to move off and prepare to have your families move out on the morn.  Obviously we cannot transport them all via sea without any large ships.  So I propose that we have them go out under the guard of a contingent of horsemen and travel via the inland road to just north of the new Port.  There you will be embarked at the beach and ferried into the new town.  Are there any questions?”

The crowd conferred amongst themselves.  Raz had done a good job of explaining all major points, and seeing that there were no responses,

Alright then, if any questions arise from now, approach any one of my constables and they will relay them to me.  May the gods be with us!”

The crowds cheered and started moving.  Raz stepped off the platform and approached the four. 

Things are set in motion now, it is time for a council of war.”

Dark and the others nodded and fell in behind Raz as he moved off.  Back at the Hall, Raz called one of his corporals in,

You need to send for the three captains of those boats outside and also send for the sergeant too.”

The corporal nodded and left.  The five of them sat at the table and began discussions.  Raz got back up, walked over to the wall unit and pulled a scroll out then returned. As he rolled it out for all to see he spoke,

As you will see from this map, we have Port Cholandra here and one and a half days sail south that is us here.  Now four days sail further south is the new port, I am hoping to name it Port Volarus and will hold an official ceremony there once the new population is settled in.”

Dark interjected,

Just how many people are there now?”

Raz looked up and hesitated,

Well maybe three hundred men.”

Dark looked back in shock,

I thought you had large ships there now and that the port was established?” 

It is in construction and while there are quite a few buildings in place, many more will be needed.  It doesn’t look like much when you see it, but I can assure you, the port is operational now, please you will have to trust I know what I’m talking about.”

Dark relented and allowed him to continue.

Right now we have to focus on getting these people out and down there.  I don’t have any spare people for missions right now, but give it a couple of weeks and we will be prepared.”

This just wouldn’t do.  With every passing day Wollfen was drawing away. Dark spoke up,

No Raz, we must rescue Wollfen.  He is the key here, he can deal with the sorc power, without that we are lost!”

Raz was rather taken aback by her passion,

Why is he so important apart from your love for him?” 

Think for a minute Raz, how many ships have you seen returning to Isogorr since their forces showed up?”

Raz didn’t have to think, there hadn’t been any and he said so. Dark went on,

And how important is an individual to them that they use a Man O War on a six month trip back to Isogorr just to drop him off?”

Yes, he could see her reasoning in this.  Wollfen was very important to them indeed but why?

It’s all well and good, but we would have to spare one of the boats outside, which is available I will concede, but you mean to sail down to Port Volarus and use one of the Man O Wars. That will take close on a hundred men away from what we are doing now. Right now that we can’t do.”

Dark looked crestfallen, she could feel Wollfen slipping away. Vaughn cleared his throat and interjected,

You know there is another way, it is a bit dangerous but if done right will have a high chance of succeeding.”

They all looked to him now, Dark hoping most of all.

Go on.”

Well we really only need one of those large boats out there you have.  Your fastest one would be best. With a dozen men armed with crossbows and longbows we should be able to catch up with them within a week. When we catch sight of them, we can drop back and wait for darkness. Then sail up behind their ship and sneak on board. It won’t be too hard.  I have boarded many a guarded ship at night.”

Dark looked to Raz who now considered the possibility. Dark spoke up again, 

I can also offer you the services of Keera and Justin here who are experienced campaigners when it comes to fighting.  They can not only offer advice, but will be good for training some of your people in basic weapon skills and tactics.”

Raz knew he could use that.  In fact, that would be very helpful. Most of his so called troops were men who just happened to have a sword or bow. Keera and Justin looked at each other. Well at least they would be together. Raz nodded,

Very well you have a deal. With you gone on the high seas for at least two weeks I shall be busy moving my people and supplies out of here and then training up a militia of sorts.  Then when you return we will be in a much better position to take the next major step of declaring war on our enemies.”

Dark held his hand and bowed her head.  Raz turned a little red.

I thank you Lord Raz for all that you are doing, it is more than I could ever expect.”

No need for thanks.  It is you who I should be thanking, for you have given this old sea dog a renewed vigor and for that I am grateful. Oh, by the way, you can all call me Raz, all my friends do.”

Dark was in high spirits that evening.  She had taken a walk along the beach, feeling the cool water lapping at her toes.  The cool breeze on her face was pleasant too. She was smiling and feeling good as preparations were made on the boat with supplies to last a couple of weeks.  She kept looking out over the far horizon, knowing Wollfen was out there sailing away, but somehow right now, he was feeling closer than ever since that fateful day he had been captured.

That single event had set so many things in motion, consequences that none could have foreseen.  The burning of the docks and more importantly the mobilization of the southern districts, while still not yet active, they would make a difference soon enough, she could feel it.

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