Read Angela's Trial and Tribulations Online
Authors: Mark Andrews
Tags: #Adult, #discipline, #kinky, #kink, #erotic, #erotica, #law, #inspection, #endurence
He nearly succeeded. If there had been one more, Angela knew, she would not have been able to resist. As it was, they had to help her to stand up after the stocks were undone and move her over to take her place next to the other girls. Her bottom was raging. It felt as if the guard had hit her with a red-hot poker. It throbbed and burned. She just knew she would never be able to sit down on it again.
The other girls had their âwelcomes' and then they were each allocated their duty for the rest of the day. It was already early afternoon. They had not been fed at lunch time and now they learned they would only eat twice a day and not even have a break at noon. Water was to be given to them on the hour but that was it.
Chapter 2
Angela drew the park as her first duty. A high collar was affixed around her neck and this was attached by a chain to a moped bike. A guard mounted the bike and took off out of the compound. Angela had to run at a fair clip to keep up. She might have been an athlete in her former life but she had seldom run with bare feet and never ever in the nude. Her face was a deep beetroot - to match one of the colours of her severely striped buttocks. But run she must. If she tripped, she would be dragged along by her neck and she didn't think the guard would be all that sympathetic to her plight. She might even be strangled or have her neck broken! It was even more shameful than the trip in the cage on the back of the truck for now she was even more exposed to all as the guard led her down this street and that on the way to the park.
She wasn't looking forward to her duty, either. She had visited the park herself, once, (she had been so horrified she hadn't wanted to return) and seen the women toiling there. She thought it a dreadful punishment but this was what she had to do. Fail and she would earn more corporal chastisement to her flesh. That had been very clearly stated. Work hard. Do not try to hide your nakedness from the men who will come and ogle you... and above all else, obey all orders.
They arrived at the park and the guard drove the moped straight up to the ornamental pond with its tinkling waterfall. This was their destination and here Angela would slave until sundown when the park closed.
There, beside the waterfall, was the huge waterwheel. This was the means of raising the water up to the artificial mountain down which the water gurgled and cascaded. In former times, it had been driven by an electric motor. Now it was powered by human muscle - naked female human muscle.
In place of the motor, there was now a huge capstan. There were four spokes to it and room on each spoke for two girls. The spokes were at neck height and the girls' wrists were chained to them. One guard watched over them and he was armed with a bull-whip - one of those long, oiled snakes that, in expert hands, could open the flesh right up.
He now called a halt and released one of the girls from a spoke, gesturing to Angela to take her place. He locked her wrists in the cuffs, gave her welted bottom a sharp pat, and ordered them to resume while the other guard took the freed girl away. She would be employed weeding the gardens for the rest of the day.
The labour was hard. The weight of the waterwheel and the water each bucket contained was a massive load and it took the eight girls all they had to make each painful step. In Angela's case, it was doubly hard as her buttocks were so badly welted, her legs wouldn't seem to obey her instructions to assist in pushing the spoke...
But worse - far, far worse, was the circle of men who stood around the low fence just outside the track on which they trudged, eyeing the eight nude girls, admiring their firm glistening flesh, their beautiful breasts and their so totally naked vulvas. The men's eyes clearly indicated their sexual lust for the sweating girls. Their hands obviously ached to reach up and feel the firm breasts, the naked mound between their legs and the soft buttocks. They didn't because it wasn't permitted and the guard, while encouraging them to look and to talk of their desires, would not permit anything further.
He didn't stop them fondling their own middles though, most of which displayed even more clearly the desires of the men. Angela had seen it all before, but only as a spectator and she hadn't stayed long. She had been so horrified at what the world had come to with these inhuman punishments for women that she had gone home and cried. Now she was a participant. She knew of course she would be given other duties and she even knew what most of them were. Not all were as bad as this but they were bad enough and each involved a public display of their naked bodies.
She applied herself. She always had. No matter what she was doing, she tried to do it to her utmost. This was no different. She pushed hard against the hateful bar, her body shuddering with each step, the sweat quickly forming on her skin and gilding it just as it had the other seven girls. Step after step, while the sun beat down on their flesh, she strained against the dead weight of the bar.
The burning rays of the sun were bad. She was already in pain... She knew in a few days she would be tanned all over but in the meantime she would burn. But that was no excuse to slack.
âCrack,' went the whip on the back of some poor girl who had allowed her attention to wander. The girl screamed, “Oooowwwaaagghhhh.”
The men around her cheered the guard. “Go on, guard! Whip her again! She's still not trying hard enough...”
But the guard was fair. He whipped when it was necessary but only then.
The water was lifted up and poured out at the top into the beginning of the little stream that culminated in the tinkling waterfall and thence into the ornamental pool at the base. It looked cool and it sounded lovely and the cries of the children who played on its edges were pleasing. But the sweating, straining muscles of the eight naked girls who provided the power for the waterfall bore testimony to the agony they were suffering. Second followed painful second and turned into minutes. On the hour they were permitted to stop for five minutes and swallow a few mouthfuls of water. This was not a humanitarian act. If they had not been watered, they would have dropped from dehydration. The water in the stream slowed to a trickle and so, therefore, did the waterfall. The children cried as it fell silent and the overseer cracked his whip once more. It was time to begin another agonising hour.
One hour followed the next, the only break being the watering spell and of course the male audience who stood around, staring silently - or not so silently, at the eight girls straining at the bars.
“This one's not pushing as hard as she might, guard,” said a man.
The guard agreed and âcraaaaaack' went the whip over the miscreant's buttocks. She yowled and jumped into the air a little but then she really laid into the bar - as did her companions. A lash to the back of one was a fillip to each and all of them strained just that little bit harder.
By the end of the first hour, Angela was just about all in. Even her superb athleticism, her dedication to training and her iron will, were not enough to prepare her for this dreadful mindless slog; the utter exhaustion she found herself in. Every step was a nightmare that seemed to take hours to complete. Every hour, when the signal came to begin again, she just knew her muscles would not respond...
But respond they did, especially when they were tickled by the crack of the whip against her now reddened flesh. Her mind became numbed to the pain. She stepped almost automatically. Her cheek came down against the bar - until the guard noticed and lashed at her already well-striped buttocks.
And still the children played, oblivious to the girls' agony since they were kept away from the capstan by their parents.
And still the men stayed and watched, delighting in their pain and suffering. Delighting in their svelte bodies; so naked - so utterly and totally nude, now that their natural body hair had been permanently removed, exposing their sexual organs to all and sundry. All part of the shame and humiliation...
She didn't want to look at these men. But she couldn't tear her eyes away from theirs as they stood around the circular path worn smooth by countless feet trudging round, hour after terrible hour during daylight hours. She knew they were ogling her body. But she couldn't help looking up into their eyes, seeking a spark of compassion for her plight.
There was none. These men wouldn't have been here if they had felt even a shred of sympathy for their predicament. No, they were here because it was sexually titillating to watch the naked females working to the nth of their physical capacity. There were plenty of other gangs they could go and watch - and many of them did, moving to a different activity each day for variety, but none beat this one for sheer drudgery. Even the road repair gang where some of the girls had to push the huge cart laden with boiling tar wasn't as hard as this, for this toil just went on, hour after hour, step after dreadful step from dawn until dusk.
In the winter that might only amount to eight hours but in the summer it went to fifteen. It made no difference to the guards. The girls were roused from their cages an hour before dawn, fed, hosed down and then made to run in a coffle linked by chains attached to their neck collars to the park so that as the sun rose, they were already trudging around the path. And there they stayed until the sun had gone down.
The afternoon wore on and finally the sun began to set and the guard signalled for them to cease their labour. The huge wheel stopped, the water in the brook dried up and the waterfall fell silent. The guard locked their collars together with heavy chains and then they waited for the electric cart to arrive. When it did, the leading girl's chain was attached to it, their guards climbed on behind the rider and off they went, returning to the depot to be hosed down and fed the bland but healthy mush that was their daily fare.
After that it was show time.
Men had come to gloat as they were hosed down and had to wash their own bodies and those of their companions with the coarse soap that was issued to them. They also stood around and watched as the girls hoed into the mush and some relieved themselves, in full view of the watching men, into the trough near the back of the cage. Then it was time for them to display themselves.
This was the ultimate in shameful punishment. None of the girls or women in this place were wanton. Prostitutes were now municipal employees - sentenced to that fate for other misdemeanour's. No woman would dare to offer her body to a man for money these days. Indeed, women were taught to be as demure and chaste as they had been in the Nineteenth Century.
And so now, as they were made to stand and display the charms of their flesh wantonly, each felt it was an even worse fate than the hard labour during the day. And the guards walking up and down behind them made sure their displays were as lewd and prurient as they could get them or crack went the whip against their naked backs. There were no rules as to how they showed off their naked charms, as long as it was salacious. They could wriggle their bodies like an eastern harem dancer. They could spread their legs and show off their nude pussies or they could pretend to be in the act of lovemaking - anything at all as long as it was suggestive.
Angela was appalled. Could she really display herself in so indecent a manner? She thought not, until the whip cracked out and caught her already striped buttocks and then she thought again. She spread her legs like some of the other girls were and undulated her middle while the men outside the cages wolf-whistled and egged them on to even more salacious acts.
This lasted for an hour and then, at eight p.m., the head guard ordered them to move up closer to the bars and masturbate themselves. Now Angela really cried. Surely this could not be real? Surely she was in a bad dream? Again the whip told her otherwise and she stuck her finger into her vagina as the other women were doing. Some even seemed to be enjoying it, she thought, as she glanced up and down the line but most just looked resigned. Well, she'd be damned if she was going to be resigned. Make the best of it had been her mother and father's advice to her all her life. She worked herself up to a sexual climax, fondling her breasts and her belly and eyeing off the men on the outside of the bars as suggestively as she knew how. Soon she had a crowd watching her and for the next hour, until the gallery was closed, all eyes were on her. But when they were gone and she had settled down into the straw she cried and her body shook in her misery.
The older hands gathered around her. “What are you crying for, girl? you put on a real display just now - just like a real slut!”
She sat up and looked around at them, telling them of her Mum and Dad's advice and of her determination to succeed in everything she did. “Not here, girl,” said one of the older women kindly. “Here you just meld in and do your time then try to forget all about this place.”
She shook her head. “I can't do that. I'd die. I've got to try, it's the only way I'll get through this year.”
The other women shook their heads and left her, all snuggling down into the straw to get as much sleep as they could before they were roused an hour before dawn to be hosed down, eat and then file off to their respective work places.
Angela now found that each duty lasted a week and so she had two more days on the capstan. She sighed but submitted to being chained into the coffle, ran with the other seven girls down to the park and was chained to the bar. At dawn, the whip cracked and off they went, round and round. Quite uselessly now for no-one ever ventured into the park before nine in the morning. But they were being punished. Even if no-one was there to enjoy the tinkling brook and the waterfall, they had to provide the power to operate it.
Once more she applied herself diligently and the guards noted to each other that not once did they have reason to whip her. All day for the fifty-five minutes each hour she had to work, she did, straining her body to help the others force the huge capstan round and round and round.
She closed her ears to the ribald comments of the men once they arrived to watch their naked toil. Her eyes were now on the back of the girl in front, to the exclusion of all else. She had three hundred and sixty-three days to go and she was going to survive it and come out better at the end!