Angel in Chains (13 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #General

BOOK: Angel in Chains
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Heather wasn’t moving.
Jade’s gun was empty.
Jade tossed the weapon and put her hands on Az’s back, right over his shoulders and those thick scars. “Kill him,” she whispered.
Her angel assassin.
Then Jade stumbled back so she wouldn’t get in Az’s way.
Brandt raced forward, finally coming at Az with his claws up and ready to attack. Jade couldn’t breathe. She stood there, watching, waiting for death to come.
I hope you like hell, Brandt.
Az caught Brandt’s hands. Held those claws just inches from his body. Yes,
Az was touching him. Brandt would hit the ground, immobile, any moment. In the meantime . . .
Jade yanked her silver knife from her boot and ran for the swarm that was attacking Tanner. She wasn’t about to let those panther bastards slaughter him. She drove her knife into the back of the nearest panther. Roaring in agony, he swung around and tried to swipe out at her. Ducking low, she avoided the slice and raked her knife down his stomach.
The panther rolled away, bleeding, breath heaving. Tanner tossed another panther a good ten feet then turned to drive his claws into the back of his next attacker.
A vicious fighter. She liked that. It would help—
Brandt’s laughter froze her. A dead man shouldn’t be laughing. She glanced over her shoulder. Brandt stood over Az . . .
why was Az kneeling on the ground?
Brandt’s fingers dripped blood.
She started running then. Jade barely felt the sting of claws as they raked down her back.
Her scream.
He turned his head slowly to look at her. His eyes were puzzled, and she could see the pain on his face.
“Know your enemy, fool,” Brandt taunted him. “And know when you’re up against someone who doesn’t give a shit about your Death Touch.”
His claws shoved into Az’s chest. “I know who the fuck you are, Azrael,” Brandt taunted. “And I’m not scared of you.”
A few more feet. She just had to get—
“You can’t kill me,” Brandt said as he yanked out his claws. Blood dripped from Az’s lips and poured from the giant hole in his chest. “But I can slice you apart while she watches.”
Not going to watch
. Az had tried to help her. When he’d needed her, she’d turned away. Raced to fight others.
I shouldn’t have left him. Shouldn’t have—
Jade threw her body against Brandt. Using all of her strength, she drove the silver knife into his side. Then she jerked it as hard as she could to the left. His bellow hurt her ears even as . . . as the scent of flowers drifted in the air around them.
Flowers? In hell?
Brandt caught her arms and yanked her closer against him. “You fight for that bastard?”
“He’s not the bastard.” Brandt never seemed to realize just how screwed up he truly was. “You are.”
He shook her, sending her head whipping back. “After all I’ve done for you, after I—”
Her slick hands found the handle of the knife. The weapon was still embedded in his side. She caught it and twisted.
And he kissed her. His lips crushed down on hers, and she could taste his rage and lust.
She shoved against Brandt even as she was ripped from his arms.
Az. Holding her tightly. On his feet again. Bleeding, but strong.
“So like me,” Brandt whispered. His gaze found hers. “Dark and dangerous . . . killer instinct, it’s right there.”
“I’m nothing like you!” She didn’t want to be like him.
Az pushed her behind him. “What are you?” He threw the words at Brandt.
Brandt yanked the knife from his side and tossed it to the ground. “I’m the man who’s gonna kill you, angel.”
Jade eased to the left and saw Brandt lift his claws. “So get ready for an ass kicking.”
The two men lunged at each other. Fire crackled in the air around them. Thick, hot flames that forced Jade back. Brandt cut with his claws while Az pounded the shifter with powerful fists. Over and over. The crunch of bones and the thud of flesh filled the air.
Jade rushed forward, but the fire pushed her back. The flames circled around the men. Caging them, and keeping all others away.
Az. Damn him. He’d put up the fire. To keep her out. To protect her.
But he was bleeding. Stumbling.
Her gaze darted around the area. Tanner was fighting the last two panthers. Heather—Heather was trying to rise to her feet. Jade ran to her side. “We have to help him!”
Blood dripped down the side of Heather’s face. She stared at the line of fire. At the two men locked in brutal combat.
Heather nodded quickly. “We have to . . . we have to distract him,” Heather whispered as she yanked a knife from a sheath on her thigh.
A hidden weapon. Huh. Maybe they were more alike than Jade had thought. But . . . “We’re going to need a lot more than silver to stop Brandt.”
But just then Brandt let out a long, screaming cry of agony. Jade’s gaze flew to the men. Az had broken Brandt’s wrist and just plunged the shifter’s own claws into Brandt’s chest. Brutal.
But Brandt head-butted Az and sent her angel sliding back.
“Az has lost too much blood . . . the panther weakens him . . .” Heather’s voice pulled her attention back to the witch. Jade saw the woman’s fingers tighten around the knife. “Brandt is . . . more than a beast. I should have
it before.”
Screw this. “Send out some magic! Help Az!”
“We need to weaken Brandt . . .” Heather’s voice was so soft. She weaved a bit as she stepped forward. “Have to take his heart . . .”
Then she raised her knife and plunged it toward Jade’s chest.
Jade tried to jump away, but she didn’t move fast enough. The knife drove into her chest. A white-hot slice of pain cut through her and stole Jade’s breath. The blade sank to the hilt, and then Heather yanked the knife out.
“You’ll know what it feels like, Brandt!” Heather yelled and laughed and thrust the knife at Jade again. “You’ll know what it feels like to lose what you love!”
The witch was strong. But this time, Jade was ready for her. A roar filled the air behind her. Heather’s golden eyes burned so bright. Too bright. When that blade came at her again, Jade caught Heather’s hand and held the weapon away.
The witch shuddered, and her eyes just burned brighter. “I’m taking his heart,” Heather said, almost growling the words. “I have to make him weak.”
Jade’s blood soaked her shirt. She kicked out at the witch and caught the other woman in the knee. Jade heard something pop, and the sound filled her with vicious pleasure.
Heather fell back. Jade fell, too, even as her hand rose to her chest and tried to stop the blood. Crazy bitch . . .
A blur of black fur flew past her. A panther. Brandt. He’d shifted. Gotten out of the flames.
He went for Heather’s throat. The witch never even had time to scream. His teeth sank deep, killing her, nearly severing her head from her shoulders.
“Jade?” Az’s voice. Az’s hands on her as he turned her to face him. She felt cold right then, but her body shook as if she had a fever.
“Stay away from her,” Az ordered fiercely.
“Stay away.”
And she saw that he was staring over her shoulder. Wait, who was behind her? Not Brandt. He was busy a few feet away, killing Heather.
The panther’s snarl raised the hair on her neck.
“You’re not taking her,” Az said, still staring behind her. “So stand the fuck back.”
She tried to push up into his arms. She’d been stabbed, but she wasn’t out. She’d survive this but—
But Brandt, in full panther form, was charging at Az’s back. She saw him over Az’s shoulder, running fast with his mouth open, his teeth bloody from his recent kill. He rushed forward—
She screamed and shoved Az to the side.
Brandt’s claws struck out. He was too close.
Too close
His paws sank into her chest. The pain lanced her, tore through flesh, muscle, and bone.
Az leapt up and grabbed the panther. With a roar, he tossed Brandt back. Even as the panther flew through the air, the fur melted from his body. Bones began to snap and bend—
I’m dying.
Jade couldn’t look at her chest. She didn’t want to see what he’d done to her. She’d wanted to kill him, but instead, death was coming for her.
“No!” Az was the one shouting the denial. “You’re
taking her! I won’t let you!” His hands were on her, pulling her up, but her head wanted to sag and her eyes were trying to close.
He shook her. “Stay with me.” No plea. An order.
She wanted to stay. But . . . but it seemed like she . . .
“Jade!” Brandt’s anguished bellow.
Everything was growing darker, but she saw Az’s head jerk in the panther’s direction. “You’re dead.” Az had never sounded so cold. So brutal.
Then a blast of fire shot from Az’s fingertips. One ball. Another. Another. The flames lit up the darkness around her as they popped like fireworks. The fire flew at Brandt. Melted his flesh.
Then the ground began to shake. Dips and turns. The earth cracked open. A long, wide crevice split and raced toward Brandt. He tried to jump out of the way, but that crevice just seemed to chase him.
Then it swallowed him. Screaming, Brandt sank into the hole. Az laughed and lightning flew from his fingertips. The powerful lightning bolts hit the ground and seared the air with sulfur. And the lightning . . . it sealed the earth, locking Brandt inside.
Then Az glanced back at her. His eyes glowed with a brightness that matched the lightning. His face was twisted and so dark. Enraged.
Her angel looked like the devil.
“You won’t die,” he vowed.
Even an angel couldn’t stop death. Jade tried to speak but couldn’t. The scent of flowers was so strong now that the fragrance drowned out the death and blood. And . . . there was a woman standing beside Az. Jade strained to see her better. A woman with long, blond hair. Pale blue eyes.
Az stiffened. His head jerked to the left. “Marna, don’t even think of touching her.”
But Marna’s hand was already out. Just inches away. Jade’s chest burned so much. She could feel her heart struggling to beat. So weak. So—
Az wrapped his arms around Jade and seemed to fly ten feet. It hurt to be held so tightly against him and a moan broke from Jade.
“Don’t touch her!” He yelled again. “Marna, I swear, if you come near her again . . .” More lightning lit the area. Lightning that seemed to come from Az. “I’ll fight you.”
Then Az was racing away, with her held in his arms. Moving so quickly that everything was a blur. When the world stopped spinning, Jade found herself in the backseat of the car they’d used just moments before.
“Drive!” Az ordered. Jade managed to turn her head, and she saw that Tanner was in the front seat. How had he gotten there? He’d been . . . fighting panthers.
Hadn’t he?
It was getting so hard to think now. Even harder to breathe.
Tanner spun the car around with a squeal of tires. Jade would have fallen onto the floorboard, but Az held her tight in hands that trembled.
“You took the blow for me.” He pressed his lips against her cheek. She tried to touch his face, but her hands wouldn’t lift.
She couldn’t take in a full breath. When she tried, she choked on her own blood.
“A human isn’t supposed to save an angel,” Az said, voice rough. “We’re stronger. We protect. We—”
She couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. Her last sight would be of Az and the fear and rage that twisted his perfect face. She wished she could talk to him, but she just hurt too much. Everything hurt. There was no way to say . . .
Brandt burst from the earth with a scream on his lips that was Jade’s name. Dirt flew around him, spewing from his mouth and eyes. The fucking bastard had tried to bury him alive.
“I’ll rip you—”
The angel was gone. Jade was gone. All that remained where she’d been was a pool of blood.
I hurt her.
The beast within clawed and roared.
Jade. I . . . hurt . . . her.
But only because that angel had shoved Jade forward. Yes, yes, that was what the coward had done. He’d yanked Jade up and forced Brandt to hurt her.

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