... And the Policeman Smiled (45 page)

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Dorothy and Lisi sent these pictures to their parents in Vienna to reassure them that they were healthy and happy in England
Photos: courtesy of Dorothy Fleming

Schiff, CBE, Founder and Chairman, Jewish Refugees Committee 1933–49; Honorary President, CBF 1949–52

Registration card of refugee Liesel Fischmann

December 1938. Hubert Pardo, aged 13, from Hamburg, and Mr and Mrs H. Ogilesby, the couple with whom he stayed
Photo: Hulton-Deutsch


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The German Jew – a Synthesis of Judaism and Western Civilisation 1730–1930
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They Found Refuge
(Cresset Press, 1956)

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Gassman-Sherr, Rosalie,
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Fallen Bastions
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(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984)

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Gillman, Peter and Levi,
Collar the Lot
(Quartet, 1980)

Gissing, Vera,
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(Robson Books, 1988)

Gorell, Lord,
One Man, Many Parts
(Odhams, 1956)

Josephs, Zoe,
Survivors – Jewish Refugees in Birmingham
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The East End
(John Murray, 1989)

Presland, John (pseudonym of Gladys Bendit),
A Great Adventure
(RCM, 1944)

Reid, Douglas,
Insanity Fair
(Jonathan Cape, 1938)

Samuel, Viscount,
(Cresset Press, 1945)

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Other People's Houses
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Shepherd, Naomi,
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First published in Great Britain 1990
Copyright © 1990 by Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief and Barry Turner

This electronic edition published 2014 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

The right of Barry Turner to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978 1 4088 5767 0


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