Angelic Pathways (7 page)

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Authors: Chantel Lysette

Tags: #Angel, #angelic communication, #Spirituality, #intuition, #Angels, #archangel, #spirt guides

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When getting to know the angels, you want to go beyond what you may have read in typical “how to talk to an angel” books. This is not about simply invoking or summoning the angels to help us in a crisis. We’re looking to nurture a much deeper, more personal connection where we will truly be able to recognize the angels as something more than intangible creatures that fly among us unseen. We want to be able to recognize them for what they truly are—our siblings, our family in spirit, who are here to help guide us through each and every experience we encounter, no matter how stubborn we may be and no matter how unhappy we may be with the spiritual path we’re currently on.

About the Archangels

When I use the term
I am often referring to Heaven’s archangels. The archangels are some of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring creatures that humans will ever lay eyes upon. These angels have been with us since the birth of humanity and have been weaving throughout growing civilizations and countless cultures since before the written word. Once humans began pondering their place in the cosmos, they began to look up to the skies and within themselves for the answers. Once people began asking the big questions of
Who am I?
Why am I here?,
the archangels began to make their presence known as ambassadors of the Source. They became the voice, and at times even the physical presence, through which the unfathomable power of the Source would manifest.

Today, angels seem to have been relegated strictly to the New Age and religion sections of bookstores, but I can’t be emphatic enough when I say that there is absolutely nothing New Age about the Hosts of Heaven. They have been with us since the dawn of time, long before any organized religion was ever established. And while the angels are indeed divine creatures, they are not
beings. Of course, they are recognized today in the sister religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—as well as other religions, if you look hard enough—but the angels themselves have never subscribed to any one religion. They are here for all of us, regardless of our religious beliefs or even lack thereof.

The word
literally means “messenger,” and the archangels—or chief messengers—are the many different manifestations of the Source that serve as communication channels between the Source and our reality. They are the conductors of the cosmos who walk with humanity to help carry out what Archangel Michael calls “God’s Great Equation.”

In sum, they are the divine custodians of fate.

As you read previously and will read later on in this book, building a relationship with the angels was no easy task for me initially. I’m writing this book and laying out all my faults to help you avoid the many pitfalls I’ve encountered. Not only do I want to supply you with useful, accurate information on the angels so you can better get to know them, but I also want to help you better understand them and their personalities. Yes, just like us humans, angels have personalities.

Since my previous two books were released, I’ve received countless e-mails and have been asked in interviews why these divine messengers feel they have to display human traits such as a preference for a certain color, food, or kind of music. These sound like things we might see on a social networking page—actually it was a social networking page that prompted me to begin asking the angels such questions. While an angel’s love for spicy Mexican food may seem trite or even absurd, I can assure you it is not.

The angels show us their “human” side so we can better relate to them. It also helps immensely with connecting and communicating with the angels because, although humans possess intuitive skills, we all utilize those skills differently. So knowing that Archangel Cassiel has a love for industrial music whereas Haniel’s heart thumps to the rhythm of bluegrass can help when discerning their signs and messages.

This also means that we’ll resonate better with some angels than others. I must admit that my growing relationship with Archangel Gabriel was incredibly rocky in the beginning. The angel’s meticulous and militant nature proved to be an irritant for me on many an occasion because I completely lacked the discipline that he demands. The interesting part is that irritation often motivates and moves me into action. So while it’s uncomfortable for me to work with Gabriel from time to time, at least things get done. And that’s all that matters.

I resonate best with Archangel Cassiel. As I recounted in
The Angel Code
, he’s the only archangel I’ve seen with my physical eyes. I’m not sure if I feel closer to him because he’s the first archangel I formally met or because we both share a love for Goth fashion and horror movies, but his quiet, gentle, and hands-off nature when it comes to guiding my life is something I not only appreciate, but welcome. Whenever Cassiel is around, I feel secure and inspired. Whenever Gabriel is around, however, I tend to be grumpy—and he couldn’t care less. Like a strict parent, he doesn’t care if I sulk while cleaning my room, so long as I clean it.

You, too, will find that you communicate better with certain angels. Perhaps you and your favorite angel share a love of certain foods or cultures, or perhaps the angel’s presence brings you a greater sense of peace. Not everyone will find Raziel’s abrasiveness and brutal honesty comforting. Some will, however. Likewise, not everyone will find solace in Sandalphon’s ability to be the most adorable poster angel for a greeting-card shop. We all have different tastes, and there will always be an angel we can best connect with.

Beginning the Human Experience
… with the Archangels

When I took a peek into Archangel Raguel’s position as Heaven’s ultimate taskmaster, I witnessed an angel renowned for two things: speed and efficiency. Raguel’s list of duties is long and far-reaching, but where we humans are concerned, he’s charged with helping us begin our journey from the Realm of Spirit into whichever human reality we wish to participate in. Additionally, he is a messenger of messengers, since he also notifies other archangels of new tasks, duties, or assignments. And considering that there are more archangels than we can count, speed and efficiency are paramount. In fact, Archangel Michael has expressed that Raguel moves so fast among them that not even the angels can see or detect his presence.

One might wonder that with the limitless powers darting around Heaven and with the limitless power of the very Source itself why there would even be a need for a taskmaster angel such as Raguel. After all, cannot the angels simply communicate among themselves with abilities that we humans might liken to telepathy? The answer to that is simple, and it’s an answer that is most times Michael’s go-to when I ask him questions about the power of the Heavenly Hosts and how efficient such powers could make life for every sentient being in existence:
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should

Everything in our universe was created for a purpose. Raguel’s purpose is to help keep angelic tasks running smoothly. Whether there is an actual need for him is irrelevant. The point is the Source created him for such a job, and Raguel does it with flawless dedication. My personal theory is that Raguel is another way for the Source to provide a visual for human souls to learn from while engaged in the human experience.

My spirit guide Jake recounted, “One moment I can be standing, just chatting with other angels, and the next I’m standing there with a new assignment in my hand. Before I can even say thank you, Raguel has most likely already crossed off two dozen other stops from his list. He’s just that fast.” Speedy or otherwise, the archangel has his personal thoughts on humans rotating in and out of different realities, like Disney World patrons running from one ride to another.

“I don’t get it. And I’m grateful that it’s not my job
get it,” the angel groaned as he rubbed his temples. I then asked him how he felt about running requests back and forth for the countless human souls so ready and eager to experience … life.

“It’s almost as if human souls can’t exist in peace and harmony for any great length of time. They’re like children who can’t sit still!” In the years I’ve gotten to know Raguel, I consider him one of the curtest and most brutally honest archangels I’ve ever met. One might even consider him a bit cold at times, as he’s not the most social of butterflies, yet when posed with questions regarding humanity, he has no problem displaying his annoyance and exasperation.

“Humans leave the peace and perfection that is Heaven only to find themselves seeking that same peace and perfection in a reality they know has everything but,” Raguel grumbled before fading from the sight of my intuitive eye. I didn’t expect to get much out of the archangel on the inner workings of how and why we humans come to be in this world, so I knew I’d have to talk to a few other angels to gain a bit more insight.

For the most part, when someone decides to venture into a human reality, Raguel’s the man … or angel … to see. After getting the Source’s approval of the spiritual field trip, we’re then assigned a chaperone, or parent angel—the angel that will remain with us from the moment we’re born until we return home. Initially, I wasn’t sure who to talk to about that part of the process, but to my surprise and sheer joy, Metatron volunteered.

If I could describe Archangel Metatron in one word, it would be “fatherly.” This sweet and soft-spoken angel has a powerful presence. Also known as “Little YHWH,” he’s the tallest angel in Heaven; and as Michael puts it, you don’t argue with someone whose height is measured in light years.

Keeping that in mind, humility comes easy when talking with this angel. All the snarkiness that I tend to express when conversing with the other archangels flies right out the window whenever Metatron is near. Even though he’s the second youngest angel in Heaven, having only been created after Earth first came to be, he seems to have retained his elderly vibrations from when he was the biblical prophet Enoch. That’s the only ancient attribute about this angel.

Though some of my clients have seen Metatron in human form, I have yet to. When the archangel appears to me, he does so as a white mist with hints of shimmering rainbow colors or as a large, billowing cloud in the shape of a hand. When he’s near, I can’t deny the sense of peace that flows over me. Even if I’ve had a bad day or a heated exchange with another angel, Metatron always seems to soothe me, and so I sat eagerly awaiting what the gentle angel would have to say about human souls and the process they go through before they’re born.

“Well, I agree with Raguel in that humans are childlike and don’t particularly enjoy sitting in one place for any great length of time. The Source, or God as many call it, in infinite wisdom knows this and that’s why your world, and many others, exist,” the angel said with a bit of amusement in his voice.

Many Others?

A few years ago, I encountered a client whose past life seemed to have occurred in the
. His space-age existence looked like something pulled out of the recesses of Gene Roddenberry’s mind, and the vision left me not only stammering through the consultation, but also screaming at the angels, begging for an explanation of how I was seeing the future in the past. This is when they explained to me that this universe is vast, with many realities existing simultaneously. In addition to selecting the reality we wish to experience, we also must select the timeline in which we wish to experience it.

In essence, your past life does not necessarily have to be in the past, or even on the same timeline, of the current reality in which you’re living. In the Realm of Spirit, souls may choose whatever life they wish, whether it takes place in ancient Rome, feudal Japan, a United States in the very distant “future” of this reality, or even an entirely different world altogether.

Metatron expressed that the human soul is by nature a curious and transient creature; and its unrelenting curiosity, fueled by the desire to experience every aspect of human “life,” is what carries a soul from one adventure to another.

The answer as to why souls engage in the human experience is simple: because they can.

But I think what’s most important here is that the Source also encourages us to explore.

“For as long as the human spirit wishes to engage in these experiences, our collective spiritual consciousness will continue to create worlds for them,” Metatron revealed.

Now that little tidbit of information shocked me. “So God is still creating worlds for souls to see and visit?”

“Of course,” Metatron chuckled. “It’s not like we’ll ever run out of space.”

And to think poor Metatron is the one in charge of maintaining the Akashic Records, a massive, immeasurable library wherein every life and event in this universe is recorded. Talk about job security! I don’t think he has to worry about losing his any time soon.

So here we humans are, adventurous children of the Source, a higher power that seems to enjoy spoiling us by creating any reality that will keep us busy and entertained on into eternity. All one needs to do is to have the desire to go exploring, send a request in Raguel’s direction, and then get assigned an archangel that will assist in hammering out the details of one’s experience. Liken Raguel to a travel agent.

And here is where I step into hot water every time. I’ve expressed this in my previous books, consultations, and lectures, and I have to say that of all the ideas and philosophies I’ve explored, this one revelation has been met with the most opposition. It seems that people are very willing to believe in God, gods, ascended masters, and angels, but the moment I tell everyone that we are coauthors of the lives we’re living, that everything you and I are experiencing was already written and approved by us, is the moment I wind up with pitchfork-wielding hordes ready to burn me at the stake.

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